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Bill Bonner’s Diary

Bill Bonner’s Diary // Rogue Economics ... May 17, 2020


Peter Burgess
The real effect of coronavirus stimulus Inbox x Rogue Economics Unsubscribe 8:33 AM (59 minutes ago) to me Bill Bonner’s Diary The Real Effect of Coronavirus Stimulus By Emma Walsh, Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary The Universal Lockdown to protect us from the coronavirus has cost us dearly. Lives… jobs… and livelihoods have all been lost on a scale most of us have never seen before. The American economy is bleeding out. And the feds are pumping their fake money into the system at an unprecedented rate to try to stem the flow. But where all that money will end up is the real story, says our editor. Regards, Emma Walsh Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary image Six Feet Apart… or Six Feet Under, Part II The COVID Recession has now wiped out all of the new jobs that had been created so far in the 21st century. Donald Trump says the U.S. economy will “come roaring back stronger than ever.” Our editor disagrees. Calls for a “V-shaped” recovery are just fantasy, he says. But who, or what, is to blame? image Six Feet Apart… Or Six Feet Under – Final Judgment Our editor’s views of the Universal Lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are… unorthodox. Today, he outlines why it’s very possible that lockdown initiatives will increase, not decrease, the number of years of life lost in America. image How to Front-Run the Fed The big money over the last 10 years was made by front-running the Federal Reserve – buying stocks and bonds, knowing that the Fed would pump them higher. But this time around, it’s consumer prices that are on the march. So with the Fed printing money on a scale never before seen in America, there’s only one thing to do… image The American Economy Is Bleeding Out The grandest larceny in history is taking place right before our eyes. But among all the coronavirus-related figures and attention-grabbing headlines, hardly anyone seems to have noticed. Bill follows the trail to see where the feds’ loot will go… image Roundup Time in Gualfin Today, more from Bill on life on the family ranch in Argentina… including a visit from the chief of police… an almost disastrous cattle roundup – and how the bravery of a local 10-year-old saved the day… and an update on Bill’s next move in the Originario War. image An Important Truth About Life Two years ago, today’s guest editor packed up his life in Florida and took to the road with his ex-wife and their three kids. Before he left, he sold all his worldly possessions and invested everything in gold. Tom Dyson’s story is familiar to many Diary readers. But did you know where Tom got his inspiration from? Read on to find out… Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to Recommended Links image Out of Step, Out of Style but In the Money! They’re two of the most enigmatic and interesting figures in our universe…. Bill Bonner, the stoic, the cowboy, the rogue economist… And Tom Dyson, the freight train-hopping eccentric who has spent the last two years living out of a suitcase with his 3 kids in tow. They’ve joined forces, pooled their teams, and rallied them around a single, powerful investment idea… An idea that both men have put their own money into personally… That’s why Tom and Bill are taking the “stage” together on Wednesday, May 20th, at 8 pm ET. They’re calling it the Emergency Investment Summit. To register and claim your seat, just click here. image Bored? How about a little financial self-improvement? Bored? Stuck at home? Need something new to occupy your time? How about learning how to trade? Master trader Jeff Clark’s simple trading strategy could be just what you’re looking for. He has helped everyday folks by recommending just three stocks. Discover how he does it right here. Get Instant Access Click to read these free reports and automatically sign up for daily research. image The Ultimate Guide to Taking Back Your Privacy image The Three Best Gold Coin Deals on the Market Today image The Trader’s Guide to Technical Analysis Bonner and Partners Rogue Economics 55 NE 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483 Share FACEBOOK Tweet TWITTER To ensure our emails continue reaching your inbox, please add our email address to your address book. This editorial email containing advertisements was sent to because you subscribed to this service. To stop receiving these emails, click here. Rogue Economics welcomes your feedback and questions. But please note: The law prohibits us from giving personalized advice. To contact Customer Service, call toll free Domestic/International: 1-800-681-1765, Mon–Fri, 9am–7pm ET, or email us here. © 2020 Bonner & Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution of our content, in whole or in part, is prohibited without written permission from Bonner & Partners, LLC. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
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