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Covid-19 Response Group
Webinar Chat ... July 17th 2020

Covid-19 Response Group ... Webinar Chat ... July 17th 2020


Peter Burgess
From Jed Pauker to Everyone: 01:03 PM Hi all, thanks for organizing this call. I have a short window to join the beginning, so will look for the recording later on. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:06 PM Even Justice Stephen Breyer says the Supreme court can be questioned (60 min) From Chris Collins to Everyone: 01:07 PM Some background around the Global Fund piece of the global ask of $20 billion (Global Fund is $4 billion of that) From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:08 PM Please put links to FB page & any other social media in the chat. Thanks! From Dr Bill PDA Calif he/him Honigman to Everyone: 01:12 PM A public health crisis requires publicly funded Healthcare for all of the public, with public allocation of resources without for-profit intermediaries. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:14 PM I thought there was a new bill refused by McConnell From Alan Minsky to Everyone: 01:16 PM i have a quick question for Prof. Sachs great. I'll ask in the final half-hour From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:16 PM Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is working hard to finalize his next emergency response package -- and talking to his Senate GOP colleagues about their priorities before unveiling to them on Tuesday (we think) From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:20 PM we as a Civil Society will have to rapidly create a Covid-19 national public health task force, then we will have the power to get the Progressive Caucus and CBC, Hispanic Caucus to do the same. Dr. Sachs is right on point! From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:21 PM for those interested, links to the bipartisan Senate letter mentioned by Chris and a bipartisan House letter here: and more on US global response From Chris Collins to Everyone: 01:23 PM Chris Collins - I can help on the global ask. Some background around the Global Fund piece of the global ask of $20 billion (Global Fund is $4 billion of that) Bipartisan Senate letter calling for global portion of supplemental bill From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:24 PM housing housing housing From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:30 PM Yes housing is a big big concern for cities and counties From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:30 PM farrmers are tossing crops that should have been bought by the Feds :( From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:30 PM Tent communities are growing everywhere From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:31 PM Philly backed off on evicting camp today From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:33 PM I'll be sharing more including visuals on the pending spike in evictions later but worth opening/saving this per above From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:35 PM thank you @Meredith From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:37 PM another link that will help understand the scale of hardship (food insecurity, housing) that has recent data (gets updated): and, how housing crisis connects to broader racial equity issues per Seanniece/Paul conversation earlier: From Russell Greene to Everyone: 01:37 PM ReWind Act Two Pager From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:40 PM Jim Walsh, there was an accident where 2 people were killed in CO (?) Co2 injection site looking for link. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:46 PM From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:46 PM RSVP for the July 21st Activist Webinar on Utility Shutoffs - Please RETWEET: From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:47 PM Just re-tweeted! Thanks Jean Su! From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:48 PM In 2 weeks, join Professor Phil Harvey and top economists who will explain how we can provide a robust economic safety net to protect families from homelessness, utility cut offs, and float the economy until we can safely open up schools and businesses. Stay tuned! thank Jean Su!! Honk for Joel! From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:48 PM For those who want details of car caravan, please email me at From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:49 PM Which group is Meredith Dodson from? From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:49 PM Great, will a dd you From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:52 PM I missed Meredith s link, could someone repost? Thanks From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:57 PM we need to shame the Republicans, need celebrities, and Republican elected officials, and interfaith leaders to write a letter to McConnell, and send it out as a press release, calling for passage of the HEROS Act. Celebrities have a significant impact on Republicans, that is why Paul and I brought in rock star Bono to pressure Republican Senators to vote yes on Global HIV/AIDS funding---and we won. Interested? if you want to help me in this effort, or call 571 344-1518 this was years ago to pressure George W Bush to do the right thing. From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:57 PM Have to leave for another call thanks all! From Jim Walsh to Everyone: 01:58 PM We all hear you From Russell Greene to Everyone: 01:58 PM Greg we can hear you. From Jed Pauker to Everyone: 02:00 PM Here in CA, we have Feinstein and Harris, whom we're trying to push to step out of the box - get a hearing and cross-examine someone, ask Grassley to dance - whatever will help add pressure to the Senate pot. Must pivot to next meeting; thanks again. From Rudy Arredondo to Everyone: 02:03 PM From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 02:04 PM I have to sign off momentarily, but the slides I shared are part of the deck from our National Webinar here (there is info on global health issues too) and my email: From Bobby Coleman to Everyone: 02:04 PM Thank you, Meredith From Walter Tsou to Everyone: 02:08 PM It is beyond disappointing how uncoordinated our public health response has been. We either all lockdown together and fund us for two months or we will continue praying for a vaccine which may or may not work. From Dr Bill PDA Calif he/him Honigman to Everyone: 02:09 PM #MedicareForAll is the only way to have public funding and public decision-making for allocation of resources for public health emergencies, for #COVID19 and pandemics yet to come with rising global temperatures which is why MFA is part of #GreenNewDeal. From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:10 PM Walter we are now in a position of strength to have civil society leaders come up with a public health Covid-19 bill and plan that we can get progressive members of Congress to push it. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:11 PM Please join us this Monday July 20th: 2pm PT, 3pm MT, 4pm CT, 5pm ET We’ll use the same phone numbers and meeting settings as last week. If you don’t have that info? Please Register in advance for this meeting using this link: Reminder: This Monday Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom Meeting From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:12 PM thank you Greg!!! From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:12 PM with harvey wasserman and bob Fitrakis From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:13 PM let's focus on how we are going to fight back ot support the HEROS bill, thank you! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone: 02:13 PM The US just hit daily record of 75,600 corona virus cases as death rate rises From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:13 PM Greg Thank you for all your dedicated persistence! From Jed Pauker to Everyone: 01:03 PM Hi all, thanks for organizing this call. I have a short window to join the beginning, so will look for the recording later on. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:06 PM Even Justice Stephen Breyer says the Supreme court can be questioned (60 min) From Chris Collins to Everyone: 01:07 PM Some background around the Global Fund piece of the global ask of $20 billion (Global Fund is $4 billion of that) From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:08 PM Please put links to FB page & any other social media in the chat. Thanks! From Dr Bill PDA Calif he/him Honigman to Everyone: 01:12 PM A public health crisis requires publicly funded Healthcare for all of the public, with public allocation of resources without for-profit intermediaries. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:14 PM I thought there was a new bill refused by McConnell From Alan Minsky to Everyone: 01:16 PM i have a quick question for Prof. Sachs great. I'll ask in the final half-hour From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:16 PM Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is working hard to finalize his next emergency response package -- and talking to his Senate GOP colleagues about their priorities before unveiling to them on Tuesday (we think) From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:20 PM we as a Civil Society will have to rapidly create a Covid-19 national public health task force, then we will have the power to get the Progressive Caucus and CBC, Hispanic Caucus to do the same. Dr. Sachs is right on point! From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:21 PM for those interested, links to the bipartisan Senate letter mentioned by Chris and a bipartisan House letter here: and more on US global response From Chris Collins to Everyone: 01:23 PM Chris Collins - I can help on the global ask. Some background around the Global Fund piece of the global ask of $20 billion (Global Fund is $4 billion of that) Bipartisan Senate letter calling for global portion of supplemental bill From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:24 PM housing housing housing From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:30 PM Yes housing is a big big concern for cities and counties From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:30 PM farrmers are tossing crops that should have been bought by the Feds :( From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:30 PM Tent communities are growing everywhere From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:31 PM Philly backed off on evicting camp today From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:33 PM I'll be sharing more including visuals on the pending spike in evictions later but worth opening/saving this per above From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:35 PM thank you @Meredith From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 01:37 PM another link that will help understand the scale of hardship (food insecurity, housing) that has recent data (gets updated): and, how housing crisis connects to broader racial equity issues per Seanniece/Paul conversation earlier: From Russell Greene to Everyone: 01:37 PM ReWind Act Two Pager From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:40 PM Jim Walsh, there was an accident where 2 people were killed in CO (?) Co2 injection site looking for link. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 01:46 PM From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:46 PM RSVP for the July 21st Activist Webinar on Utility Shutoffs - Please RETWEET: From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:47 PM Just re-tweeted! Thanks Jean Su! From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:48 PM In 2 weeks, join Professor Phil Harvey and top economists who will explain how we can provide a robust economic safety net to protect families from homelessness, utility cut offs, and float the economy until we can safely open up schools and businesses. Stay tuned! thank Jean Su!! Honk for Joel! From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:48 PM For those who want details of car caravan, please email me at From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:49 PM Which group is Meredith Dodson from? From Jean Su to Everyone: 01:49 PM Great, will a dd you From Debra Cohn to Everyone: 01:52 PM I missed Meredith s link, could someone repost? Thanks From Joel Segal to Everyone: 01:57 PM we need to shame the Republicans, need celebrities, and Republican elected officials, and interfaith leaders to write a letter to McConnell, and send it out as a press release, calling for passage of the HEROS Act. Celebrities have a significant impact on Republicans, that is why Paul and I brought in rock star Bono to pressure Republican Senators to vote yes on Global HIV/AIDS funding---and we won. Interested? if you want to help me in this effort, or call 571 344-1518 this was years ago to pressure George W Bush to do the right thing. From Jennifer Roberts to Everyone: 01:57 PM Have to leave for another call thanks all! From Jim Walsh to Everyone: 01:58 PM We all hear you From Russell Greene to Everyone: 01:58 PM Greg we can hear you. From Jed Pauker to Everyone: 02:00 PM Here in CA, we have Feinstein and Harris, whom we're trying to push to step out of the box - get a hearing and cross-examine someone, ask Grassley to dance - whatever will help add pressure to the Senate pot. Must pivot to next meeting; thanks again. From Rudy Arredondo to Everyone: 02:03 PM From Meredith Dodson to Everyone: 02:04 PM I have to sign off momentarily, but the slides I shared are part of the deck from our National Webinar here (there is info on global health issues too) and my email: From Bobby Coleman to Everyone: 02:04 PM Thank you, Meredith From Walter Tsou to Everyone: 02:08 PM It is beyond disappointing how uncoordinated our public health response has been. We either all lockdown together and fund us for two months or we will continue praying for a vaccine which may or may not work. From Dr Bill PDA Calif he/him Honigman to Everyone: 02:09 PM #MedicareForAll is the only way to have public funding and public decision-making for allocation of resources for public health emergencies, for #COVID19 and pandemics yet to come with rising global temperatures which is why MFA is part of #GreenNewDeal. From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:10 PM Walter we are now in a position of strength to have civil society leaders come up with a public health Covid-19 bill and plan that we can get progressive members of Congress to push it. From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:11 PM Please join us this Monday July 20th: 2pm PT, 3pm MT, 4pm CT, 5pm ET We’ll use the same phone numbers and meeting settings as last week. If you don’t have that info? Please Register in advance for this meeting using this link: Reminder: This Monday Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom Meeting From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:12 PM thank you Greg!!! From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:12 PM with harvey wasserman and bob Fitrakis From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:13 PM let's focus on how we are going to fight back ot support the HEROS bill, thank you! From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone: 02:13 PM The US just hit daily record of 75,600 corona virus cases as death rate rises From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:16 PM Greg Thank you for all your dedicated persistence! democracy first, democracy NOW! shame Miller... ;) From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:17 PM I go a bit passionate,,,,,sorry From Bobby Coleman to Everyone: 02:18 PM perfect, Joel From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:18 PM Mike Hersch is the coordinator of the Emergency Election Protection Zoom Meeting passion is great! From Walter Tsou to Everyone: 02:18 PM you flatter me too much. If Congress really wanted a public health approach by now, they would have done it months ago. They are just not interested because it raises issues like Medicare for All, public health infrastructure From Stephen Caruso to Everyone: 02:19 PM sorry Mike Hersh From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:19 PM Greg Palast is the featured guest speaker on next week's Covid-19 election protection call---please do not miss it! thank you Phil! From Paul Zeitz to Everyone: 02:21 PM Saving Peoples' Lives Act, proposed legislation From Danett Abbott-Wicker to Everyone: 02:21 PM No such thing as too passionate!! From Dr Bill PDA Calif he/him Honigman to Everyone: 02:21 PM PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall this Sunday July 19 4p ET with Wendell Potter on #COVID19 and need right now for #MedicareForAll, info at PDA Healthcare FB event page. From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:21 PM thanks Danett! From Russell Greene to Everyone: 02:21 PM Have to drop off. Powerful call. Gratitude to all: From Joel Segal to Everyone: 02:22 PM thanks Bobby! thanks Russell! From Paul Zeitz to Everyone: 02:22 PM From Me to Everyone: 02:24 PM THANK YOU ... PAUL and everyone else From BK RAO to Everyone: 02:25 PM Healthy people and healthy places make a healthy economy... the foundation is testing, tracing, treatment and preventive. Please wear masks and wash your hands! Thank you Paul and Joel
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.