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Daily Kos Recommended

Headlines ... Daily Kos Recommended ... Saturday August 22nd, 2020


Peter Burgess
The Fox News reviews of Biden's speech were so glowing, Junior deflated live on air

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12:43 PM (35 minutes ago) to me

Daily Kos Recommended
  • The Fox News reviews of Biden's speech were so glowing, Junior deflated live on air
  • Kanye bounced from Wisconsin and Ohio ballots, all but ending his campaign
  • Cartoon: The last mail box
  • The news media is in serious trouble. Daily Kos has survived thanks to the support of our readers. Help keep progressive, independent media alive by starting a $5 monthly donation.
  • Cartoon: First they came for the mailboxes ...
  • Oh, look, a stutter truther! Must be a big Trump supporter!
  • Cartoon: Blue Lives Matter
  • Cartoon: Election fraud
  • Brett Kavanaugh, a sham impeachment trial, obeying Trump's every command—Senate Republicans have a lot to answer for. Chip in $1 to each of the Daily Kos-endorsed candidates and committees now to flip the Senate in November.
  • Miller was angry family separation was going too slow so he had top cabinet officials vote on it
  • If you think there's a bottom deplorables can reach, you haven't seen this yet
  • Unconfirmed DHS officials Chad Wolf, Ken Cuccinelli sued over devastating USCIS fee increases
  • Elizabeth Warren and Bob Casey investigate USPS just as plant allegedly tries to dupe Joaquin Castro
  • Will you call Democratic-leaning, swing-state voters to help them request an absentee ballot? Sign up with Turnout Tuesday to get started.
  • Miami-Dade schools say almost 600 staff have tested positive for coronavirus
  • Postmaster general tells Senate panel he won't restore sorting machines
  • Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has big plans for the Postal Service. None of them are good
  • And we are here as on a darkling plain … where ignorant armies clash by night
  • Sign the petition: It’s time to change the filibuster and other outdated rules to fix the broken U.S. Senate
  • Rural residents are getting screwed by Trump's USPS sabotage, and many are ticked off
  • 13-year-old Brayden Harrington’s bravery was a highlight of the DNC. Here's how he met Joe Biden
  • Congress still stymied over COVID-19 relief as McConnell refuses to spend what the country needs
  • What do Flint residents deserve after 6 years of toxic water? According to Michigan, less than $6K
ICYMI: Here are the top stories of the week so far:
  • Stupid Trump digs himself an even deeper hole with these convention speakers
  • 'Meet Mother Pence' ad shows how creepy 'epic homophobes' Mike and Karen Pence really are
  • Donald Trump reviews Michelle Obama's speech and delivers a deadly self-own
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