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Webinar on 27 January 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00 Johannesburg time

Please join the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), in association with its implementing partner, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

I am now 80 years old. In the 1980s and 90s I worked on international development issues as a consultant to the UN, the World Bank and others in many parts of the world including Southern Africa ... Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi inter alia. A key theme of my work was the importance of multi-sector collaboration and putting local people as the key to everything. Fast forward, I am trying to apply what I think I know to the deep problems that are draining quality of life from the working level population of the United States !!!!!!!! Peter Burgess ...
Peter Burgess


Please join the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), in association with its implementing partner, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) in a webinar on 27 January 2021, from 10:00 to 12:00. This session will unpack and deliberate on themes critical to the DDM implementation, against the backdrop of a struggling economy, rising levels of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

The District Development Model (DDM) dialogue session aims to unpack local and spatial evidence-based intergovernmental planning and development. It seeks to answer the question of what the prospects and pitfalls could be in the context of the DDM.

The DDM, which aims to accelerate, align and integrate service delivery, was approved by Cabinet in August 2019 and received overwhelming support from intergovernmental structures, local government stakeholders, civil society and private sector partners.

It is a new cohesive planning approach for Cooperative Governance which seeks to be a new integrated, district-based, development model aimed at fast-tracking service delivery and ensure that municipalities are adequately supported and resourced to carry out their mandate.

The DDM is intended to alleviate disjointed planning, budgeting and implementation across the different spheres and entities of government to programmatically address the persistent socio-economic challenges of poverty, inequality, under-development and unemployment. Under the DDM all three spheres of government are expected to better coordinate and integrate development plans and budgets and effectively muster the capacity and resources of government, private sector and civil society in pursuit of more inclusive growth and development.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fault lines in the manner in which government has been planning, budgeting and implementing its programmes, which reflected pervasive levels of poverty, inequality and disparate development across society.

Is it possible that the programmatic approach advocated by the DDM to integrated planning, budgeting and implementation by all of government and society could attain the short-, medium and long-term developmental outcomes and impact that the country needs?

To this end, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), in association with its implementing partner, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) hereby cordially invites you to join us in conversation as we unpack and deliberate on the themes critical to the DDM implementation. Accordingly, the localisation, spatialisation and evidence-based planning features of the various public and private interventions at a district/metro level are considered key to the overall execution and institutionalisation of the DDM.

The next DDM dialogue session is planned for Wednesday, 27 January 2021 and will be in the format of a virtual webinar with the following topic: Localising and spatialising evidence-based intergovernmental planning and development. What are the Prospects and Pitfalls in the context of the District Development Model?

A group of esteemed panel members include:
  • Dr Tracy Ledger (Senior Researcher – Public Affairs Research Institute)
  • Prof. Louis Scheepers (Adjunct Professor: UWC School of Government)
  • Mr. Themba Fosi (Deputy Director-General – National COGTA)
The session will be moderated by Mr. Chucheka Mhlongo, Head of Local Government Support at the DBSA, who will set the scene and present an update on the roll-out of the District Development Model in the three pilot districts in relation to the key DDM processes such as the One Plan, technical capacity provided by the DDM hubs, municipal support and shared services, among others.


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Topic District Development Model Dialogue Session: What are the prospects and pitfalls in the context of the DDM? Is intergovernmental planning and development achievable?


The District Development Model (DDM) is intended to alleviate disjointed planning, budgeting and implementation across the different spheres and entities of government to programmatically address the persistent socio-economic challenges of poverty, inequality, under-development and unemployment. Under the DDM all three spheres of government are expected to better coordinate and integrate development plans and budgets and effectively muster the capacity and resources of government, private sector and civil society in pursuit of more inclusive growth and development.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fault lines in the manner in which government has been planning, budgeting and implementing its programmes, which reflected pervasive levels of inequality and disparate development across society. Is it possible that the programmatic approach advocated by the DDM to integrated planning, budgeting and implementation by all of government and society could attain the short-, medium and long-term developmental outcomes and impact that the country needs?

To this end, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), in association with its implementing partner, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), which is the implementing agent of the DDM in OR Tambo, Ethekwini and Waterburg Districts, hereby cordially invites you to join us in conversation as we unpack and deliberate on the themes critical to the DDM implementation. Accordingly, the localisation, spatialisation and evidence-based planning features of the various public and private interventions at a district/metro level are considered key to the overall execution and institutionalisation of the DDM.

Time Jan 27, 2021 10:00 AM in Johannesburg

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