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Responsible Company

Responsible Company: New climate reporting and accounting requirements ... Apr 22 2021 | 62 mins


Peter Burgess
Original article:
This was an excellent webinar. I studied engineering and economics at Cambridge c1960 followed by articles to become a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW). I became a very young CFO in the USA and later did consulting work via the World Bank, the UN and others. It became clear to me about 40 years ago that optimizing business performance for profit was going to be socially and environmentally disastrous. Society, environment and the economy need coherent metrics. Peter Burgess.

Responsible Company: New climate reporting and accounting requirements

Responsible Company Apr 22 2021 | 62 mins

Accounting for climate change is changing: guidance from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), direction from auditors and regulators, and demands from investors are changing the way that CO2 emissions should be looked at and presented in the company accounts.

In this Responsible Company webinar, find out how this could impact the way companies think about climate in their CapEx, planning and strategy. And what it could mean for investors and markets as a result.

  1. Moderator: Hugh Wheelan, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Director, Responsible Investor
  2. Veronica Poole, Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader, Deloitte
  3. David Pitt-Watson, Leader of the Climate Accounting Project, and Fellow, Cambridge University, Judge Business School
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