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US Politics
A conservatiove view from the UK

The division in America which skyrocketed during the Trump presidency has been far from mollified / Cuddly old Joe Biden is just as divisive as Donald Trump ever was


Peter Burgess
Original article:
Cuddly old Joe Biden is just as divisive as Donald Trump ever was The division in America which skyrocketed during the Trump presidency has been far from mollified This week Joe Biden gave his first address to a joint session of Congress. And despite all the clichés, the reception was distinctly warm. For President Biden is still riding on the simple fact that he is not his predecessor. Yet much of his speech was at least as Manichean as anything Donald Trump said while in office. According to Biden, in the one hundred days since he took control “America is... choosing hope over fear, truth over lies, and light over darkness.” Outside of the US it is easy to fall into line with President Biden’s generous analysis of his own performance. His administration has rejoined, or sought to rejoin every international body that the Trump administration scorned. Often for no reason other than that Trump scorned them. However, the division in America which skyrocketed during the Trump presidency has not been mollified. Far from it. Biden may have run as a cuddly centrist, but he is governing as someone deeply attracted to the leftwards drift of the Democratic Party. He has already announced tax-hikes to pay for the trillions of dollars of stimulus packages that he has been rolling out. Under Biden “tax the rich” is a popular theme, and his chosen way of trying to find his way out of the slump caused by the pandemic. The plans he has announced would see top-rate tax-payers paying 40 per cent tax. Which may sound like a bargain to some Britons, until you remember how little American tax-payers get for their dollars. Joe Biden's first 100 days: Which promises has he fulfilled?
  1. Delivering 100 million vaccines in first 100 days (reached on day 58)
  2. Covid relief stimulus cheques to most Americans
  3. Federal mask mandate
  4. Reuniting separated migrant families
  5. Halting border wall construction
  6. Rejoining Paris climate accord
  7. Reversal of transgender military ban
  8. Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan
Elsewhere the Biden administration has been careful not so much to touch as to jump on every nerve of the American right. It has set up a commission which is looking into expanding the Supreme Court, getting around the judges appointed by Trump by simply out-numbering them. The Democrats are also talking of making new states out of Puerto Rico and Washington DC, altering the electoral map in their favour. And all that is before you get onto the social issues which are roiling America. Earlier this month the new US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, gave a speech in which she said “I have seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” The administration has announced plans to introduce controversial critical race theory into history and civics teaching across the American school system. Even more than tax-hikes, these fundamental shifts in America’s understanding of itself and its history are kryptonite to the millions who voted for Trump. It is easy to talk about trying to reconcile America’s divides. But under Biden – as much as under his predecessor – America’s politicians have more to gain in stoking them. By talking of their enemies as forces of darkness and themselves as the forces of light. By presenting the infinitely complex task of governing this vast country as though it were a simple matter of “hope over fear”. America had four turbulent years under Trump, but Biden’s words and actions suggest he prefers victory over calm just as surely as his predecessor did.
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