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Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021

Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021 ... notes related to this 2 day event


Peter Burgess
Original article:
Reuters Events Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021 VC Valued Home Watch Live Agenda My Schedule Partner Hub Roundtables Reuters Events Helpdesk Up next Auto-follow With Auto-follow, you will be automatically redirected to the next session when the current one ends. Sustainability Transition Keynote: Reimagining the Business for Future Success LIVE 3 minutes left Mobilizing Suppliers to Lead the Climate Transition Tue, May 4, 2021 11:45 AM Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model Tue, May 4, 2021 12:00 PM A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Tue, May 4, 2021 12:45 PM Net-Zero Keynote: Developing an Innovative Roadmap to Decarbonization Tue, May 4, 2021 1:15 PM Break Tue, May 4, 2021 2:00 PM Sustainability Transition Keynote: Reimagining the Business for Future Success ENTER FULL SCREEN Tuesday, May 4, 2021 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM Keynote Keynotes Information Sustainability is critical to every aspect of the business, and the businesses that do not realize that are jeopardizing their business survival. Business models need to be rethought, restructured and every area of the business needs to be on board with the sustainability transition. In our opening keynote, understand how the sustainability transition is finally upon us, what that means for your business, plus how companies are embracing and seizing this opportunity Register for the session Register for the session to prepare your schedule and receive a notification reminder before it starts. REGISTER Live discussion Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 FI Fulya ilbey Question 1 How do you think is the role of regulators changing within the context of sustainability transition? Thanks JJ Jim Jenkins A little difficult to hear the speaker MS Mary Sims I am in education and we are looking for information about the need for a CSR MInor it would help so much to know how they are looking to produce (operations) and sell products (marketing) as well as the impact on the cost structure of the firm (finance). It would be especially helpful if we could hear about the background of the panel and how they got involved in these efforts. RA Richard Anderson Question 2 For Steve, how are you addressing supplier sustainability programs? Do you require your suppliers to have sustainability programs in place? Getting regulation right is VERY difficult , expensive and usually outdated. Very much better metrics are needed so that society is better able to hold all the socio-enviro-economic actors to account in a timely and meaningful way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE Walker Elizabeth policy is not regulation. 馃憤 1 LS Leah Shoot Question 4 Do you think it may be helpful to look at adopting corporate law in the U.S., similar to what we see in Canada, where public companies adopt a stakeholder (vs. shareholder) based governance? If so, do you have ideas for what this type of transition might look like for companies? LJ Lynn Johannson There are so many webinars and virtual conferences on the challenges of climate change. How does this really translate into action? Just recently scientists measured global emissions into the atmosphere were 5.5 billion tonnes more than countries reported. Is there too much talk still? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question 2 To measure how well businesses are incorporating sustainability (environmental and social), metrics for monitoring and transparency are essential. What is the best way to ensure transparency and therefore well documented metrics? CA Corryn Antonizio Question 3 Many of the world's largest companies created these problems in the first place. Commending them for their sustainability commitments seems contradictory and unwarranted. Can you talk about the possibility of imposing fines and taxes on companies for not moving fast enough to act or enabling the very bottom tier of their organization to be engaged and empowered to act? SB Stella Bray Arent many large corps taking strong stances on sustainability and zero carbon voices, but in reality passing the actual 'doing' to their vendors and service providers. These corps get credit for what the vendors and service providers action and report. This is not a bad thing...but how consistent are the actions and the reporting? How are we collectively getting a good read (because YES we are interconnected)? 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS Conventional financial accountancy is very powerful but ONLY about profit performance of the reporting business and NOTHING about impacts on society and the environment which are ignored because ignoring externalities is allowed by the rule-makers ... OK for the 1800s, but not for the 21st century !!!!!! LJ Lynn Johannson Mindy, your comment on what gets measured gets managed, and you suggested that C-Suites should be compensated. Some see this as morally offensive since we've known about the need to act since the 1980s and it is only now, when the financial world is seeing losses, is showing some action. Also behavioral experts do not support compensation. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri The rhetoric needs to change re 'maximizing shareholder value' being at odds with environmental stewardship and sustainability. The two are increasingly in sync, though maybe not in the immediate term. SB Stella Bray @Corryn Antonizio Great question! 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS Most of what we know about corporate behavior is what the corporation chooses to tell us ... a rather limited subset of what there is to know. With modern information technology we (the people) should be able better to understand the totality of corporate behavior ... serious numbers about the Triple Bottom Line of the company and the impacts on everything. Consumers are likely the key to getting corporations to make changes at scale !!!!!!!!!!!! 馃憤 1 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek EU just adopted climate law to reduce emissions with 55% by 2030. will the USA follow? Julia Goldstein Julia Goldstein Transparency is tough - coming from the content writing and marketing side, I get pressure from clients to put a positive spin on things. SB Stella Bray Would love to see the Triple Bottom Line actually IMPLEMEMNTED consistently. Right now business is transactional...because they are in business to make a transaction to make money. Most corps are reactive and short term in their transactions which inhibits strategy. How to get balance? Most corps will state (quietly) that they are short term because they have to be fast because of the consumer... passing the responsibility or blame to consumers. It is not an either / or, rather both / and. Both business and consumers are interdependent and interconnected. LJ Lynn Johannson Systems thinkers have shown that people are grossly overconfident in their judgments. This combined with the lack of appreciation of time delay still point to the concern that there is not enough action. How many companies are using systems tools and techniques to drive better action? Has anyone used En-Roads? En-ROADS En-ROADS LS Leah Shoot Question 1 Yes! @Steve! Thank you for bringing up regenerative agriculture. As Mindy said earlier, everything is so interrelated. When we look at plant-based packaging as a solution for plastic it's very concerning what is NOT being talked about - how the materials are grown Sustainability Transition Keynote: Reimagining the Business for Future Success Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 FI Fulya ilbey Question 1 How do you think is the role of regulators changing within the context of sustainability transition? Thanks JJ Jim Jenkins A little difficult to hear the speaker MS Mary Sims I am in education and we are looking for information about the need for a CSR MInor it would help so much to know how they are looking to produce (operations) and sell products (marketing) as well as the impact on the cost structure of the firm (finance). It would be especially helpful if we could hear about the background of the panel and how they got involved in these efforts. RA Richard Anderson Question 2 For Steve, how are you addressing supplier sustainability programs? Do you require your suppliers to have sustainability programs in place? Getting regulation right is VERY difficult , expensive and usually outdated. Very much better metrics are needed so that society is better able to hold all the socio-enviro-economic actors to account in a timely and meaningful way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE Walker Elizabeth policy is not regulation. 馃憤 1 LS Leah Shoot Question 4 Do you think it may be helpful to look at adopting corporate law in the U.S., similar to what we see in Canada, where public companies adopt a stakeholder (vs. shareholder) based governance? If so, do you have ideas for what this type of transition might look like for companies? LJ Lynn Johannson There are so many webinars and virtual conferences on the challenges of climate change. How does this really translate into action? Just recently scientists measured global emissions into the atmosphere were 5.5 billion tonnes more than countries reported. Is there too much talk still? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question 2 To measure how well businesses are incorporating sustainability (environmental and social), metrics for monitoring and transparency are essential. What is the best way to ensure transparency and therefore well documented metrics? CA Corryn Antonizio Question 3 Many of the world's largest companies created these problems in the first place. Commending them for their sustainability commitments seems contradictory and unwarranted. Can you talk about the possibility of imposing fines and taxes on companies for not moving fast enough to act or enabling the very bottom tier of their organization to be engaged and empowered to act? SB Stella Bray Arent many large corps taking strong stances on sustainability and zero carbon voices, but in reality passing the actual 'doing' to their vendors and service providers. These corps get credit for what the vendors and service providers action and report. This is not a bad thing...but how consistent are the actions and the reporting? How are we collectively getting a good read (because YES we are interconnected)? 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS Conventional financial accountancy is very powerful but ONLY about profit performance of the reporting business and NOTHING about impacts on society and the environment which are ignored because ignoring externalities is allowed by the rule-makers ... OK for the 1800s, but not for the 21st century !!!!!! LJ Lynn Johannson Mindy, your comment on what gets measured gets managed, and you suggested that C-Suites should be compensated. Some see this as morally offensive since we've known about the need to act since the 1980s and it is only now, when the financial world is seeing losses, is showing some action. Also behavioral experts do not support compensation. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri The rhetoric needs to change re 'maximizing shareholder value' being at odds with environmental stewardship and sustainability. The two are increasingly in sync, though maybe not in the immediate term. SB Stella Bray @Corryn Antonizio Great question! 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS Most of what we know about corporate behavior is what the corporation chooses to tell us ... a rather limited subset of what there is to know. With modern information technology we (the people) should be able better to understand the totality of corporate behavior ... serious numbers about the Triple Bottom Line of the company and the impacts on everything. Consumers are likely the key to getting corporations to make changes at scale !!!!!!!!!!!! 馃憤 1 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek EU just adopted climate law to reduce emissions with 55% by 2030. will the USA follow? Julia Goldstein Julia Goldstein Transparency is tough - coming from the content writing and marketing side, I get pressure from clients to put a positive spin on things. SB Stella Bray Would love to see the Triple Bottom Line actually IMPLEMEMNTED consistently. Right now business is transactional...because they are in business to make a transaction to make money. Most corps are reactive and short term in their transactions which inhibits strategy. How to get balance? Most corps will state (quietly) that they are short term because they have to be fast because of the consumer... passing the responsibility or blame to consumers. It is not an either / or, rather both / and. Both business and consumers are interdependent and interconnected. LJ Lynn Johannson Systems thinkers have shown that people are grossly overconfident in their judgments. This combined with the lack of appreciation of time delay still point to the concern that there is not enough action. How many companies are using systems tools and techniques to drive better action? Has anyone used En-Roads? En-ROADS En-ROADS LS Leah Shoot Question 1 Yes! @Steve! Thank you for bringing up regenerative agriculture. As Mindy said earlier, everything is so interrelated. When we look at plant-based packaging as a solution for plastic it's very concerning what is NOT being talked about - how the materials are grown SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... Sustainability Transition Keynote: Reimagining the Business for Future Success //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reuters Events Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021 VC Valued Home Watch Live Agenda My Schedule Partner Hub Roundtables Reuters Events Helpdesk Up next Auto-follow With Auto-follow, you will be automatically redirected to the next session when the current one ends. Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model LIVE 19 minutes left A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Tue, May 4, 2021 12:45 PM Net-Zero Keynote: Developing an Innovative Roadmap to Decarbonization Tue, May 4, 2021 1:15 PM Break Tue, May 4, 2021 2:00 PM Engaging the Workforce to be Agents of Change Tue, May 4, 2021 2:15 PM Jon Foley in Conversation with Reuters on Scaling Proven Climate Solutions Tue, May 4, 2021 3:00 PM Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model ENTER FULL SCREEN Tuesday, May 4, 2021 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Keynote Information The role nature plays in helping tackle the climate crisis is now further in the mainstream. Companies need to take a holistic look at its impacts, risks, and opportunities, to understand its current and future dependence on nature. This comes through a quantified, integrated and solution-led business strategy. SilviaTerra Official Carbon Offset Partner Live discussion Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 AS Aarti Shah Consumers have to pay more if reducing GHG emissions cost more. Of course, if that is going to impact things like food security, then governments have levers they can use. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri Is it frozen for anyone else? TF Tory Flynn Yes MM Molly McCabe yes. here too. PP Paul Pellizzari yes MM Megha Mittal yes for me too AS Alyssa Sweigard Yes Max Nova Max Nova Yep Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Yes, for me too. DC Daniel Chrarles Looks like it's back to normal. DM David Muil yes many delays in streaming AE Art Esposito yes...seems very unstable! DM Daniel Martin refreshed my screen - working DM David Muil yes we are missing many key points EL Ed Long Hey everyone, apologies! We're all back up and running. Please refresh if it's still not working for you Yuen Li Chan Yuen Li Chan Question 7 This question is for the organizers of the conference. Where can we access the profile of the speakers? I can't even see who is presenting from the topic description. KW Kevin Ward Any comments on ROC ( Farm like the World Depends on it Farm like the World Depends on it Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust requirements for soil health and land management. Dean Current Dean Current Question For Andrea Alvares: What is the best way to learn more about your program. We work with communities managing large forest areas with sustainably gathered and produced timber and non-timber forest products in Latin America. EL Ed Long @Yuen Li Chan at the top of your taskbar their is a speakers tab - in between the networking and discussion groups tabs! 馃憤 1 SB Stella Bray It sounds like in this session, Natura is applying the Triple Bottom Line. How published are the results? What other corporations are applying the Triple Bottom Line and what are the results? Seth Olson Seth Olson The circular economy offers a great framework for transforming our systems into regenerative ones. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda to see concrete actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today to accelerate the transition: Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 1 Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? How do we get key actors to associate critical impact metrics on each and every product so that (young) consumers can start to make more sustainable decisions when they buy stuff ????????? It is more than 50 years since Ralph Nader raised hell about product performance and changed rules about labelling !!!!!!!!!! Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro connection is breaking up again! :( CL Catherine Liang would we get replays? Dean Current Dean Current I appreciated what Andrea said about avoiding 'not interacting with nature'. We have seen that providing forest communities opportunities to gain their livelihood from forests incentivizes them to protect and conserve forests. Providing markets for sustainably produced goods does contribute to conservation. Seth Olson Seth Olson For me, its important for people understand that the economy cannot stand alone without our society and environment. Business needs nature, nature does not need business. 馃憤 2 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe regenerative agriculture and alternatives to mass production have existed for many years under different names. Scientific evidence is vast, but only recently has the pressure increased for businesses to actually act rather than just promise. CSR has not been successful to drive change or 'real impact'. This line of thought leads me to the following questions: How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? 馃憤 1 KW Kevin Ward RE: Ralph Nader...Seatbelts didn't get put in automobiles because consumers were asking for was through law & policy that safety was addressed, not consumption. WE Walker Elizabeth In the panelist's opinion, do you believe that the regenerative business model will naturally address DEI and social issues? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Question Is there a role for regenerative business in reducing (hyper)consumption? SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... Register for the session Register for the session to prepare your schedule and receive a notification reminder before it starts. REGISTER Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 AS Aarti Shah Consumers have to pay more if reducing GHG emissions cost more. Of course, if that is going to impact things like food security, then governments have levers they can use. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri Is it frozen for anyone else? TF Tory Flynn Yes MM Molly McCabe yes. here too. PP Paul Pellizzari yes MM Megha Mittal yes for me too AS Alyssa Sweigard Yes Max Nova Max Nova Yep Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Yes, for me too. DC Daniel Chrarles Looks like it's back to normal. DM David Muil yes many delays in streaming AE Art Esposito yes...seems very unstable! DM Daniel Martin refreshed my screen - working DM David Muil yes we are missing many key points EL Ed Long Hey everyone, apologies! We're all back up and running. Please refresh if it's still not working for you Yuen Li Chan Yuen Li Chan Question 7 This question is for the organizers of the conference. Where can we access the profile of the speakers? I can't even see who is presenting from the topic description. KW Kevin Ward Any comments on ROC ( Farm like the World Depends on it Farm like the World Depends on it Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust requirements for soil health and land management. Dean Current Dean Current Question For Andrea Alvares: What is the best way to learn more about your program. We work with communities managing large forest areas with sustainably gathered and produced timber and non-timber forest products in Latin America. EL Ed Long @Yuen Li Chan at the top of your taskbar their is a speakers tab - in between the networking and discussion groups tabs! 馃憤 1 SB Stella Bray It sounds like in this session, Natura is applying the Triple Bottom Line. How published are the results? What other corporations are applying the Triple Bottom Line and what are the results? Seth Olson Seth Olson The circular economy offers a great framework for transforming our systems into regenerative ones. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda to see concrete actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today to accelerate the transition: Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 1 Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? PETER BURGESS How do we get key actors to associate critical impact metrics on each and every product so that (young) consumers can start to make more sustainable decisions when they buy stuff ????????? It is more than 50 years since Ralph Nader raised hell about product performance and changed rules about labelling !!!!!!!!!! Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro connection is breaking up again! :( CL Catherine Liang would we get replays? Dean Current Dean Current I appreciated what Andrea said about avoiding 'not interacting with nature'. We have seen that providing forest communities opportunities to gain their livelihood from forests incentivizes them to protect and conserve forests. Providing markets for sustainably produced goods does contribute to conservation. Seth Olson Seth Olson For me, its important for people understand that the economy cannot stand alone without our society and environment. Business needs nature, nature does not need business. 馃憤 2 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe regenerative agriculture and alternatives to mass production have existed for many years under different names. Scientific evidence is vast, but only recently has the pressure increased for businesses to actually act rather than just promise. CSR has not been successful to drive change or 'real impact'. This line of thought leads me to the following questions: How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? 馃憤 1 KW Kevin Ward RE: Ralph Nader...Seatbelts didn't get put in automobiles because consumers were asking for was through law & policy that safety was addressed, not consumption. WE Walker Elizabeth In the panelist's opinion, do you believe that the regenerative business model will naturally address DEI and social issues? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Question Is there a role for regenerative business in reducing (hyper)consumption? SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model Reuters Events Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021 VC Valued Home Watch Live Agenda My Schedule Partner Hub Roundtables Reuters Events Helpdesk Up next Auto-follow With Auto-follow, you will be automatically redirected to the next session when the current one ends. Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model LIVE 2 minutes left A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Tue, May 4, 2021 12:45 PM Net-Zero Keynote: Developing an Innovative Roadmap to Decarbonization Tue, May 4, 2021 1:15 PM Break Tue, May 4, 2021 2:00 PM Engaging the Workforce to be Agents of Change Tue, May 4, 2021 2:15 PM Jon Foley in Conversation with Reuters on Scaling Proven Climate Solutions Tue, May 4, 2021 3:00 PM Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model ENTER FULL SCREEN Tuesday, May 4, 2021 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Keynote Information The role nature plays in helping tackle the climate crisis is now further in the mainstream. Companies need to take a holistic look at its impacts, risks, and opportunities, to understand its current and future dependence on nature. This comes through a quantified, integrated and solution-led business strategy. SilviaTerra Official Carbon Offset Partner Live discussion Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 AS Aarti Shah Consumers have to pay more if reducing GHG emissions cost more. Of course, if that is going to impact things like food security, then governments have levers they can use. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri Is it frozen for anyone else? TF Tory Flynn Yes MM Molly McCabe yes. here too. PP Paul Pellizzari yes MM Megha Mittal yes for me too AS Alyssa Sweigard Yes Max Nova Max Nova Yep Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Yes, for me too. DC Daniel Chrarles Looks like it's back to normal. DM David Muil yes many delays in streaming AE Art Esposito yes...seems very unstable! DM Daniel Martin refreshed my screen - working DM David Muil yes we are missing many key points EL Ed Long Hey everyone, apologies! We're all back up and running. Please refresh if it's still not working for you Yuen Li Chan Yuen Li Chan Question 10 This question is for the organizers of the conference. Where can we access the profile of the speakers? I can't even see who is presenting from the topic description. KW Kevin Ward Any comments on ROC ( Farm like the World Depends on it Farm like the World Depends on it Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust requirements for soil health and land management. Dean Current Dean Current Question 1 For Andrea Alvares: What is the best way to learn more about your program. We work with communities managing large forest areas with sustainably gathered and produced timber and non-timber forest products in Latin America. EL Ed Long @Yuen Li Chan at the top of your taskbar their is a speakers tab - in between the networking and discussion groups tabs! 馃憤 1 SB Stella Bray It sounds like in this session, Natura is applying the Triple Bottom Line. How published are the results? What other corporations are applying the Triple Bottom Line and what are the results? Seth Olson Seth Olson The circular economy offers a great framework for transforming our systems into regenerative ones. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda to see concrete actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today to accelerate the transition: Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 2 Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? How do we get key actors to associate critical impact metrics on each and every product so that (young) consumers can start to make more sustainable decisions when they buy stuff ????????? It is more than 50 years since Ralph Nader raised hell about product performance and changed rules about labelling !!!!!!!!!! Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro connection is breaking up again! :( CL Catherine Liang would we get replays? Dean Current Dean Current I appreciated what Andrea said about avoiding 'not interacting with nature'. We have seen that providing forest communities opportunities to gain their livelihood from forests incentivizes them to protect and conserve forests. Providing markets for sustainably produced goods does contribute to conservation. Seth Olson Seth Olson For me, its important for people understand that the economy cannot stand alone without our society and environment. Business needs nature, nature does not need business. 馃憤 2 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe regenerative agriculture and alternatives to mass production have existed for many years under different names. Scientific evidence is vast, but only recently has the pressure increased for businesses to actually act rather than just promise. CSR has not been successful to drive change or 'real impact'. This line of thought leads me to the following questions: How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? 馃憤 1 KW Kevin Ward RE: Ralph Nader...Seatbelts didn't get put in automobiles because consumers were asking for was through law & policy that safety was addressed, not consumption. 馃憤 1 WE Walker Elizabeth In the panelist's opinion, do you believe that the regenerative business model will naturally address DEI and social issues? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question 1 How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Question 3 Is there a role for regenerative business in reducing (hyper)consumption? KW Kevin Ward Question What's the best way to measure biodiversity? Extinction rates defined by Rockstrom et al 'Planetary Boundaries'? Genetic or functional diversity? 'biome condition'? Seth Olson Seth Olson Hey Kevin, you should check out the work of IUCN on their STAR metric 馃憤 2 KW Kevin Ward Ok - thanks Seth Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Agree with Andrea. It will take a joint effort from actors across the supply chain to achieve the targets set by, for example, the 2030 SDG Agenda. Governments also play a key role, but unfortunately in Latin America it is a difficult reality at the moment. Claudia Freed Claudia Freed I agree @Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra 馃憤 1 EP&L was an impressive effort BUT was not organized in a way that delivered meaningful metrics in a timely efficient way. When I was a young CFO (decades ago) I was expected to have useful performance metrics just a few days after the end of the reporting period. We can do this for TBL reporting ... but it needs to be driven by the comprehensive reality of the total system 馃憤 1 I want to see society as a whole holding the business (investment) community to account. At the moment most data originates from the business world, but the critical decisions for profit, society and environment all start with the behavior of consumers. SS Santiago Sanchez I agree that behaviour of consumers is critical. There is however a paradox in Latin America, where it seems as if the system tilts the behaviour unfavourably, and yet one questions if other incentives have to be offered to change the tilt towards improving nature indicators. Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Agree with the current discussion. We should see 'solutions' as adaptive processes rather than 'silver bullets' that will bring an absolute result. But accountability is still important and that is what is asked for. Science is an asset for this, it helps in decision-making and helps understand complex and evolving systems. Close partnerships between science and businesses will become more and more important as we continue to transition to sustainability. SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... Register for the session Register for the session to prepare your schedule and receive a notification reminder before it starts. REGISTER Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 AS Aarti Shah Consumers have to pay more if reducing GHG emissions cost more. Of course, if that is going to impact things like food security, then governments have levers they can use. Saritha Peruri Saritha Peruri Is it frozen for anyone else? TF Tory Flynn Yes MM Molly McCabe yes. here too. PP Paul Pellizzari yes MM Megha Mittal yes for me too AS Alyssa Sweigard Yes Max Nova Max Nova Yep Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Yes, for me too. DC Daniel Chrarles Looks like it's back to normal. DM David Muil yes many delays in streaming AE Art Esposito yes...seems very unstable! DM Daniel Martin refreshed my screen - working DM David Muil yes we are missing many key points EL Ed Long Hey everyone, apologies! We're all back up and running. Please refresh if it's still not working for you Yuen Li Chan Yuen Li Chan Question 10 This question is for the organizers of the conference. Where can we access the profile of the speakers? I can't even see who is presenting from the topic description. KW Kevin Ward Any comments on ROC ( Farm like the World Depends on it Farm like the World Depends on it Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust requirements for soil health and land management. Dean Current Dean Current Question 1 For Andrea Alvares: What is the best way to learn more about your program. We work with communities managing large forest areas with sustainably gathered and produced timber and non-timber forest products in Latin America. EL Ed Long @Yuen Li Chan at the top of your taskbar their is a speakers tab - in between the networking and discussion groups tabs! 馃憤 1 SB Stella Bray It sounds like in this session, Natura is applying the Triple Bottom Line. How published are the results? What other corporations are applying the Triple Bottom Line and what are the results? Seth Olson Seth Olson The circular economy offers a great framework for transforming our systems into regenerative ones. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda to see concrete actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today to accelerate the transition: Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 2 Does Natura engage with the Brazilian government to advocate for the preservation of the Amazon forest? How do we get key actors to associate critical impact metrics on each and every product so that (young) consumers can start to make more sustainable decisions when they buy stuff ????????? It is more than 50 years since Ralph Nader raised hell about product performance and changed rules about labelling !!!!!!!!!! Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro connection is breaking up again! :( CL Catherine Liang would we get replays? Dean Current Dean Current I appreciated what Andrea said about avoiding 'not interacting with nature'. We have seen that providing forest communities opportunities to gain their livelihood from forests incentivizes them to protect and conserve forests. Providing markets for sustainably produced goods does contribute to conservation. Seth Olson Seth Olson For me, its important for people understand that the economy cannot stand alone without our society and environment. Business needs nature, nature does not need business. 馃憤 2 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe regenerative agriculture and alternatives to mass production have existed for many years under different names. Scientific evidence is vast, but only recently has the pressure increased for businesses to actually act rather than just promise. CSR has not been successful to drive change or 'real impact'. This line of thought leads me to the following questions: How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? 馃憤 1 KW Kevin Ward RE: Ralph Nader...Seatbelts didn't get put in automobiles because consumers were asking for was through law & policy that safety was addressed, not consumption. 馃憤 1 WE Walker Elizabeth In the panelist's opinion, do you believe that the regenerative business model will naturally address DEI and social issues? 馃憤 1 Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Question 1 How can businesses actually change models to achieve real impact that can lead to medium - to long - term resilience? How to increase synergy between science and business to drive such change? Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Question 3 Is there a role for regenerative business in reducing (hyper)consumption? KW Kevin Ward Question What's the best way to measure biodiversity? Extinction rates defined by Rockstrom et al 'Planetary Boundaries'? Genetic or functional diversity? 'biome condition'? Seth Olson Seth Olson Hey Kevin, you should check out the work of IUCN on their STAR metric 馃憤 2 KW Kevin Ward Ok - thanks Seth Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Agree with Andrea. It will take a joint effort from actors across the supply chain to achieve the targets set by, for example, the 2030 SDG Agenda. Governments also play a key role, but unfortunately in Latin America it is a difficult reality at the moment. Claudia Freed Claudia Freed I agree @Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS EP&L was an impressive effort BUT was not organized in a way that delivered meaningful metrics in a timely efficient way. When I was a young CFO (decades ago) I was expected to have useful performance metrics just a few days after the end of the reporting period. We can do this for TBL reporting ... but it needs to be driven by the comprehensive reality of the total system 馃憤 1 PETER BURGESS I want to see society as a whole holding the business (investment) community to account. At the moment most data originates from the business world, but the critical decisions for profit, society and environment all start with the behavior of consumers. SS Santiago Sanchez I agree that behaviour of consumers is critical. There is however a paradox in Latin America, where it seems as if the system tilts the behaviour unfavourably, and yet one questions if other incentives have to be offered to change the tilt towards improving nature indicators. Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Agree with the current discussion. We should see 'solutions' as adaptive processes rather than 'silver bullets' that will bring an absolute result. But accountability is still important and that is what is asked for. Science is an asset for this, it helps in decision-making and helps understand complex and evolving systems. Close partnerships between science and businesses will become more and more important as we continue to transition to sustainability. SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... Biodiversity Keynote: The Win-Win of a Regenerative Business Model Reuters Events Reuters Events: Transform USA 2021 VC Valued Home Watch Live Agenda My Schedule Partner Hub Roundtables Reuters Events Helpdesk A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Tuesday, May 4, 2021 12:50 PM to 1:20 PM Live ENTER FULL SCREEN Information From forestry loss and land degradation, to water pollution and biodiversity damage, business needs to step up and make these issues a priority. Join us as we explore what a regenerative business looks like and how this strategy can be commercially viable. You may also like Browse the different sessions and select the ones that are most relevant to you. Circular Economy Keynote: Scaling up Circular Ambitions Wed, May 5, 2021 11:00 AM De-Risking the Clean Energy Transition Wed, May 5, 2021 1:15 PM Empowering and Engaging Suppliers to help Deliver a Net-Zero Business with Resonance Global Wed, May 5, 2021 2:15 PM Integrating Your Circular Plans into Your Climate Strategy Wed, May 5, 2021 12:30 PM Increasing Business Resilience Through More Localized Supply Chains Tue, May 4, 2021 4:30 PM A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 CL Catherine Liang There is an echo Natalia Vega-Berry What are the names of the speakers? Natalia Vega-Berry What companies are part of the current session? Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe is the following: Wai-Chan Chan 路 The Consumer Goods Forum Lisa Morden 路 Kimberly-Clark Corp. Jane Ewing 路 Walmart 馃憤 2 Natalia Vega-Berry Thank you! it is so important to know who is speaking! Natalia Vega-Berry There is no information in the description of any sessions Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Try clicking the 'x' in upper left corner. For me the speaker info is invisible in 'full screen mode' but when I click 'x' in upper left I can view the live discussion on a smaller pane, along with session info and speaker info. Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra No problem and agree! I downloaded as pdf the agenda of the sessions I saved (on the 'my schedule' tab). There you can see the names of the speakers. Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Can reducing overall consumption be ever part of a new regenerative business model, specially in the retail sector? EL Ed Long If you scroll down on the watch live tab you can see the speakers for the current session :) 馃憤 1 Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 6 Can reducing overall consumption be ever part of a new regenerative business model, specially in the retail sector? At the corporate level there are some interesting initiatives, but I am a little consumer who would love to buy PRODUCTS that have gone through a supply chain that is good rather than bad. Is there any progress towards informing customers about the social and environmental impact of products ... something I call product standard value profiles. 馃憤 2 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek there is many certification programs for products, both social and environmental (including climate neutral) AE Art Esposito what program exists for Social certifications? Leah Shoot As a consumer, I would love to see a narrative label on everything I buy (or a QR code to take me to a page with info on the supply chain and way the materials were created). 馃憤 1 LS The repair economy is really blowing up right now! But I'd like to see the needle move faster David McCloskey David McCloskey Leah, we're working on a platform for exactly that. 馃憤 1 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek Consumers Goods Forum has deveveloped a benchmark for social standards, SSCI. would be nice if something similar can be developed for environmental, climate related standards 馃憤 1 Natalia Vega-Berry Natalia Vega-Berry We have incubated an initiative at the United Nations Global Compact that intends to support consumer behavior and bridge this important gap. SB Stella Bray Accelerating Circularity is doing excellent work on helping with he infrastructure for 'repair'. It is more than that but they are leading very well in their efforts. LS Leah Shoot Not sure if my Narrative Label comment was posted - I don't see it in the chat. But I would really like to see Narrative Labels on everything I buy I would like to see some consumer oriented incentive programs that reward me for buying 'good' sustainable products ... also buying and eating healthy products ... so that periodically I can get a free sugar laden product once in a while as a reward !!!!!!!!!! Seth Olson Seth Olson The principles of the circular economy help to show the pathway to regenerative business models in practice. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda for clear actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro @Valued Customer How about rewarding consumers to buy less as well? SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message... A Regenerative Business: The Case for Protecting Nature Live discussion Chat Questions Polls May 4, 2021 CL Catherine Liang There is an echo Natalia Vega-Berry What are the names of the speakers? Natalia Vega-Berry What companies are part of the current session? Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra I believe is the following: Wai-Chan Chan 路 The Consumer Goods Forum Lisa Morden 路 Kimberly-Clark Corp. Jane Ewing 路 Walmart 馃憤 2 Natalia Vega-Berry Thank you! it is so important to know who is speaking! Natalia Vega-Berry There is no information in the description of any sessions Stephane de Messieres Stephane de Messieres Try clicking the 'x' in upper left corner. For me the speaker info is invisible in 'full screen mode' but when I click 'x' in upper left I can view the live discussion on a smaller pane, along with session info and speaker info. Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra Gabriela Wiederkehr Guerra No problem and agree! I downloaded as pdf the agenda of the sessions I saved (on the 'my schedule' tab). There you can see the names of the speakers. Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Can reducing overall consumption be ever part of a new regenerative business model, specially in the retail sector? EL Ed Long If you scroll down on the watch live tab you can see the speakers for the current session :) 馃憤 1 Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro Question 6 Can reducing overall consumption be ever part of a new regenerative business model, specially in the retail sector? PETER BURGESS At the corporate level there are some interesting initiatives, but I am a little consumer who would love to buy PRODUCTS that have gone through a supply chain that is good rather than bad. Is there any progress towards informing customers about the social and environmental impact of products ... something I call product standard value profiles. 馃憤 2 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek there is many certification programs for products, both social and environmental (including climate neutral) AE Art Esposito what program exists for Social certifications? Leah Shoot As a consumer, I would love to see a narrative label on everything I buy (or a QR code to take me to a page with info on the supply chain and way the materials were created). 馃憤 1 LS The repair economy is really blowing up right now! But I'd like to see the needle move faster David McCloskey David McCloskey Leah, we're working on a platform for exactly that. 馃憤 1 PZ Paul Zuiderbeek Consumers Goods Forum has deveveloped a benchmark for social standards, SSCI. would be nice if something similar can be developed for environmental, climate related standards 馃憤 1 Natalia Vega-Berry Natalia Vega-Berry We have incubated an initiative at the United Nations Global Compact that intends to support consumer behavior and bridge this important gap. SB Stella Bray Accelerating Circularity is doing excellent work on helping with he infrastructure for 'repair'. It is more than that but they are leading very well in their efforts. LS Leah Shoot Not sure if my Narrative Label comment was posted - I don't see it in the chat. But I would really like to see Narrative Labels on everything I buy PETER BURGESS I would like to see some consumer oriented incentive programs that reward me for buying 'good' sustainable products ... also buying and eating healthy products ... so that periodically I can get a free sugar laden product once in a while as a reward !!!!!!!!!! Seth Olson Seth Olson The principles of the circular economy help to show the pathway to regenerative business models in practice. Check out PACE's Circular Economy Action Agenda for clear actions stakeholders from across sectors can take today Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy PACE is a public-private collaboration platform and project accelerator for the circular economy Patricia Kanashiro Patricia Kanashiro @Valued Customer How about rewarding consumers to buy less as well? SCROLL TO BOTTOM Write a message...
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