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Corporate Reporting The Value Reporting Foundation (TheVRF)

IIRC and SASB form the Value Reporting Foundation


Peter Burgess

IIRC and SASB form the Value Reporting Foundation

Janine Guillot, The Value Reporting Foundation Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:08 AM

Dear Peter,

In November 2020, the IIRC and SASB announced our intention to merge into the Value Reporting Foundation. Today, we publicly announce that our merger is official, and we are operating as one unified global organization.

Business and investors have long asked for more clarity and simplicity in the corporate reporting landscape. Our merger is a direct response to this call. The merger also better positions us to support key bodies such as the IFRS Foundation and continue to work with our colleagues around the world to drive progress towards a comprehensive corporate reporting system.

The Value Reporting Foundation offers a comprehensive suite of resources designed to help businesses and investors develop a shared understanding of enterprise value—how it is created, preserved or eroded over time. The resources—including Integrated Thinking Principles, the Integrated Reporting Framework and SASB Standards—can be used alone or in combination, depending on business needs. These tools, already adopted in over 70 countries, comprise the 21st century market infrastructure needed to develop, manage and communicate strategy that creates long-term value and drives improved performance. We encourage you to visit our new website to learn more. In addition, all of the existing resources remain available at and

I am honored to serve as CEO of the Value Reporting Foundation. Charles Tilley, who served as CEO of the IIRC up until the merger, is now Board Director and Senior Advisor to the Value Reporting Foundation. IIRC and SASB broke tremendous ground in their first ten years. By combining the tools, resources and relationships of SASB and IIRC, the Value Reporting Foundation will continue to lead progress toward a more coherent corporate reporting landscape—in the next ten years and beyond.

Best regards,

Janine Guillot
CEO ... The Value Reporting Foundation
The Value Reporting Foundation 1045 Sansome Street Suite 450 San Francisco, CA 94111

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Peter Burgess Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:46 AM To:

I am delighted to learn that the collaboration between IIRC and SASB is going forward ... the importance of better metrics about the performance of the socio-enviro-economic system cannot be overstated.

I have followed both IIRC and SASB since their very early days, and have been disappointed at the uptake of the ideas by both corporate organizations and investors. I have some strong views on why this is, but will not go into them in any detail at this time, but happy to do so at some time that is convenient for you.

I will observe, however, that one of the issues that needs addressing is the basic architecture of corporate reporting and economic reporting. For historic reasons going back to the 19th century corporate profit reporting carries much more weight than performance reporting for society ... and the environment is a very recent add-on that is completely unintegrated with corporate profit performance. It is no accident that ESG (Environment, Society and Governance) has become popular when a more coherent metric would have been ESE (Environment, Society and Economic ... in other words, profit performance together with Environment and Society).

Another big issue relates to the role of activities, actors, products, places, resources (all the capitals) and accounting and accountability. Initiatives like IIRC, SASB as well as GRI, IRIS, etc only seem to focus on a small part of the total socio-enviro-economic system ... and without addressing this, the status-quo is likely to stay 'as is' for much too long.

To the extent I can help ... I am willing, though perhaps not as able as I would like to be !!!!!!!!!!!!


Peter Burgess ... Founder and CEO
TrueValueMetrics ... Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society
True Value Impact Accounting ... Multi Dimension for ALL the Capitals
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