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Commitment to Development Index Center for Global Development (CGD)

Announcing the Newest Edition of the Commitment to Development Index

Original article:

Peter Burgess
Announcing the Newest Edition of the Commitment to Development Index

Dear Peter,

The new Commitment to Development Index (CDI) has launched!

The CDI ranks 40 G20 and high-income countries by how well their policies help improve lives in lower-income countries across 8 core policy areas: development finance, investment, migration, trade, health, environment, security, and technology. This year we’ve added a new health component, which underscores the importance of countries’ contributions from pandemic preparedness to curbing pollutants and waste.

Sweden and France claimed the top spots in the Commitment to Development Index’s environmental rankings. Top climate findings include:
  • While, on average, carbon pricing adds $10 to a tonne of carbon, France and 4 others each add over $25. Eight countries have no measured carbon pricing.
  • Sweden and the other top 5 countries emit 5.5 tonnes of carbon per head and under, while Canada, the US, Australia, and the UAE all emit some 20 tonnes or over.
  • India continues to have the lowest emissions per capita of the 40 countries we assess. Although it ranks low in other policy areas, India’s low emissions lead it to rank 6th on environment.
Other highlights from this year’s CDI:
  • For the third year in a row, Sweden claimed the top overall spot—ranking first on environment and migration, and second on the new health component.
  • China ranks 36th, held back by a lack of transparency in development finance and low scores in migration and security.
  • The United States fell four spots overall, from 18th overall to 22nd, which can be attributed primarily to Trump-era policy priorities.
  • The UK slipped a place to 5th, although 2021 aid cuts are yet to be assessed.
  • France ranked 2nd and top G7 country, with a strong environmental performance.
Find out where countries rank on development, compare their efforts across nearly 100 indicators, and see how they can do better: Explore the CDI >> We encourage you to share this year’s CDI with your networks through our social media toolkit. Sincerely, Ian Mitchell Senior Policy Fellow and Co-Director, Europe About the methodology: The CDI is transparent about its method and data, with full details available here. This email was sent by:
Center for Global Development
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Tel 202.416.4000 | Fax 202.416.4050 Open PDF: CGD-CDI-methodology-2021.pdf
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