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Ukrainians destroy Russian mercenaries' base, invasion underway! New Ukraine-USA plan.

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Ukrainians destroy Russian mercenaries' base, invasion underway! New Ukraine-USA plan. THƯ VŨ CHANNEL Jun 19, 2023 102K subscribers ... 82,092 views ... 1.9K likes 18 Jun: Ukrainians destroy Russian mercenaries' base, invasion underway! New Ukraine-USA plan. In the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian Army has been successful in downing drones belonging to the Russian invaders and destroying their ammunition shipments. The Russian army, which had planned to invade Ukraine, is now being defeated by the Ukrainian army, which is systematically destroying the strategic points of the invaders. The Crimean peninsula remains the key region of the war, with Ukrainian leader Zelenski stating his goal of retaking it from Russia. Recent developments in Crimea have once again shown the determination of the Ukrainian army and people to achieve victory. The Safe Zone team provides impartial and accurate reporting on all developments in the war, and readers can support their efforts by clicking the 'Super Thanks' button. In a major blow to the Russian occupiers in Crimea, the Ukrainian army has destroyed a large shipment of their ammunition, showcasing their effectiveness as a fighting force. Content copyright is exploited and copyright protected by Reuters, please do not copy in any form

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