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lezzetnesli: Official Statement: If the Russian army does not stop, They finds 580,000 Westerners in front of it!

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I grew up in the UK and as a very young child got to experience war. We lived near London and experienced the 'blitz' first hand. I was too young to understand what was going on ... but I can only imagine what my parents were going through. Right now I imagine that this is what is going on now in Ukraine.

When I was doing my professional training as a Chartered Accountant I got to learn something about the structure of profits. In the UK, during the war, there were strong legal constraints against 'profiteering' and in the case of 'excess profits' companies paid an 'excess profits tas' to the government. These rules remained in place for a conciderable time after the war.

In contrast, in the United States, free entereprise ruled the day and 'profiteering' was the norm.

Fairly early in my career ... around 1970 ... I was interviewed for a job as the 'Financial Contoller' for the company Curtis Wright which had fallen on hard times. At the time my specialty was corporate profit improvement and turnaround ... something that Curtis Wright uregnelty needed.

During this interview I was shown a graph of Curtis Wright annual profits from around 1930 to 1970. During the war years 1940 to 1945 the profits were HUGE because the company produced aero-engines required by military aircraft ... but after the war they could not charge wartime prices, and they were floundering. I did not get the job, and I do not have this 'failure' on my resume!

But the problem of 'profiteering' in the 'military industry complex' has not gone away and from my rather broad a deep perspective, I would argue that the companies that supply the military have figured out how to 'game the system' for the benefit of their industry in a way that would not have been tolerated by national leadership in the UK during WWII.
Peter Burgess
Official Statement: If the Russian army does not stop, They finds 580,000 Westerners in front of it!


Jul 9, 2023

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Official Statement: If the Russian army does not stop, They finds 580,000 Westerners in front of it!

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