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What is it that CDP and CDSB are doing? They have become the leading organizer of metrics relating to key drivers of climate change!

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess

CDP wants to see a thriving economy that works for people and planet in the long term. To achieve this, it focuses investors, policymakers, companies, cities, states and regions on taking urgent action to build a truly sustainable economy.

CDP runs a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental risks, opportunities and impacts. More than 7,000 companies respond to CDP’s climate change, water security and forests questionnaires annually at the request of more than 525 investors with US$96 trillion in assets and 125 large purchasing organisations. CDP provides data users with critical financial and non-financial information to integrate sustainability into their investment and decision-making processes.

CDP’s questionnaires gather both qualitative and quantitative information from across governance, strategy, risk, impact and performance. To aid comparability and ensure comprehensiveness, CDP includes sector-specific questions and data points; for example, the climate change questionnaire incorporates sector-specific questions for high-impact sectors, such as agricultural commodities, oil and gas, cement, and transport services. In 2018, CDP aligned its climate change questionnaire with the TCFD.


CDSB’s mission is to create the enabling conditions for material climate change and environmental information to be integrated into mainstream reports. This facilitates the assessment of the relationship between specific environmental matters and the organisation’s strategy and financial performance for the benefit of investors.

CDSB does this by offering companies the CDSB Framework8 for reporting natural capital and environmental information with the same rigour as financial information. The CDSB Framework helps companies to provide investors with decision-useful environmental information via mainstream corporate reports, enhancing the efficient allocation of financial capital in support of sustainable and climate-resilient economies. Regulators also benefit from the compliance-ready materials that CDSB produces.

The CDSB Framework is composed of seven guiding principles and 12 reporting requirements. These set out the how and the what, respectively, for reporting relevant and material environmental and climate-related information in mainstream annual reports.

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