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Times Radio: Biden to defeat Trump in election 2024 | Allan Lichtman

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I listened to Professor Allan Lichtman very carefully. Professor Lichtman chose his words with care, but on balance he opined that President Biden would be re-elected.

I am no expert on American elections, but I am of the opinion that President Biden has done a good job ... in fact, an exeptionally good job in the face of ridiculous opposition.

My view ... based on a considerable fact-base and many decades of observation of politics in the USA and around the world ... is that President Biden's administration has actually been one of the best in history for the American people, exceeding the impact of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson combined!

That is a pretty big statement to make ... but I think that is the reality. It is actually what the data shows ... but who in the media wants to handle facts when opinions are so much more maleable.

I have not yet completed the exercise but I am (through TVM) compiling a complete collection of the Biden legislation related to the US economy and related matters. Frankly, I am overwhelmed, but the interim conclusion is that Biden's impact has been historic ... and hopefully not finished yet.

I find it encouraging to compare the performance of President Biden's administration with other US administrations ... and yes, he is not a young upstart, but like me has a lot of history to help inform the decisions that must be made in the here and now!

To be blunt ... the Republicans are in total disarray with the new GOP Speaker not too far removed from the intellectual competence of Marjorie Taylor-Greene (MTG)

Peter Burgess
Biden to defeat Trump in election 2024 | Allan Lichtman

“A lot of things would have to go wrong over the next several months to predict a Biden defeat.”

Feb 8, 2024

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“A lot of things would have to go wrong over the next several months to predict a Biden defeat.”

There’s a possibility “Trump could be elected, but it's out of Trump's hands”, says Professor Allan Lichtman, who has successfully predicted the winner of each presidential race since 1984.
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