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New Orleans Book Festival: Liz Cheney and Walter Isaacson

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I like Liz Cheney even though I did not agree very much with her father in the Bush administration!

Peter Burgess
Liz Cheney and Walter Isaacson New Orleans Book Festival 3K subscribers ... 45,788 views ... 1.2K likes Mar 16, 2024 #NOLABookFest Oath and Honor Liz Cheney | Moderated by: Walter Isaacson The New Orleans Book Festival brings the world’s leading authors to Tulane University for a multi-day celebration of their works. The Festival features both fiction and non-fiction and convenes readings, panel discussions, symposia and keynote speeches. It provides an opportunity for outlets, authors and readers to interact with each other in one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse cities in the world. #NOLABookFest Transcript
  • 0:00
  • [Music] welcome to Marty gr for the mind and For
  • 0:05
  • You Out of Towners happy St Patty's weekend we never do anything in a day um
  • 0:12
  • can we just acknowledge first and foremost for you New Orleans who remember book fest's beginning a little
  • 0:18
  • over a decade ago it was a child's a children's bookfest and it was on the grounds of the library we sat outside
  • 0:25
  • we've come a long way baby and that is Cheryl Landrew heart and soul is Cheryl
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  • [Applause] Andrew um who saw it through and Walter
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  • and Kathy isacson who have made us sore to New
  • 0:48
  • Height and it's so nice to get pressed for something um other than our rat our
  • 0:54
  • cannabis eating rat so welcome to New Orleans Cheryl asked me if I could
  • 0:59
  • introduce Liz she knows Cheryl knows I'm out of politics following in the on advice of my hero grouo Marx I don't
  • 1:06
  • want to belong to a club that would have me but she asked if I would introduce Liz and I said of course I love Liz
  • 1:12
  • we're like sisters and she goes can you do it briefly the short answer is no okay but luckily for yall Walter is
  • 1:19
  • going to walk you through this book that is you might not know this about the the
  • 1:25
  • chenies they have authored between them almost 20 books all of them best sellers
  • 1:32
  • one of my favorites besides lizz's and it's an amazing book is Mrs Cheney's book on
  • 1:37
  • Madison for which she discovered from our own ursaline Convent here lost
  • 1:43
  • papers from Madison so we have lots of they are book people and this book since
  • 1:50
  • we are all readers is is so Pitch Perfect the Chinese all
  • 1:59
  • speak in complete paragraphs you will find you will find that same uh poetic
  • 2:08
  • Pros if you will in the writing of this book which is Liz is takes you from
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  • gives you a front row seat to the iconic events of the last century and a behind
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  • the curtains inside the room look at living history if you've seen her on
  • 2:30
  • about hearing about it and if you haven't you've been under a rock there's probably things you don't know about Liz
  • 2:36
  • before she became a household name in a polit political jogger nut she's a
  • 2:41
  • lawyer a constitutional scholar a midd East scholar she served at the highest
  • 2:47
  • levels at the Department of State usaid she's been a foreign policy adviser to
  • 2:52
  • many presidents demestic and abroad she is uh Rose immediately to Congressional
  • 2:58
  • leadership she's a Workhorse not a show horse but if you look at her biography what does she say first this is the list
  • 3:05
  • Cheney I love I love her like a sister which caused her father dick to say no
  • 3:11
  • oh Lord no that would make James Carville my son-in-law so she is my
  • 3:16
  • sister in the time she was doing all of those things plus the things you know now she had five count them five
  • 3:24
  • children one of whom is with is with her today I don't know how she did it but I'll tell you how she thinks of herself
  • 3:31
  • and you can see this on her biography I a proud Rodeo mom I am a proud soccer
  • 3:36
  • mom I am a proud hockey mom I'm a proud baseball mom to which I say how do you
  • 3:42
  • do it all I just want to tell you a quick story of how she does it all because she keeps focused after 911 we
  • 3:47
  • were pressed together often in undisclosed secure locations and one of
  • 3:53
  • them with her children was at this on at Camp David and Liz organized a trick-or
  • 3:59
  • treat for her young children then much to the Mart of them she keep keeps it
  • 4:04
  • real all the time and to the amazement and gratitude of the military service who were aiding us and preparing for the
  • 4:11
  • war then she's been through it all she comes from grit she comes from a place
  • 4:17
  • of perseverance grit self-sufficiency and doing what is right she comes from a
  • 4:22
  • state that always was right they had the first female governor they they granted the vote to women first in the nation
  • 4:29
  • long before anybody else first female governor first all female Town Council
  • 4:34
  • called the Petticoat government and if she puts her mind to it and decides she wants to do it whyoming will send us our
  • 4:41
  • first female president Walter isacon and Liz
  • 4:58
  • chainy
  • 5:13
  • well you heard it here first the nominating speech for the next president
  • 5:18
  • of the United States and the panle before this one Liz everybody said gosh
  • 5:25
  • you remember that day January 6 and finally somebody said let's not steal lizz's Thunder because in your wonderful
  • 5:32
  • book oath and honor that's a centerpiece moment walk us through that day please
  • 5:37
  • well it's wonderful to be here and wonderful to to be with my sister Mary meline and of course with the legendary
  • 5:45
  • Walter isacson and here here at the Book Festival thank you all um and and it's
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  • wonderful to to be here to have the chance to talk about um about our democracy and and the threat that we
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  • face um and that threat was um made very real on January 6th I was uh
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  • in the house chamber that day uh and before the joint session began my dad
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  • called me I was in the cloak room uh next to the house chamber working on my
  • 6:17
  • remarks uh for the debate we were going to have and um my dad called me and he
  • 6:23
  • said to me are you listening to president Trump's remarks on the ellipse
  • 6:29
  • and I said I wasn't um because I was working on my own speech and he said
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  • well Donald Trump just said we need to get rid of the Liz chenies of the world and um and my dad said to me we we need
  • 6:43
  • to talk about uh about what that means it means that that he is he's put a
  • 6:48
  • Target on you that you're in in physical danger um and we had a discussion about
  • 6:55
  • whether or not I should go ahead and give my remarks um explaining why it was
  • 7:01
  • uh not not appropriate not constitutional for Congress to be objecting to the electoral votes uh and
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  • my dad and I both came to the same conclusion together on the phone that day uh which was that I couldn't let
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  • that threat from Donald Trump stop me from doing my duty um but but it was a
  • 7:21
  • it was a a stunning and and a chilling moment you know to be having that conversation with my dad um you know
  • 7:29
  • about the fact that that there was this violent mob and then of course the mob itself attacked the capital um and the
  • 7:36
  • main thing that I remember uh is being very angry uh as the mob was advancing
  • 7:43
  • and we were getting the reports that they were coming um uh I couldn't
  • 7:48
  • believe this was happening in the United States uh I couldn't believe that you know uh this lie that Donald Trump had
  • 7:55
  • spread had had you know uh that that we were facing a situation where there was a violent mob assaulting the capital um
  • 8:03
  • I knew immediately as we were evacuated um that Donald Trump had to be
  • 8:09
  • impeached and I knew it immediately because I believed that he was a clear and present danger what he had done and
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  • I did not know the full scope of what he had done but but even given what we knew
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  • what he had done I believed you know was a a clear and present danger to the survival of the nation at that moment I
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  • thought he needed to be impeached and immediately removed from office um and
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  • and certainly I I we did impeach him I think that the nation would be in a far better place today had the Senate
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  • convicted him
  • 8:46
  • absolutely I want you to try to explain then a little bit of the thought processes of your Senate colleagues
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  • because Jonathan Martin just told the previous session about being on the elevator that day with Mitch McConnell
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  • and Mitch McConnell saying it's all over for Trump it's done yeah uh one of our Senators Bill Cassidy voted for
  • 9:08
  • impeachment as a republican yeah but I remember I mean Jeff Goldberg
  • 9:16
  • was talking to Rob Portman and then M McConnell it's like you could have ended
  • 9:22
  • this why didn't they and what did you say when you talked to them about it well um I was of the opinion um that
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  • that uh leader McConnell was going to vote to convict he and I had been speaking throughout this period I think
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  • that um when people look back on uh what happened that decision uh the decision
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  • that he made both not to push to have the trial happen immediately and then of
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  • course to vote to acquit that will prove to to be one of the moments where we
  • 9:56
  • could have stopped stopped this real EX Potential Threat we're facing and you know my sense of it is that um he he was
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  • of the view Senator mcconell was of the view that once the house had impeached Trump that would be enough that that
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  • impeachment vote would be enough that Donald Trump would would no longer be on the political scene and that maybe the
  • 10:19
  • Senate would not have to go through the the the the hard work of convicting
  • 10:24
  • however if you if you look at of course Senator McConnell's floor remarks uh the
  • 10:31
  • day that he voted to acquit um he's very clear about Trump's culpability uh and
  • 10:36
  • if you look at this the um comments that many of the Senators who did vote to acquit made you know they they were not
  • 10:44
  • questioning whether Donald Trump was responsible many of them were saying well he's out of office already it's not
  • 10:51
  • constitutional to convict somebody when they're out of office and they use that as a rationalization but but I think it
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  • it was a moment um for the nation to realize that um you
  • 11:04
  • know our constitutional obligations have to mean something in particularly when they're difficult to fulfill and now
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  • we're facing you know a similar situation in many ways where you know we
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  • have a a a president of the United States who attempted to overturn an election seiz power and our justice
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  • system has to be able it has to be able to work to hold him accountable to have
  • 11:35
  • a trial on the January six evidence before the next election it's
  • 11:41
  • fundamentally important and
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  • um and I think that that in particular why this matters so much is because uh
  • 11:55
  • you know Donald Trump he knows he knows what people have said when when they've testified in front of the grand jury he
  • 12:01
  • has all of that information he knows he's got all of the transcripts all of the transcripts from the January 6
  • 12:07
  • committee he has them he has all of the evidence he knows that the people who
  • 12:13
  • will testify against him in open court in that January 6th trial are those
  • 12:19
  • closest to him they are people who were the most senior members of his administration uh people probably like
  • 12:27
  • the vice president the vice president's C Council attorney general the acting attorney general the head of his
  • 12:33
  • campaign all of the people closest to him will be testifying in open court
  • 12:39
  • about what he did about his culpability uh about what he was doing while the attack was happening um you
  • 12:46
  • know he was not only sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office
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  • watching the attack on television he we know he was doing that because of the testimony of individuals in inside the
  • 12:59
  • White House who were with him we also know that while that attack was happening and he was continuing to
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  • refuse to tell the mob to leave we know that he knew the mob was armed when he
  • 13:13
  • sent them to the capital and we also know that while the attack was happening he was handed a note and the note said
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  • on it that a civilian had been shot at the entrance to the Chamber of the
  • 13:26
  • United States House of Representatives and we know that when he was handed that note he put it down on the table in
  • 13:33
  • front of him and he continued to watch the attack on television now I don't
  • 13:39
  • care if you a Democrat or a Republican or an independent that's depravity and
  • 13:46
  • that person can never be near the White House near the Oval Office
  • 13:54
  • again I think Mary introduced you by saying you're a great writer and I was
  • 14:01
  • just struck at the opening of the book which everybody must buy it's been 16 weeks on the bestseller list and we're
  • 14:07
  • due to keep you there but the opening sentence is this is the story of the
  • 14:13
  • moment when American democracy began to unravel and it's not just about Trump
  • 14:20
  • then it's about democracy how right no it that's right and I think it's such such an important point because um
  • 14:27
  • people often ask how many republican members of Congress actually believe
  • 14:34
  • Donald Trump's lies and you know I think it it's like 3.5 I mean it's really and
  • 14:42
  • and you can guess who the 0 five is but it but it's a it's a small number it's a
  • 14:49
  • small number but there are far more uh of my former colleagues who know
  • 14:57
  • the danger they know that Donald Trump is unfit for office they know that what
  • 15:03
  • he did is in indefensible um but but they're enabling him and they're collaborating and and we know from
  • 15:10
  • history uh we know from uh what's happened in other countries at other moments in history when when autocrats
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  • when when people who have been aspiring to be tyrants when they have been able
  • 15:24
  • to take over they have to have people collaborate with with them they can't do
  • 15:30
  • it by themselves and and it can be difficult as Americans to face the
  • 15:35
  • reality that that that is a threat that we now have to defeat in our own country
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  • but it's not only it it's certainly necessary to defeat Donald Trump it is
  • 15:46
  • also necessary to defeat the politicians who are collaborating with him and
  • 15:52
  • enabling what he's doing I love that
  • 16:00
  • notion because Yakov havl the great playwright who stood up in the
  • 16:05
  • Czechoslovakian Revolution said you could divide people as to who in their
  • 16:11
  • heart were collaborators right and who would speak truth to power you took that
  • 16:17
  • path of speaking truth to power when so many others became
  • 16:27
  • collaborators and I must admit that probably every one of us maybe with the exception of you know in our heart we
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  • sometimes worry about the tendency to go along and be a collaborationist talk to me about what
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  • it takes to fight the temptation to be a collaborationist and you talk about
  • 16:47
  • leader McConnell and everything he said in his speech and all and this past week he endorsed Donald Trump right yeah
  • 16:54
  • what's happened yeah I mean uh first of all I would say um you know and and I I'm I'm preaching
  • 17:02
  • to the choir here when I talk about how important it is for us to make sure we're teaching American history but so
  • 17:10
  • much of um of of what's going to be necessary to preserve the Republic is
  • 17:17
  • making sure that our young people understand um the structure of our
  • 17:22
  • Constitution and understand how um what we're asking of them in terms of
  • 17:30
  • um in terms of Defending it and and what I saw among many of my colleagues was uh
  • 17:37
  • for a whole range of reasons sometimes it was because they were worried about their own political uh career sometimes
  • 17:44
  • it was because of a fear of violence and I think that's a really important Point
  • 17:50
  • uh for us to recognize um you know Donald Trump today as he's facing um you
  • 17:57
  • know uh these indictments on 91 counts um a as
  • 18:04
  • as he's um you know been and don't forget this been adjudicated by a jury
  • 18:10
  • of his peers unanimously to have committed sexual
  • 18:15
  • assault don't forget that that is not a man that any of us should be giving our
  • 18:21
  • political support to and in each of these
  • 18:27
  • cases in in each of these cases for example
  • 18:33
  • with those juries the judges judges have in a number in a couple of occasions
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  • with those juries have required that the juries be anonymous and that's because
  • 18:44
  • of the threat of violence and the threat of intimidation um which has not never
  • 18:49
  • before in our history have we faced that kind of threat of violence that's being instigated by a president or a former
  • 18:56
  • president and and I think I think it certainly um has had an impact as well
  • 19:03
  • as just the the tendency on the part of too many people uh to Simply go along
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  • but but I I would say and I say to young people um often that it isn't a
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  • complicated thing when when you're faced with a decision or a choice and you are
  • 19:21
  • facing pressure to do something you know is wrong all of us all of us have a
  • 19:27
  • conscience we all have that voice that we can hear that is saying telling us what is right and and
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  • ultimately um and we don't all nobody gets it right all of the time but in
  • 19:39
  • this set of circumstances it it never never seemed to me that there was a choice it was
  • 19:46
  • very clear about what what was required at each at each step of the way let me
  • 19:51
  • push back a little bit on the notion that it's just about Trump this
  • 19:59
  • has fractured it's polarized and your party even without Trump has moved to
  • 20:07
  • what had is sort of a Maga likee populist party that rejects what your
  • 20:13
  • father was about what Reagan was about what many uh former
  • 20:19
  • Republicans I want to almost ask what did uh the rest of us miss I mean there's got to be something there that's
  • 20:25
  • making people upset and we can't blame it on Trump or even blame it on them
  • 20:31
  • what's happened in this country that's caused this fraying well I think I think there are a number of things and I don't
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  • disagree with you it's it's you know I I it's not only about Trump defeating Trump is necessary but not sufficient um
  • 20:45
  • and I do think it's really important for people to understand the power of of his
  • 20:51
  • propaganda um he has he has tapped into a very real and legitimate Fe feeling
  • 20:58
  • that a lot of people have certainly you know people that I used to represent in Wyoming that the government's not
  • 21:05
  • listening to them and and Donald Trump tapped into that um and and and you know
  • 21:14
  • is a con man and so he's told people you can trust me I will be your voice and
  • 21:20
  • people believe him it's a real tragedy um I think he's taken what is a noble
  • 21:26
  • patriotism that many people feel and he's he's turned it into a weapon and so
  • 21:31
  • I think that um that it's important to recognize that there are legitimate
  • 21:37
  • concerns about the government not listening to people not being responsive um you know I think that
  • 21:45
  • that the other thing that Donald Trump did was he brought he brought out into the light
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  • um feelings of bigotry and racism um
  • 21:57
  • that uh had not been that that had been sort of relegated to the sidelines I
  • 22:02
  • mean if you if you think about Steve King who was a congressman from Iowa and
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  • in uh early 2019 Steve King made um remarks that were white nationalist
  • 22:15
  • remarks and uh as soon as it became public that he had done that the
  • 22:20
  • Republican leadership in congress including myself we removed him from his committees we stripped him of his
  • 22:26
  • committee assignments we stood and said that's not an acceptable um set of
  • 22:32
  • viewpoints it doesn't reflect anything that we believe and and he was pulled
  • 22:37
  • off as committees if you compare that to what happened after January 6th to what
  • 22:44
  • happens today and the role today that you see people who hold those same views
  • 22:49
  • and some even more extreme bigoted views many of those people have been elevated
  • 22:55
  • in the Republican Party inside the House of Representatives and so I think there's there's no question but that we
  • 23:01
  • Face a bigger set of challenges I think that we also face um there's a level of
  • 23:06
  • toxicity and vitriol in our politics that both sides are responsible for and
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  • and I hope one of the lessons of this period once we get through November of
  • 23:18
  • 24 and we begin to look at what do we need to do to either you know rebuild the Republican party or build a new
  • 23:25
  • conservative party but but that we all commit ourselves to conducting politics
  • 23:30
  • differently uh wa that phrase or building a new conservative
  • 23:38
  • party I don't know keep going so I think you know my
  • 23:44
  • question how does one do that yeah well I don't I uh I don't know whether the
  • 23:50
  • current Republican party can survive I think and I say that with real sadness I
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  • mean you you know know I'm somebody who um has grown up as a Republican and uh
  • 24:03
  • and believe strongly in those conservative values but I think if you look at the Republican party today it it
  • 24:10
  • has embraced an anti-constitutional ism um that you know every single day um you
  • 24:18
  • know the whole seems to get deeper and deeper so I don't know if we're going to
  • 24:23
  • be able to rebuild that party or well wait March me through what it would mean to say we're going to build a new party
  • 24:29
  • that's conservative well I mean I think it it will depend upon what happens in
  • 24:34
  • November it will depend upon whether or not um you know the Republicans uh are defeated in November
  • 24:43
  • and and I will say this again as someone who believes strongly in conservative
  • 24:48
  • principles that um defeat in November for the Republicans is not only a defeat
  • 24:55
  • of Donald Trump I think if you if you fast forward to January 6th
  • 25:00
  • 2025 when electoral votes will be counted the Congress that will count
  • 25:05
  • those electoral votes will be the new Congress the the current vice president will preside but it will be the new
  • 25:12
  • Congress and and we know that the Republican leadership in this in this
  • 25:18
  • Congress um has said that they will not certify the vote uh or they won't
  • 25:23
  • guarantee that they will certify the vote the speaker of the house won't say that Joe Biden was uh duy elected
  • 25:30
  • president so I believe that we're in a situation where um the future of the
  • 25:36
  • Democracy depends upon making sure the Republicans are not in the majority in the house and in the senate in
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  • 2025
  • 25:51
  • um and and I I say that as somebody who has significant disagreements with
  • 25:56
  • policies of of many my Democratic colleagues um but I think that we can we
  • 26:02
  • can survive bad policy we can't survive leaders who who are going to torch the
  • 26:08
  • Constitution other than teach history what could people do in the next
  • 26:15
  • 12 months to help democracy well we have less we've got about eight months now a
  • 26:21
  • little bit less than eight months um and and look it is it is incumbent on every
  • 26:28
  • single one of us every single one of us to understand that there's there's nobody else coming we can't sit out this
  • 26:36
  • election cycle and think you know what I don't want to deal with politics politics is a mess uh somebody else is
  • 26:43
  • going to help and and we'll fix this it's going to require every one of us
  • 26:48
  • working for candidates that we know will defend the Constitution um running for office
  • 26:54
  • yourselves you know we need when you look at the caliber of the people that we elect and you think about the
  • 27:01
  • challenges that they're facing um you know we can't expect to be able to deal
  • 27:06
  • with the most complicated National Security challenges for example if we elect people who are really stupid and
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  • unfortunately um it's
  • 27:25
  • a that's a the technical political term but but it it means that that you
  • 27:33
  • guys have to run for office we have to have when you go in to vote too often today you don't have a good choice wait
  • 27:39
  • wait why does that sentence begin with you guys have to run for office well I mean you too Walter and
  • 27:45
  • you no I mean look I'm I'm certainly not ruling that out which means
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  • what which means that I'm not ruling out at some point being a candidate for
  • 28:01
  • office walk me through that all right we will have a sign up
  • 28:08
  • sheet for those who want to be the chair of the uh sheney Louisiana campaign um walk me
  • 28:17
  • through that pathway well look I I actually I I don't think that it is
  • 28:25
  • about me um certainly not for the next uh eight
  • 28:31
  • months in terms of what the priority is the priority for the next eight months is defeating Donald Trump once we get
  • 28:38
  • through that and and look I think there's no question that people are
  • 28:43
  • dissatisfied with with both major party candidates um and I think that's why
  • 28:50
  • there have been so many people talking about a third- party uh possibility but
  • 28:56
  • in my view you have to be able to say with absolute certainty that a third-
  • 29:01
  • party candidacy isn't going to help Trump and um and I don't I don't
  • 29:08
  • certainly sitting here today I can't say that I think it's it's most important to keep focused on what's most important
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  • and and that's the issue for the next eight months but then after that I think you know the the the the country has got
  • 29:22
  • to get back to a place where we have leaders who are focused on the issues leaders who are
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  • respectful and responsible uh and serious and who in my
  • 29:34
  • view are willing to uh look Beyond partisanship um at in terms of doing
  • 29:41
  • what's best for this country and get back to that before I get back to these current eight months let me uh go along
  • 29:49
  • with you and talk about a more middle term future so whatever happens in
  • 29:55
  • November how does one including yourself being a part of it as you've indicated
  • 30:01
  • you were open to start a new party in America well again I'm not sure that
  • 30:07
  • that will be required but I think it may be required and and we'll have to see I think a lot of it will depend upon
  • 30:13
  • November uh it will depend upon whether and by how much of a margin the Republicans are defeated it'll depend
  • 30:21
  • upon um a recognition that the current party
  • 30:26
  • not just at the leaders ship level although certainly at the leadership level but in in many instances all up
  • 30:32
  • and down um the the party positions from Precinct committee men Precinct
  • 30:37
  • committee women we need to get if if we're going to try to save this party we need to get good people running for
  • 30:43
  • those offices we need to basically go in and take the party
  • 30:49
  • over uh from those people who have abandoned what the conservative policy
  • 30:54
  • take the party over or start a new one we'll do it whatever it takes Walter ask
  • 31:00
  • I don't know um and you said a moment ago that the problem with a third party
  • 31:08
  • a serious third party there'll be a lot of third fourth fifth party candidates on the ballot is it could help elect
  • 31:15
  • Trump but we don't know that now is your mind still open to the
  • 31:22
  • possibility of a No Labels or other third party this election if it could be
  • 31:30
  • convincing and we could one could test it out one could poll it that it would either have a possibility or at least it
  • 31:37
  • would not uh help Trump my view of the situation is that
  • 31:42
  • the stakes are so high and the danger is so great that you can't just kind of take a flyer on it you can't just say
  • 31:49
  • well you know I I hope this won't help Trump you'd have to be able to demonstrate with real certainty that it
  • 31:55
  • won't and I have not seen that level of certainty at this point but if they
  • 32:01
  • could also say as you get to September all right it's uncertain we're pulling
  • 32:07
  • back well I think that that you know uh the question really is whether
  • 32:12
  • responsibly whether whether you can responsibly embark on that kind of an
  • 32:17
  • Endeavor and and I'm not sold on the fact that you could okay and not
  • 32:23
  • sold am I detecting that your mind would stay open for a few more months as to
  • 32:30
  • whether you would run well you're not exactly being shman
  • 32:36
  • up here no I mean General Sherman yeah yeah well I'm not making any announcements um I don't know if you if
  • 32:43
  • you caught that that I wasn't making announc but um no but I look I I I do
  • 32:49
  • think that time is getting very short um I fully understand the the uh the
  • 32:56
  • desperation that people feel about making sure that you know we uh we
  • 33:01
  • don't elect Trump uh and so I know that that's partly why no labels has has been
  • 33:07
  • working on the effort that they've been working on but again you know I I come
  • 33:12
  • back to sitting here today uh I can't responsibly say that a third party
  • 33:19
  • candidacy like that um would uh not serve to do real real damage by helping
  • 33:27
  • elect the person that we need to defeat and and so again it I don't view this as an issue about me or whether I'm a
  • 33:34
  • candidate I view this very much as you have to keep your eye on what do we need to do to save democracy for the next
  • 33:40
  • eight
  • 33:46
  • months so what are you going to be doing in the next eight months are you going to campaign for other candidates are you
  • 33:52
  • going to be out on the road you going to be registering voters you're going to what yep I'll be doing all of that have
  • 33:58
  • an organization called the Great task uh and we're going to be doing uh education
  • 34:03
  • helping to uh make sure people understand what the country's been through what Donald Trump did the damage
  • 34:10
  • that he caused the threat that he poses um understand the stakes in this election working to register young
  • 34:17
  • people in particular uh I've been fascinated by the extent to which young people uh especially I think partly
  • 34:25
  • because they're not wedded to parties like some of us who've been around for a while are um but but making sure that
  • 34:32
  • young people aren't just engaged in you know working for causes they care about but that they actually go vote uh
  • 34:39
  • that'll be critically important and I'm going to be working to help elect you know uh good responsible candidates to
  • 34:47
  • the house and the Senate um you know I I think that for example there are a few
  • 34:52
  • issues that that are more effective at uniting Democrats and Republicans today
  • 34:59
  • than um the idea that you know Ted Cruz is a buffoon and um so I'm going to
  • 35:11
  • be so I'll be I'll be working um working hard to support
  • 35:18
  • Alternatives so you'll be in uh campaigning for the Democratic Senate
  • 35:23
  • candidate in Tech I'll I'll be campaigning for a number of really good responses how many Republicans are you
  • 35:30
  • going to be able to find to say you're part of our movement we're going to be
  • 35:35
  • backing you either in primaries or in general yeah I think it's it's really a fascinating thing if you look at the
  • 35:40
  • numbers coming out of these early primaries uh if you look at how many
  • 35:46
  • Republican voters um are are clearly not going to support Donald Trump and have
  • 35:51
  • said that they're not willing to support him even though he's the nominee of the party uh and I think that that um it's
  • 35:59
  • not just Republicans obviously but Independents as well so uh you know there's a lot of focus and attention
  • 36:06
  • that's that's being paid to sort of the most radical piece parts of the party on
  • 36:11
  • both sides um but I think that the the Republicans have gotten more attention and and I think it's important for
  • 36:17
  • people to remember that that's not reflective of a general electorate uh
  • 36:24
  • and and it's also not reflective of the you know the millions of Americans out
  • 36:29
  • there um the vast majority the vast majority of Americans who um want
  • 36:36
  • responsible elected officials and who want our kids to grow up and and live in
  • 36:41
  • Freedom um and and who who believe that this is a great country with a
  • 36:46
  • tremendous future and um and that it's a good country and I think that um I
  • 36:52
  • certainly see as I travel around the country a real desire for um being part
  • 36:58
  • of a movement that that will help write this ship and
  • 37:05
  • yeah and I I love how you use the word movement because you've not personalized
  • 37:10
  • it it's not and what surprises me about this
  • 37:16
  • movement is there should be a lot of Republicans who are old allies of yours
  • 37:23
  • that would be make it a movement are you going to be able able to get and I'll
  • 37:28
  • just name a few names I mean Mitt Romney any member of the Bush family you're
  • 37:35
  • your father or mother if you need be but are there other Republicans who are going to say Count Me In I'm willing to
  • 37:43
  • not be a collaborator I'm willing to be part of a resistance movement from the Republican side yeah look I think that
  • 37:50
  • as I said you know uh there there are millions of people out there who believe in this uh I think some of the people
  • 37:57
  • that you met mentioned have certainly been very clear and and forceful in uh their concern about where the part's
  • 38:03
  • going and I also look forward very much to Bringing new people into the party because what we have to do is build a
  • 38:10
  • party for the future that's built around these principles and these ideals that matter so much but but it's not a
  • 38:16
  • backward-looking party um but it it's actually truly a conservative party that's faithful to the
  • 38:23
  • Constitution um you said a moment ago unfortunately that you don't want to make any announcements here so I'm not
  • 38:31
  • going to ask you to make an announcement but if your goal is we have to defeat
  • 38:39
  • Trump at some point in the next eight months you're going to have to figure out whether you're willing to say I'm
  • 38:45
  • voting for Joe Biden how do you think through that process
  • 38:56
  • well
  • 39:02
  • I'm not I'm not endorsing today um but you know what I would say is um that you
  • 39:11
  • know I would not I could never have imagined certainly
  • 39:17
  • before uh January 6th um that that I
  • 39:23
  • would uh have campaigned for Democratic members of the house as I did I could
  • 39:29
  • never have imagined that I would find myself in a situation where uh you know
  • 39:37
  • the members of my own party were opposing and actively opposing an
  • 39:44
  • investigation into this assault on our Capital the worst assault on the capital
  • 39:49
  • since the War of 1812 I could never have imagined that I would be serving on a
  • 39:54
  • committee um appointed to the committee by Nancy Pelosi and um I'm sure I mean I'm sure
  • 40:02
  • she never would have imagined appointing me to a committee so um but I'll I'll tell you you know
  • 40:11
  • when she called me and and asked me to be on the select committee I happened to
  • 40:16
  • be with my dad and I stepped into a a another room in the office we were in to
  • 40:22
  • take the call and when I went back to where my dad was um he said what
  • 40:29
  • happened and I said the speaker asked me to be on the select committee and he said what did you say and I said I I
  • 40:35
  • said I'd be honored to and my dad looked at me and he said I'm very proud of you
  • 40:40
  • and I think that it tells you um it tells you how serious this
  • 40:49
  • moment is it tells you how grave this threat is this isn't Politics as Usual
  • 40:55
  • and so you know uh I'll do whatever I have to do in this election cycle um to
  • 41:03
  • make sure that that we get this right and um for certain that means making
  • 41:08
  • sure that we're people have the information they need to understand why they shouldn't be voting for Donald Trump um and and I'll make decisions
  • 41:16
  • about those other pieces uh as we go but I'll make sure to come back and keep you
  • 41:22
  • posted and keep all of you posted you know that's about as close to an announcement as you can make I can't
  • 41:29
  • tell you how much we all admire you thank you so much wonderful to be with you thank you w thank
  • 41:39
  • you
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