Economic Crisis Ends War: Ukraine Seized Train Carrying 213 Tons Russian Gold from Belarus to Moscow
CRP International
Apr 7, 2024
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Economic Crisis Ends War: Ukraine Seized Train Carrying 213 Tons Russian Gold from Belarus to Moscow
- the ingenious move of the Ukrainian Army
- has left the Russian economy facing the
- biggest crisis in its history the 210
- ton gold shipment train departing from
- bellarus for Russia has been seized by
- Ukrainian Special Forces troops Vladimir
- Putin who learned that the gold shipment
- which he considered as a last resort in
- order to continue the war was blocked at
- the very first stage has become unsure
- of what to do the Kremlin Palace is
- desperately offering a Tru the Russia
- Ukraine war which has been going on for
- more than 2 years has begun to make its
- impact felt directly on the borders of
- Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin
- who ignited the fuse of the unjustified
- Invasion attempt with his announcement
- on February 24th 2022 guaranteed that
- the territory of Ukraine would be seized
- in just a few months and that no Russian
- soldiers would be harmed Putin who made
- promises to the Russian people as well
- 0:57
- as to the Army had promised that the
- 0:59
- impact of the war would not be felt on
- 1:01
- the country's borders in any way but it
- 1:04
- didn't take long at all for it to become
- 1:06
- clear that all these promises were just
- 1:08
- lies the Ukrainian Armed Forces which
- 1:11
- Putin and the accompanying
- 1:13
- radical-mediated
- 1:15
- an unprecedented self-defense struggle
- 1:18
- in history on the other hand the Russian
- 1:21
- army which has been living a nightmare
- 1:23
- since the first day they unfairly
- 1:25
- stepped on the territory of Ukraine has
- 1:27
- lost close to 450,000 soldiers due to
- 1:31
- Putin's failed war strategy in this
- 1:33
- process however the main point that
- 1:36
- changed the fate of the battles and the
- 1:38
- roles in the war was that the Armed
- 1:40
- Forces of Ukraine began to organize
- 1:42
- crossb operations these operations which
- 1:46
- targeted the central areas belonging to
- 1:48
- the Russian army in many regions
- 1:50
- especially Crimea led to the fact that
- 1:52
- the impact of the war on the military
- 1:54
- base was felt on the borders of the
- 1:56
- Russian Federation at least as much as
- 1:59
- in Ukraine
- 2:00
- Russia which is currently facing an
- 2:02
- economic crisis caused by the embargos
- 2:05
- and sanctions imposed by numerous
- 2:06
- Western block countries especially the
- 2:09
- United States has also been completely
- 2:11
- isolated from International politics due
- 2:14
- to Putin's expansionist and aggressive
- 2:16
- policies the biggest reason for this
- 2:18
- crisis experienced by Russia in foreign
- 2:21
- policy was the moves made by the Western
- 2:23
- block countries led by the United States
- 2:25
- to prevent the expansionist policies of
- 2:27
- Putin who has completely lost control
- 2:30
- Putin who brings the footsteps of the
- 2:32
- new world war with every step he takes
- 2:35
- sees Ukraine as just the beginning and
- 2:37
- signals that he will Implement a much
- 2:39
- broader attack plan targeting European
- 2:41
- countries in the future has made
- 2:43
- Ukraine's absolute Independence Victory
- 2:46
- the primary priority of modern world
- 2:48
- countries for this reason the countries
- 2:51
- of the western block which have
- 2:52
- established an endless support network
- 2:54
- for the Ukrainian Army since the first
- 2:56
- day of the war have managed to largely
- 2:59
- prevent Putin's evil plans during the
- 3:01
- war in which they are indirectly
- 3:04
- involved the last operation organized by
- 3:07
- the Ukrainian Armed Forces which
- 3:09
- evaluated the financial and Military
- 3:11
- Support it received in this process in a
- 3:13
- very effective way was not even
- 3:16
- anticipated by the Allied countries
- 3:19
- there were only a few months supply of
- 3:20
- ammunition and weapons left for the
- 3:22
- invading Russian forces to continue the
- 3:24
- war given that the vast majority of
- 3:27
- these stocks date from the Soviet Union
- 3:29
- era War analysts believed that the
- 3:31
- Kremlin had no choice but to announce
- 3:33
- absolute defeat but Vladimir Putin who
- 3:37
- like every dictator does not want to
- 3:39
- accept losing sought the Remedy by
- 3:41
- borrowing from the surrounding
- 3:44
- countries the mistaken strategy of the
- 3:46
- Russian leader who believes that he will
- 3:48
- provide the necessary funds for the Army
- 3:50
- in this way has dragged the Russian
- 3:52
- economy which is already growing more
- 3:54
- and more in crisis to the brink of a
- 3:57
- major wreck ignoring the objections of
- 3:59
- Kremlin officials on this issue Russian
- 4:02
- leader Vladimir Putin signed a critical
- 4:04
- agreement with Belarus last week the
- 4:07
- point that the Russian dictator who
- 4:09
- plans to continue the war which is
- 4:11
- expected to end by the end of this year
- 4:13
- with this agreement which provides gold
- 4:15
- trade weighing a total of 213 tons did
- 4:19
- not take into account was that
- 4:20
- opposition groups within the Belarusian
- 4:22
- Army sent news about this shipment to
- 4:25
- the Ukrainian authorities days in
- 4:27
- advance more and more Belarusian troops
- 4:30
- were getting involved in these
- 4:31
- opposition groups who were uncomfortable
- 4:34
- getting involved in a war that did not
- 4:36
- concern them because of their leader
- 4:38
- Alexander lucenko close relations with
- 4:40
- Putin acting on the latest intelligence
- 4:43
- of the opposition group which includes
- 4:45
- several Belarusian commanders officials
- 4:48
- of the Ukrainian general staff have
- 4:50
- prepared an operation plan that will
- 4:52
- rewrite the fate of the war Ukrainian
- 4:55
- Special Forces troops were deployed to
- 4:57
- stop the shipment train loaded with tons
- 4:59
- of gold as it was about to enter Russia
- 5:01
- the shipment train which will have to
- 5:03
- stop at the railway station on the
- 5:05
- bellarus Russia borderline both for
- 5:07
- refueling and for inspection set off
- 5:10
- unaware of all the preparations of the
- 5:12
- Ukrainian Army Azu the Ukrainian foreign
- 5:15
- intelligence service which followed the
- 5:17
- shipment that started at night was in
- 5:19
- constant contact with the Ukrainian
- 5:21
- Special Forces Unit during this process
- 5:24
- the Ukrainian soldiers who infiltrated
- 5:26
- the borders of the Russian Federation by
- 5:28
- wearing the uniforms belong to the
- 5:30
- Russian soldiers who surrendered to them
- 5:31
- during the past operations reached the
- 5:33
- railway station where the train will
- 5:35
- make a stop apart from a small number of
- 5:38
- soldiers and Law Enforcement Officers
- 5:40
- the Ukrainian Special Forces troops who
- 5:43
- began to wait for future intelligence in
- 5:45
- a way that would not attract attention
- 5:47
- in the area where there were only
- 5:48
- station officers began to implement the
- 5:50
- second stage of the plan as soon as they
- 5:53
- learned that the train would reach the
- 5:54
- area in about 2 hours some of the
- 5:57
- Ukrainian soldiers who were divided Ed
- 5:59
- into two groups continued to patrol the
- 6:02
- railway line while the second group
- 6:04
- headed directly for the rail line having
- 6:06
- placed a large number of remote
- 6:08
- controlled explosives and mines on the
- 6:10
- rail line they followed for several
- 6:11
- kilometers Ukrainian Special Forces
- 6:14
- troops set up an ambush around the
- 6:16
- railway as soon as they completed their
- 6:18
- preparations the Russian shipment train
- 6:20
- which signaled that it was approaching
- 6:22
- with a big noise only minutes after the
- 6:24
- time predicted by the Ukrainian foreign
- 6:26
- intelligence service officials could
- 6:28
- only stop in in the face of simultaneous
- 6:31
- explosions that suddenly began Ukrainian
- 6:34
- Special Forces troops who took action
- 6:36
- after the explosions when the rails
- 6:38
- became completely unusable requested the
- 6:41
- land Force's command to send a large
- 6:43
- number of vehicles for shipment Russian
- 6:46
- soldiers who could do nothing but watch
- 6:48
- all this with amazement could not
- 6:50
- intervene in any way against Ukrainian
- 6:52
- soldiers wearing uniforms belonging to
- 6:54
- the Russian army the Ukrainian Army
- 6:57
- which seized the majority of the gold St
- 6:59
- on the shipment train along with the
- 7:01
- dispatch of the necessary logistical
- 7:03
- support within about an hour left the
- 7:06
- region taking with them 28 Russian
- 7:08
- soldiers who wanted to surrender station
- 7:11
- officials who continued to wait for the
- 7:13
- shipment train unaware of all these
- 7:15
- events began to suspect the situation
- 7:18
- after the shipment did not arrive
- 7:20
- despite the scheduled time had passed a
- 7:23
- large number of Russian Observer troops
- 7:25
- who moved from the railway line to find
- 7:27
- out the fate of the shipment were
- 7:29
- surprised surprised by what they saw
- 7:30
- after more than 1 hour by the sight they
- 7:33
- saw Russian soldiers who saw that the
- 7:36
- shipment train they were waiting for was
- 7:38
- stopped ahead of the rail line almost
- 7:40
- 100 m of which was destroyed immediately
- 7:43
- surrounded the train but it was too late
- 7:45
- for everything now according to
- 7:47
- subsequent calculations no trace of any
- 7:50
- Russian soldiers on duty on the train
- 7:52
- where only 17 tons of gold were left
- 7:54
- behind could also be found during this
- 7:57
- process the ukrainians Special Forces
- 8:00
- Unit on the railway line on the Belarus
- 8:02
- Russia border line also left the area
- 8:04
- and moved towards their headquarters the
- 8:07
- operation of the Ukrainian Special
- 8:09
- Forces Unit which managed to seize
- 8:11
- billions of dollars worth of gold in as
- 8:13
- little as 6 hours which will change the
- 8:15
- fate of the war was celebrated with
- 8:17
- great enthusiasm in the Kiev Parliament
- 8:20
- the Kremlin Administration which was
- 8:22
- informed about the incident long after
- 8:25
- literally woke up to a nightmare when
- 8:27
- they found out that the tons of gold
- 8:28
- shipments had been confiscated directly
- 8:31
- by the Ukrainian Army after the
- 8:33
- developments that upset the Russian
- 8:35
- markets within hours and caused a very
- 8:37
- serious inflation increase the data
- 8:39
- released by the Federal Reserve Bank led
- 8:42
- to unprecedented confusion in Russia fed
- 8:45
- officials who stated that investors
- 8:47
- should stay away from businesses and
- 8:48
- Rubble shopping in Russia during the
- 8:50
- current period warned that citizens
- 8:52
- should convert the Russian Ruble they
- 8:54
- have into foreign currency as soon as
- 8:56
- possible immediately after the
- 8:58
- announcement from the fed millions of
- 9:00
- Russian citizens flocked to the currency
- 9:03
- exchange offices the increase in
- 9:05
- inflation brought about by the Russian
- 9:07
- Ruble which suffered an unprecedented
- 9:09
- depreciation within hours reached an
- 9:11
- irrepressible level with the move of the
- 9:14
- oligarchs in line with the promises made
- 9:16
- to them during the first phase of the
- 9:18
- war a large number of Russian oligarchs
- 9:20
- had agreed to provide financial support
- 9:22
- to the Russian Armed Forces it did not
- 9:25
- take long for these oligarchs who are
- 9:27
- the richest businessmen in the Russian
- 9:28
- Federation to regret this decision they
- 9:31
- made oligarchs whose suspicions that the
- 9:34
- promises made to them will not be
- 9:36
- fulfilled rapidly increased with the
- 9:37
- defeats suffered by the Russian forces
- 9:40
- since the first months of the war have
- 9:42
- been thoroughly cornered by the counter
- 9:44
- move of the United States and other
- 9:46
- Western countries with the oligarchs
- 9:49
- whose businesses operating in the
- 9:51
- international Arena have been subjected
- 9:53
- to very severe embargos and sanctions
- 9:55
- turning their backs on Putin one by one
- 9:58
- the Russian army armed forces have been
- 10:00
- deprived of their most critical source
- 10:02
- of Finance however with the recent
- 10:05
- events the economic crisis has reached a
- 10:07
- level that will affect not only the
- 10:09
- military but the fate of the entire
- 10:12
- country the Eastern block countries who
- 10:14
- are worried that they will not be able
- 10:16
- to repay the debts they have provided to
- 10:18
- Russia until this process should also
- 10:20
- think twice before reaching a trade
- 10:21
- agreement with Putin after this the
- 10:24
- comments put forward by political
- 10:26
- experts regarding the recent events are
- 10:28
- that there will be a very wide ranging
- 10:30
- change in Russian domestic politics
- 10:32
- before the end of the year Vladimir
- 10:35
- Putin who first deprived the people of
- 10:37
- their most basic Democratic rights for
- 10:39
- 24 years then imposed sanctions on the
- 10:42
- Army and ultimately limited all the
- 10:44
- powers of parliament leaving nothing in
- 10:46
- the name of democracy in the country is
- 10:48
- feeling the Tremors of this dictatorship
- 10:50
- more and more every day especially
- 10:53
- during the Russia Ukraine war the
- 10:55
- Russian dictator who has become the
- 10:57
- focus of criticism and re actions due to
- 11:00
- both the repressive management concept
- 11:02
- he has implemented in the country and
- 11:04
- the tension he has created in World
- 11:06
- politics is described as the worst
- 11:08
- president Russia has ever seen in its
- 11:10
- history Putin who first ignored Russia's
- 11:13
- interests for the sake of his own
- 11:14
- personal interests and then tried to
- 11:17
- Target the surrounding countries by
- 11:18
- pursuing expansionist and aggressive
- 11:20
- policies has really shown once again
- 11:23
- that he can cause a global catastrophe
- 11:25
- like the new world war with every step
- 11:27
- he takes but political experts who once
- 11:30
- again remind that the modern world does
- 11:32
- not give place to dictatorial regimes
- 11:34
- with such an outdated understanding of
- 11:36
- governance predict that it is only a
- 11:38
- matter of time before the Putin era ends
- 11:41
- experts who stated that Putin like every
- 11:44
- dictatorial regime began to shake his
- 11:46
- throne by underestimating the power and
- 11:48
- reaction of the people agree that Putin
- 11:51
- will not be able to celebrate his
- 11:52
- victory achieved by rigging the last
- 11:54
- presidential election for a long time as
- 11:58
- it is known with the the last
- 11:59
- presidential elections held on March
- 12:01
- 15th 17 millions of Russian citizens
- 12:05
- hoped that they would get rid of Putin
- 12:07
- and that their country would be led by a
- 12:09
- leader committed to reformist and
- 12:11
- Democratic
- 12:12
- principles but like every dictator Putin
- 12:15
- who chose to resort to tricks and Games
- 12:17
- of Thrones when he realized that he was
- 12:20
- going to lose took the presidential seat
- 12:22
- again reaching an irrational vote rate
- 12:25
- of
- 12:26
- 87% the protests which have been
- 12:29
- increasing in number and influence since
- 12:31
- the first day of the election results
- 12:32
- were published are largely overshadowing
- 12:35
- this fraudulent
- 12:37
- Victory if we take into account the
- 12:39
- Rebellion started by soldiers directly
- 12:41
- in the Russian headquarters on the back
- 12:43
- fronts at the moment it can be
- 12:45
- considered that an era has come to an
- 12:47
- end in Russia after 2 years of the war
- 12:50
- he started by promising that they would
- 12:52
- win in a few months Putin who has made
- 12:54
- both the Russian armed forces and the
- 12:56
- Russian people hostile to him is now
- 12:58
- considered Ed an undesirable man of the
- 13:00
- country and international politics
- 13:03
- political experts who predict that the
- 13:04
- Ukrainian Armed Forces will achieve
- 13:07
- absolute Independence victory in a much
- 13:09
- shorter time than expected in the event
- 13:11
- of a possible presidential change in
- 13:13
- Russia predict that in such a scenario
- 13:16
- political tension on a global scale will
- 13:18
- also quickly subside together with the
- 13:21
- comments of the experts the attention of
- 13:23
- the whole world was directed to the
- 13:25
- developments and possible changes that
- 13:27
- will take place in the internal politics
- 13:29
- of Russia Putin who is afraid that he
- 13:32
- will be banned from the country's
- 13:34
- Administration to which he has provided
- 13:36
- nothing for 24 years except for the
- 13:38
- military political and economic crisis
- 13:41
- and from World politics where he has
- 13:43
- caused Great Confusion by pursuing
- 13:45
- expansionist and aggressive policies is
- 13:47
- now literally cornered the largest
- 13:50
- Airbase of the Russian Air Force has
- 13:51
- become the center of explosions eight
- 13:53
- S35 fighter jets located on the takeoff
- 13:56
- Runway of the airbase destroyed by
- 13:59
- numerous explosions of Unknown Origin
- 14:01
- have been destroyed the data obtained by
- 14:04
- the officials of the Russian
- 14:05
- intelligence service investigating the
- 14:07
- source of the sabotage shook the Kremlin
- 14:09
- palace with the news of treason Putin's
- 14:12
- Archen enemy has taken action to take
- 14:14
- revenge the Russia Ukraine war which has
- 14:17
- been going on for 2 years is making its
- 14:19
- impact felt more effectively on the
- 14:21
- borders of Russia every day paying
- 14:23
- February 24th 2022 the first day of the
- 14:26
- unjust Invasion attempt launched by Russ
- 14:29
- Rian dictator Vladimir Putin who
- 14:31
- guaranteed that the territory of Ukraine
- 14:33
- would be completely seized in just a few
- 14:35
- months and that the Russian army would
- 14:37
- not even be harmed during the process as
- 14:39
- always he has paid the price for these
- 14:41
- promises he made to distract the people
- 14:43
- and the Army very heavily in recent
- 14:45
- months the Russian Armed Forces which
- 14:48
- have failed to make any significant
- 14:50
- progress during the war that has been
- 14:51
- going on for more than 2 years have
- 14:54
- experienced a nightmare almost since the
- 14:56
- first day they unjustly stepped on
- 14:58
- Ukrainian territory territory in
- 15:00
- response to the appreciably successful
- 15:02
- self-defense struggle of the Ukrainian
- 15:04
- Army which receives intensive military
- 15:06
- and financial support provided by the
- 15:08
- United States and other Western
- 15:10
- countries the Russian Armed Forces
- 15:12
- condemned to Putin's unsuccessful war
- 15:14
- strategies have lost close to
- 15:17
- 450,000 soldiers to date however as a
- 15:21
- result of the crossb operations that the
- 15:23
- Ukrainian Army began to organize in the
- 15:25
- first months of the war the Russian
- 15:27
- Federation which the impact of the war
- 15:30
- was felt economically and politically as
- 15:32
- well as militarily literally woke up to
- 15:35
- the worst night in its history with the
- 15:37
- recent developments explosions at the
- 15:40
- headquarters of the Russian Air Force
- 15:41
- located in the belgrad oblast known as
- 15:44
- the largest military air base on the
- 15:46
- country's borders have made the Kremlin
- 15:49
- Palace the focus of criticism within the
- 15:52
- country towards the end of the night
- 15:55
- minutes before the start of the change
- 15:56
- of guard the first explosion occurred at
- 15:58
- the radio station of the airbase no one
- 16:01
- predicted the Aftershock explosions at
- 16:03
- the Russian military Airbase where
- 16:05
- Sirens repeatedly sounded decently among
- 16:09
- these explosions which were experienced
- 16:11
- in various parts of the base with a
- 16:13
- noise that could even suppress the siren
- 16:15
- sounds the one that caused the greatest
- 16:17
- damage took place directly on the
- 16:19
- departure decking the takeoff Runway
- 16:22
- where S35 model fighter jets prepared
- 16:24
- for new air strikes against the
- 16:26
- territory of Ukraine received very
- 16:28
- serious ious damage as a result of the
- 16:30
- explosions during the explosions that
- 16:33
- rendered five Sue 35s unusable the
- 16:36
- destruction of three fighter jets
- 16:38
- especially in the takeoff suits and
- 16:39
- engine section made it impossible to use
- 16:42
- these aircraft for a long time the
- 16:45
- Russian soldiers who wanted to call for
- 16:47
- support to extinguish the fires that
- 16:48
- started after the explosions in various
- 16:51
- parts of the airbase were confused what
- 16:53
- to do because the radio station turned
- 16:55
- into debris Kremlin Palace officials who
- 16:58
- could only learn about the developments
- 17:00
- at the air base where millions of
- 17:02
- dollars worth of damage occurred after
- 17:03
- firefighting efforts that continued
- 17:05
- until the early hours of the morning
- 17:07
- were literally
- 17:09
- shocked Vladimir Putin sent instructions
- 17:12
- to the Russian Air Force command not to
- 17:14
- expel any soldiers stationed at the air
- 17:16
- base and personally assigned Sergey
- 17:19
- nishin the head of the Russian
- 17:21
- intelligence service to conduct the
- 17:23
- investigation nishin who separately
- 17:26
- examined the files of all the soldiers
- 17:28
- who were on active duty on the day of
- 17:30
- the explosions especially during the
- 17:32
- change of guard added another one to
- 17:35
- Putin's nightmares in the face of the
- 17:37
- data he obtained Having learned that
- 17:39
- three soldiers who had not even been
- 17:41
- stationed at the belgorod airbase until
- 17:43
- that day and who had previously been
- 17:45
- identified as having direct connections
- 17:47
- with Wagner had turned over the guard
- 17:49
- about 4 hours before the explosions
- 17:52
- nishin sent successive instructions to
- 17:54
- decoy these soldiers at the blockaded
- 17:56
- air base but despite all all the
- 17:59
- searches they could not even find traces
- 18:01
- of the suspected soldiers who allegedly
- 18:03
- left the airbase before the explosions
- 18:06
- Vladimir Putin who has found his old
- 18:08
- enemy in front of him again does not
- 18:10
- know what to do as it is known the
- 18:13
- former director of the Vagner mercenary
- 18:15
- company yevin pren was considered one of
- 18:18
- the most loyal figures to Putin for many
- 18:20
- years and progin who agreed to mobilize
- 18:24
- all Vagner troops under his command to
- 18:26
- provide support to the Russian Armed
- 18:28
- Forces during the Ukrainian war which
- 18:30
- began on February 24th 2022 provided
- 18:34
- Putin with critical Manpower support in
- 18:36
- the first weeks of the war but progan
- 18:40
- who has had many discussions with Putin
- 18:41
- over the sanctions against Wagner troops
- 18:43
- over time issued a critical order in
- 18:46
- June of last year when his patience was
- 18:48
- completely
- 18:49
- exhausted ordering all Wagner soldiers
- 18:52
- on active duty on Ukrainian territory to
- 18:55
- withdraw yevi progan directly challenged
- 18:58
- Putin who was hiding behind the Kremlin
- 19:00
- Palace along with the large-scale coup
- 19:03
- attempt he launched immediately
- 19:05
- afterwards Putin who was surprised what
- 19:08
- to do in the face of the rapid advance
- 19:10
- of the Vagner Army which seized control
- 19:13
- of many critical cities of the Russian
- 19:15
- Federation within hours would have
- 19:17
- witnessed the overthrow of his throne in
- 19:19
- one night if it hadn't been for the
- 19:21
- interventions of the surrounding
- 19:23
- countries weeks after the coup attempt
- 19:26
- which could only be stopped with the
- 19:27
- help of many Eastern block States
- 19:30
- especially Belarus yevi progan died as a
- 19:33
- result of the assassination he suffered
- 19:36
- Putin who thought that he had completely
- 19:38
- overcome the Wagner crisis by
- 19:40
- eliminating progan has been on alert
- 19:42
- again with a video released in recent
- 19:44
- months Pavo progan who took over as
- 19:47
- Wagner's manager to avenge his father
- 19:50
- and Vagner with him addressed the
- 19:52
- Russian people together with the video
- 19:53
- he published months after the statements
- 19:56
- of Pavo progan who promised that vag
- 19:58
- would take action as soon as possible to
- 20:00
- end the 24-year dictatorship the
- 20:03
- developments at the military Airbase in
- 20:05
- belgrad had a great echo on the agenda
- 20:08
- of the whole
- 20:09
- world but Wagner is not the only one
- 20:12
- preparing to challenge the
- 20:14
- dictator Russian President Vladimir
- 20:16
- Putin who hears the footsteps of a
- 20:18
- possible coup attempt more clearly every
- 20:20
- day along with the many headquarters
- 20:22
- revolts launched by the Russian Armed
- 20:24
- Forces especially on the back fronts of
- 20:26
- the war is literally cornered
- 20:29
- the biggest reason for the headquarters
- 20:31
- riots on the back front is that the
- 20:33
- Russian soldiers assigned to these
- 20:35
- points lost their lives for Putin's
- 20:37
- personal interests that is for nothing
- 20:41
- contrary to what the Kremlin claims the
- 20:43
- ammunition crisis is the focus of the
- 20:45
- uprising started by Russian soldiers on
- 20:47
- the forward fronts who have begun to
- 20:49
- think that this war has nothing to do
- 20:51
- with Russia's interests in the slightest
- 20:54
- the Russian army which was forced to use
- 20:56
- outdated weapons ammunition and
- 20:58
- equipment from the Soviet Union era
- 21:00
- during the last period of the war which
- 21:02
- was launched unprepared may not even
- 21:05
- find a bullet with which they can
- 21:06
- continue the war as these stocks will be
- 21:09
- depleted in the near
- 21:11
- future experts who predict that this
- 21:13
- situation will pose a huge threat to
- 21:15
- Russian national security in the future
- 21:18
- think that the Army can take the
- 21:19
- initiative to move towards the Kremlin
- 21:21
- Palace instead of continuing such an
- 21:24
- irrational and unnecessary Invasion
- 21:26
- attempt Vladimir Putin who has reached
- 21:29
- the point of losing the throne he has
- 21:31
- been trying to secure for 24 years is
- 21:33
- now being described as The Unwanted man
- 21:36
- of Russia and World politics after the
- 21:38
- war he started promising that it would
- 21:40
- be won in a few months the people of
- 21:42
- Crimea have signed a rebellion that will
- 21:44
- change the fate of the region Russian
- 21:46
- forces literally cornered in Crimea
- 21:49
- which was blockaded by the Ukrainian
- 21:51
- Army lived a nightmare in the face of
- 21:53
- simultaneous protests organized by local
- 21:56
- residents Ukrainian flags are flying on
- 21:58
- the streets of Crimea where more than 1
- 22:00
- million citizens are chanting anti-putin
- 22:03
- and anti-war slogans the Kremlin
- 22:05
- Administration has become unable to know
- 22:07
- what to do during the Russia Ukraine war
- 22:10
- which has been going on for more than 2
- 22:11
- years numerous disputes regarding the
- 22:14
- right of administration of Crimea have
- 22:16
- occurred as it is known Russian
- 22:18
- President Vladimir Putin along with an
- 22:20
- impulsive decision he made 10 years ago
- 22:22
- decided to Annex the region considering
- 22:25
- that Crimea is a Russian city Vladimir
- 22:27
- Putin who gave the biggest signals of
- 22:30
- his expansionist and aggressive policies
- 22:32
- with this unjust decision tried to
- 22:34
- implement a large-scale assimilation
- 22:36
- project in Crimea as in every autonomous
- 22:39
- Republic throughout the process but the
- 22:42
- local people of Crimea who have shown
- 22:44
- unique resistance to Putin and the
- 22:57
- radical-mediated which has increased
- 22:59
- even more with the beginning of the
- 23:00
- invasion attempt against Ukraine has
- 23:03
- reached a size that will end the
- 23:05
- annexation of crimeia in recent weeks
- 23:09
- Russian leader Vladimir Putin who
- 23:11
- ignited the fuse of the unjust Invasion
- 23:13
- attempt against the territory of Ukraine
- 23:15
- during his announcement on February 24th
- 23:18
- 2022 had given traces of this Invasion
- 23:21
- decision months ago the Russian leader
- 23:24
- who has shipped tens of thousands of
- 23:26
- Russian troops and millions of dollars
- 23:28
- worth of ammunition to Crimea has made
- 23:30
- the region no different from a huge
- 23:32
- Garrison in a period of about 6 months
- 23:36
- there was a critical issue that Russian
- 23:37
- dictator Vladimir Putin who thought that
- 23:40
- Crimea would send the Manpower weapons
- 23:43
- ammunition and many other factors that
- 23:45
- would be necessary for an invasion
- 23:47
- attempt much more easily and quickly
- 23:49
- through Crimea due to the fact that
- 23:50
- Crimea has a large number of roots to
- 23:53
- Ukrainian territory did not take into
- 23:55
- account at this point Ukraine's crossb
- 23:59
- operations taking the military and
- 24:01
- financial support provided by a large
- 24:03
- number of Western countries especially
- 24:05
- the United States at the very first
- 24:07
- stage of the war the Ukrainian Army
- 24:09
- repeatedly carried out crossb operations
- 24:12
- against military points belonging to
- 24:14
- Russian forces in Crimea deck as a
- 24:16
- result of these operations targeting the
- 24:18
- belbeck military Airbase in Crimea the
- 24:21
- Russian Navy and many other critical
- 24:23
- points the Ukrainian armed forces have
- 24:26
- now blockaded Crimea in all of its are
- 24:28
- air Land and Sea areas the Ukrainian
- 24:31
- government which decided to give the
- 24:33
- Russian leader one last chance before
- 24:35
- implementing the simultaneous operation
- 24:37
- plan expressed that they are looking
- 24:39
- forward to achieving a permanent peace
- 24:41
- agreement if the annexation of Crimea
- 24:44
- ends however after there was no response
- 24:47
- for days the movement occurred the
- 24:49
- interesting point is that this Mobility
- 24:51
- was not caused by the simultaneous
- 24:53
- operation of the Ukrainian Army but by
- 24:56
- the local people of Crimea themselves
- 24:58
- vves the Crimean people who already
- 25:01
- believe more and more every day that the
- 25:03
- annexation decision will end with this
- 25:05
- war and that they will come under the
- 25:07
- Ukrainian Administration roof again have
- 25:09
- completely upset the false balances in
- 25:11
- the Kremlin palace with the latest
- 25:13
- protest they have launched crimeans who
- 25:16
- took to the streets decently in the city
- 25:18
- of simole gathered in the city square
- 25:21
- and started shouting anti-putin and
- 25:22
- anti-war slogans during this process the
- 25:26
- Russian law enforcement agencies that
- 25:28
- Tri tried to intervene against the
- 25:29
- protesters became unable to even move
- 25:32
- after a certain point in the face of the
- 25:34
- protesters whose numbers were increasing
- 25:37
- by the minute it did not take long at
- 25:40
- all for the protests initiated by
- 25:42
- Crimean citizens who completely took
- 25:44
- over the region in the evening to spread
- 25:47
- to the surrounding regions no one even
- 25:50
- guessed that the Russian people would
- 25:52
- participate in the protests of Crimean
- 25:54
- citizens who took action as if they were
- 25:56
- flocking to the port of sevastopol in
- 25:59
- particular Putin who wanted to get a
- 26:01
- majority of votes in the referendum to
- 26:03
- be held before the annexation decision
- 26:05
- taken 10 years ago had convinced
- 26:07
- hundreds of thousands of Russian
- 26:09
- citizens to move to Crimea citizens who
- 26:12
- were promised that they would be
- 26:14
- provided with jobs and accommodation
- 26:16
- opportunities during this process were
- 26:18
- abandoned to their fate immediately
- 26:20
- after the result of the
- 26:22
- referendum the beginning of the
- 26:24
- Ukrainian war was the last straw for
- 26:26
- Russian citizens whose Trust Putin who
- 26:29
- forgot all his promises within months
- 26:31
- was completely lost Putin who introduced
- 26:35
- bans for Russian citizens trying to
- 26:37
- leave Crimea where the impact of the war
- 26:39
- is increasingly felt along with
- 26:41
- crossborder operations organized by the
- 26:43
- Ukrainian Army paid the price of this
- 26:45
- autocratic regime very heavily during
- 26:47
- the last protest the images of the
- 26:50
- moments when some of the Russian
- 26:51
- citizens who took to the streets
- 26:53
- together with the local people of Crimea
- 26:55
- had Ukrainian Flags directly in their
- 26:57
- hands caused a huge echo on social media
- 27:01
- as it is known Ukrainian President
- 27:04
- Vladimir zalinski in many statements
- 27:06
- made during the war also addressed the
- 27:08
- Russian people and the Russian army
- 27:10
- stating that Ukraine was not their enemy
- 27:13
- these decrees of zalinski targeting
- 27:15
- Putin who stated that the person who
- 27:17
- created a non-existent enmity between
- 27:20
- the two countries is the main enemy of
- 27:22
- Russia and this person is currently
- 27:24
- hiding behind the Kremlin Palace have
- 27:26
- found a place on the agenda of world
- 27:28
- politics again with the recent events
- 27:31
- during this entire protest process the
- 27:33
- Kremlin administration's failure to sign
- 27:35
- a significant statement along with the
- 27:37
- complete withdrawal of law enforcement
- 27:39
- officers from many regions caused the
- 27:41
- angry Crimean people to get very excited
- 27:44
- at some points the fire started by
- 27:46
- unidentified and masked groups made the
- 27:48
- sevastopol port in particular no
- 27:51
- different from the depictions of Hell
- 27:53
- fearing that the fire would Advance
- 27:55
- further and spread to the Cruisers the
- 27:57
- commander-in-chief of the the Black Sea
- 27:58
- Fleet of the Russian Navy ordered the
- 28:00
- withdrawal of the Navy
- 28:02
- ships this vulnerability in the port of
- 28:05
- sevastopol which became empty in less
- 28:07
- than an hour provided a critical
- 28:09
- opportunity for the extraction operation
- 28:11
- to be organized by the Ukrainian Army
- 28:14
- however even in this case the Ukrainian
- 28:17
- government which aims to stay away from
- 28:19
- the war as much as possible by trying to
- 28:21
- prefer the path of reconciliation and
- 28:23
- diplomacy continues to reiterate its
- 28:25
- offer Ukrainian president Vadim zalinski
- 28:29
- who stated that there is no problem with
- 28:30
- signing permanent ceasefire and peace
- 28:32
- agreements if the total withdrawal of
- 28:34
- the Russian armed forces from Ukrainian
- 28:36
- territory and the end of the unjust
- 28:38
- annexation decision in Crimea still
- 28:41
- stands by the promises he made at the
- 28:43
- beginning of the war as is known the
- 28:46
- Ukrainian leader had guaranteed that
- 28:48
- this war would ultimately celebrate not
- 28:50
- only Ukraine's absolute victory of
- 28:52
- Independence but also the liberation of
- 28:54
- Crimea from the unjust Russian
- 28:56
- annexation and throughout the process
- 28:59
- zalinski who came closer to fulfilling
- 29:01
- his promises with each successful step
- 29:03
- taken by both the government and the
- 29:05
- military displayed an admirable War
- 29:08
- Management in contrast to Putin in
- 29:10
- contrast the Russian dictator who made a
- 29:13
- statement on the first day of the war
- 29:15
- guaranteeing that the territory of
- 29:16
- Ukraine would be completely captured in
- 29:18
- just a few months and that no Russian
- 29:21
- soldiers would be harmed during the
- 29:22
- process has caused nearly
- 29:25
- 450,000 Russian soldiers to lose their
- 29:27
- lives due to his unsuccessful strategies
- 29:30
- for the war that has been going on for
- 29:32
- more than 2 years at the end of the war
- 29:35
- Russian dictator Vladimir Putin who came
- 29:37
- to the point of losing first Crimea then
- 29:40
- his Ukrainian Dreams and finally the
- 29:42
- throne he had been trying to secure for
- 29:44
- 24 years could no longer even make a
- 29:47
- move
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