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The King’s Guards Channel

Royal Family Witness FIRST EVER French Troops Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Royal Family Witness FIRST EVER French Troops Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

The King’s Guards Channel (fan account)




Royal Family Witness FIRST EVER French Troops Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

April 8th 2024

282K subscribers ... 25,845 Views ... 853 Likes

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  • 0:02
  • good morning everybody and welcome back to the Kings Gods Channel fan
  • 0:09
  • account so we have an extremely exciting day today here at Buckingham
  • 0:17
  • Palace we have the very first like they have like
  • 0:24
  • Changing of the Guard in history with a non-commonwealth
  • 0:33
  • country so today the United Kingdom and France are going to be doing Changing of
  • 0:42
  • the Guard today to Mark the
  • 0:47
  • 120th anniversary of the onon
  • 0:57
  • Cal signing that happened
  • 1:03
  • 120 years ago so I'm going to try and get a great
  • 1:12
  • position for you to watch this morning here at Buckingham
  • 1:23
  • Palace so sit back relax let me know where you're tuning in
  • 1:29
  • from today
  • 1:38
  • get yourself a cup of tea true British
  • 1:44
  • style and enjoy the
  • 1:58
  • video so we are expecting to see some Royals today as well which is going to be super exciting
  • 2:05
  • and then they will be entering in
  • 2:15
  • fact speaking of the Royals they are on their way right
  • 2:22
  • now expecting to see Prince Edward and
  • 2:28
  • Sophie we have a special escort
  • 2:39
  • group there's Prince Edward and Sophie
  • 2:45
  • arriving at BAM
  • 2:58
  • Palace
  • 3:03
  • talk about timing if you're enjoying this video make sure to give it a
  • 3:09
  • like and if you're new to this channel then definitely subscribe bring you fantastic
  • 3:19
  • content all about the King's Guard this is the SG the special escort
  • 3:26
  • group here on motorbikes armed police
  • 3:58
  • officers so now that the Royals have actually
  • 4:04
  • passed on the road that means that the road will be clear so we can go and get a
  • 4:12
  • closer look of Changing of the Guard today so it's extremely extremely
  • 4:18
  • exciting as this is the first time in history that we have had change of the guard with a non-commonwealth
  • 4:28
  • country
  • 4:35
  • so I can imagine a lot of French people are here today as well
  • 4:40
  • to celebrate that the fact that France is
  • 4:56
  • indeed just going to navigate my way through the public
  • 5:02
  • here as I was saying it is the first time that the French will be
  • 5:10
  • changing with the household division this morning
  • 5:15
  • for changing off the guard ladies and you can't stop here you
  • 5:21
  • have to be behind the railing or further along or you can over
  • 5:27
  • the M right so we are on the main area where
  • 5:32
  • the troops will march here just in front of the
  • 5:38
  • palace and then they will enter the foreground of the palace you can see the hundreds if not thousands of people
  • 5:47
  • already here to watch the change across the road very
  • 5:56
  • briefly we are now on Victoria Memorial so once we're on here there's no getting
  • 6:02
  • off until Changing of the Guard
  • 6:10
  • finishes let's go and get an excellent
  • 6:18
  • view just going to roll this video continuously so you really get a real
  • 6:25
  • feeling for what it's like
  • 6:32
  • how about we just stand here how's that for a
  • 6:39
  • view I think it's pretty
  • 6:54
  • good so look at how bus is already on the memorial
  • 7:00
  • hundreds of people here behind us and
  • 7:05
  • then way more all lined all the
  • 7:10
  • way to the left of the
  • 7:16
  • palace it
  • 7:22
  • continues and continues and continues
  • 7:30
  • [Music] Okay so we've just had a police officer shout at this person to get off the
  • 7:39
  • road they will tell you immediately to get off the road when you're not
  • 7:44
  • allowed to be on there that was a very powerful shout by
  • 7:51
  • the officer it did actually sound like a King's
  • 7:58
  • Guard so again let me know where you're tuning in from where abouts in the world are
  • 8:04
  • you watching this video really do take pride in bringing
  • 8:10
  • you the best content all about the King's Guard and
  • 8:16
  • royalty so right here we have I can see there there's a press pen just zoom in there for you
  • 8:24
  • so looks like there's Press On a type of raised
  • 8:35
  • PL and possibly a news Outlet or a some type
  • 8:44
  • of mainstream camera
  • 8:50
  • Outlet now the security today is going to be pretty intense we have
  • 8:58
  • Royals we have the French troops we have the British troops and we have many
  • 9:05
  • other very important people spectating the ceremony today oh and right here you can
  • 9:14
  • see the little raised section just there that is
  • 9:20
  • where Prince Edward and Sophie will be watching The Changing of
  • 9:26
  • the Guard today so we're going to a fantastic view of the Royals spectating
  • 9:33
  • changing up the
  • 9:47
  • guard now again do do make sure you hit that like button really does help other
  • 9:53
  • people like yourselves come across the video
  • 10:00
  • i' really appreciate that and I want to thank you in advance
  • 10:07
  • for tuning in it's great to have you on board so you can see here the that is
  • 10:13
  • the Royal balcony very famous balcony on one of the most famous
  • 10:22
  • palaces in the
  • 10:28
  • world
  • 10:36
  • there's a lot of suspense in the air the atmosphere is quite incredible relatively quiet considering
  • 10:44
  • there's tens of thousands of people here but we have an excellent
  • 10:58
  • View right in the middle this is the central
  • 11:06
  • gate of booking in Palace if I just zoom out I'll show you the whole
  • 11:12
  • Palace
  • 11:28
  • fantastic
  • 11:37
  • so we did just see the Royals enter this gate that is the main gate that they use
  • 11:44
  • for any entrance or
  • 11:50
  • exit and if I pan over to the far left you can actually
  • 11:55
  • see the gate over here is all boarded
  • 12:01
  • up with wooden paneling and Scaffolding that's as it's having some restoration
  • 12:09
  • work because a car crashed into it just over a month ago which is obviously super
  • 12:16
  • scary and uh work is still underway due to the
  • 12:26
  • damage so like I said it's it's extra high here
  • 12:32
  • today see there's a guard in red Scarlet tun
  • 12:44
  • neck and this is going to be the first time that we're going to see the gods I
  • 12:50
  • believe in red as they March to the
  • 12:58
  • Palace
  • 13:03
  • as the guards actually switched over to their summer retire yesterday but they didn't do the
  • 13:08
  • March it wasn't visible to the public but today we will see them marching to the Palace in their summer
  • 13:19
  • order police that undoing the gate for the arrival of the
  • 13:28
  • guards
  • 13:49
  • good old lock and key there for the main gate of booking and Palace see armed officers there heavy
  • 13:58
  • duty weapons no messing about here today
  • 14:04
  • security is
  • 14:26
  • real so just a little recap of why we're here today so today is the first time
  • 14:31
  • that we're going to have Changing of the Guard with a non-commonwealth country to Mark the 100
  • 14:37
  • 20th 120th anniversary of the
  • 14:45
  • on Cordell
  • 14:50
  • agreement so today we have the French guards and the household
  • 14:58
  • division
  • 15:04
  • and they'll be doing change of the guard
  • 15:10
  • with expectation of the Royals for the first time in history
  • 15:16
  • here at bookan
  • 15:27
  • Palace
  • 15:58
  • right there so we actually have an excellent view here so we're going to see the guards
  • 16:03
  • Marching for the first time right in front of us on this Red Road this Royal Road here and
  • 16:14
  • then over there on the Royal raised
  • 16:20
  • plinth we will have the Duke and the duess of
  • 16:25
  • Edinburgh Prince Edward and Sophie
  • 16:32
  • attending Ching of the Guard today now talking about security if we
  • 16:40
  • just zoom up here to the top of the palace you can see we have eyes in the
  • 16:57
  • sky that actually looks like a photographer there on the
  • 17:11
  • left so you can see if I just do a full 360 rotation for you as well just to
  • 17:18
  • really get an idea of how busy it it is
  • 17:23
  • here quite incredible
  • 17:36
  • like I said once you're on Victoria Memorial you're not allowed to leave
  • 17:44
  • until you're allowed to as it's surrounded by
  • 17:57
  • Road beautiful gray horses
  • 18:03
  • here
  • 18:12
  • wow just [Music]
  • 18:27
  • incredible
  • 18:40
  • so right there we just have the British guards escorting the color I believe that's Scots
  • 18:57
  • guards we really do have the first line of view
  • 19:03
  • here an incredible point of view so do make sure to give this video a like And
  • 19:08
  • subscribe if you're enjoying this video we're about to hit 300,000
  • 19:15
  • subscribers on our YouTube Community it's just incredible so I want to thank each and every one of
  • 19:27
  • you
  • 19:57
  • for
  • 20:10
  • it's actually a glorious day here in
  • 20:17
  • London spring has finally
  • 20:22
  • arrived and it's around 17 18 degrees cius
  • 20:29
  • not too sure what that is in Fahrenheit if you do know let me know in the comment comment box
  • 20:53
  • below so anytime soon we should be seeing the French guards arriving at
  • 20:58
  • booking and Palace for the first time in
  • 21:04
  • history as the
  • 21:11
  • gods British guards are here on the left
  • 21:16
  • and the French troops will enter the palace in the
  • 21:23
  • center and I believe that they will stand here to the right hand side
  • 21:29
  • of the
  • 21:55
  • palace again let me know where you're tuning in from what part of the world are you watching from it's great to hear
  • 22:01
  • from our
  • 22:27
  • subscribers
  • 22:34
  • again we have armed police right there right in the center of the
  • 22:40
  • gates full protection here today as Royals will be standing right there
  • 22:46
  • behind them viewing the guard
  • 22:55
  • change have a helicopter in the sky not too sure what
  • 23:01
  • that's about could be a police helicopter as well most likely is okay
  • 23:06
  • so here we go I can hear drums in the background they will be arriving anytime
  • 23:27
  • soon
  • 23:54
  • oh my goodness and we are standing like
  • 24:00
  • our pinned
  • 24:27
  • up
  • 24:33
  • so I believe we have the band of the Grenadier guards arriving here at the
  • 24:40
  • palace and they will join Scots guards on the four Court of the
  • 24:49
  • palace along with the French
  • 24:57
  • guards
  • 25:27
  • good
  • 25:45
  • this really is an incredible moment marking the 120th
  • 25:55
  • anniversary of the onon
  • 26:01
  • Cordell signing happened 120 years
  • 26:17
  • ago do we have the j j marie guyss
  • 26:27
  • arriving we will
  • 26:57
  • see
  • 27:05
  • wow looking fantastic
  • 27:10
  • here we are right in the center of the palace with an incredible view
  • 27:16
  • here everyone they passed right in front of
  • 27:22
  • us heading towards the right hand side of the palace in the right gate
  • 27:30
  • and we have the French troops
  • 27:39
  • here for the first time in history we have ch of the guard with a
  • 27:45
  • non-commonwealth
  • 27:57
  • country
  • 28:07
  • marvelous sight here today in
  • 28:27
  • London
  • 28:39
  • long
  • 28:57
  • time
  • 29:27
  • spe
  • 29:49
  • speee spe
  • 29:57
  • speech
  • 30:26
  • spe
  • 30:42
  • we should be seeing Prince Edward and Sophie anytime
  • 30:56
  • soon did you and duess of
  • 31:14
  • Edinburgh make sure you hit that like button you're enjoying this
  • 31:26
  • video
  • 31:49
  • a good Shake of the hand between the French and the British right
  • 31:56
  • there [Music]
  • 32:02
  • for spe speech
  • 32:09
  • speech speech
  • 32:26
  • spe
  • 32:56
  • spe
  • 33:09
  • I really do hope that you're enjoying this
  • 33:24
  • video again there are some very important people today
  • 33:29
  • witnessing today's
  • 33:37
  • anniversary and also history in the
  • 33:56
  • making
  • 34:13
  • and there we go the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh Prince Edward and
  • 34:24
  • Sophie I believe the national anthem will be played now
  • 34:34
  • just remarkable [Music]
  • 34:46
  • [Music]
  • 34:56
  • sight [Music]
  • 35:07
  • for
  • 35:13
  • [Music]
  • 35:26
  • ch
  • 35:36
  • [Music] [Applause] many French here in the audience loving
  • 35:42
  • the National Anthem of France and now the national anthem of the United
  • 35:56
  • Kingdom
  • 36:26
  • put yeah some good
  • 36:56
  • stuff
  • 37:25
  • ladies and gents look after your purse your wallet your money
  • 37:49
  • your so now we have the French and the British military
  • 37:54
  • in the front Court of looking in palace here for Changing of the
  • 38:26
  • Guard and just to give you a real example of
  • 38:33
  • how busy this moment is it's
  • 38:39
  • just fascinating how many people have turned up for change of the G today
  • 38:44
  • considering the anniversary and the history in the
  • 38:51
  • making I see exactly why people have come to spectate this marvelous
  • 38:56
  • event really they are in the heart of London just in front of one of the most famous palaces in the
  • 39:08
  • [Music] world again let me know where you're tuning in
  • 39:25
  • from see just there through the gates
  • 39:33
  • French on the right side of the
  • 39:41
  • palace and the British on the left hand side of the
  • 39:50
  • palace CH
  • 39:56
  • yeah
  • 40:11
  • [Music]
  • 40:18
  • excellent view of the royal [Music]
  • 40:24
  • balcony let me know if you've been to London before
  • 40:32
  • I really do film these videos so it feels like you're here just continuously roll and let
  • 40:38
  • things unfold as the event unfolds
  • 40:45
  • itself really do hope that you're enjoying yourselves and again if you're new here subscribe
  • 40:51
  • for future uploads
  • 40:57
  • [Music]
  • 41:25
  • and one thing that's fantastic is where where now viewing a
  • 41:31
  • change if you do come to buan Palace stand where we are now on
  • 41:37
  • Victoria Memorial as you having an excellent view from here and if you stood here unfortunately shoulder toh
  • 41:44
  • shoulder with no line of
  • 41:51
  • sight so just a little bit of useful information there
  • 41:57
  • stand on Victoria
  • 42:03
  • Memorial we have the Union flag flying high
  • 42:22
  • [Music] today
  • 42:31
  • [Music]
  • 42:49
  • [Music]
  • 42:56
  • speee
  • 43:04
  • [Music]
  • 43:10
  • it is getting quite warm now standing here in the [Music]
  • 43:16
  • sun however we can say we're all glad it's not raining in a true prti
  • 43:24
  • weather Style so for once we actually have glorious Sunshine here in front of the
  • 43:34
  • [Music]
  • 43:51
  • [Music] palace
  • 44:15
  • and again we have Prince
  • 44:21
  • Edward and Sophie here on
  • 44:28
  • the platform there in the four Court of booking
  • 44:56
  • Palace [Music]
  • 45:07
  • [Music]
  • 45:24
  • [Music] Terri [Music]
  • 45:46
  • video
  • 45:55
  • Bravo [Music]
  • 46:06
  • [Music]
  • 46:11
  • I just having [Music]
  • 46:25
  • way
  • 46:42
  • oh
  • 46:55
  • my
  • 47:05
  • really is a very special day
  • 47:25
  • here
  • 47:55
  • okay
  • 48:25
  • us fore
  • 48:55
  • foree
  • 49:25
  • spe
  • 49:33
  • here we go so some movement happening in buen and
  • 49:43
  • [Music]
  • 49:52
  • Palace so we have the band right behind here marching and public having to get
  • 49:58
  • out of the way very quickly [Music]
  • 50:12
  • there we have the French leaving Buckingham Palace
  • 50:21
  • today first time of Changing of the Guard with a non-commonwealth country history being
  • 50:39
  • [Music]
  • 50:45
  • [Music]
  • 50:55
  • made
  • 51:01
  • you can just see how many people are here today viewing the
  • 51:07
  • change Rene the military
  • 51:25
  • man
  • 51:34
  • just a fantastic ceremony now I wonder
  • 51:41
  • when the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh will exit the palace
  • 51:51
  • possibly Center gate
  • 52:01
  • again give this video a like if you're enjoying what you're seeing scorting the
  • 52:25
  • color
  • 52:55
  • for
  • 53:25
  • spe
  • 53:43
  • here all the guests that are invited to watch CH of the Guard today very
  • 53:49
  • important
  • 53:55
  • people
  • 54:25
  • know
  • 54:55
  • for
  • 55:25
  • e
  • 55:55
  • for
  • 56:25
  • spe
  • 56:48
  • so the armed officers there are now going to close the main gate to bucking
  • 56:53
  • and Palace after that incredible
  • 57:25
  • event
  • 57:33
  • and we have yet to see Prince Edward and Sophie leave the palace so I assume that there will be
  • 57:41
  • exiting from the right hand gate over here so let's go and get a closer
  • 57:48
  • look as we did indeed at the beginning of this video watch them arrive which
  • 57:53
  • was fantastic and I'll try my best to get closer as I
  • 58:00
  • navigate around a very busy area
  • 58:12
  • here so just to quickly say that this is Victoria Memorial and it's a fantastic
  • 58:18
  • viewing area of the palace if you do visit London in the near
  • 58:25
  • future
  • 58:45
  • the roals should be leaving anytime
  • 58:55
  • soon
  • 59:25
  • got
  • 59:31
  • proud to say that really do take huge pride in delivering you the
  • 59:37
  • best content here all about the king's guards and
  • 59:47
  • royalty we're just about to hit 300,000
  • 59:53
  • subscribers on YouTube I want to thank each and every one of
  • 59:59
  • you for joining our incredible Community thank you very much for
  • 1:00:07
  • watching really do appreciate the support and if you do wish to become a
  • 1:00:14
  • member of the Kings guards Channel fan account then the link is in the
  • 1:00:19
  • description
  • 1:00:24
  • below do make sure to hit that like
  • 1:00:30
  • button and subscribe if you've not subscribed
  • 1:00:38
  • [Music] already this is when the police have to
  • 1:00:45
  • make sure that they still crowd control efficiently
  • 1:00:51
  • as I do believe that the Royals will be leaving anytime soon
  • 1:00:57
  • and they need the road clear for the
  • 1:01:03
  • [Music]
  • 1:01:10
  • motorcade unless they do indeed decide to have lunch at the
  • 1:01:15
  • palace they B stay at bingan Palace
  • 1:01:23
  • for a few more hours
  • 1:01:41
  • I I have just seen a guard
  • 1:01:54
  • here
  • 1:02:24
  • foree
  • 1:02:43
  • okay everyone well I'm going to wrap the video here I just want to say a massive
  • 1:02:48
  • thank you for tuning in today I really hope that you enjoyed this spectacle it
  • 1:02:54
  • really was a pleasure pleasure of mine to take you around to view something
  • 1:03:00
  • that has never happened before the first Changing of the
  • 1:03:05
  • Guard with a non-commonwealth country so we have the change of the G today with
  • 1:03:10
  • the French and the British such an incredible moment to
  • 1:03:21
  • witness have a fantastic day and I will see you again
  • 1:03:26
  • in my next
  • 1:03:49
  • video

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.