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Silicon Bites - #41 - Strikes Against Russian Oil Infrastructure is Ukraine's Most Potent Weapon.

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Silicon Bites - #41 - Strikes Against Russian Oil Infrastructure is Ukraine's Most Potent Weapon. 2,047 views April 16th 2024 Silicon Bites - Summary of key news & events Edition No41 | 16-04-2024 … //////// Description Silicon Bites - #41 - Strikes Against Russian Oil Infrastructure is Ukraine's Most Potent Weapon. 363 Likes 2,047 Views Apr 16 2024 Edition No41 | 16-04-2024 ~~~~~ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: / siliconcurtain ~~~~~ KYIV INDEPENDENT THE MOSCOW TIMES NOVAYA GAZETA OTHER ARTICLES ~~~~~ USEFUL LINKS: Vatnik Soup / p_kallioniemi Real World News Analysis YouTube Channels / @timesradio1 / @khodorkovskyru / @popularpolitics / @macknack / @plushev / @tvrain / @fake_news / @feyginlive ~~~~~ TRUSTED CHARITIES ON THE GROUND: Save Ukraine Superhumans - Hospital for war traumas UNBROKEN - Treatment. Prosthesis. Rehabilitation for Ukrainians in Ukraine Come Back Alive Chefs For Ukraine - World Central Kitchen UNITED24 - An initiative of President Zelenskyy Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation NGO “Herojam Slava” kharpp - Reconstruction project supporting communities in Kharkiv and Przemysl NOR DOG Animal Rescue ~~~~~ Welcome to the Silicon Curtain podcast. Please like and subscribe if you like the content we produce. It will really help to increase the popularity of our content in YouTube s algorithm. Our material is now being made available on popular podcasting platforms as well, such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
  • welcome to Silicon bites episode 41 and amidst all the Doom and Gloom of the
  • lack of weapon supplies to Ukraine especially from the US and also reports
  • that Russia is making huge gains on the front we'll question actually how huge
  • those gains actually are amid all of this negative talk about Ukraine I also
  • want to focus in this episode on the advantages that Ukraine has and one of
  • those advantages is huge it is potential of Ukrainian forces to conduct long
  • range drone strikes against Russian oil refineries and potentially other fuel
  • related facilities we're going to look at some of the deeper analysis and Reporting around this topic starting
  • with foreign policy Ukraine takes the war to Russia's oil refineries Kev aims
  • to do with explosion what two years of Western sanctions haven't yet managed says foreign policy
  • on March the 27th report States in recent weeks Ukraine has found a way to
  • overcome a lack of Aid and the death of ammunition by using long range drones to
  • strike oil industry assets deep inside Russia the attacks on Russian oil
  • refineries and now we have seen more than a dozen of them include some very
  • long range strikes and these have the ability to seriously damage Russia's
  • ability to process and refine its huge output of crude oil that has dealt so
  • far a relatively small blow but a meaningful blow to the Russian energy sector that so far has weathered has got
  • through the Apparently intense Western sanctions and remained in surprisingly
  • good shape well we're going to look at some of the reasons why that is including the creation of Russia's gray
  • Fleet and why is this important well the Kremlin gets around 40% of its federal
  • budget from the export of crude oil and refined products and of course Russia's
  • war machine is very much dependent on those refined oil products this
  • therefore is a key sector in the Russian economy a key part that enables the
  • Kremlin to increase defense spending which it is massively doing overall and as a proportion of its overall budget it
  • allows the Kremlin to rebuild its armies and in fact recent reports show that it
  • has almost entirely used up the original army that it had when it invaded Ukraine
  • and the signs and the scale of the army that it currently has is almost entirely
  • dependent on people who recruited since the launch of Putin's so-called special
  • military operation this oil purchasing allows Russia to bring in huge amounts
  • of foreign made weapons and crucially Western components to carry on building
  • missiles and we now believe manufacture drones based on the Iranian shahib model
  • in Russia itself probably assembling the parts rather than building any of those components from scratch Russian
  • refineries also churn out millions of barrels a day of products crucial to
  • Russia's war effort this includes Diesel and aviation fuel which is required to
  • keep Russia's death machine in the air and moving forward on the ground
  • Ukrainian strikes so far have damaged numerous refineries and started many
  • fires at those facilities as well this is estimated to have knocked out between 400 and
  • 900,000 barrels a day of refining capacity according to estimates from
  • energy experts and defense officials now we cannot know how many of those plants
  • are fully or permanently out of action or what capacity Russia has to do
  • repairs or indeed whether there is refining capacity even in those facilities that were hit to carry on
  • working so while the impact of the Ukrainian strikes has varied from Refinery to Refinery it does have a
  • percent some major issues for Moscow first the continued attacks will further
  • stretch Russia's limited air defenses and that is across far further and
  • further flung parts of the Russian territory a vast sprawling territory
  • which is practically impossible to defend and as we've said in the previous silicon bites there are potentially
  • thousands of facilities that Ukraine could hit that play a role within
  • Russia's War Machine facilities chilling out missiles bombs Glide bombs
  • refurbishing tanks and so on secondly due to the Western sanctions and this is
  • one bit which actually does seem to be working repairs to the advanced
  • refineries are much much more difficult because many of the components required
  • to service repair or upgrade gr the refineries are becoming far more
  • difficult and far more expensive for Russia to import now the Kremlin has
  • claimed that its strikes against Ukrainian energy facilities are retaliation that is clearly a bogus
  • claim because when it could strike energy facilities last year Russia did
  • so it's only the inability to get through Ukrainian air defense over the
  • last 12 months or so that has meant that it wasn't hitting Ukrainian energy
  • infrastructure as hard as it would have liked to now of course with the current
  • impass in the American political system it does seem that Ukraine is running
  • short on Munitions for systems like Hawk and Patriot uh in order to protect the
  • skies around Kev uh hariv and other major Urban centers and this is the
  • reason why Moscow has been able to get its missiles through to destroy big
  • sways of Ukrainian energy infrastructure when previously it couldn't the idea of
  • Moscow holding back is one that a lot of propagandists repeat over and over but
  • if you look at the facts on the ground it is plainly ludicrous the terror and
  • destruction that Russia inflicts upon Ukraine is directly related to its
  • capacity to inflict that not its willingness that is almost unlimited but
  • these strikes on energy facilities do seem to be Rippling through the trading rooms in New York and London Global oil
  • prices have stayed above $80 a barrel and seem to be rising in the last couple
  • of days that of course is fueling concerns that the escalation of Ukrainian attacks could inflict further
  • damage on one of the world's biggest oil producers and exporters but at the same
  • time a spike in prices could also benefit Russia and it could deal a blow
  • to Biden in the fourth coming us election supporters of Biden and Biden
  • Administration itself who are facing that election in the Autumn do seem extremely nervous about the Ukrainian
  • drone campaign us officials have reportedly asked Ukraine to limit the strikes on Russi all facilities that
  • could lead to higher prices Kev has made it clear that the campaign will continue
  • in that I think they are absolutely correct to say this they have found a
  • lever they have found a strategy that genuinely hurts Russia's ability to fund
  • its War uh It generally hurts Russia's ability to grease the wheels of that war
  • with the fuel oils that it needs it also makes Putin and his gang of thugs look
  • incredibly weak especially and we come to this in a minute especially in a week
  • where floods are devastating parts of Russia and it is quite clear there is
  • neither the will nor the intent nor the resources to deal with the outcome of those floods because the Kremlin is
  • purely focused on executing its genocidal war in Ukraine and we reported
  • on this during the week but it Bears repetition because I think it is a disgraceful comment a White House
  • National Security spokesperson John Kirby reiterated that we do not encourage or enable the Ukrainian
  • military to conduct strikes inside Russia since the start of the war the
  • Biden Administration has been really wary of squeezing Russia's energy Golden
  • Goose too hard says foreign policy lest it has a knock on effect on global
  • Energy prices the Embargo of Russian oil exports was only gradually phased in and
  • a price cap on Russ crude oil meant to limit moscow's energy earnings has
  • proved to be disappointing and largely in effective well we're going to look at
  • some of the reasons for that in a second and building on that report here is an
  • article by Sky News pointing out that the price of Brent crude has climbed
  • above $89 per barrel uh following the strikes on Russian oil facilities by Ukraine and
  • whereas the concerns are certainly understandable asking a country that is
  • under genocidal assault by a fascistic regime such as Russia asking them to die
  • quietly for the sake of a smooth election or to keep oil prices low is
  • disingenuous and quite frankly disgusting and many of the commentators
  • over the weekend are fervently hopeful that Ukraine will ignore the these kind
  • of requests coming out of Washington and other capitals because it has found a
  • way to get Russia over a barrel as it were and to an extent make up for the
  • deficit of Munitions and capability on the front lines now it's my strong
  • belief that Ukraine will gain many of the Munitions it needs over the coming
  • weeks and months it's always slow it's always after the time when those are
  • most needed and of course it is always after Ukraine has sustained
  • extraordinary losses terrible losses of its troops which it may not have had to
  • do if it was properly equipped and supplied in good time but it is what it
  • is but some Publications this weekend are going even further and saying that
  • the concern in Washington and other capitals about oil prices is not just to
  • do with the escalating price PR increase and the KnockOn it may have in electoral
  • processes that are claims that actually big oil companies are the real force
  • behind the US criticism of Ukrainian strikes on Russian refineries well
  • you'll know from the previous silicon bites that escalation management is very much a feature of the US policy so
  • clearly that desire not to upset Russia not to provoke Russia inverted commas is
  • definitely there but this angle on big business is also interesting of course
  • it's a tragedy that we've gone from as long as it takes to as long as we can
  • and now we seem to be the territory of as long as it doesn't upset the Kremlin
  • and that should definitely not be the guiding Factor behind policy nor I would
  • argue should large companies be influencing foreign policy but we know
  • that for decades this is lik to be the case it is also speculated that the
  • seizure of Russian Central Bank assets of which many of the arguments made are
  • on moral legal grounds which are shaky to put it mildly but actually again the
  • speculation is that it's big business those companies that are still operating in Russia or have Assets in Russia that
  • are the main voice in preventing the seizure of Russian Central Bank assets
  • because they fear a likeforlike confiscation of their Assets in Russia
  • well I can tell them right now one this is deeply immoral two their assets are
  • going to be seized at some point anyway we've got a story towards the end of this episode which talks about the
  • creeping nationalization of private Enterprise in Russia so again we are
  • potentially delaying something that could have a huge impact on Ukraine's ability to fight the war and we are
  • doing that for largely spurious reasons well let's have a look at this Euro Maan
  • press article here about the influence of big oil on US foreign policy and US
  • defense secretary Lloyd Austin echoed statements from White House and State Department officials criticizing
  • Ukrainian attacks on Russian oil refineries citing of course potential
  • energy repercussions now a lot of people who are experts in the oil industry have
  • pointed out that that is a bit spurious because a lot of these oil products are
  • being used domestically in Russia and are unlikely to have an influence on the
  • price of global crude the levels of output however do have a huge impact
  • that is the levels of output of OPEC countries us and so on and therein there
  • may be some levers that the Biden Administration could pull we also see the instability and the middle least and
  • the acts of houthis as being potentially a more significant impactor of global
  • oil prices because they can directly affect export and shipping that
  • crucially is relied upon for much of this global trade so the US has not
  • given or sold Ukraine anything with which it could strike tactical and operational Targets in Russia so these
  • 14:57
  • capabilities are very much one that ukrainians have developed for themselves
  • 15:02
  • and it is their Sovereign right to do so but focusing on what is driving Lloyd
  • 15:08
  • Austin and other positions within the US Administration a Ukrainian energy expert
  • 15:14
  • mik hona has analyzed the situation and identified several other factors He
  • 15:20
  • suggests the real Reon Global Energy prices are being impacted is not strikes
  • 15:26
  • against Russian facilities but it is the inability of the US Le coalition to deal
  • 15:33
  • with houthis in Yemen whose attacks on oil tankers in the Red Sea have forced
  • 15:38
  • them to use longer and more expensive routs hona also suggests that the change
  • 15:46
  • in Lloyd Austin stance who previously has been relatively hawkish with regards
  • 15:52
  • to Russia and supporting Ukraine he says that this may be the result of pressure
  • 15:57
  • from external influence for instance through US oil Giants Exxon
  • 16:02
  • Mobile and Chevron in 2022 these companies reported revenues of 235
  • 16:08
  • billion and 413 billion respectively far surpassing
  • 16:13
  • the entirety of Ukraine's GDP which currently amounts to around $160 billion
  • 16:21
  • these corporations he claims maintain powerful lobbies within us administrations regardless of who OCC
  • 16:28
  • occupies the White House and here we have another lever that unfortunately
  • 16:33
  • Russia can pull to potentially escalate prices and this is oil from Kazakhstan
  • 16:40
  • which is transported to Global markets via the Caspian pipeline Consortium now
  • 16:46
  • this runs primarily through Russia and is operated by the Russian Monopoly
  • 16:52
  • trans nft this Arrangement he claims allows Russia to control the flow of oil
  • 16:58
  • from America American companies in Kazakhstan potentially using it as a lever to influence us policy chevron's
  • 17:07
  • tenis oil and gas field in Kazakhstan was developed through tenis Chevron oil
  • 17:14
  • joint venture and is a significant source of revenue for the country Chevron continues to expand production
  • 17:21
  • and has invested over 40 billion in a new phase of that oil and gas field
  • 17:28
  • previously IND analysts warned that the CPC pipeline route and the tenis chevan
  • 17:34
  • oil joint venture were vulnerable to potential Russian retaliation against
  • 17:40
  • West sanctions imposed in response to the invasion of Ukraine Chevron claims
  • 17:45
  • not to be concerned by this however and this article contains a lot more detail
  • 17:51
  • for those who are interested in the weak points of global oil supply and areas
  • 17:56
  • where Russia can exert influence this is is definitely a sobering and interesting
  • 18:01
  • read and forms digs in in further detail claiming Ukraine has developed 15 kinds
  • 18:07
  • of longrange strike drones and has used many of them in sorties against Russia's
  • 18:13
  • oil industry at the moment this is confined to the oil refining capacity we
  • 18:19
  • do have to ask ourselves if Ukraine comes under further physical threat and
  • 18:25
  • actually if that threat becomes existential to the very existence of the Ukrainian State we have to ask what they
  • 18:31
  • wouldn't do in fact what you wouldn't do if faced with a similar circumstance so
  • 18:37
  • widening the strikes against Russian oil industry is something that has to be
  • 18:43
  • considered as a potential next step in Ukraine's struggle to survive let alone
  • 18:50
  • be victorious against its giant aggressive neighbor so it could strike
  • 18:55
  • other infrastructure for instance transportation es ports the export of
  • 19:01
  • raw crude which it hasn't yet included in its targets all these must be
  • 19:08
  • considered by Ukraine in order for it to survive the onslaught from Russia and
  • 19:15
  • the US Administration needs to understand this escalation management will not work when Ukraine is faced with
  • 19:23
  • Annihilation Ukraine should and I think would do everything it needs needs to do
  • 19:29
  • in order to gain the upper hand and oil seems to be the best lever that it can
  • 19:35
  • pull well there's some great detail in this form's article about the different types of drones the different
  • 19:42
  • development that's gone on to uh produce them and it lists some of the strikes
  • 19:47
  • that have been used by different drone types based on their technical capacities so this is an interesting one
  • 19:53
  • to read and the link is in the description of this video now we turn to
  • 19:59
  • the shadow Fleet again it's something we have mentioned in interviews with Jerry Hendrick and others we've mentioned it
  • 20:05
  • in other silicon bites but here is a fascinating article by Vox talking about
  • 20:11
  • Russia's Shadow Fleet that is sneaking oil around the world and it points out
  • 20:17
  • and this is an incredibly important point that Israeli discussed it's an ecological disaster waiting to happen
  • 20:23
  • the world's next big Maritime catastrophe could involve sanctions dodging Russian rust buckets that are
  • 20:31
  • not part of the global Maritime insurance industry the shadow Fleet is
  • 20:37
  • of growing concern not only because of the revenue that these oil shipments bring to Moscow which fuels its more
  • 20:44
  • than 2-year-old War but because of the nature of the ships themselves writes voog they tend to be older they may be
  • 20:51
  • less well maintained and they're run by less experienced Crews and of course they carry less or no Insurance uh that
  • 21:00
  • they should do now this was a comment by Eric bosen head of the tanker research
  • 21:05
  • at poon and partners and oil and gas consulting firm but the shadow fleet has
  • 21:12
  • created a booming market for old tankers including many that are over 20 years
  • 21:17
  • old the average age of tankers departing Russia's Baltic Sea port of kinr is now
  • 21:23
  • close to 30 years old that makes it more likely the ships have fallen condition
  • 21:29
  • and makes them more prent accidents so not only are we risking a Russian
  • 21:36
  • Victory not only are we appeasing Russia by turning a blind eye and letting them
  • 21:41
  • get away with it we are also enabling an incredible time bomb that could destroy
  • 21:47
  • the Ecology of seas like the Baltic Sea or the Black Sea which are precious
  • 21:53
  • Marine environments action ought to be taken against this for number of reasons
  • 21:59
  • as the article points out why is it so important for Ukraine to potentially
  • 22:07
  • increase its strikes against Russian oil capacity well at the moment it seems
  • 22:12
  • that around 12 to 14% of Russia's capacity to create refined fuel oils has
  • 22:18
  • been hit but Nova gazetta has written an important article dated 14th of April
  • 22:24
  • that talks about the so-called stalemate in Ukraine and fact that Russia is in no
  • 22:31
  • way ready to negotiate Russia the article writes has a Readiness to throw
  • 22:37
  • absolutely everything that it has at the war this article written by Dr
  • 22:42
  • Christopher Morris of the University of Portsmouth begins not long ago the situation Ukraine could have been
  • 22:49
  • characterized as stalemate today the situation of the Defenders is worse with
  • 22:54
  • Ukrainian positions heavily contested along long sections of the front line
  • 22:59
  • Russian troops are advancing and concern is building that they may be able to break through now this kind of reporting
  • 23:07
  • needs to be tempered with some of the other stuff we see coming out about the Russian front lines yes they're breaking
  • 23:14
  • through but where there is intelligence of armored vehicles and tanks in use we are seeing heavy use of the
  • 23:22
  • t55 that's a tank produced shortly after the start of the Cold War and this isn't
  • 23:28
  • just raw recruits who are driving these some of the most elite units of the
  • 23:33
  • Russian army have been seen in t55 that suggests a certain level of desperation
  • 23:40
  • that suggests that stocks of more modern battle tanks and Munitions are certainly
  • 23:46
  • low if not exhausted on the Russians side but as Dr Christopher Morris points
  • 23:53
  • out these advances are not gamechanging yet however they do indicate that Russia
  • 23:59
  • can move forward that it still intends to win the ground war and it is backed by aircraft and guided bombs gide bombs
  • 24:07
  • which are having quite an impact on the front line Russian troops can put pressure on Ukrainian forces who are
  • 24:14
  • overstretched exhausted and of course we know are short on equipment now both the
  • 24:20
  • Glide bombs and Russia's ability to control the air at present or its
  • 24:26
  • increased ability to control the air War could of course experience a huge setback if Ukraine were to get f-16s if
  • 24:34
  • they'd already received f16s when they were promised then Ukraine would likely
  • 24:40
  • not be in the position it finds itself today but the article States admittedly
  • 24:46
  • what Russia has been able to accomplish so far this year doesn't feel much like
  • 24:51
  • winning they've recaptured some important territory though the price paid has been enormous the Capt of AA
  • 24:59
  • alone cost Russia thousands of troops and hundreds of vehicles stopping these
  • 25:05
  • advances from turning into breakthroughs is costly for Ukraine despite all of its
  • 25:12
  • losses Russia still seems to be massing forces for further offensives and of
  • 25:17
  • course we hear rumors and speculation about the latest Mass mobilization that
  • 25:24
  • will be kicked off apparently over the next couple of weeks weeks and months and the nature of the front line is
  • 25:31
  • changing too the presence of drones is increasing The lethality of artillery is increasing with of course drone
  • 25:38
  • Communications and the drones are making any kind of Rapid movement Warfare all
  • 25:44
  • but impossible both sides are dug in there are extensive networks of trenches
  • 25:50
  • and minefields around key locations and as per the US advice to Ukraine when the
  • 25:55
  • summer offensive seemed to fail last year here Ukraine has started digging in
  • 26:01
  • to many key positions along the massive front line but what is happening to
  • 26:07
  • change this scenario well Vladimir zilinski has now signed into law a bill
  • 26:12
  • on the 2nd of April which lowers the conscription age from 27 to 25 and
  • 26:18
  • Ukraine's Parliament has just passed a bill to overhaul the country's system of
  • 26:24
  • mobilization all the details are not yet out and not entirely clear but it does seem Ukraine is gearing up for a much
  • 26:32
  • more extensive mobilization now that is not going to be hugely popular if there is a suspicion that Ukraine does not
  • 26:39
  • have the weapons it needs to allow those new troops to be trained properly and to
  • 26:45
  • do the job so this is an absolutely critical time with Russia clearly intent
  • 26:51
  • on taking more Ukrainian territory and Ukraine gearing up to meet that threat
  • 26:58
  • the owners should be on Europe and the US now to give Ukraine the Munitions it
  • 27:03
  • needs so those additional troops are not mobilized in vain and it cannot have
  • 27:09
  • escaped people's attention that Iran has a attacked Israel over the weekend and
  • 27:16
  • in some ways very much using the tactics that Russia has been using against
  • 27:22
  • Ukraine Iran has learned the lessons from Russian strikes against Ukraine TR
  • 27:28
  • to hit Israel says the Kiev Post in an article dated from this weekend the
  • 27:34
  • composition of the ongoing Iranian attack on Israel is similar to the composition of Russian strikes that have
  • 27:40
  • repeatedly targeted Ukraine on a near daily basis these Russian strikes have
  • 27:47
  • attempted to deliver the optimal package to penetrate Western Air and missile
  • 27:54
  • defenses it seems however that the Iranians in copying these tactics have not successfully broken through
  • 28:01
  • into Israeli cities or broken through the the Iron Dome defensive system
  • 28:07
  • Russia however has experimented with combinations of ballistic and cruise missiles alongside Iranian drones Iran's
  • 28:15
  • use of drones and missiles show how Iran is learning from the Russians to develop
  • 28:20
  • increasingly dangerous and effective strike packages against Israel Iran as
  • 28:26
  • we've noted before is also using using the houthi attacks in the Red Sea to
  • 28:31
  • refine Iranian drone tactics by testing US Naval Air defenses now we will cover
  • 28:37
  • this topic in more detail as it invols at this point it is not exactly clear
  • 28:43
  • whether Iran attacking Israel is beneficial to Russia because it deflects from the Ukraine war because it puts the
  • 28:51
  • focus on supporting Israel rather than Ukraine but if it provokes a massive
  • 28:57
  • retaliation against Iran that could actually have a negative effect in
  • 29:02
  • galvanizing the West into action in targeting the Drone factories in Iran
  • 29:08
  • and really taking seriously the disruption of the houthis and the disruption of transport of Munitions
  • 29:16
  • components equipment and so on between Iran and Russia now we will only be able
  • 29:22
  • to tell that course of action as it unfolds through the week and over the
  • 29:28
  • coming weeks and months now zilinski has roundly condemned the Iranian missile
  • 29:34
  • and drone attack on Israel this is reported in the Kev independent President Vladimir zilinski on April the
  • 29:41
  • 14th condemned Iran's massive AAL attack on Israel saying Ukraine is familiar
  • 29:47
  • with the horrors of similar attacks and he's used this opportunity to call on
  • 29:53
  • allies to do more to prevent escalation in the Middle East but also he's been
  • 29:58
  • quite clear that this highlights that when the West has the will to defend one
  • 30:04
  • of its allies then it can bring extreme force to bear and this has left many
  • 30:09
  • ukrainians asking the question if Israel deserves this immediate response then
  • 30:15
  • why doesn't Ukraine the sound of Shahid drones is a tool of Terror said selinski
  • 30:23
  • it is the same in the Skies over the Middle East and Europe he said in a state on X this sound must serve as a
  • 30:30
  • wakeup call to the Free World demonstrating that our unity and resoluteness can save lives and prevent
  • 30:38
  • the spread of worldwide Terror I'll put a link to the article in the full speech
  • 30:44
  • I think his words are incredibly important and zilinski I'm glad to see
  • 30:49
  • is no longer pulling his punches he's calling out double standards he is
  • 30:54
  • demanding what Ukraine needs and he right to do so he should not be
  • 31:00
  • embarrassed about that he should not temper his words when faced with the
  • 31:06
  • lack of support from the US over the last six months he should Express the truth as he sees it in in the powerful
  • 31:14
  • forceful way that he is entirely capable of doing and this is very important as
  • 31:20
  • we've said at the start of this episode because of the situation on the Eastern front and here's an article uh where the
  • 31:27
  • world words of the commander of Ukrainian forces sirki are quoted from
  • 31:32
  • the Kev independent he says the situation on the Eastern Front has significantly deteriorated over the last
  • 31:40
  • few days amid an intensification of Russia's offensive efforts the die
  • 31:46
  • warning comes against the backdrop of a shortage of ammunition plaguing the Ukrainian military that of course is
  • 31:52
  • exacerbated As We Know by the impass in Congress over us Aid also unseasonably
  • 31:59
  • warm and dry weather seems to have enabled Russia to increase its armored
  • 32:05
  • assault in areas of bahmut Lyman and pakros the general said that the temper
  • 32:11
  • of the Russian offensive in the East has heightened since last month's presidential election which saw Vladimir
  • 32:18
  • Putin uh winning another six-year term in office of course that election is
  • 32:24
  • widely thought to have been completely rigged Ukraine is working to stabilize
  • 32:30
  • the situation and strengthen the most problematic defensive areas of the front line with electronic warfare and air
  • 32:37
  • defense it's also reported that Ukraine has started to deploy extensive Mine
  • 32:42
  • Fields in that sense mirroring strategies that we see were deployed
  • 32:48
  • last year by the Russians but the intensity of fighting comes at a cost
  • 32:54
  • and this is certainly a disturbing article from the K of independent it says that due to the intense fighting
  • 33:00
  • and lack of resources it means that many wounded soldiers on the Ukrainian side
  • 33:06
  • are unfortunately left on their own they're unable to be evacuated or if
  • 33:11
  • they do get medical treatment then it is on a limited sense at the front lines
  • 33:18
  • and the evacuation of their troops may be happening too slowly to save lives
  • 33:25
  • and this is the harrowing story of Mika who visited trenches in the dnet oist an
  • 33:32
  • hour after it was hit by Russian trones The 40-Year-Old Ukrainian Soldier immediately started going through bodies
  • 33:39
  • looking for signs of life he knew that Four soldiers had been taking shelter there yet he saw only two bodies and no
  • 33:47
  • one else when I got there he said those two were already cold it was mid-February the men's limbs were torn
  • 33:53
  • off there's no time to linger Around The Dugout position near the Russian occupied bmot in eastern denet oist
  • 34:02
  • could easily become a Target again so he left later he learned what had happened
  • 34:07
  • Four soldiers were on their way back to the rear from the Frontline positions from a shift change and took cover in
  • 34:13
  • The Dugout when Russian drones hit it two were killed immediately one was wounded and one is considered missing
  • 34:20
  • what happened next is typical for parts of the front line that suffer from the lack of combat Medics and Frontline in
  • 34:27
  • evacuation the wounded soldier got out of his Dugout and walked to the nearest evacuation Point located a few hundred
  • 34:35
  • meters away on his own as positions as heavily shelled and close to Russian
  • 34:40
  • troops as this one soldiers say that medical evacuation doesn't exist I know
  • 34:46
  • I am going to meet death there Mika says who goes by the K sign nimi evacuation
  • 34:53
  • is unfortunately impossible in the current conditions well there are more
  • 34:58
  • stories more firsthand eyewitness accounts in this story of course we'll post a link in the description of the
  • 35:05
  • video and Russia seems to have set itself a Target to capture shiv Yar by
  • 35:12
  • Victory Day on May the 9th sirit says in a followup to his address reported in
  • 35:19
  • the Kev independent the Russian military leadership set a goal to capture the town of chivar just west of the Russian
  • 35:27
  • occup by bmot says Commander Siri on April the 14th on May the 9th Russia
  • 35:34
  • celebrates Victory Day a heavily militarized holiday marking the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany in
  • 35:40
  • World War II Russian troops are concentrating their efforts to break through west of occupied bakut Siri said
  • 35:47
  • he explained that they're trying to reach the C danat Canal an artificial
  • 35:53
  • Waterway south of the river it's named after and sees sh C Yar to Advanced
  • 35:59
  • further toward kator glomeration the enemy's plans are being hampered by the
  • 36:04
  • heroic defense of our brigades whove literally dug themselves into the ground holding off the enemy's daily attacks he
  • 36:12
  • said this article contains more detail about those reported Russian plans and
  • 36:18
  • again provides some absolutely harrowing tesy about the effort the heric effort
  • 36:24
  • of ukrainians to hold the Russians at Bay and as well as the gaps in enforcing oil sanctions it seems there are huge
  • 36:32
  • gaps in enforcing other kind of exports that benefit Russia's war effort this
  • 36:38
  • includes drone components and missile Parts which allow Russia to continue its
  • 36:44
  • murderous assault on Ukrainian cities towns and Villages military aid for
  • 36:50
  • Ukraine is limited while Russia continues to have access to critical components needed to produce missiles
  • 36:56
  • and drones says President Vladimir zilinski as was reported in the K of
  • 37:02
  • independent on April the 14th each missile Target in Ukraine contains at
  • 37:07
  • least dozens of components Electronics chips supplied by companies from other
  • 37:12
  • countries and imported through the territory of Russia's neighbors all this
  • 37:19
  • must be stopped and it can be stopped including the tolerance of Terror the
  • 37:24
  • ability of terrorists to seek allies around the world and Russian Terror
  • 37:29
  • itself in all its manifestations he said zilinski added that the fact that
  • 37:35
  • sanctions against Russia are still being circumvented and that Ukraine's been waiting for US military aid for months
  • 37:42
  • shows that the terrorists confidence has been on the rise for months as well we
  • 37:49
  • cannot waste any more time he said I think everyone watching this channel
  • 37:55
  • would entirely agree with that sentiment and meanwhile while Russia throws
  • 38:00
  • everything it has economically militarily as well as resources at its
  • 38:06
  • war in Ukraine it means that Russia is neglecting investment in the home front
  • 38:13
  • it means that Specialists and equipment that could deal with disasters in Russia
  • 38:18
  • itself are now no longer available and are no longer a priority the Moscow
  • 38:25
  • times reports that flooding in Russia's orenburg region has has been intense and
  • 38:31
  • the worst in decades Russia declared a state of emergency in the orenberg
  • 38:37
  • region as it grappled with the worst floods in decades with further flooding expected in Western Siberia Kuran and
  • 38:45
  • tuman regions the Ural River overran its banks in the towns of orsk over the weekend after torrential rain burst a
  • 38:52
  • nearby Dam that led to the city being submerged in water and has forced
  • 38:58
  • thousands from their homes we've also started to see extraordinary outbursts
  • 39:04
  • of public anger the kind of anger and confrontation of officials that we do
  • 39:09
  • not see in relation to Ukraine war but here we do start to see that bowling
  • 39:15
  • over and it is fascinating to see Russian civilians actually vocalizing
  • 39:21
  • opposition to officials now we have to remember these are local officials and often it is the strategy of the Kremlin
  • 39:27
  • to pass down blame to Governors and local officials as a way of deflecting
  • 39:34
  • criticism from its own management of the country and the economy but it is
  • 39:40
  • absolutely certain that Russia's prosecution of the war in Ukraine has
  • 39:46
  • left it weakened to deal with such domestic catastrophes and indeed the
  • 39:51
  • entire Putin system of government the vertical of power has resulted in
  • 39:57
  • Decades of underinvestment as well as corruption and nepotism which means that
  • 40:03
  • when money is invested it is often not effective Emergency Services warned that
  • 40:10
  • the combination of rain and snow melt amid unusually warm temperatures could cause more rivers to flood and overflow
  • 40:18
  • and this is expected to Peak on Wednesday of this week here are some of
  • 40:23
  • the dramatic photos that have been playing during this segment showing the
  • 40:28
  • extraordinary scale of the devastation and of course many commentators have
  • 40:34
  • said that there is an element of karma in this we would not wish ill to any
  • 40:41
  • civilians of any country in fact but there is an element of karma given that
  • 40:46
  • Russia is likely to have purposely destroyed the kovka dams in Ukraine last
  • 40:53
  • year causing similar scenes of devastation in that instance however
  • 40:59
  • rescue workers were having to fight to get civilians under conditions of being
  • 41:05
  • shot at and shelled so that is a substantial difference to what Rescuers
  • 41:11
  • are facing in Russia however many of the Specialists who would have dealt with
  • 41:17
  • that kind of flood and indeed equipment that may have been deployed well a lot of that has probably been turned to
  • 41:24
  • scrap on the battlefields of Ukraine ukine and here are a couple of stories
  • 41:30
  • that we're going to quickly mention before the end of the segment but I think they are quite important because
  • 41:36
  • they show the direction of travel in Russia this one is from the Moscow times
  • 41:41
  • and it talks about the kremlin's creeping nationalizations and in this instance it has hit businesses in chabin
  • 41:49
  • metals plants Agri businesses and food firms owned by chabinsky top businessman and politician
  • 41:57
  • s have been subject to nationalization suits that have been bought in through
  • 42:03
  • Hasty proceedings in Russian courts the kremlin's wartime campaign of forced
  • 42:08
  • nationalization has hit the mountainous chabin region a major industrial center
  • 42:15
  • perhaps more than any other oist since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine
  • 42:21
  • Russian prosecutors have targeted 55 Enterprises comprising metal chemicals
  • 42:28
  • Agri business and even a major car dealership for compulsory State takeover
  • 42:35
  • according to figures released on the RBC News website but in recent weeks metal
  • 42:42
  • plants and Agri business food stores as well owned by top businessmen in the area as well as politicians have been
  • 42:49
  • subject to nationalization suits bought in through the courts and what we are
  • 42:54
  • seeing is that assets are likely being trans transferred to regime Loyalists
  • 43:00
  • and away from those whove perhaps been silent or muted in their support of
  • 43:06
  • Russia's military operations in Ukraine the pretexts for wartime nationalization
  • 43:12
  • suits range from claims of unlawful privatization to Enterprises coming under foreign control and alleged
  • 43:19
  • breaches of Russian anti-corruption legislation well in reality the Russian
  • 43:25
  • courts are a tool that can be entirely manipulated by power these kind of
  • 43:30
  • lawsuits are likely to be entirely spurious but a society which essentially
  • 43:36
  • does not have any foundations of rule of law and where it is often the will of
  • 43:42
  • the most powerful that prevails this is hardly a surprise and in that vertical
  • 43:47
  • structure we know that the Kremlin is the ultimate power and ultimate Arbiter
  • 43:54
  • of what may happen in courts who may be prosecuted and under what pretext it's
  • 44:01
  • highly likely we will see a lot more of these nationalizations as Russia seeks
  • 44:08
  • to scrape together more and more resources to throw into its pointless
  • 44:14
  • destructive war in Ukraine here's a quick story from the Kev independent
  • 44:20
  • that may be interesting to follow through as we get closer to the US presidential election it has been
  • 44:27
  • reported that Trump apparently thought that Ukraine must be part of Russia when
  • 44:33
  • he was president as president of the US Donald Trump made it very clear that he believed Ukraine must be a part of
  • 44:40
  • Russia his former advisor Fiona Hill wrote in an article for the guardian
  • 44:46
  • dated on April 12th this cites an excerpt from a book by the New York
  • 44:51
  • Times Reporter David Sanger in early April media reported citing undisclosed
  • 44:57
  • sources that Trump had privately said he could end Russia's War by pressuring
  • 45:03
  • Ukraine to seed Crimea and donbass to Moscow which however was denied by
  • 45:09
  • Trump's advisers Trump has repeatedly said he could end Russia's War within 24
  • 45:15
  • hours if elected president but the important thing to ask the important thing to ask any representative anyone
  • 45:23
  • who is standing under a Maga B anyone who supports the reelection of
  • 45:30
  • trump over Biden the important question to ask is how how will he end the war
  • 45:37
  • without specifying the specific steps required to reach a peace deal between
  • 45:43
  • Kiev and Moscow saying you can end it without saying how is disingenuous and
  • 45:50
  • it needs to be challenged even by those people who support Trump's reelection he
  • 45:57
  • really could not get his head around the idea that Ukraine was an independent
  • 46:03
  • state quotes Fiona Hill the book's author wrote that such a few of trump
  • 46:08
  • regarding Ukraine coincided exactly with that of the Kremlin and with Vladimir
  • 46:14
  • Putin who has repeatedly denied Ukraine's statehood and Independence and we have to note that
  • 46:22
  • Ukraine's President Vladimir zilinski has entirely rejected the idea of
  • 46:27
  • seeding the country's territories in exchange for peace and lastly here is
  • 46:33
  • another fascinating piece from the Kev independent and it is a poll of French
  • 46:39
  • youth which claims that almost half of them have stated they are willing to
  • 46:44
  • fight in Ukraine if it meant defending France over half of young French
  • 46:51
  • citizens would fight in Ukraine according to a poll cited by L parisen A
  • 46:56
  • French newspaper on April 12th The Institute for strategic studies of the military school and general directorate
  • 47:04
  • for international relations and strategy surveyed 2,300 young people aged between 18 and 25 last summer of the respondents
  • 47:13
  • 51% said yes including 177% absolutely agreeing and 34% answering maybe yes
  • 47:22
  • young French citizens also favor deploying French troops to Ukraine more
  • 47:27
  • than the older generation in the survey 31% of Youth thought positively about
  • 47:32
  • deploying French troops on the side of Ukraine while only 177% of those aged
  • 47:38
  • more than 50 agreed that is an extraordinary total and it is also
  • 47:44
  • reflected in macron's radical change of view and his much more vocal support of
  • 47:52
  • Ukraine and potentially far greater material support as as well that we've
  • 47:57
  • been noticing in recent weeks with Ukraine facing difficulties on the
  • 48:02
  • battlefield and hampered by delayed funding from the US which we've repeatedly mentioned some European
  • 48:08
  • countries are growing increasingly concerned that the war could spread
  • 48:13
  • Estonia and the Czech Republic have also said that Europe should not dismiss the idea of deploying troops for noncombat
  • 48:21
  • tasks in Ukraine and of course not to the front lines but to the unocc
  • 48:26
  • occupied parts of Ukrainian territory this is an extraordinary poll and I
  • 48:31
  • think we really need to dig into this further to see what the views of other
  • 48:37
  • populations throughout Europe are especially in countries that are extreme especially in countries like the UK that
  • 48:44
  • are extremely pro- Ukrainian we have seen the position on many countries change radically from two years ago from
  • 48:52
  • not supplying tanks to supplying tanks not supplying l long range missile
  • 48:57
  • capabilities such as scalp and Storm Shadow we are now starting to see
  • 49:04
  • movement on f-16s so what seemed impossible a number of months ago a
  • 49:09
  • number of years ago is now the reality so who knows what may happen over the
  • 49:14
  • next couple of months and as that threat increases in terms of Ukraine
  • 49:20
  • potentially seeding more territory to Russia we may see further movement
  • 49:25
  • amongst European an countries and I sincerely hope we do because a Ukrainian
  • 49:31
  • Victory is a victory for Europe as well a Ukrainian loss puts the security of
  • 49:37
  • Europe on an extremely dangerous and fragile footing

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