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Jeff Ostoff: Key Bridge Collapse Moving MORE HUGE Bridge Truss Sections ... April 15th 2024

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Key Bridge Collapse Moving MORE HUGE Bridge Truss Sections Jeff Ostoff shows you the latest videos and photos release … jeffostroff 155K views 473K subscribers Description Key Bridge Collapse Moving MORE HUGE Bridge Truss Sections Jeff Ostoff shows you the latest videos and photos released today by the US Army Core of Engineers showing the steps they go through to process the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse debris and trusses. Highlights include moving another large section of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge truss, and removing containers from the MV Dali ship, as well as moving the bridge truss over to Sparrows Point in the Baltimore harbor. 🎥 Watch Next: 🎥 FIU Bridge Collapse: WORST Engineering Blunders Ever: • FIU Bridge Collapse: WORST Engineerin... 🎥 SCARY Crane Collapse Fell Off Tower, Fort Lauderdale, FL • SCARY Crane Collapse Fell Off Tower, ... 🎥 Titan Sub NEW Air Force Audio: An SOS For Help? • NEW Titan Sub Air Force Audio: Trying... 🎥 LEAKED Titan Sub Transcript Shows Crew In Battle For Lives: • LEAKED Titan Sub Transcript Shows Cre... They barge the collapsed bridge debris to the new 10-acre laydown yard used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to process wreckage from the Francis Scott Key Bridge site. An estimated 50,000 tons of concrete and steel collapsed; once removed, the wreckage is sorted and transported two miles away by barge to Sparrows Point. Debris and wreckage removal is ongoing in support of a top priority to safely and efficiently open the Fort McHenry channel. Transcript
  • 0:00
  • well looking at the Salvage operation
  • 0:03
  • here of the Francis Scott Key bridge
  • 0:05
  • collapse so I want to show you some
  • 0:07
  • better quality video of them moving that
  • 0:10
  • large section of the bridge truss a
  • 0:12
  • couple of days ago what I showed you
  • 0:14
  • before was on the stream time live cam
  • 0:16
  • which of course is highly pixelated
  • 0:18
  • because of the distance but check out
  • 0:20
  • some of this video here and here's a
  • 0:22
  • much better close-up shot here of the
  • 0:24
  • Chesapeake 1000 Crane hauling away this
  • 0:27
  • 450 ton
  • 0:30
  • of the
  • 0:31
  • bridge and this really is amazing to see
  • 0:34
  • and on our video that we uploaded a
  • 0:36
  • couple of days ago there was a lot of
  • 0:37
  • discussion about the weight and the
  • 0:39
  • tonnage of how much that weigh we were
  • 0:40
  • guessing and so it turns out they
  • 0:42
  • announced from the unified command that
  • 0:44
  • the total weight was probably about 450
  • 0:47
  • tons which is good this is about half of
  • 0:50
  • the limit the Chesapeake 1000 Crane here
  • 0:54
  • is capable of lifting about 1,000 tons
  • 0:58
  • but you know like I only say in
  • 1:00
  • engineering you never want to push those
  • 1:02
  • limits and test them you always want to
  • 1:04
  • stay sufficiently away from those
  • 1:06
  • boundaries you know limits are something
  • 1:08
  • you should run away from not run toward
  • 1:11
  • now these salvages have been going at it
  • 1:13
  • like crazy the entire weekend so even
  • 1:16
  • though the big cranes are pulling up the
  • 1:17
  • big trusses you got all these little
  • 1:19
  • scoopers pulling up the small debris
  • 1:21
  • from the bottom of the river and here's
  • 1:23
  • a better view of how the moving of this
  • 1:26
  • large truss piece fits into the overall
  • 1:29
  • land Escape view of what's going on
  • 1:31
  • there and then once the large cranes
  • 1:34
  • carry the Francis Scott keybridge
  • 1:36
  • trusses over to Sparrow's Point they set
  • 1:39
  • them down on the 10 Acre Site that
  • 1:41
  • they've got there and then you can see
  • 1:43
  • their large hydraulic metal shear tool
  • 1:46
  • is going at
  • 1:48
  • it this thing has some massive grappling
  • 1:51
  • Powers as well as it just it just shears
  • 1:53
  • right through the metal trusses and in
  • 1:55
  • this case they're using it to just push
  • 1:57
  • down the
  • 1:58
  • piece getting down closer to the ground
  • 2:01
  • so that the guys on the ground can cut
  • 2:02
  • through it or they can just munch
  • 2:04
  • through it and then as we can see here
  • 2:06
  • bright and early 9:00 a.m. this morning
  • 2:08
  • the week's crane was back at it again
  • 2:11
  • removing more of those containers off of
  • 2:14
  • the dolly ship I don't know how many
  • 2:16
  • they got off today but I do know they
  • 2:18
  • announced last week that their goal is
  • 2:20
  • to remove at least about
  • 2:22
  • 175 of the containers off the dolly ship
  • 2:25
  • and that week's 533 crane has been very
  • 2:28
  • busy over the last week and this shows
  • 2:30
  • you here just how dangerous everything
  • 2:32
  • is on top of the dolly ship so here's
  • 2:34
  • all all of these guys hanging out
  • 2:36
  • they've got a scaffolding that they've
  • 2:37
  • built to go over this tall hunk of
  • 2:41
  • concrete here this is probably the top
  • 2:43
  • of the four pillars where they all come
  • 2:44
  • together here and meet at this point but
  • 2:47
  • it just goes to show you the magnitude
  • 2:49
  • of how mangled everything is and look at
  • 2:52
  • these containers here precariously
  • 2:53
  • perched and crushed and this is the job
  • 2:56
  • I want right there this dude right there
  • 3:02
  • yep he definitely has to be harnessed in
  • 3:04
  • cuz man if this thing topples over he's
  • 3:06
  • Gonzo that's why some of these initial
  • 3:08
  • containers are going to be very slow
  • 3:10
  • moving removing them off the dolly ship
  • 3:12
  • and even then when they are moving the
  • 3:14
  • containers they have to go fairly slow
  • 3:16
  • because you don't want these things to
  • 3:18
  • start swaying on you that always works
  • 3:20
  • against you when you're a crane operator
  • 3:22
  • you like things to be known and
  • 3:24
  • calculating and you want it to be low
  • 3:27
  • and slow just like cooking a fine
  • 3:29
  • barbecue
  • 3:31
  • and when you go to set it down you want
  • 3:32
  • to set it down slow and easy these are
  • 3:35
  • the times when you're setting down a
  • 3:36
  • load where there's danger of a crane
  • 3:38
  • collapsing now of course this is a very
  • 3:40
  • powerful crane so they're probably not
  • 3:42
  • too concerned about that so they must
  • 3:45
  • really have to tread with caution here
  • 3:47
  • on that Del ship so at the rate that
  • 3:50
  • they are removing these containers I
  • 3:51
  • would figure it probably won't be until
  • 3:54
  • maybe the 21st of April before they get
  • 3:56
  • enough containers off of the dolly ship
  • 3:59
  • that they can start to work on removing
  • 4:01
  • the large Bridge trusses that are
  • 4:03
  • pushing down on the bow and lifting up
  • 4:06
  • the back end of the stern of this Del
  • 4:08
  • ship and man do they love it when it's a
  • 4:10
  • nice Crystal Clear Blue Sky day out with
  • 4:13
  • no wind now we have some crew members
  • 4:15
  • here on top of the containers on the Del
  • 4:17
  • ship and this pole that they're using
  • 4:20
  • right here is most likely to reach down
  • 4:22
  • here into unlatch all of these container
  • 4:26
  • latches so this is how they keep the
  • 4:29
  • different Stacks together so really
  • 4:31
  • who's the guy behind the curtain here
  • 4:32
  • who's in charge of this whole operation
  • 4:35
  • well a lot of you have asked that and
  • 4:37
  • some of you might be unaware that it's
  • 4:38
  • actually under the control of what we
  • 4:39
  • call the unified command which was
  • 4:41
  • established shortly after the collapse
  • 4:44
  • I'm attached to a a multi-jurisdictional
  • 4:46
  • federal Task Force if there is a federal
  • 4:49
  • task force I want to know about it so
  • 4:51
  • the unified command includes the US
  • 4:54
  • Coast Guard the US Army Corps of
  • 4:57
  • Engineers the Maryland Department of the
  • 4:59
  • en government the Maryland
  • 5:01
  • Transportation Authority the Maryland
  • 5:03
  • estate police and Whit O'Brian's
  • 5:06
  • representing Synergy Marine who manages
  • 5:10
  • the dolly ship that's that container
  • 5:12
  • ship that crashed into the Francis Scott
  • 5:14
  • Key bridge now not shown on here is
  • 5:16
  • Chick-fil-A and I'm just seeing if
  • 5:18
  • you're paying attention here now
  • 5:19
  • actually Chick-fil-A is not part of the
  • 5:21
  • unified command it's in andout burger no
  • 5:24
  • but seriously you know Chick-fil-A could
  • 5:26
  • very well be part of this and I think
  • 5:27
  • they should be because I don't know if
  • 5:29
  • you're f are aware of this but many
  • 5:31
  • times in the past Chick-fil-A has been
  • 5:32
  • known to show up whenever there's
  • 5:34
  • catastrophes and give out a lot of food
  • 5:36
  • and stuff and in fact in Houston I
  • 5:38
  • believe it was when they had these
  • 5:40
  • floods Chick-fil-A showed up on
  • 5:42
  • motorized vessels here to deliver food
  • 5:45
  • and help rescue people as well now
  • 5:47
  • Chick-fil-A if you're listening out
  • 5:48
  • there you've got a bunch of guys and
  • 5:50
  • gals up there that are risking life and
  • 5:53
  • limb going under the water and cutting
  • 5:54
  • the bridge trusses and everything like
  • 5:56
  • that and I'm sure they're hungry man you
  • 5:58
  • could bring up some food
  • 6:00
  • who doesn't love food and then just this
  • 6:03
  • afternoon at about 3:00 or so this was
  • 6:05
  • only just a couple of hours ago this is
  • 6:06
  • not a repeat of what you're seeing this
  • 6:09
  • was live this afternoon the Chesapeake
  • 6:11
  • 1000 Crane picked up another large huge
  • 6:15
  • section of the Francis Scott Key bridge
  • 6:20
  • trust that was recovered right from the
  • 6:22
  • very area this is the remaining section
  • 6:24
  • from what they pulled up the other day
  • 6:26
  • and so I believe this was the section
  • 6:28
  • where the construction vehicles were
  • 6:31
  • when the bridge collapsed and as the
  • 6:34
  • largest crane in the Northeast carts
  • 6:37
  • away this section of the collapsed
  • 6:40
  • Bridge truss you can see I've sped it up
  • 6:42
  • for you to see what all they had to do
  • 6:43
  • to maneuver it out of there notice the
  • 6:45
  • back of the barge appears to be weighed
  • 6:47
  • down a bit possibly counterweights to
  • 6:49
  • help counter the weight of the bridge
  • 6:51
  • truss and can't topple
  • 6:54
  • over and here is that last section that
  • 6:57
  • they brought over today just resting
  • 6:59
  • comfortably over on Sparrow's Point
  • 7:01
  • where tomorrow the machine that I showed
  • 7:03
  • you earlier will be attacking it and
  • 7:06
  • crushing it down and cutting it down so
  • 7:09
  • that they can cut it into even smaller
  • 7:10
  • pieces and it will be transported away
  • 7:13
  • now the unified command of course has
  • 7:14
  • given us many more photos here over the
  • 7:17
  • last couple of days to update us it
  • 7:19
  • bring us up to speed into their nonstop
  • 7:23
  • process of salvaging and grappling and
  • 7:26
  • scooping up stuff from the bottom and
  • 7:27
  • bringing up Bridge trusses so they are
  • 7:30
  • making real good strides on clearing up
  • 7:32
  • this channel the unified command also
  • 7:34
  • released to us this afternoon this
  • 7:35
  • graphic here which is the latest update
  • 7:37
  • to their Salvage operations plan and it
  • 7:40
  • was meant to give us a better visual
  • 7:41
  • scale to help understand the efforts
  • 7:44
  • that they're going through right now to
  • 7:45
  • open up that limited access Channel and
  • 7:48
  • it also shows on there how just about
  • 7:50
  • everything is in progress so far except
  • 7:51
  • for E with the red do is e that's not
  • 7:55
  • begun yet CU that's the refloat the
  • 7:56
  • dolly that will happen once all of the
  • 7:58
  • record is removed off of the Del uh now
  • 8:01
  • one other thing too is if you if you're
  • 8:03
  • new here to the channel make sure you
  • 8:04
  • check out this other video here that I
  • 8:06
  • put up the other night showing
  • 8:07
  • additional sonar photographs that the
  • 8:09
  • Navy provided of the Francis Scott Key
  • 8:11
  • bridge underwater showing everything
  • 8:13
  • that's going on down there you'll love
  • 8:15
  • those and then make sure you check out
  • 8:17
  • this video over here that I did on the
  • 8:18
  • FIU bridge collapse a few months ago
  • 8:20
  • here in Miami so anyway thank you so
  • 8:22
  • much for joining us tonight folks and
  • 8:24
  • we'll see all of you on the next one
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