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TYT Investigates: Sanders DIRECTLY Calls Out CNN In Tremendous Floor Speech

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Sanders DIRECTLY Calls Out CNN In Tremendous Floor Speech TYT Investigates 396K subscribers ... 24,473 views ... 2.7K likes Premiered 6 hours ago Senator Bernie Sanders directly calls out and disses CNN with a tremendous, powerful floor speech on the treatment of student protestors on college campuses. Sanders delivers a masterclass by bringing up the First Amendment, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the destruction and loss of Palestinian lives in the Israel-Hamas War and so much more. For more from TYT Investigates, SUBSCRIBE at: / tytinvestigatesreports You can read our stories at LIKE and FOLLOW us at / tytinvestigates . And connect with us on Twitter @TYTInvestigates 240503__IV01_SANDERS CNN COLLEGE STUDENT PROTESTS GAZA Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Show chat replay

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