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MeidasTouch ... Denver Riggleman ... Nandini MAGA Media Slayer ENDS Trump's Biggest Trolls

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
MAGA Media Slayer ENDS Trump's Biggest Trolls

MeidasTouch ... Denver Riggleman

Jun 12, 2024

2.47M subscribers

Denver Riggleman ... Coalition of the Sane (COTS)

Meet the woman who took out Breitbart News. The trolls couldn’t stop her, Steve Bannon couldn’t stop her; Hell, The Mercer’s themselves couldn’t stop her. Nandini Jammi, was the cofounder of Sleeping Giants. She tells Denver what it took to smash Breitbart’s ad revenue, what does to combat the disinformation economy and what inspired Nandini Jammi to become one of the most effective marketing activists in the country.

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Coalition of the Sane


  • hey everybody Welcome to Coalition of the Sane ... hashtag COTS
  • and today we are interviewing the incredible Nandini Jammi
  • she's the founder of Sleeping Giants
  • she's also the founder of 'checkmyads'
  • and she's the one who took down Breitbart by looking at their money flows
  • and the ads that big companies were actually pushing to Breitbart News that they did not know
  • We are so excited to talk to somebody like Bandini. She truly is a member of the Coalition of the Sane
  • Oo buckle up and let's get to work
  • [Music]
  • So welcome to Coalition of the Sane
  • um you have been a git
  • Doug has been just absolutely insane about getting you on
  • and once I started reading about you I was too
  • I just can't wait to talk to you
  • because when I read about your background I was absolutely stunned
  • it seems that you said you're 35 years old
  • you know 35 I was an NSA contractor ... all I wanted to do was do ...crazy stuff ... I didn't care about anybody else but to go get bad guys
  • It seemed like you wanted to get bad guys at an early age
  • and what I wanted to ask you .... was it your family your friends ... was it something that happened when you were younger that gave you this Justice streak to go after Bad actors
  • 1:00
  • but is it because when I've seen what you've done ... I saw the ... you know ... the evolution of your career and some of the items that you've been able to insert and what you sort of created out of nothingness to go get these Bad actors ... um I'm just so impressed by it and and I want I always like to ask my guests what makes you tick why are you inspiring you know why
  • are you the person to go after these Bad
  • actors what what what's in your soul that separates you from other people
  • when you look at disinformation actors
  • out there in that
  • ecosystem wow thank you that is quite
  • the intro um and that's a that's a great
  • question out the door um you
  • no I so I was
  • a little Indian immigrant so I moved to
  • to America when I was
  • four and I had a and I I moved to South
  • Carolina and uh we were
  • like like a little nuclear family that
  • lived in South Carolina Small Town South
  • Carolina and I had a great time I uh
  • have no memory of ever being anything
  • other than an American and everyone
  • around me in school made me feel like I
  • belonged and I had I made great friends
  • I um the the the the teachers in in the
  • school they they did a lot of
  • international nights and stuff there was
  • like a small contention of international
  • students and they they did their very
  • best to make us feel included and
  • celebrated in some questionable ways now
  • that I look back on it like they did
  • like like they had an international
  • night where they they wanted me to like
  • me and all the other a couple of the
  • other like kids from other countries to
  • go and um sort of pres like present like
  • go on stage and wear the clothes of our
  • country and like talk about things that
  • we love that are from our countries
  • except the the teacher the
  • librarian wrote a script for us and like
  • she had us saying that you know she had
  • me saying that I love reading The Jungle
  • Book and I was like I don't really like
  • that book but she was like no no just
  • say it um like it was not anything bad
  • it came from a good place they were
  • really trying and so I I've always felt
  • really welcome and I've felt American
  • for my whole life
  • and as as the atmosphere changed in 2016
  • and the years preceding that I became
  • angry that other little kids might not
  • feel that way and how wrong is because I
  • have always felt like the world is an is
  • an oyster I was always excited to to go
  • out and meet people and learn about new
  • cultures and travel and the the idea
  • that kids today are growing up without
  • that feeling of excitement and curiosity
  • makes me really
  • angry what I love about that answer you
  • know you're talking about South Carolina
  • right and I think people would
  • automatically go oh my goodness South
  • Carolina what was that 93 when you
  • immigrated right when you're talking
  • right around there look at me doing math
  • really quickly yeah good you know 93 how
  • old were you when they did the the
  • cultural day how old were you when they
  • actually said just read The Jungle Book
  • because it sort of blew my mind by the
  • way I know that you said it so sweetly
  • and so kindly but how were you when that
  • happened was that right after you got
  • into America or or was that when you
  • were a little bit older I was like in
  • second grade like first or second grade
  • oh my gosh they had they had me wear
  • sorry I'd never done that before usually
  • you're a little bit older put on a sorry
  • um they had like a they had like a
  • Chinese kid they had a girl from
  • Australia I mean to be fair they were
  • like equally stereotypical they had like
  • they had an American girl um go up
  • wearing jeans and a denim jacket and uh
  • she had to say she loves eating burgers
  • so so a stereotype day for everybody
  • yeah that sounds great no that sounds so
  • much fun um you know for me you know
  • being from Virginia and West Virginia
  • and from Appalachia I just wonder how I
  • would have been presented or what they
  • told me to do I think it would be
  • interesting I should probably ask you
  • you might want to give a quick summary
  • because I already have a summary in my
  • head I read so much about you n but give
  • you quick summary of what you got into
  • to fight disinformation and then how did
  • you how did you even have the idea how
  • did you even have the spark to say this
  • is how I want to attack
  • it wow well so that was in 2016 in 2016
  • I was uh I was working as a marketer I
  • was doing marketing for a British
  • startup a tech startup and um that was
  • that like I didn't have any plans or
  • interest in getting into this type of
  • work at all I just was following my nose
  • for the career that I had planned for
  • myself which was uh like product
  • marketing and in fact I I W I had like a
  • I had like a whole other parallel path
  • that I was working on to become a
  • marketing consultant that would allow me
  • to ideally track travel the world I I
  • wanted to be a digital Nomad it's so
  • like ick saying that now but I was
  • really into that idea and in 20 in 2016
  • the elections happened I ha I was I was
  • in New York on that day visiting from um
  • I I was living in Berlin at the time it
  • was like a devastating day and you could
  • feel it in the air and I went to visit
  • Breitbart a couple weeks after that and
  • just kind wanted to see it for myself
  • because I had been hearing about it and
  • I wasn't like I I just I just I wanted
  • to see what we were dealing with and I
  • just happened to see ads for these
  • really
  • big companies running on Breitbart now
  • the Insight that I had was I had been
  • running my own ad campaign for my
  • company a few months before and I had
  • been
  • pretty um persistent about knowing where
  • my ads ran which was annoying to my
  • Google rep who was like no one no one
  • ever asks this so he had shown me how to
  • look look at my ad placements and find
  • out where my ads ran and I had
  • remembered what I remembered from this
  • experience was that I did not recognize
  • any of the websites that my that my ads
  • ran that my ads ran on for my company
  • and so when I saw the ads for big brands
  • on Breitbart I was like my the
  • connection that I made was that this
  • must be the same experience that
  • marketers at these companies are having
  • they probably don't know where their ads
  • are running and my my immediate reaction
  • was to well I should write about this so
  • I made a medium I wrote a medium post
  • like that night saying hey marketers if
  • we all block Breitbart from our media
  • Buy in Google ads we could make a
  • difference here we could like kind of
  • pun like hit them where it hurts and I
  • hoped that it would go viral
  • and it did not but it did catch the eye
  • of the one other person who was who had
  • come to that conclusion on the other
  • side of the country and um me me and and
  • him Matt uh Matt rivetz we we got
  • together and started working on what we
  • thought would be just a really quick two
  • week two Monon maybe project to alert
  • advertisers that their ads were running
  • on the site and give them an opportunity
  • to to fix it because we both knew as
  • marketers ourselves that they were not
  • aware and we didn't want to we don't
  • want to further antagonize brands for no
  • reason we know what you know like we
  • know how it is on on that side so we um
  • we gave them an opportunity to to fix it
  • and it turns out that it was a problem
  • that advertisers were not aware of and
  • we we fell into this and we did not know
  • what we were doing and so when you say
  • you know we have the tools and the
  • technology we didn't we didn't we didn't
  • know anything all we saw was the ad on
  • the website and
  • curious when we were curious enough to
  • to do something about it so really was
  • expertise intellectual curiosity and
  • horror of the 2016 election that got you
  • down this path right and I bet you
  • pissed off Steve
  • Bannon yeah we did from when I left in
  • and to take over the campaign we were
  • going to make like $8 million fre cash
  • flow that year after we
  • won um this group called sleeping Giants
  • group of tech
  • Executives they they literally stripped
  • out they went to the 35 exchanges that
  • sell the ads 31 went away so the ad
  • revenues dropped like 90% I
  • mean we like so we did not expect this
  • to go anywhere
  • so we we put in I mean those first few
  • weeks especially were
  • quite uh like insane like I I it was it
  • was a it was a full-time job it never
  • stopped being a full-time job but it
  • moved so quickly that we were you know
  • the the first brand to drop Bart was
  • Kelloggs perfect yeah a multinational
  • corporation well you know Breitbart was
  • very arrogant at that point because they
  • were the most influential Outlet in
  • America more influential than Fox News
  • The Washington Post CNN at least in
  • Facebook numbers and um so they launched
  • a campaign or some kind of a hashtag
  • boycott thing called boycott Kelloggs
  • dump Kelloggs or something and instantly
  • brought more attention to the issue and
  • so thank you Breitbart that act alone um
  • got our campaign more attention it was
  • covered by the news and so it just kind
  • of snowballed from there and so all of a
  • sudden we go from a couple of us
  • tweeting at advertisers to other people
  • on Twitter realizing I can do something
  • I I can join them in this and it cost me
  • nothing except that's the that's the
  • inspiring part nand is that you know you
  • can say Hey you know I just sort of
  • stumbled into it it was intellectual
  • curiosity you had the expertise in
  • marketing you saw that there were uh big
  • Brands uh that didn't know where their
  • ads were being placed and you saw that
  • there's a funding line going from these
  • big Brands and this advertising to
  • dangerous or to disinformation
  • Publications like Breitbart and I think
  • why I got excited when I read your bio
  • was that for me it's the follow the
  • money it's actually cutting the knees
  • off of some of these disinformation
  • Brands by limiting their funding that's
  • that's brilliant to me because it really
  • is follow the money even when I did
  • counterterrorism work you know the
  • financial flows is what we really looked
  • at like for ofac and stuff like that
  • when our company do stuff with the
  • Department of Treasury so that's why
  • when I read your background I said my
  • goodness it's almost as you saw that hey
  • the way that we can actually attack this
  • is to go after their financial Pipeline
  • and the way to do that is through
  • education for big brands that we can we
  • can actually manipulate the battle space
  • ourselves right they're already
  • leveraging these Big Brand Monies to
  • come in there but why in the heck aren't
  • we educating because they shouldn't be
  • sending money to these kind of dangerous
  • Publications I guess that's why I was
  • excited to talk to you nandini because
  • it's that financial side that I thought
  • was so brilliant um and I guess I could
  • ask you is that when you when it did go
  • off did you have sleepless nights were
  • there ever times you're like ah should
  • we be doing this or at that point did
  • you know that you had sort of caught
  • lightning in the botle and this is what
  • starts you know because for me for me
  • some of it was like man I don't know if
  • I want to do this right I've stumbled
  • 13:00
  • a pain in the you know the backside but
  • uh sleepless nights or or Steve Bannon
  • or things of that nature do you ever
  • think man you know I'm just going to do
  • this for a little while and now or was
  • it something like this is what I want to
  • do for the rest of my life uh wow
  • awesome question no I never for a second
  • stopped to think it was just it would
  • like once I caught onto this once I
  • realized that it was having the intended
  • impact that it was actually bigger than
  • I could have ever imagined I could not
  • let go instead I became obsessed and it
  • became the thing that I cared about the
  • most and I began to connect with other
  • uh activists and journalists and people
  • it was such an exciting time because
  • there were other people working on the
  • same issue from different angles so like
  • someone started a Anonymous Twitter
  • account inspired by ours but focused
  • exclusively on financial uh Financial
  • platforms payment platforms so
  • PayPal stripe uh Shopify and things like
  • 14:03
  • that and so it became not just about
  • advertising but it became about the
  • entire marketing stack that these folks
  • use to build their businesses and
  • actually seeing it as a business came
  • naturally to me because I am familiar
  • with all these tech companies and
  • software as a service providers because
  • I used to work with them myself so I
  • know how they work I know what what
  • they're thinking when someone reaches
  • out to them and says hey you know you're
  • working with a a Nazi
  • or whoever and uh so I knew how to
  • influence those people because they were
  • my people I mean For Better or For Worse
  • my bread and butter was B2B marketing
  • which is extremely boring but it's also
  • extremely logical and the way that
  • people think and the way that they make
  • decisions is easy to anticipate so I was
  • very good at what I did because I had
  • been on the other side
  • so you're telling me you combine fintech
  • 15:02
  • SAS Education and Training and awareness
  • into a juggernaut right into a way to
  • actually influence the entire medium uh
  • and that's what you're doing today and
  • so for me wow right that's identifying a
  • business line but it's a business line
  • rooted in goodness and I hate to go back
  • to this I'm going to ask you again I'm
  • going to dig here is that again you know
  • you told me about your childhood and you
  • told me you know you wanted other kids
  • you know to to have that feeling of
  • goodness or acceptance or other people
  • to have that feeling of acceptance but
  • is there something still within you or
  • something again that really drives you
  • to do this today is there something
  • that's changed is there something where
  • where for me it's just I hate bullies
  • right I can pretty much encapsulated to
  • I hate bullies and then that's pretty
  • much it what my life goal and Life View
  • but again I know that you talked about
  • your childhood but what is it really
  • nand Dey and then after you answer that
  • what do you think what's what about 2024
  • what is your what is your goal in 24
  • your objective or what did you seeing as
  • 16:00
  • a danger for Americans in 2024 gosh this
  • were awful isn't that awful that I just
  • did that to you I feel so bad you know
  • no I'm game uh let's
  • see what really drives me that's a great
  • question and one that I I guess I I
  • really need to sit down and answer
  • because
  • people it's not money I'm not driven by
  • money um if I was I don't think so at
  • all I I I I actually I'm not either so
  • that's why when I when I ask you this
  • question cuz people have dug into me
  • like oh you hate bullies or you know
  • Denver you hate disinformation well I
  • was raised Mormon right and I left the
  • Mormon faith and I hate disinformation I
  • hate myths you know I hate the ability
  • for people to control other individuals
  • um I despise the fact that as Americans
  • that people want to take away our
  • freedom of thought under the guise of
  • something else whether it's anything
  • from Christian nationalism to any type
  • of other political type of you know
  • mindset where you're limiting what
  • people can do as Americans and that's
  • 17:00
  • the stuff that that drives me right I
  • had to look deep into that because for
  • me I you know yeah I hate bullies but
  • really what I despise is people trying
  • to inject their life view onto other
  • people when there's no reason to do it
  • and then making them pay for it right or
  • trying to criminalize it I mean that's
  • the kind of stuff that I like to fight
  • so that's why I when to ask you you know
  • um I love people who do what you do so
  • I'd love to know what the drive is
  • also okay well bear with me as I walk
  • I I love solving problems I love solving
  • puzzles I think I I was just a born
  • blood hound and I enjoy the chase of of
  • something and that's why I gravitated
  • towards startups to begin with and both
  • the jobs the the two full-time jobs that
  • I had before entering this field was
  • were both me doing everything I was a
  • one woman marketing team and I loved it
  • I love seeing my work manifest in the
  • world I think that's what really drives
  • me I love seeing the the the high that I
  • got from seeing a thing happen and then
  • it being covered in the news I didn't
  • even need I didn't need my name on it I
  • didn't care I just was just in awe that
  • a thing that I did from my laptop turned
  • into a headline if I can do that if that
  • if me little old me can do that that
  • then what does it mean when we all put
  • our heads together and do something
  • together and
  • that's so I can say that nand Doodles is
  • a Justice chasing problem
  • solving marketing Guru Blood
  • Hound okay pretty good is that am I
  • close I think that's where where I'm at
  • with you right now and and I and I love
  • it and so with your problem solving
  • skills what are you seeing in 2024 from
  • your marketing background and what
  • you've done since 2016 what do the
  • American people have to worry about and
  • what are some of the things that you're
  • doing right
  • now well there's a
  • lot to unpack for
  • 2024
  • but I would prefer to not talk about all
  • the things that could go wrong and
  • instead talk about what could go right
  • let's do that
  • what I'm seeing from from where I sit is
  • that we have in our work now I you've
  • 19:37
  • now heard my origin story let me tell
  • you where we are now over the last eight
  • years we have built myself and my my
  • business partner Claire uh who is like
  • an incredible organizer of ideas and
  • people we've together built and grown
  • what I feel is a critical mass we have
  • all the people and places and things in
  • place now to fight back against a tech
  • dystopia you know like Tech gone wrong
  • Tech that has taken over every aspect of
  • our lives so it's it's a problem so big
  • that nobody seems to know how to solve
  • it in fact the thing that we see the
  • most when we're out in the world talking
  • about these issues are simply that most
  • people can only do that talk about the
  • issue talk about how bad it is talk
  • about how bad it's gotten but we have
  • the solution we know what needs to be
  • done and what steps need to be taken to
  • dismantle the
  • system the disinformation economy as we
  • call it that has allowed so much of the
  • rot that we see around us to have taken
  • place we really see the world as
  • a in terms of business and economy
  • that's what it is and the fact that
  • there's so much hate and disinformation
  • and junk out there um the really like we
  • all see it in terms of the the growth of
  • scams the growth of Lies the growth of
  • manipulation all around us is a function
  • of the adverti the digital advertising
  • ecosystem and that is what we're laser
  • focused on taking down
  • you're you are one of my favorite pro
  • reality people nam I have to tell you I
  • you know um you know it's funny you did
  • I've started an AI and graph Network
  • company um based on identifying Bad
  • actors in The Social information
  • ecosystem right so I went and stole
  • people from NSA and I stole people from
  • space and missile defense command you
  • know a lot of individuals that I worked
  • with in the past you know who did
  • counterterrorism work you know in the
  • tech space and almost looking at you I'm
  • just
  • absolutely um just so impressed
  • right that you're you're actually you
  • have this Pro reality um sort of
  • background and you have this Pro reality
  • way of looking at things and you're
  • using your expertise to do instead of
  • just talk and I think that's why I was
  • so happy to talk to you and you know as
  • we're going forward um do you ever see
  • yourself stopping this now do you ever
  • see yourself moving on to something else
  • or is this your thing is this your thing
  • this is what you want to be this is what
  • you want to do I certainly hope not I
  • certainly hope that I can leave this
  • work one day um in fact that is my core
  • success metric that we can move on um
  • and maybe shut down the business good
  • for you which is not want to hear but
  • yeah we we don't like I mean I fell into
  • this work I love it I am committed to it
  • uh Claire and I both and uh it's it's so
  • much easier working on this issue when
  • you have someone like Claire to uh to
  • work with it's just an absolute joy and
  • pleasure we have built an incredible
  • team of smart
  • Fearless mostly
  • women uh at our company
  • and we believe we can solve the
  • problem and then I plan to God I don't
  • know what I plan to do after this I mean
  • you can't tell you can't ask me what I'm
  • going to do next I think you should go
  • into public service at some point and I
  • think uh I think you would be amazing
  • right at anywhere from sisa to any of
  • the organizations that are looking at
  • disinformation across platforms I think
  • you'd be fantastic for that I think you
  • should be on I think you should be on
  • boards uh especially when it comes to
  • companies that are looking at
  • manipulative Tech um I think anybody
  • would want you um whether it's on some
  • kind of private board where it's on a
  • public board other nonprofits but you
  • know nandini at some point I really
  • think you should think about going into
  • public service as awful as it is when it
  • comes to either running for officer
  • trying to be in a point D or something
  • like that but I I think you would
  • actually shine um in that service sector
  • so that's you know so we were talking I
  • 24:01
  • was hoping like one
  • day I'm going but listen a lot of PE I
  • would almost rather set myself on fire
  • than run for Congress again so I
  • understand how awful that is but um but
  • I definitely want to tell you um haven't
  • you on this show and by the way I want
  • to meet Claire Claire sounds awesome and
  • you said you know and and you also said
  • hey it's mostly women let me tell you my
  • whole our whole Distillery uh is run by
  • my wife and we have an incredible crew
  • of of women who just absolutely dominate
  • when it comes to what they do as far as
  • making liquor the marketing and
  • everything that we do for our Distillery
  • so to I am not surprised um it's just
  • it's amazing what you can do when you
  • take away all the and all the
  • politics and all the little little
  • little barriers that get in the way of
  • doing your job and that's what we have
  • that's that's been our goal for me and
  • CLA
  • you are the no Blood Hound
  • 25:01
  • that's want to get done listen you
  • you're no kidding and the fact that you
  • said you don't know my heart is
  • full as a former military person that
  • you just did that and my heart is
  • completely full and I want to say when
  • I'm when I'm talking to somebody who is
  • a anti-is disinformation no
  • Blood Hound that did it from scratch and
  • saw something that needed to be done and
  • just did it instead of talking about it
  • you are certainly a proii army General
  • you're definitely part of the Coalition
  • the same and andini I just want to thank
  • you so much for coming on you made my
  • day just completely made my day thank
  • you so much for you are something and is
  • there anything you want to end with
  • nandini we're going into
  • 2024 oh gosh take care of yourself I
  • mean it's going to be a hard year
  • there's going to be a lot of there's a
  • lot of unknowns and a lot of variables
  • out there and I think the best thing
  • that we can do
  • is take care for ourselves and ensure
  • that we are taking things day by day and
  • uh That We're All in This
  • Together am thank you for being the no
  • Blood Hound that we all love I
  • appreciate it and thank you so much for
  • Denver

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