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Sal Mercogliano: What is Going on With Shipping? ...What the Ship? (Ep105) | Red Sea & Houthi | Containerships | Cruise Ships | Shipbuilding | Big U

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
What is Going on With Shipping?

What the Ship? (Ep105) | Red Sea & Houthi | Containerships | Cruise Ships | Shipbuilding | Big U

Jun 17, 2024

300K subscribers ... 67,617 views ... 6.3K likes

#redsea #cruiseship #maritime

What The Ship? (Ep 105)| Recap of Past Stories | Red Sea and Houthi Attacks | Containership Sector Update | Cruise Ship Issues | Shipbuilding | SS United States Fate Unknown

What's Going on With Shipping?

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner - discusses the Top 5 Maritime Stories as of June 16, 2024.

#supplychain #redsea #containerships #container #shipping #shipbuilding #unitedstates #cruise #cruiseship #maritime #logistics

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00:00 Introduction

00:38 Recap Shipowners hit with lawsuit after vessel loses control in Charleston

Tug accused of February’s massive Caribbean oil spill arrested on separate charges in Angola Fiji’s New Patrol Boat Evacuated After Grounding on First Patrol

Massive Crack Discovered in Hull of Great Lakes Freighter After Flooding

04:23 1. Red Sea and Houthi Attacks US Naval Forces Rescue Crew From Bulk Carrier ‘Tutor’

Ship Evacuated And Ablaze After Attack By Yemen’s Houthis

Red Sea Diversions Are Causing Port Congestion in Singapore

Seafarers bear brunt of ‘rising aggression’ from the Houthis

Philippines to Review Seafarer Work Rules as Houthi Attacks Continue

CMA CGM Phoenician Express (BEX2)

French Frigate Captain Describes Frenetic Red Sea Combat

U.S. Intelligence Report Reveals Effects of Houthi Attacks on International Trade

Tracking Maritime Attacks in the Middle East Since 2019

12:19 2. Container Sector Container Spot Rates Set to Rise Further

Spot rate rises slow, but Asia-Med rates look set to hit $20k, say analysts

Trade Slows at Southern California Ports in May

Dockworkers seek wage increase ‘commensurate’ with corporate profits

Indian exporters face new surcharges as capacity to Europe tightens

16:41 3. Cruise Ship Sector Greece To Cap Number Of Cruise Ships At Its Most Popular Islands

First Mega Cruise Ship Built for Short Cruises Delivered to Royal Caribbean

22:53 4. Shipbuilding Samsung Says Russia’s Zvezda Illegally Terminated $4B Shipbuilding Deal

Newbuilding Prices Reach Highest Level in 16 Years Driven by Strong Orders

29:22 5. Iconic Ocean Liner SS United States Ordered to Leave Berth by September

  • Introduction
  • 0:00
  • on this 105th episode of what the ship we look at the top five Maritime stories
  • hi I'm your host salmer kagano welcome to today's episode so we have been doing this for a while now take the five top
  • Maritime stories package them together so that you can understand global Shipping well we're a little late in
  • getting this episode out because there has been a shipload of ship Stu happening around the world try to say
  • that a few times fast we're going to try to cover the top five stories and also do some Recaps on some previous stories
  • we've reported on if you're new to the channel hey take a moment subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so be alerted about new episodes as they come
  • out all right let's head over to Charleston South Carolina so our first recap is on the MSC Michigan 7 you may
  • Recap
  • remember the Michigan 7 after its epic 15 knot run down the Cooper River out of
  • control unable to throttle Back Down The Vessel subsequently came back into port
  • for investigation and repairs but it has since been arrested that's right you can
  • actually arrest vessels in this case Carver Maritime a break bulk organization in the Port of Charleston
  • issued a lean against the msse Michigan 7 for damages done to its facilities
  • it's estimated that about a half a million dollars worth of damage was done by the wake of the MSC Michigan 7 so the
  • vessel is still being held currently in the Port of Charleston waiting to resolve that claim you may remember back
  • in February we reported on a barge that sank off off the island of Tobago
  • there's a very controversial issue and video because of the way I pronounced Tobago which was incorrect based on
  • everyone who ever watched that video however we've learned more about the owner and the Tug and Barge so back in
  • February 7th a oil slick appeared off the island and it was traced back to a
  • tug the solo Creed and a barge the Gulf Stream the Gulf Stream was carrying about 35,000 barrels of oil from

  • 2:00
  • Venezuela this is a 48-year-old barge that capsized off the coast the cleanup
  • is estimated to cost up to $23.5 million so far uh an investigation by uh
  • several news agencies including the Trinidad and Tobago guardian and
  • bellingcat a Dutch uh journalism group basically tracked down this vessel they
  • identified the tug which was actually arrested in Angola on May 11th they've
  • been able to identify that ownership of the of the Tug and Barge laid with
  • Abraham Olaf Khan of Nigeria and efforts are being made to get
  • restitution a story we have not reported on but has a lot of Attraction is the grounding and loss of fiji's brand new
  • Patrol boat on its very first Patrol this vessel the rfns Palau was built by
  • Australia under austel and given as a gift from the government of Australia to

  • 3:04
  • Fiji well the vessel had subsequently ran ground on its maiden voyage uh the
  • ship is taking water and looks to be in obvious trouble and distress not exactly
  • clear whether or not the ship will be saved another story involved this the
  • Laker Mish Coten a 17 72 excuse me 72y old Canadian Laker that suffered a hull
  • crack uh it was believed initially the vessel may have struck something but instead what we have identified is the
  • sh ship suffered a Holst fracture about 13 ft in length the ship was able to
  • navigate its way back into Thunder Bay in Canada on Lake Superior about half
  • the crew was evacuated from The Vessel cargo has since been offloaded to another bulker a patch has been affixed
  • to the ship one of the reasons you operate vessel so long on the Great Lakes is the fresh water that just does

  • 4:03
  • not corrode The Vessel like saltwater does uh Canada along with the United
  • States operate fairly old vessels Canada has since repealed its cabotage laws so
  • they're allowed to bring in foreign belt and foreign crude vessels however the older vessels still remain as long as
  • they can make money let's go ahead to our first story which deals with the houthi attacks in and around the region

  • 1. Red Sea and Houthi Attacks
  • of the Red Sea the Gulf of Aiden and everybody's favorite the Bob Elman
  • dab there are two vessels that have been abandoned due to attacks perpetrated by
  • the houthi the first is the Greek owned Liberian flagged bulk carrier mvy tutor
  • which had sailed from Russia it was heading to India with a load of ore on
  • board the ship was attacked by the houthi specifically an unmanned surface
  • vessel this is basically a modified remote control boat with a large uh

  • 5:04
  • Warhead attached to it this is an image of tutor low in the water AF we believe that it was hit back in the engine room
  • this has caused the vessel to start losing its buoyancy one of the few areas of Reserve buoyancy on a bult carrier is
  • the engine space and that is currently being flooded US Navy forces have aband
  • have assisted in the evacuation of the crew off the vessel and one one crew
  • member has been reportedly lost and killed on board a Filipino concurrently
  • another vessel this time a palow flagged vessel uh which is Ukrainian operated
  • sailing from Malaysia to Italy with wood on board has also been evacuated the
  • vessel is on fire and potentially sinking this means that we're seeing the
  • first sinking of vessels since the loss of Ruby Mar months ago a significant
  • uptick going on with houthi attacks against shipping just did a whole video

  • 6:03
  • on this about a potential change of strategy that the Navy should be thinking about regarding Convoy but here
  • I want to talk more about the impact on global Shipping so one of the aspects we're seeing that this is causing is
  • because of the elongated shipping routes that ships have to go this story over in Maritime executive Red Sea diversions
  • are causing Port congestion in Singapore it's estimated we're seeing about 2
  • million containers piled up in Singapore right now it is the seafarers who are bearing the brunt of rising aggression
  • from the houthis the houthis are saying they're doing these attacks because of what the Israelis are doing in Gaza yet
  • they're perpetrating Horrors and attacks against innocent Mariners in the same vein and I
  • don't understand how they equate the two why is it committing one illegal act
  • nullify the other illegal act but what we're seeing happen right now is nations

  • 7:00
  • are taking note of this in particularly the Philippines who provide the bulk of
  • the world's Mariners are reviewing sea far work rules as these houthi attacks
  • continue in particularly what is being done to protect these Mariners what insurance is being provided for them
  • should they be hurt or wounded what protection is there for their families if a Mariner's life is lost all these
  • need to be examined and relooked at in the meantime some of the major ocean carriers in particularly CMA CGM very
  • quietly have resumed service through this region this is a report from lar
  • litica back in May where cmacgm resumes sus traffic uh from Asia to the
  • Mediterranean via their Phoenician express service this is The Phoenician
  • Express Service as advertised by CMA CGM it operates from East Asia via the Red
  • Sea up into the Mediterranean region they have a 11 vessels on here with 15

  • 8:02
  • ports of call it operates weekly with a duration of 77 days and if you pull up
  • the ships identified on it you can see that service is underway you'll notice
  • those kind of uh dotted lines here running through the region that has to do with the fact that ships are turning
  • off their AIS once they're clearing the Straits of Mala in and around Columbo in Sri Lanka
  • and then turning them on again when they're in the Mediterranean clearing the area and one of the reasons that
  • this is being done is because the French navy the uh Marine National is providing
  • escorts for these vessels this story over on the war zone French frigate
  • Captain describes the Frantic Red Sea combat this is from the captain of the French frigate alsas that was doing some
  • of this they have replaced the frigate alsas with an air defense Destroyer the
  • French Navy of forbin is now there a much more robust vessel able to do

  • 9:05
  • better air defense it's actually designed to provide air defense for their aircraft carrier the Charles de
  • gal and so the French are doing a much more kind of concentrated effort to
  • allow cmacgm even though these aren't always French flag vessels they are French owned vessels to navigate through
  • this area and maintain a service something that other navies are trying to do the Italians are doing it with
  • some of their shipping lines but interestingly enough the US is not doing it with us Flag ships there's also
  • reports being done about this the DIA the defense intelligence agency just published a report on this Yemen houthi
  • attacks placing pressure on International Trade I have to say that I hope the Dia's analysis is better than
  • what they released I understand this is an unclassed version of their report but it was solely lacking in details
  • analysis Plus only went up to March of this year if you really want to see the impact of the attacks I again always

  • 10:04
  • recommend head over to the Washington Institute site series of reports on this
  • interactive maps with charts with data I think the Washington Institute doing a
  • much better job at tracking this at least for open- Source intelligence than almost any other group that's out
  • there the impact of the Red Sea is amazing again here is a non-state actor
  • and I keep calling them a non-state actor because while the houthi May control the majority of Yemen and they
  • may have the capital of Yemen they are not recognized as the government of
  • Yemen by nearly any country in the world out there and yet they are illegally and
  • I'm going to say it again illegally attacking vessels on the high seas they have no right none to stop ships from
  • transiting through international waters these ships are not stopping in h in Yemen Waters they're not calling into

  • 11:03
  • Yemen Waters they are sailing through an international War Waterway which under the UN Convention of the law of the sea
  • cannot be interdicted and yet that is exactly what the houthi are doing and
  • either the US the French the British and all the other nations of the world have to make a cognizant decision here are
  • they going to prevent the houthi from doing this or are they just going to give up this region and allow the houthi
  • to close it down and cause massive impacts on global Shipping again I
  • understand the reason behind the houthi doing it they are upset over what Israel is doing in Gaza many people are upset
  • over what Israel is doing in Gaza also many people are upset for what Hamas did in Gaza to the Israeli people there is
  • two sides to every argument in a conflict however it doesn't do any good
  • to attack vessels and Crews that have have nothing and I mean nothing to do with this again a ship carrying wood

  • 12:05
  • from Malaysia to Italy and a vessel carrying ore from Russia to India what
  • has that got to do with Israel and that is the scope of what we're seeing all
  • right let's go ahead and jump over to our next story this story by Mike Schuler over in gap container spot rate

  • 2. Container Sector
  • set to R rise further we have been seeing this uptick in the uh short-term
  • rates the spot rates going from Asia to around the world we're seeing it tick up
  • much higher again we saw that big spike initially happen then it began to come back down but now it's back up and it
  • actually has exceeded the level initially caused by the houthi so we're seeing that zentia is talking about the
  • rise from far east to west coast expected to rise by 4.8% reaching
  • $6,185 fot equivalent unit this story from load star the spot rates

  • 13:02
  • rise slow but Asia Med rates look set to hit $220,000 says anal analysts again
  • that Asia to Med rate is one of the biggest it's the longest route because now cargo has to go all the way around
  • Africa through the terminals at Tangier in Morocco or aleris in Spain and then
  • be sent via feeder service around the Mediterranean it's one of the reasons why CMA CGM is trying to p push a weekly
  • service now through the Red Sea because they can make a lot of money if they can get a guaranteed set de or set rate
  • going through that region and assure a reliability of delivery meanwhile in the
  • United States we're seeing trade begin to slow at Southern California ports both LA and Long Beach are experiencing
  • declines in those regions and that is a two-fold reason why it's happening number one the Panama can Canal is
  • getting its water back we're seeing a rise in the level of the canal meaning that we're seeing a restoration in the

  • 14:06
  • number of ships going through and an increase in the draft of vessels going through so you can bypass LA and Long
  • Beach take those neop panamax ships through that large Lane of the Panama Canal and deliver it directly and at the
  • same time those containers that are on those ultra-large container ships are using those big terminals in aleris and
  • tan uh and over in roddam and Felix stow and
  • they're putting them on ships that are then going across the Atlantic to the United States one of the things I've
  • been talking about a little bit I'm going to be working on a video that talks about this is the potential development for a new Container Terminal
  • in Brazil that would be a big feeder service for those ultra-large container vessels coming around Africa to feed
  • into the Americas uh China right now Costco is developing a port on the west coast of South America in Peru this

  • 15:01
  • would be another venue for them to look at concurrent with all the issues we're
  • seeing in the container service uh we still have that issue with a potential looming strike on the East Coast with
  • the international long Shan's Association and the US Maritime Alliance
  • uh doc workers are seeking wage increases Cons consumate with corporate profits uh we had a walk out of the
  • negotiations between the LA and the usmx that largely had to do with issues of
  • using automated Gates down in Mobile Alabama but the underlying issue has to
  • do with a increase of wages for the union workers because the container
  • companies which make up a large portion of the usmx are kind of holding off on
  • pay raises when they have suffered these great profits recently at the same time we're seeing
  • impact here on a regional basis India who has been seeing their cargo now have

  • 16:03
  • to bypass the Red Sea have to go around Africa well they're facing new sir
  • charges as capacity to Europe Titans this is having a really negative impact
  • on India India which had been increasing its amount of freight going to Europe and back now has to go a distance that's
  • almost three times as long as previously that shortcut right through the Red Sea the Gulf of Aiden the Bob elmb
  • is money for India to get through but now they got to go three times that distance that's having a huge impact for
  • them all right let's go ahead and jump over to our next story two stories came out this week that I thought were really reflective of what's going on in the

  • 3. Cruise Ship Sector
  • cruise industry first story comes out of Bloomberg over at gcap Greece to cap number of cruise ship
  • at its most popular Islands so the prime minister of Greece is looking to put a
  • cap on the number vessels that can visit Greece's most popular Islands now this is big money for Greece

  • 17:04
  • Greece welcomed 32.7 million tourists in 2023 18% more than the year before and
  • the first quarter has seen a 25% rise in this crues generated
  • example is just not able to accommodate this huge influx when these massive uh
  • cruise ships arrive they can over overall a Island's infrastructure in
  • terms of restaurants Transportation just basically just it's too many people and
  • so one of the things that Greece is trying to do is improve its ability to schedule these Mega Cruise vessels from
  • coming in plus their environmental impact that they do have they bring in a
  • lot of not just people but they burn a lot of fuel they're always under power

  • 18:04
  • when they're off the coast because they're usually at anchor and therefore they create pollution in and around the
  • area so a a major issue and understand Greece is not alone with this we've seen this going on in Venice for example
  • we've seen it in Islands throughout the Caribbean one of the issues has been whenever an island or a port does this
  • the the fear is they're going to drive business away and go someplace else however what we're beginning to see here
  • is more and more ports are embracing this and that is a problem for the
  • cruise industry because eventually they'll run out of ports they can make their own artificial ports like some
  • Cruise Lines do in islands in the Caribbean in the Bahamas and off the coast of Haiti however if you want to get into these
  • largely tourist areas especially in and around the Mediterranean the North Sea the Baltic the Caribbean then you're
  • going to have to adjust to what these countries want the Second Story a really

  • 19:00
  • interesting one is the first mega cruise ship built for short cruises delivered
  • to Royal Caribbean now Coastal cruising is not new and this is not Coastal cruising this is a much different issue
  • so this story Royal Caribbean International took delivery of its second Mega cruise ship in 2024 the Utopia of the sea is unique as she's the
  • first of the largest class of cruise ships to be deployed on delivery into short weekend Cruise markets so 236,000
  • GR gross tons a gross ton is a measure of volume not displacement uh it's about 40 cubic feet per ton as much as 50%
  • larger than the freedom class with a passenger capacity of 5,668 people in lower births and
  • 2,834 cabins the the new ship will carry 20% more passengers now CEO of Royal
  • Caribbean Jason Liberty said this taking delivery of Utopia the sea is an incredibly important Milestone as it marks yet another evolution of our
  • game-changing ship and our mission to create the best vacation experience reasonably the ship features a broader

  • 20:03
  • array of amenities ranging from five swimming pools to water slides including one that is 43 feet longer uh goes on
  • down here so Mike Bailey the president CEO of Royal Caribbean International said this with the delivery of Utopia
  • the sea we have the keys to the ultimate weekend this is a short vacation that packs every way to make amazing memories
  • in a three night weekend or four night weekend getaway understand what Royal
  • Caribbean is doing here is by designing a ship that's going out for a shorter period of time that means that's less
  • stores food uh booze everything you need on board less that means Less store
  • rooms less less uh uh Logistics on board the ship and you can maximize your your
  • your passengers on board what they're doing is they're trading endurance for
  • capacity and so these ships are designed for short weekends short you know 3 to 4 day out outings not the long seven to 10
  • days where you have to restock all the time and and kind of put all that gear on board and that's a very

  • 21:07
  • interesting proposition they're taking as they're putting more passengers on board what are they doing in terms of
  • safety on board that's always my question when it comes to a cruise ship now I am not against cruising at all
  • matter fact I'm heading out on a cruise myself this summer and one of the first things I do when I go on a ship is look
  • for my way to egress off the ship and I do it by LIF raft you all go to lifeboats I'm going to a life raft I'll
  • see you later I am not getting into one of those lifeboats with everybody else I I know how to launch a life raft I am
  • all set to go in a life raft in a minute but there is an issue about this as we try to maximize the number of people
  • afloat what is Royal Caribbean all the Shipping Lines doing about this it's a really interesting Endeavor what Royal
  • Caribbean is doing in changing the interior of this vessel to accommodate it and it's purely a monetary and if you
  • look at Royal Caribbean particularly there are three major um Cruise Lines out there Royal Caribbean there's

  • 22:03
  • Norwegian and there is of of course Carnival and yeah there are other Cruise Lines underneath their banners but those
  • are the three big corporate ones they control about 80% of all the cruise lines out there and if you look at them
  • they're all going at different ways to do it Royal Caribbean stock has backed
  • up way over where it was pre 2000 they have boomed back and it's because of a
  • lot of sound ideas and management Carnival Norwegian is trying to get back
  • up to where they were they had to do a lot of things because of the downturn due to covid on board had to take some
  • uh loans and and and get some money they had to sell some assets but Royal Caribbean has been the one that has
  • really been leading the charge here and so this is an interesting Endeavor in the cruise ship sector all right let's
  • go ahead and jump over to our next story our next story deals with ship building the three largest ship builders in the

  • 4. Shipbuilding
  • 22:57
  • world representing 95% of all the world ships are China

  • 23:03
  • South Korea and Japan that's it there that little area right there that kind of Thousand Miles right around okanawa
  • right there is where 95% of all ship building is done with China being the
  • overwhelming majority there nearly 50% of all ship building is done in around
  • in China but what we're seeing is a big change in ship building right now this story over in Maritime executive new
  • building prices reach highest level in 16 years driven by strong orders so after years
  • of downturn soft decade throughout most of the 2010s the industry trade group bimco reports ship building prices are
  • reaching New Heights overall order prices are up to the highest point since 2008 having increased a further 3% in
  • 2024 now a lot of this has to do with the orders placed in 2021 and 2022 for
  • container ships when the container liners were flush with cash because of the high profitability and the higher
  • Freight rates they took a lot of that money and they started buying new ships I mean when you give a drunken sailor

  • 24:07
  • money they're going to spend it according to Neil's rasm over at bimco
  • he points this Resurgence in orders as helping to drive up prices the global order book highlights has grown 72%
  • since 2020 goes on down here shipyard's Global Order book currently stands at 133 million compensated gross t
  • as in an increase of 66 million from the low of 2020 so far this year the tanker
  • and LG segments combined have been the main drivers of growth in the global order book we're seeing LG and tankers
  • on an uptick we've seen that money increase there in terms of shipping but there is a finite amount of LG and
  • tankers and so therefore those companies are spending money bco highlights that LG and container ships have accounted
  • for respectively 35 and 30% of the increase while bul carriers tankers and

  • 25:00
  • LPG occupy the rest they also highlight that the ship building industry was plagued by overc capacity in the last
  • decade prices during the 2010s that reported only varied plus or minus 10%
  • from the Price's median period between 2010 and 2020 Ras M calculates that the
  • median order book versus capacity ratio was 2.2 declining to 1.7 in the second
  • half of 2017 this Improvement has helped fuel the the price increase don't forget
  • too a lot of shipping that's being built has these new fuels uh LNG fuel uh
  • ammonia methanol all the different types of inm fuels are being utilized right
  • now this is your order have exceeded the forecast from many analysts who expected a slower Pace versus the past few one of
  • the Nations that benefited greatly by this is South Korea however there are
  • problems with this one of the things you have to be careful the note right now is as the order book extends out we have

  • 26:02
  • seen the reduction in ship yard capacity not just in the United States but globally we are down about 60% in number
  • of shipyards around the world since 2008 that reduction has to do with
  • consolidation of shipyards shipyards have gotten bigger they've bought up each Shipyard for example the cssc the
  • Chinese uh State ship building Corporation builds 20% of the world
  • ships that's how big that Shipyard is it's not one single Shipyard it's a series of shipyards but that shows you
  • the growth the other aspect here is some issues regarding orders this story also
  • from Maritime executive Samsung says Russia's viia illegally terminated $4 billion ship building deal so a lot of
  • this has to deal with us sanctions against Russia goes on here Samsung
  • heavy Industries wrote in a stock exchange filing the Russian client uny claimed that the contract was not

  • 27:00
  • fulfilled during a negotiation process since the contract termination notice is
  • illegal we plan to file a complaint with the Singapore arbitration Court to dispute the illegality of the contract
  • deter termination and scope of return now Samsung has been working with this company for a long time the total
  • contracts called for 22 vessels with a combined value of
  • $5.7 billion and when you look at the contract it was looking at 10 LG
  • carriers and seven shuttle tankers these ships are now not being built for Russia
  • and they will be available for purchase if Russia doesn't come through uh we've
  • talked about this a lot the Russian government under these sanctions being imposed by the EU the G7 and all these
  • other countries because of their actions in Ukraine is having a negative impact
  • on their ability to procure new ships Russia is heavily dependent especially on Korea for their construction and in

  • 28:01
  • particularly LG tankers liquefied natural gas is a big uptick right now
  • Russians need those LG carriers in particularly a lot of those LG carriers are ice strengthened so they can operate
  • in the Arctic region the very northern region where the Russia has a lot of gas Fields without those vessels it's going
  • to be a big problem there's an opportunity there for other shipping companies or other nations to move in
  • and potentially grab those vessels I think this is a golden opportunity for the United States to grab some LNG
  • carriers put them into the US trade even talk about maybe a modification of a Jones act to put one or two of those
  • vessels in the coastal trade to provide LG for Puerto Rico for up into the New England area until LG tankers can be
  • built in the United States something the US did in the 70s and 80s could build them again just need to get started
  • doing that uh those product tankers would be good ones the US is facing the block obsolesence of tankers in it Fleet
  • we built a lot of tankers after 1990 the oil pollution Act of that year that required double hole tankers those

  • 29:04
  • tankers are now getting to be 30 years old so there needs to be some new construction being done you can get
  • those tankers on the short term while tanker production ramps up in the United States so Global ship building is in a
  • very interesting position these days all right let's go ahead and take a look at our last story The Last Story is one that's very dear to my heart because it

  • 5. Iconic Ocean Liner SS United States Ordered to Leave Berth by September</li>
  • involves the flagship of the US merchant marines this story over in Maritime executive
  • the iconic ocean liner SS United States ordered to leave Birth by September the
  • SS United States the flagship of the US Merchant Marine uh longtime holder of
  • the blue Rabon for the fastest passage across the Atlantic has been laid up in
  • Philadelphia for decades the ship was taken out of service in the
  • 1970s uh has been floating around from place to place it was in Newport News
  • for a long time went over to Turkey to have aestus remove it came back to the United States it's been laid up in

  • 30:03
  • Philadelphia for a long time and there's been an effort to try to convert the ship into a floating Hotel even talk
  • about returning her back to service but in truth very little can be done with
  • the hull of this vessel anymore and now uh there is litigation going on for the
  • ship to be off the birth where it currently is in Philadelphia and it's a traumatic story
  • for me because the SS United States which has been commanded by a uh captain
  • from my alma Mo every captain of that ship has been from State University of New York Maritime College I love every
  • story about the SS United States and if you want some great stories about SS United States and you want to do some research two books for you I always love
  • to talk about these so this book by Steven ufusa a man in his ship great
  • book it is about uh the uh designer of the of the vest
  • uh great book The subtitle of this book is America's greatest naval architect and his quest to build the SS United

  • 31:06
  • States William Francis Gibbs was the Elon Musk of his day the Henry Ford uh
  • just amazing this book is amazing the first half deals with Gibbs in his career but the second half deals with
  • States and you need to dig up Frank brainard's the big ship the story of the SS United States just a great one for it
  • SS United States in many ways symbolizes the the US Merchant Marine uh the fact
  • that it's sitting there rusting away in Philadelphia not moving is is probably a good indication of what has happened to
  • the US Merchant Marine it's been neglected it's been basically put away and people will recognize it once in a
  • while but there's not much left to do with it there a lot of talk about what to do with the SS United States but I'm
  • one of those who thinks it is she's pass her prime I don't want to see her scrapped and my idea is the Viking

  • 32:01
  • funeral for her take her out to sea and let's sink her as a reef I want to cut the funnels off her put one funnel at
  • State University of New York Maritime College and the other across the river at the uh us Merchant Marine Academy
  • because they're iconic and the cadets and midshipman there can maintain those I think that would be good symbols for
  • the US Merchant Marine the props are already there uh they've taken the propellers off off her she's been
  • stripped of nearly everything thing in her it it's unrealistic to get her going
  • she's uneconomical uh the engines are are too big for her she's overpowered I
  • mean this vessel flew I did over 40 knots did 20 knots a Stern I mean just
  • crazy stories about the SS United States but again we need to think about the future not the past and and one of the
  • things I think that the SS United States is reminds us of where the US Merchant
  • Marine was uh when it was built it was the very tail end of the program that

  • 33:00
  • was done during World War II under the US Maritime commission she's the second the last vessel built in that program
  • but it also marks the end of that program we need to be looking forward and one of the things I think we have a
  • hard time doing is looking forward in ways to to move ahead uh this ship is a
  • massive ship and I don't say this very lightly it's just the ship has sat for for decades and I got to tell you once
  • you leave ships alone for a long period of time they're almost possible to restore ask any Museum director about
  • this on a ship very difficult been watching the Restorations on board USS Texas and USS New Jersey as they've been
  • going on very expensive very laborious turning her into a floating hotel is
  • going to be tough because they're not very successful look at Queen Mary and Long Beach uh they just don't do very
  • well for that I think she would be a great centerpiece in New York on the west side for example at the old peers
  • there maybe Pier 88 uh I think that would be fantastic if someone wanted to invest in there but it' be a lot of

  • 34:04
  • money and I'm not exactly sure the profitability of it but I wanted to share that story because something is
  • about to happen with the SS United States and not many people know about it and its history and again if you want to
  • know more about it pick up one of these two books love Steven's book I also like Frank's book too because I am wonky when
  • it comes to shipping I hope you enjoyed today's episode if you did hey take a moment subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so be alerted about new videos
  • as they come out leave a comment share it across social media and if you can support the page how do you do that hit
  • that super thanks button down below or head on over to patreon and become a monthly or yearly subscriber I got to
  • tell you what's going on with shipping is going on the road taking off here later this week for beautiful Keel
  • Germany where I'm going to be speaking at the Keel International sea power Symposium that's right you get to talk
  • about shipping on YouTube you get to talk about the Red Sea the Black Sea and that's what I'm going to be talking
  • about there and the impact the conflicts in those two regions the red and the Black Sea could potentially have on a

  • 35:07
  • war on the blue Seas I'll keep you posted on this and let you know about the event and probably be doing a little
  • live streaming on the road until our next episode of the sou signing off
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