Republican challenges Pete Buttigieg at hearing… fails MISERABLY
Brian Tyler Cohen
2.82M subscribers
Jun 27, 2024
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- Suit by JB Clothiers:
- 0:00
- now recognizing that attempts to bribe
- the industry and the public into V EV
- adoption have literally failed at this
- point continue mandating Cafe standards
- EPA tail pipe standards that are de
- facto EV mandates and ideological allies
- in 12 states are seeking to ban the sale
- of non-ev cars now we can talk about the
- proper role of
- government that that' be a great
- conversation because I don't think that
- we H have the authority or should have
- the authority to to to limit what
- consumers can buy in this regard or what
- they can own but clearly Mr secretary
- this isn't working so I'm wondering is
- there some point and if you've
- identified some point where you will
- stop where the administration will stop
- where the federal government will stop
- this requirement and let the market
- decide as opposed to the central
- planning model and this dictatorial
- 1:02
- policy well thank you uh given time is
- limited I will confine myself to
- addressing the factually incorrect
- portions of what you have said beginning
- with the assertion that EV sales are
- going down they are in fact going up
- does that include the government sales
- or Private Sales every single year
- Private Sales purch secretary the entire
- Market government's forced to buy them
- so sales are going up but the private
- sector Private Sales too yeah I I'd like
- those numbers sure uh 1.2 million EVS
- were sold in the US in 202 how how many
- how many government how many private
- we'll get you that breakout but as you
- know more private citizens buy EVS than
- uh government purchases let me address
- the second factual mistake in your
- remarks which was that EV Coster are
- getting higher they're in fact getting
- lower and according to JD Power have now
- reached parity or are slightly lower
- than that do yeah that does include the
- subsidy that's right but the point is
- they are going lower
- 2:00
- all statement that they going up is
- incorrect the third incorrect assertion
- you made is that sales dropped in q1
- they did not drop compared to q1 of the
- previous year of course if you compare
- them to Q4 they drop because they always
- do because car sales are seasonal but I
- I would imagine most people are aware of
- that and I'm talking about EV Q4 to q1
- EV not just overall Car Sales any car
- sales go down q1 to Q4 because more
- people buy cars in Q4 but what I'm
- telling you is every single year
- more Americans buy EVS than the year
- before and the word Tail Spin is just a
- bizarre word to use for a growing sector
- of our economy we also think that since
- that's the way that the market is headed
- we should not allow China to build on
- the advantage that they developed during
- the Trump Administration not because
- they're environmentalists but because
- they understand the economic power of
- trying to dominate the EV Market we want
- those EVS to be made in America and
- increasingly they are I'm happy to have
- them made in America Mr secretary what
- I'm not happy about is the Mandate
- America the American people should be
- 3:01
- able to buy that brings me to the fourth
- and final thing that I need to challenge
- is being factually inaccurate which
- there is there is no mandate you can
- purchase a gas car if you want to pay uh
- uh gas prices at the pump but if you
- don't you can purchase an EV with our
- 3:14
- help this is Pete Budaj reminding
- 3:17
- Republican Congressman Scott Perry
- 3:18
- exactly what happens when you spout
- 3:20
- right-wing talking points not just at
- 3:21
- Maria bomo but at someone who actually
- 3:24
- knows what he's talking about here Perry
- 3:26
- takes up his party's mantle of doing the
- 3:27
- oil and gas Industries bidding by
- 3:29
- fearmongering about EVS you'll notice
- 3:32
- the Perry lies about EV costs claiming
- 3:34
- that they're more expensive for
- 3:35
- consumers when in fact the polar
- 3:37
- opposite is true EES now cost as much as
- 3:40
- or less than regular gas powered
- 3:42
- vehicles in the United States and so
- 3:44
- given this new information Perry of
- 3:46
- course moved the goalpost again claiming
- 3:48
- that okay well that doesn't count
- 3:50
- because they're subsidized first of all
- 3:52
- yes they're subsidized but it does count
- 3:54
- because Americans are literally paying
- 3:55
- less if you're paying $5,000 less for an
- 3:58
- EV than a gas powered vehicle consumers
- 4:00
- aren't thinking to themselves sure I'm
- paying 5,000 less but that's only thanks
- to a subsidy they're thinking this costs
- $5,000 less but perhaps the most
- important part and I'm actually glad
- that Scott Perry is trying to qualify
- the cost of EVS by pointing to Federal
- 4:13
- subsidies because if his goal is to
- 4:16
- carry water for gas powered vehicles he
- 4:18
- should probably answer for the fact that
- 4:20
- the US subsidizes fossil fuel companies
- 4:22
- to the tune of 20 billion per year as
- 4:25
- for EVS according to the treasury
- 4:27
- consumers have saved more than $1
- 4:29
- billion in upfront cost on their
- 4:30
- purchase of more than 150,000 clean
- 4:33
- vehicles since January 1st 2024 this
- 4:35
- Milestone translates to Consumers saving
- 4:38
- 1,750 annually on average on fuel and
- 4:41
- maintenance cost or $221,000 of
- 4:43
- discounted savings over the typical
- 4:44
- 15-year LIF span of a vehicle compared
- 4:47
- to a comparable gasoline vehicle for the
- 4:49
- more than 150,000 vehicle sales that
- 4:51
- have used The Upfront discount to date
- 4:53
- this equates to around $262 million
- 4:55
- annually on fuel and maintenance costs
- 4:57
- and up to $3.2 billion in cost over the
- 5:00
- life of the vehicle so roughly $1
- billion in subsidies for the first half
- of this year if we extrapolate that out
- to $2 billion for the whole year it
- still reaches just 10% of what we spent
- on fossil fuel subsidies this year so
- according to Perry us taxpayers shelling
- out $20 billion per year to the
- 5:17
- multi-billion dollar corporations who
- 5:19
- pollute our environment is no big deal
- 5:21
- totally fine a okay but the relatively
- 5:24
- tiny subsidies for EVS are somehow
- 5:27
- disqualifying please someone make it
- 5:30
- make sense and then there's the question
- 5:31
- of people actually buying EVS
- 5:33
- Republicans are desperate to create this
- 5:35
- narrative that EV sales are lagging and
- 5:37
- that Americans are sprinting back to
- 5:39
- embrace gas powered vehicles and the
- 5:41
- goal is to create the Optics of
- 5:43
- unpopularity for EVS which will of
- 5:44
- course reown to the benefit of oil and
- 5:46
- gas companies who donate to the
- 5:48
- Republicans campaigns which we'll get to
- 5:49
- in a moment only small problem here
- 5:52
- there aren't fewer Americans buying EVS
- 5:54
- there are more the share of EVS sold
- 5:56
- relative to gas powerered cars is
- 5:58
- surging Electric Vehicles accounted for
- 6:00
- 8% of all new light duty vehicle sales
- in the US in 2023 up from about 6% in
- 2022 and that number will continue to
- rise in 2024 by the first three quarters
- of 2023 the US had already sold more EVS
- than in all of 2022 and if you look at
- 6:15
- States like California already a third
- 6:17
- of new vehicle sales are electric all of
- 6:19
- this brings us one step closer to ending
- 6:21
- our alliance on fossil fuels and the
- 6:23
- countries that Supply them which of
- 6:25
- course is exactly what Republicans are
- 6:26
- trying to prevent but here's what I
- 6:28
- don't understand Fox and Republicans and
- 6:30
- the rest of the right-wing media
- 6:31
- ecosystem get their rocks off by
- 6:34
- fear-mongering about China on a daily
- 6:36
- basis and yet knowing that EVS are the
- 6:38
- future in the same way that we knew
- 6:40
- beepers and fax machines and landlines
- 6:42
- were all obsolete when given the chance
- 6:44
- to either own the future with EVS or
- 6:46
- seed it all to China the right is
- 6:48
- perfectly content to do the latter they
- 6:50
- claim that they don't want China to
- 6:52
- dominate us but they're handing them the
- 6:53
- entire Transportation sector in other
- 6:56
- words they talk a big game but at the
- 6:58
- end of the day there is no bigger Ally
- 7:00
- to China's hope for dominance in the
- world than today's Republican party and
- that's a point that Pete Budaj brought
- up to me as well in a recent interview
- the other thing that's really big here
- is jobs I come from the industrial
- Midwest I know how uh helpful it can be
- 7:13
- to have auto manufacturing in your uh in
- 7:16
- your region and I know how uh how
- 7:18
- terrible it can be if uh if your region
- 7:21
- loses out and that's what happened in my
- 7:22
- hometown of South Bend when stud Baker
- 7:24
- closed we have got to make sure that the
- 7:27
- next generation of cars which will
- 7:29
- largely de electric are made in the US
- 7:32
- under President Trump frankly they
- 7:34
- allowed China to get the advantage on
- 7:37
- EVS we're taking that Advantage back to
- 7:40
- America for American workers and
- 7:41
- American consumers doubling down on that
- 7:43
- work and we're excited to see that
- 7:45
- continue to develop especially because
- 7:47
- I've seen the factories and the jobs
- 7:49
- that's going to create and of course the
- 7:51
- reason why Republicans are so weak on
- 7:53
- this issue is simple they are owned by
- 7:55
- the oil and gas companies they are so
- 7:57
- desperate for their donations that will
- 7:59
- do their bidding even if doing so
- 8:01
- completely undermines their supposed
- opposition to Chinese dominance in the
- world and so what we're left with is an
- effort by those at the top who want
- money to spout this narrative that
- climate change isn't real and that
- fossil fuels are fine and that any
- 8:13
- effort to transition to clean energy is
- 8:15
- a leftist plot to ruin your life and end
- 8:17
- this country but let's be real these
- 8:19
- people aren't dumb they're Liars sure
- 8:21
- but they're not dumb they can see the
- 8:23
- impacts of climate change they can see
- 8:25
- the record heat the record wildfires the
- 8:27
- record hurricanes the record droughts
- 8:29
- but Republicans collectively have
- 8:31
- received over $310 million in total from
- 8:34
- oil and gas companies who stand to
- 8:36
- benefit from in trenching the status quo
- 8:39
- when we switch from oil and gas to
- 8:40
- Renewables and clean energy who do you
- 8:42
- think that impacts the exons and BPS of
- 8:44
- the world but those companies know that
- 8:46
- all it takes for some bad faith climate
- 8:48
- denialism is a few thousand doll to some
- 8:50
- spineless Republican politicians and
- 8:52
- Democratic politicians In fairness
- 8:54
- although not even close to the sh
- 8:56
- quantity of those on the right and then
- 8:58
- those people will come out and pretend
- 8:59
- that a once in a-lifetime once in a
- 9:01
- century storm is just called Autumn in
- fact if you want to know exactly why
- Scott Perry himself is fighting this
- fight all you have to do is look at how
- much he was paid by oil and gas
- companies over
- $28,000 he is bought and sold this is
- what it looks like when an industry owns
- a person this is why the Scott perries
- 9:19
- of the world pedal this pathetic
- 9:21
- Shameless embarrassing to the
- 9:23
- entire country this is why he'll sell
- 9:25
- out the planet that his own kids and
- 9:26
- grandkids are going to inherit when
- 9:28
- Republicans call themselves conservative
- 9:30
- the only thing they're conserving is
- 9:31
- their own bank accounts and yet while
- 9:33
- Republicans are pandering to the world's
- 9:35
- worst polluters for a few bucks look
- 9:37
- what this White House is done to lead us
- 9:38
- into the 21st century ground is broken
- 9:40
- on the nation's first High-Speed Rail
- 9:42
- which will travel from Southern
- 9:43
- California to Las Vegas cutting the trip
- 9:45
- in half from 4 hours to 2 hours the
- 9:47
- Project's expected to be completed in
- 9:49
- time for LA to host the 2028 Olympics
- 9:51
- it'll also bring the US in line with the
- 9:52
- number of other industrialized countries
- 9:54
- all of which boast Lightning Fast
- 9:56
- highspeed rail the White House also made
- 9:58
- good on another camp caign promise and
- 10:00
- launch the climate Corp a new federal
- program that looks to employ hundreds of
- thousands of Young Americans in the
- clean energy conservation and climate
- resilient sectors in fact the White
- House just announced the addition of a
- staggering 300,000 clean energy jobs to
- 10:13
- put that into perspective Biden has
- 10:15
- created more jobs in just clean energy
- 10:17
- alone than Donald Trump did during his
- 10:19
- entire presidency from EVS to highspeed
- 10:21
- rail to protections for consumers this
- 10:23
- Administration is making good on its
- 10:25
- promises not only to bring bring the us
- 10:27
- into the 21st century but to create jobs
- 10:29
- and economic growth while doing it that
- 10:31
- is what it looks like when a political
- 10:32
- party values Innovation jobs and our
- 10:34
- future as opposed to donations from oil
- 10:37
- and gas companies seeking to entrench
- 10:38
- our Reliance on expensive and outdated
- 10:40
- forms of energy and finally as far as
- 10:42
- the implications of Republicans actions
- 10:44
- frankly I really don't give a if I
- 10:46
- sound alarmist but vast swats of this
- 10:48
- planet will be and already are becoming
- 10:50
- uninhabitable because of the impacts of
- 10:52
- climate change scientists know this
- 10:54
- young people know this and everyone else
- 10:56
- willing to acknowledge objective reality
- 10:57
- knows this the GOP the media can both
- 11:00
- size this issue into Oblivion but the
- debate is over this Administration and
- today's Democratic party understand that
- and they are working to fix it the
- danger in allowing Republicans to take
- power cannot be overstated we have an
- Ever shrinking window where we can
- actually save this planet we are
- currently taking the most aggressive
- action that's ever been taken but that
- will end the moment Republicans have the
- ability to do so if you're a republican
- voter think about that if you're a
- non-voter think about that if you have
- kids and want to make their life easy
- and enjoyable for the rest of their
- lives think about that this issue should
- transcend politics it is existential for
- us as humans who share this planet but
- the fact that Republican politicians
- will gladly politicize it for just a few
- bucks from oil and gas companies should
- be all the proof you need that their
- priority isn't us it is their jobs and
- their own grip on
- power I've got a really exciting
- announcement I've written a book it's
- called Shameless this book explores how
- Republicans have exploited their
- historical branding while attacking our
- democracy how the media has proven
- itself a willful participant and how
- Democrats can learn from this to
- 12:00
- rebalance the political scales and save
- our democracy it has been a lifelong
- dream of mine to write my own book and
- so I'd like to ask you to pre-order it
- by clicking the link right here on the
- screen and if you buy within this
- pre-order period your book is going to
- come with a signed name plate as you
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