Bill Browder awarded knighthood by King Charles for standing up to Putin
Times Radio
Jun 15, 2024
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“The last 15 years have been a period of tragedy and heartbreak as people tried to stand up to Putin, and if I’m being honoured, so should they.”
Bill Browder pays tribute to Alexei Navalny and other Russian opposition activists as he receives a knighthood in the King’s birthday honours list.
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- 0:00
- spent the last 15 years fighting for a
- piece of legislation called the
- magnitsky act the magnitsky ACT is named
- after my Russian lawyer Sergey magnitsky
- who was murdered in Russian police
- custody after uncovering a vast Putin
- corruption scheme and I've been fighting
- for justice for him ever since um and
- the magnitsky ACT is this legislation
- which freezes the assets and bans the
- Visas of Russian human rights violators
- and kleptocrats and the magnit Act was
- uh uh passed in in the United States in
- in 2012 and now 35 other countries
- including the UK and there are many
- other people from Russia who helped me
- with this with this whole effort um a
- man named Boris nof who is the uh a big
- Russian opposition activist and he was
- murdered for doing so uh another man who
- is his Protege named Vladimir kumura um
- who helped me and what it showed up at
- all the different parliaments they tried
- to murder him twice with poison um he
- barely survived and now he's serving a
- 1:01
- 25e sentence in Siberia and solitary
- confinement for his work standing up to
- Putin another close friend of mine um
- who helped us with the magnitsky Justice
- campaign was Alexi nalni who um as many
- of you will know was murdered in
- February in a Russian siberian prison
- and many others and so uh you know this
- is not this this last 15 years has been
- a a period of tragedy and heartbreak as
- people tried to stand up to Putin and um
- if if I'm being honored uh so should
- they for for standing up to Putin and
- and I share this honor with them because
- they made the ultimate sacrifice Alan
- Bates who led the campaign for justice
- for sub postmasters has been knighted in
- the King's Birthday honors there are
- also Dam hoods for the actor amelda
- stonton and artist Tracy Emon another
- Knighthood goes to Bill Browder the
- financier and human rights activist he's
- dedicated the honor to Russian
- dissidents who've been killed for
- opposing Vladimir Putin Sir Bill is with
- 2:01
- us now good morning Sir Bill uh good
- morning I think you're the first first
- person who's addressed me that way in my
- life so thank you well not at all
- congratulations how how do you how do
- you respond when you hear that when you
- when you get the call or the letter I
- suppose and it and it says you know you
- are to be
- kned it's a total shock a bolt out of
- the blue something I couldn't have
- imagined in in my wildest dreams I mean
- just as you hear my accent I've got the
- wrong
- accent um I immigrated here 35 years ago
- from the United States I come from a a
- modest middle class family it's um it's
- just I mean a totally uh a a strange
- sensation to have gotten that letter and
- to be embraced um by this country and
- and by the institutions of this country
- in such a in such a warm way yeah I mean
- first of all there's no such thing as
- the wrong accent for this Sir Bill I
- think you know this is just
- 3:00
- uh credit where credit is due um I'm
- struck by your dedication of your honor
- talk to us more about why you're
- dedicating this to to Russian
- dissident well so the the reason um uh
- that that I've been granted this honor
- is that I've spent the last 15 years
- fighting for a piece of legislation
- called the magnitsky act the magnitsky
- ACT is named after my Russian lawyer
- Sergey magnitsky who was murdered in
- Russian police custody after uncovering
- a vast Putin corruption scheme and I've
- been fighting for justice for him ever
- since um and the magnitsky ACT is this
- legislation which freezes the assets and
- bans the Visas of Russian human rights
- violators and kleptocrats and the magnit
- Act was passed in in the United States
- in in 2012 and now 35 other countries
- including the UK and there are many
- other people from Russia who helped me
- with this with this whole effort um a
- man named Boris nof who is the a big
- Russian opposition activist and he was
- 4:01
- murdered for doing so uh another man who
- is his Protege named Vladimir kumura um
- who helped me and went and showed up at
- all the different parliaments they tried
- to murder him twice with poison um he
- barely survived and now he's serving as
- 25e sentence in Siberia and solitary
- confinement for his work standing up to
- Putin another close friend of mine um
- who helped us with the magnitsky Justice
- campaign was Alexi nalni who um as many
- of you will know was murdered in
- February in a Russian siberian prison
- and many others and so uh you know this
- is not this this last 15 years has been
- a a period of tragedy and heartbreak as
- people tried to stand up to Putin and um
- if if I'm being honored uh so should
- they for for standing up to Putin and
- and I share this honor with them because
- they made the ultimate sacrifice amazing
- how do you how do you celebrate getting
- a Knighthood what I've I've never
- 5:00
- experienced that so what do you do well
- I'm not quite sure to be honest um I I I
- think the the main celebration will be
- to be to use this status this new status
- to further the work that I've been doing
- I'm in right in the middle of it that
- nothing has been finish we're still
- still fighting Putin in every way
- Vladimir Kamura is still in prison um
- the war is Raging in Ukraine and
- anything I can do to um to take this
- this new status which allows me to get
- more meetings allows me to um you know
- cut through the bureaucracy any of that
- type of stuff would be the best
- celebration of this thing because um you
- know it's it's it's not easy um trying
- to change change the world not easy
- trying to stand up to Putin um uh and
- any any help I can get from from by
- having this institutional credibility
- will will certainly um be a great thing
- yeah uh well Sir Bill Brer it's great to
- speak to you thank you very much thank
- you and congratulations once again uh
- that is the newly kned Sir Bill broer
- 6:02
- financier and human rights activist I'm
- pleased to say we can also speak to
- Sally Borton morning to you Sally good
- morning now you are actually a
- postmaster you weren't caught up at all
- in the Horizon it Scandal thank goodness
- but you have incredibly run your post
- office in Cornwall for 24 years and
- supporting your community you're going
- to be awarded the British Empire medal
- for services to the community I mean how
- are you feeling about that
- well it's all a bit surreal isn't it I
- mean it's just I'm just a little rural
- post office in a you know in a small
- village um we do have a great Community
- here um but yeah yeah just um I've never
- been I'm not normally stuck for words
- but when I open the letter I certainly
- was I had to sit
- down and and just explain to us how you
- you sort of the process of finding out
- and and saying that you're going to
- accept it and all of that so um it was
- Frid the 10th of May I always go to my
- 7:01
- mom's on a Friday and we go out for
- lunch and you know do our shopping and
- things and I came back and um the lady
- that works for me said oh there's a
- letter for you and I saw it said on his
- Majesty's service and then it said
- cabinet office and I said oh my goodness
- wonder what I've done
- now and my and my colleague said
- whatever it is I wasn't with you it
- wasn't me and I said oh okay anyway so I
- went indoors and I I opened it and I I
- read the first couple of lines and I I
- literally had to just sit down I just I
- was just so taken back back um yeah yeah
- that's that's how I found out and what I
- mean what have your family said about it
- how did you tell them well they only
- knew last night I I what I I well yes
- because the letter says you can't tell
- anyone it's in strict of confidence so
- I'm sure you could tell your family I
- know but I I'm afraid I take things a
- bit literally
- so um it was um somebody's funeral in
- the village um yesterday and i' gone up
- 8:00
- to help out at the weake you know do the
- teas and coffees and things and my
- husband helped me when we came back um I
- told him it was about half 4 or 5:00 I
- think and he he was he was go smacked as
- well and he said what about the girls
- and I said oh no I haven't haven't told
- anybody Paul it's you
- know so uh we got the girls together and
- told them last night and they were also
- gobsmack so we're we're a gobsmack
- family we really are it's amazing and I
- mean just tell us you say that you're a
- small rural post office is it
- challenging to run a post office at the
- moment oh my goodness it it has been
- for I mean I've been quite vocal on this
- over the years since about I think it's
- 2012 um you know we are not valued
- financially
- [Music]
- um it's really difficult because you
- know I love what I do and I know
- probably nearly every postmaster does
- it's it's such a special job being part
- of a community and just helping people
- 9:00
- every day little things you know you
- help if you can um and it I can't
- imagine doing anything else at all but
- then you've got this constant struggle
- about you know we're not paid enough for
- what we do um I don't know so and
- congratulations by the way to Sir Alan
- bat on that could not have gone to a
- more deserving
- person for
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