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USS GLOBAL: Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine dealt biggest blow to Russian Navy in Crimea with US HAMMER!

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine dealt biggest blow to Russian Navy in Crimea with US HAMMER!


1.48M subscribers ... 90,414 views

Jun 24, 2024

Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine dealt biggest blow to Russian Navy in Crimea with US HAMMER!

  • 0:04
  • [Music]
  • [Music]
  • welcome to the USS Pentagon YouTube
  • channel a massive offensive by Ukrainian
  • troops brought the enemy's Navy to the
  • brink of annihilation
  • in front of the eyes of the whole world
  • the Russians conceded defeat according
  • to Ukrainian Navy spokesman Captain
  • demitro penchuk another Russian warship
  • has been spotted fleeing from annexed
  • Crimea penchuk made the following
  • statement yesterday another small
  • Russian ship is leaving our Crimea we
  • said we would not Harbor them here as
  • Kiev seeks a reversal of Russia's
  • annexation of Crimea in 2014 Russia has
  • been forced to move most of its warships
  • from Crimea to the Novar rois base in
  • 1:01
  • Russia's cradar region due to ongoing
  • Ukrainian attacks targeting its own
  • ships Russian officials reported that
  • Russia's Bora class project 1239 guided
  • missile Corvette was seen leaving the
  • Black Sea Peninsula a day earlier along
  • with a raptor class Patrol boat Russia's
  • project 1239 missile flying vehicle is
  • designed to fight enemy surface warships
  • and high-speed boats the Russian Black
  • Sea Fleet continues to leave sevastopol
  • which it Annex officials said referring
  • to the port city in Crimea Russian
  • officials continued until now both of
  • these ships were permanently based in
  • sevastopol Russia has moved some of its
  • valuable Black Sea Fleet ships away from
  • its port in Crimea to avoid further
  • losses following successful Ukrainian
  • drone and cruise missile attacks
  • satellite images from last October
  • showed the Russian Fleet fleeing from
  • sevastopol to Novar Roes in codar cry in
  • southern Russia after Ukraine targeted
  • 2:00
  • Moscow ships the ships were also heading
  • for the Russian naval port at fidia
  • further east on the annexed Crimean
  • Peninsula more recent satellite imagery
  • from April shared by open- Source
  • intelligence researcher Mt Anderson
  • shows that the Black Sea fleet has
  • largely abandoned its major Crimean
  • Naval bases penchuk said that ke's
  • 2:21
  • ultimate goal is the complete
  • 2:23
  • destruction of the military vessels of
  • 2:25
  • the so-called Russian Federation in the
  • 2:27
  • azov and Black Sea regions plon Chuck
  • 2:30
  • said that a third of Russia's Black Sea
  • 2:31
  • fleet has been disabled so far experts
  • 2:34
  • close to the Ukrainian defense Ministry
  • 2:36
  • earlier said that Kiev had launched a
  • 2:38
  • strategy to disarm the Black Sea Fleet
  • 2:40
  • as part of steps to liberate the
  • 2:42
  • peninsula UK defense secretary Grant
  • 2:45
  • shaps said that Russia's Black Sea Fleet
  • 2:47
  • became functionally ineffective after
  • 2:50
  • Ukraine's attack on sevastopol in April
  • 2:53
  • shaps continued his statement as follows
  • 2:56
  • the continuation of Putin's illegal
  • 2:58
  • invasion of Ukraine comes at a huge cost
  • 3:00
  • to Russia's Black Sea Fleet One of
  • Ukraine's undoubtedly greatest
  • achievements during this entire War has
  • been to drive the Russians away from the
  • Crimean Bridge head Russia relies much
  • more on supply routes through the
  • occupied territories on the Ukrainian
  • 3:15
  • Mainland for the continued existence of
  • 3:18
  • its combat units than on the Crimean
  • 3:20
  • Bridge which has recently been
  • 3:22
  • repeatedly attacked by the Ukrainian
  • 3:23
  • Armed Forces analysts explain that maxar
  • 3:27
  • satellite imagery shows that not a
  • 3:29
  • single mil milary freight train has
  • 3:31
  • passed through the Crimean Bridge
  • 3:32
  • Railway line over the past 3 months then
  • 3:34
  • this is a very important development for
  • 3:36
  • the course of the occupation on July
  • 3:38
  • 17th 2023 after Ukrainian Navy drones
  • 3:42
  • carrying explosives attacked the bridge
  • 3:44
  • and blew up part of the roadway and
  • 3:45
  • railroad tracks the use of the bridge
  • 3:48
  • significantly decreased according to
  • 3:50
  • vossel Malak head of the security
  • 3:52
  • service of Ukraine until recently more
  • 3:55
  • than 40 trains carrying weapons crossed
  • 3:57
  • the bridge in Russia every day Now
  • 4:00
  • traffic has dropped to four passenger
  • and one freight train a day he explained
  • at the same time cargo shipments through
  • tommen in Russia's krasnodar territory
  • have increased according to analysts
  • Ukraine should rationally use Western
  • weapons and concentrate its attacks on
  • the melitopol berdiansk and marup Route
  • 4:20
  • where Russia is laying new railway lines
  • 4:22
  • to connect these occupied territories
  • 4:24
  • with Crimea and Mainland Russia as noted
  • 4:27
  • in the publication the new Railway line
  • 4:30
  • which runs from yakam mka of the melat
  • 4:32
  • region to berans and marup and then to
  • 4:35
  • rostoff is likely to be used by the
  • 4:38
  • Russian army for a new offensive that
  • 4:40
  • could start this summer The Railway
  • 4:41
  • route consists of 63 km of new lines and
  • 4:45
  • about 140 km of restored lines the
  • 4:48
  • occupiers want to complete construction
  • 4:50
  • by the end of the year so that the new
  • 4:52
  • network will connect more areas in the
  • 4:54
  • temporarily occupied part of the detet
  • 4:57
  • region as reported earlier UK ukan Navy
  • 5:00
  • spokesman Captain third rank demitro
  • platuk said that the illegally built
  • Crimean bridge will be demolished and
  • the only question is the degree of
  • Destruction this was followed by another
  • good development according to a press
  • release from a US drone company new
  • drones equipped with machine guns could
  • 5:18
  • soon be delivered to the Ukrainian Army
  • 5:20
  • in the midst of the ongoing war against
  • 5:22
  • Russia filon Arrow a washington-based
  • 5:25
  • firm announced the launch of its felon X
  • 5:28
  • and felon 1.0 armed drones with counterd
  • 5:31
  • drone AI capability in a press release
  • 5:33
  • published by paid platform PR newswire
  • 5:37
  • the drones are thought to be aimed at
  • 5:38
  • strengthening Ukraine's defense
  • 5:40
  • capabilities Ukraine could soon receive
  • 5:43
  • the drones if the Pentagon decides to
  • 5:45
  • purchase and send them to the war torn
  • 5:47
  • country as part of a $61 billion Aid
  • 5:50
  • package approved by Washington last
  • 5:52
  • month after months of negotiations the
  • 5:55
  • company said in a statement drones or
  • 5:58
  • unmanned aerial vehicles uavs have
  • 6:01
  • played a crucial role in the war myo
  • federov Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister
  • for innovation in education science and
  • technology and minister of digital
  • transformation has been managing
  • Ukraine's drone program since the
  • beginning of Russia's full-scale
  • 6:18
  • invasion of Ukraine in February
  • 6:20
  • 2022 the Ukrainian government had
  • 6:23
  • previously launched the Drone Army
  • 6:25
  • initiative and fundraising campaign to
  • 6:27
  • purchase drones for the Ukrainian
  • 6:28
  • Defense Forces
  • 6:30
  • federov said in December that drones
  • 6:32
  • sometimes work more efficiently than
  • 6:34
  • artillery on the battlefield the
  • 6:36
  • acceptance of the US Aid package came as
  • 6:38
  • Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski
  • 6:41
  • called on Western allies to provide
  • 6:43
  • additional support saying his troops
  • 6:45
  • were hampered by insufficient ammunition
  • 6:47
  • stocks the company said the Felon 1.0
  • 6:50
  • drone is a groundbreaking combination of
  • 6:52
  • air superiority and lethal Precision
  • 6:55
  • designed for military and law
  • 6:57
  • enforcement applications filon Aro CEO
  • 7:00
  • Todd duny said his company's mission is
  • to empower nations with cuttingedge
  • defense technologies that ensure Safety
  • and Security in an Ever evolving
  • geopolitical environment Todd duny
  • continued with the unwavering support of
  • the United States government through the
  • recent spending Bill We Stand ready to
  • 7:18
  • contribute to Ukraine's defense efforts
  • 7:20
  • by providing Advanced armed uavs that
  • 7:23
  • redefine the Paradigm of Modern Warfare
  • 7:26
  • Russia has been rocked by drone strikes
  • 7:28
  • since the start of the the war with some
  • 7:30
  • strikes reaching Moscow many strikes
  • 7:33
  • have targeted Ammunition Depot and
  • 7:35
  • warehouses Ukraine promised to liberate
  • 7:37
  • its territory completely as soon as
  • 7:40
  • possible with the support of its friends
  • 7:43
  • significant clashes were recorded later
  • 7:45
  • in the day in temporarily occupied
  • 7:47
  • luhansk an oil Depot belonging to the
  • 7:50
  • occupiers was hit Leon pasnik a
  • 7:53
  • collaborator of the luhansk region and
  • 7:55
  • head of the occupation Administration
  • 7:57
  • claimed that atacas was used for this
  • 7:59
  • purpose the explosions were reported at
  • 8:02
  • first light photos and videos of the
  • fire most likely caused by the impact
  • were published by the authorities on
  • social media the head of the occupation
  • administration of the luhansk region
  • made the following statement the night
  • attack on the oil Depot in luhansk was
  • 8:18
  • probably carried out with western style
  • 8:20
  • AAC AMS missiles according to
  • 8:23
  • preliminary data from pachnik five
  • 8:25
  • employees of the oil Depot were injured
  • 8:27
  • and hospitalized four ambulances arrived
  • 8:30
  • at the scene of the attack however
  • 8:33
  • according to him first aid to the
  • 8:34
  • victims was complicated by a strong fire
  • 8:37
  • the leader of the so-called LPR added
  • 8:40
  • that as a result of the strike power
  • 8:42
  • lines were damaged and houses near the
  • 8:44
  • oil Depot were partially deenergized a
  • 8:47
  • high-press gas pipeline is on fire and
  • 8:50
  • all luhansk units of the emergencies
  • 8:52
  • Ministry are involved in extinguishing
  • 8:54
  • the fire pachnik reported that an oil
  • 8:57
  • Depot in luhansk was attacked and a a
  • 8:59
  • fire broke out as a result of the attack
  • 9:02
  • numerous oil refineries in Russia and
  • the occupied territories of Ukraine have
  • been under Fire since the beginning of
  • 2024 at least seven Russian refineries
  • closed their facilities in the first
  • quarter in early May drones attacked oil
  • refineries in Russia's ryzon and vores
  • 9:20
  • regions a few hours later the Special
  • 9:22
  • Operations forces of the Armed Forces of
  • 9:25
  • Ukraine conducted a quick raid on
  • 9:27
  • Russian positions in the southern part
  • 9:29
  • during this raid the Russians tried to
  • 9:31
  • flee in great Panic Ukrainian troops did
  • 9:34
  • not allow any of the Invaders to escape
  • 9:36
  • and liquidated many of them Ukrainian
  • 9:39
  • troops have released footage of the
  • 9:40
  • operation the footage shows a week of
  • 9:43
  • combat operations operators of the 73rd
  • 9:46
  • Naval Special Operations Center used
  • 9:48
  • unmanned aerial vehicles in attacks
  • 9:50
  • against the Invaders the footage shows
  • 9:52
  • Russian Invaders hiding in a bunker as
  • 9:54
  • Ukrainian kamakazi drones approach
  • 9:57
  • someone tried to shoot down the drones
  • 9:58
  • with an assault rifle but in most cases
  • 10:01
  • the attack drones fly directly into
  • trenches and bunkers and explode inside
  • killing the
  • Invaders ENT researchers also discovered
  • that the video shows the Ukrainian
  • defense forces attacking Russian
  • infantry positions on the Left Bank of
  • 10:16
  • the kersen region near Kachi laheri and
  • 10:19
  • the village of pokrovski near kinburn
  • 10:21
  • spit the attacks were carried out with
  • 10:23
  • the cooperation of missile and artillery
  • 10:25
  • units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at
  • 10:28
  • least one mortar and Manpower of the
  • 10:30
  • Russian occupation forces were destroyed
  • 10:33
  • the operators of one of the Special
  • 10:34
  • Operations units had earlier detected
  • 10:37
  • and destroyed six missile launchers of
  • 10:40
  • the book M1 air defense system The
  • 10:43
  • Operators used fixed-wing kamakazi
  • 10:45
  • drones to inflict fire damage while the
  • 10:47
  • shark drone tracked the target upon
  • 10:50
  • impact the rocket fuel exploded the
  • 10:53
  • Russians tried to extinguish the fire
  • 10:55
  • but failed earlier operators of
  • 10:58
  • Ukrainian special operations forces
  • 11:00
  • attack drones detected and destroyed two
  • Russian book M1 launchers in the sector
  • of sui region this operation gave the
  • Russians a bad start to the day already
  • devastated the Russians were hit by
  • another round of attacks on the Eastern
  • axis Ukrainian Defenders drove the
  • 11:17
  • Russian Invaders from their positions on
  • 11:19
  • part of the Eastern Front Ukrainian
  • 11:21
  • troops captured a large area of Russian
  • 11:23
  • territory on the Eastern axis the
  • 11:26
  • fighters raid was so Fierce that the
  • 11:27
  • Russians were unable to resist
  • 11:30
  • the 79th Air Assault brigades attack
  • 11:32
  • drone company perun group published the
  • 11:34
  • video of the capture of Russian
  • 11:36
  • positions operators used drones with
  • 11:39
  • ammunition and supported the offensive
  • 11:41
  • actions of Ukrainian infantry the
  • 11:43
  • military did not specify where the
  • 11:45
  • battle took place according to the video
  • 11:48
  • the group of Russian soldiers was hiding
  • 11:50
  • inside the mtlb tracked tractor used as
  • 11:53
  • an armored personnel carrier after they
  • 11:56
  • were spotted a Ukrainian drone arrived
  • 11:58
  • and threw a grenade at the armored
  • 12:00
  • vehicle after the explosion the Russians
  • realized that they had been pushed out
  • and decided to hide in nearby shelters
  • on the site of a former Forest
  • Plantation all this time the enemy
  • infantry was being observed by a
  • Ukrainian drone so it was known where
  • the Invaders were hiding so the dronies
  • 12:18
  • of the 79th Air Assault Brigade started
  • 12:20
  • attacking the shelter they dropped
  • 12:22
  • ammunition on the positions destroyed
  • 12:24
  • the ceilings and forced the Russians to
  • 12:26
  • look for other hiding places a group of
  • 12:28
  • ukra infantry then approached the enemy
  • 12:31
  • positions and began the attack after the
  • 12:33
  • Russian soldiers refused to surrender
  • 12:36
  • grenades began to be thrown into the
  • 12:37
  • bunker where the Invaders were located
  • 12:40
  • as a result of the actions of Ukrainian
  • 12:42
  • infantry and drone operators the
  • 12:44
  • fortifications were broken and the
  • 12:46
  • Invaders were eliminated soldiers of the
  • 12:49
  • 79th separate Tavian Air Assault Brigade
  • 12:52
  • also fought off an attack and destroyed
  • 12:54
  • a group of Invaders riding motorcycles
  • 12:57
  • the Russians tried to seize positions of
  • 12:59
  • Ukrainian paratroopers near novom mikai
  • 13:01
  • livka in the donet region but Ukrainian
  • drones immediately went to work against
  • the Invaders and dropped ammunition on
  • Russian soldiers and Equipment all these
  • losses significantly demoralized the
  • Russians so the Russian authorities took
  • action Russian commanders tried to boost
  • the morale of their troops and promised
  • 13:20
  • that this time we will win as part of
  • 13:23
  • the rotation the Russian occupiers began
  • 13:26
  • deploying a new VM marked military unit
  • 13:28
  • in the direction of berans Petro andreos
  • 13:32
  • chenko adviser to the mayor of marup
  • 13:35
  • made the following statement about this
  • 13:36
  • preparation of the occupiers the
  • 13:39
  • Russians are moving a new unit in the
  • 13:41
  • direction of berans as part of the
  • 13:43
  • rotation in the coming days we may see
  • 13:45
  • an attempt to increase pressure in the
  • 13:47
  • robotin area he noted that the enemy
  • 13:50
  • military Convoy dispersed due to traffic
  • 13:52
  • jams on the road from novoazovsk to
  • 13:55
  • mariupol and then mve towards berans the
  • 13:58
  • mayor's advisor made a statement like
  • 14:00
  • this we also recorded the movement of
  • large-sized ammunition as part of
  • convoys under the guise of humanitarian
  • Aid according to him taking into account
  • the sudden decommissioning of the
  • artillery firing range near marup it can
  • be assumed that new shells were brought
  • by the so-called humanitarian convoys as
  • 14:19
  • reported the Russian occupiers are
  • 14:21
  • turning marup and surrounding Villages
  • 14:24
  • into military and Logistics centers the
  • 14:26
  • day before Andre usenko reported Ed that
  • 14:29
  • military equipment was moving towards
  • 14:31
  • berans according to him the vehicles of
  • 14:34
  • the occupiers are already tightly parked
  • 14:36
  • at night in civilian parking lots near
  • 14:38
  • high-rise buildings Ukrainian Defense
  • 14:41
  • Forces units destroyed 59 incoming air
  • 14:43
  • Targets later in the day commander of
  • 14:46
  • the Air Force Maka oleschuk said that
  • 14:48
  • the Ukrainian troops showed a great
  • 14:50
  • performance the Russian Invaders
  • 14:52
  • launched a combined attack involving
  • 14:54
  • missiles of various types as well as
  • 14:56
  • one-way attack drones in total the enem
  • 14:59
  • enemy troops used 55 missiles and 21
  • 15:02
  • attack drones fighter jets anti-aircraft
  • combat units of the Ukrainian Air Force
  • Mobile air defense groups and electronic
  • warfare units took part in repelling the
  • Massive Attack on the other hand Ukraine
  • claims to have destroyed Russian
  • Artillery at a record rate as the war
  • 15:19
  • between the two countries continues
  • 15:21
  • Ukraine's defense Ministry said 89
  • 15:23
  • artillery units had been destroyed in
  • 15:25
  • the fighting in recent days Kiev shared
  • 15:28
  • a graph showing all the Russian military
  • 15:30
  • hardware and vehicles it claims to have
  • 15:32
  • destroyed in the war that began in
  • 15:34
  • February
  • 15:35
  • 2022 Ukrainian officials claim that more
  • 15:38
  • than
  • 15:39
  • 475,000 Russian soldiers have been
  • 15:42
  • killed 349 aircraft shot down over 7,300
  • 15:47
  • tanks and over 12,000 artillery units
  • 15:50
  • shot down since the Russian invasion the
  • 15:53
  • Ukrainian authorities graphic was
  • 15:54
  • accompanied by a quote from the late
  • 15:56
  • American war journalist Ernie pile I
  • 15:59
  • love the Infantry because they are The
  • 16:00
  • Underdogs they are children of mud rain
  • Frost and wind they have no comfort and
  • even learn to live without it and after
  • all they are the men without whom Wars
  • cannot be won Russia continues its
  • offensive in eastern Ukraine Kiev is
  • desperately awaiting the arrival of 50
  • 16:20
  • billion worth of military aid from the
  • 16:22
  • United States to replenish its
  • 16:24
  • ammunition and defend against aggression
  • 16:26
  • but while Ukraine awaits the arrival of
  • 16:28
  • the the first F-16 fighter jets as part
  • 16:31
  • of the latest foreign aid package passed
  • 16:32
  • by the US Congress Russia's ground
  • 16:35
  • forces are grappling with 18th century
  • 16:37
  • challenges even as the Kremlin advances
  • 16:39
  • on the battlefield the imminent delivery
  • 16:42
  • of f-16s to Ukraine is being hailed as a
  • 16:45
  • potential GameChanger in the war as it
  • 16:48
  • enters its third year the advanced
  • 16:50
  • aircraft expected to arrive in a few
  • 16:52
  • weeks will bolster Ukraine's depleted
  • 16:55
  • air fleet and give it a significant
  • 16:57
  • advantage over Russian forces one
  • 16:59
  • Ukrainian pilot in training emphasized
  • 17:01
  • the importance of the Jets saying the
  • F-16 is a powerful and versatile
  • aircraft that will give us the edge we
  • need to dominate the skies but even
  • before the f-16s arrive Russian forces
  • find themselves increasingly vulnerable
  • to another air threat Ukraine's
  • 17:17
  • widespread use of tens of thousands of
  • 17:20
  • relatively cheap and agile drones
  • 17:22
  • Ukraine's digital Minister Miko federov
  • 17:25
  • recently emphasized the country's
  • 17:27
  • strategic use of drones announcing plans
  • 17:29
  • to produce thousands more for deeper
  • 17:31
  • strikes on Russian territory often armed
  • 17:34
  • with explosives these weapons pose a
  • 17:36
  • persistent threat due to their ability
  • 17:38
  • to strike from distances of up to 13
  • 17:40
  • miles the seriousness of the Drone
  • 17:43
  • threat has led some Russian soldiers to
  • 17:45
  • desperately seek an old school solution
  • 17:47
  • to a Thoroughly Modern problem shotguns
  • 17:50
  • we need shotguns we need
  • 17:53
  • shotguns in a video that recently went
  • 17:55
  • viral a Russian soldier cried as he
  • 17:58
  • described the difficulties of attacking
  • 17:59
  • drones with standard infantry weapons
  • 18:02
  • these drones are a real problem for us
  • and we are struggling to find an
  • effective way to shoot them down other
  • Russian soldiers begged their
  • compatriots on social media to send
  • shotguns to the front lines to counter
  • the daily drone bombardment one of them
  • stated the following drones are a
  • 18:19
  • constant nuisance and we are running out
  • 18:21
  • of options to deal with them shotguns
  • 18:24
  • could be a GameChanger for us on the
  • 18:25
  • ground the Russian military's use of
  • 18:28
  • shotguns is a low Tech but effective
  • 18:30
  • solution to the Drone problem the
  • 18:32
  • widespread of shotgun pellets can
  • 18:34
  • neutralize a low-flying drone if the
  • 18:36
  • weapon is pointed in the drones general
  • 18:38
  • direction Ukraine also uses shotguns to
  • 18:41
  • defend against Russia's own arsenal of
  • 18:43
  • drones but this is to a lesser extent
  • 18:46
  • given that the supply of drones in
  • 18:48
  • moscow's hands is much smaller and the
  • 18:50
  • us is thinking along similar lines the
  • 18:53
  • US Marine Corps has realized the
  • 18:55
  • potential of shotguns in counterd drone
  • 18:57
  • operations Marines from the second low
  • 19:00
  • altitude air defense Battalion trained
  • to use shotguns to engage small unmanned
  • aerial systems defined by the FAA as
  • drones weighing less than 55 lbs during
  • a training exercise in April as one
  • Marine explained shotguns are a
  • versatile and effective tool for
  • 19:18
  • countering drones especially in urban
  • 19:21
  • environments where conventional air
  • 19:22
  • defense systems may be less effective
  • 19:25
  • the Russian military's Reliance on
  • 19:27
  • shotguns underscores the difficulties
  • 19:29
  • the Kremlin with its Soviet era Arsenal
  • 19:32
  • faces in keeping up with the evolving
  • 19:34
  • demands of Modern Warfare Ukraine
  • 19:37
  • however has its own problems in
  • 19:39
  • translating billions of dollars in aid
  • 19:41
  • from its Western allies into an
  • 19:43
  • effective Battlefield strategy even
  • 19:45
  • military experts who supported the deal
  • 19:47
  • to send f-16s to Ukraine have raised
  • 19:50
  • doubts about kiev's ability to integrate
  • 19:52
  • and maintain its advanced jet Fleet
  • 19:55
  • Kristen D Thompson a military officer in
  • 19:58
  • the US Air Force wrote in March the F-16
  • 20:01
  • is a highly capable fighter aircraft but
  • it requires extensive training and
  • support to operate effectively Ukraine
  • will need to overcome significant
  • logistical and Technical hurdles take
  • full advantage of the capabilities of
  • these Jets assuming these issues are
  • resolved the arrival of the f-16s could
  • give Ukraine a much needed Edge in air
  • superiority especially at a time when
  • Moscow is trying to equip its Frontline
  • Soldiers with enough shotguns to
  • eliminate kev's daily drone bombardment
  • thank you for tuning
  • in
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  • know

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