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Jake Broe: Russia to Give Up Territory to China for Help!

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Russia to Give Up Territory to China for Help! Jake Broe Premiered Jun 18, 2024 475K subscribers ... 664,972 views ... 52K likes #ukraine #nato #russia NATO gave their 2024 estimates for member defense spending and 23 member nations meet the 2% guideline with the remaining 8 members all showing progress towards reaching that 2% guideline. Putin has traveled to North Korea and might announce a deal giving China control of the Tumen River so China can develop and use it to their benefit. You can support Constantine's fundraiser here: Clip from Russian Media Monitor: β€’ State TV pundits are distraught over ... Video of Ukrainian aviation strikes on Russia troops: πŸ”” Become a channel member πŸ”” / @jakebroe My Patreon Page: / jakebroe Buy Me a Coffee β˜•οΈ You can also support me with PayPal: πŸ”₯ Find me: πŸ”₯ πŸ’― LET’S CONNECT πŸ’― 🐦 Twitter @RealJakeBroe πŸ‘‰ / realjakebroe πŸ“· Instagram @JakeBroe πŸ‘‰ / jakebroe πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ Watch My Other Videos Here πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘‡ β˜… Putin is DESPERATE for a CEASEFIRE Now β€’ Putin is DESPERATE for a CEASEFIRE Now β˜… The Russian Rouble is COLLAPSING! Why now? β€’ The Russian Rouble is COLLAPSING! Wh... β˜… Russia's Air Defenses OBLITERATED in Crimea β€’ Russia's Air Defenses OBLITERATED in ... β˜… Russia Wants Mexico to Attack The United States! β€’ Russia Wants Mexico to Attack The Uni... β˜… Putin SNAPS over Western Weapons use Inside Russia β€’ Putin SNAPS over Western Weapons use ... β˜… Patriot Missiles Can Target Jets Inside Russia Now β€’ Patriot Missiles Can Target Jets Insi... Links are in the order they appear in the video: β€’ State TV pundits are distraught over ... #ukraine #russia #nato Transcript
  • 0:00
  • welcome back Defenders Jake here we're
  • going to start today's video with a bar
  • chart I don't think I've ever done this
  • before but this bar chart is super
  • interesting this was put out by NATO
  • 0:14
  • yesterday showing the defense
  • 0:16
  • expenditure as a share of GDP for the
  • 0:19
  • entire NATO alliance there's two colors
  • 0:23
  • the light blue is 10 years ago
  • 0:26
  • 2014 the dark blue is the estimate for
  • 0:29
  • this year for the entire
  • 0:32
  • Alliance Poland leads the way spending
  • 0:35
  • over 4% of their GDP on defense Estonia
  • 0:39
  • comes in second place with
  • 0:42
  • 3.4% the United States is third with
  • 0:46
  • 3.3% and the United States is the only
  • 0:48
  • one who's decreased over the last 10
  • 0:52
  • years the reason being is back in 2014
  • 0:56
  • we were still heavily involved in Iraq
  • 0:58
  • and Afghanistan
  • 1:00
  • but three4 of the alliance meets the 2%
  • NATO
  • guideline it's not a rule it's not a
  • requirement it's a
  • recommendation it's a
  • 1:13
  • guideline who doesn't meet the guideline
  • 1:16
  • Croatia Portugal Italy Canada Belgium
  • 1:20
  • Luxembourg Slovenia and
  • 1:22
  • Spain but you can see the trend for even
  • 1:25
  • the countries that don't meet the
  • 1:27
  • 2% with the exception of Croatia which
  • 1:30
  • is about the same all the other
  • 1:33
  • countries in the NATO alliance have
  • 1:34
  • dramatically increased their spending on
  • 1:37
  • defense good job Luxembourg more than
  • 1:44
  • tripling so the alliance is
  • 1:47
  • strengthening it's improving and this is
  • 1:50
  • a direct result of the Russians and
  • 1:53
  • their threats all the countries that
  • 1:56
  • border
  • 1:57
  • Russia are getting serious about their
  • 1:59
  • defense
  • 2:00
  • Poland Estonia lvia Lithuania
  • Finland and here is an interesting clip
  • from Russia media monitor the entire
  • things like 8 minutes I'll link it down
  • below but they look pretty sad on
  • Kremlin State TV talking about the
  • 2:18
  • latest round of
  • 2:20
  • sanctions and how Russia is surrounded
  • 2:22
  • by
  • 2:23
  • enemies with the exception of
  • 2:26
  • bellarus the people of all of Russia's
  • 2:29
  • Neighbors
  • 2:30
  • hate
  • 2:31
  • Russia because they're an Empire they're
  • 2:34
  • a bully they threaten and attack their
  • 2:37
  • neighbors all the
  • 2:39
  • time this is an unbelievable clip from
  • 2:41
  • solv off on Kremlin State
  • 2:44
  • TV he has the audacity to say this with
  • 2:47
  • a straight face let me read this for
  • 2:50
  • you we are not trying to conquer Ukraine
  • 2:53
  • we are not trying to deprive them of
  • 2:56
  • statehood we are not trying to deprive
  • 2:59
  • them of sovereignty as such although
  • 3:01
  • they do not have it we are not trying to
  • conquer Western
  • Europe why would he use the word Western
  • when there's a Central and Eastern
  • Europe we're conducting a police
  • operation to enforce peace which is
  • 3:17
  • clear from the number of troops
  • 3:19
  • that were explaining why we're going
  • 3:22
  • this particular way that it was solely
  • 3:25
  • due
  • 3:26
  • to Vladimir Putin explained every step
  • 3:29
  • of this topic in great detail for what
  • 3:33
  • purpose to break the West's lie to take
  • 3:36
  • keev in 3
  • 3:38
  • days everyone on Kremlin State tv was
  • 3:40
  • saying this in February of
  • 3:43
  • 2022 that they could take the capital
  • 3:45
  • city of ke in three days or a week solv
  • 3:47
  • off himself said this this is not a
  • 3:49
  • western
  • 3:51
  • lie although Putin says there was not
  • 3:54
  • even close to a political decision to
  • 3:57
  • take Kei this was not even on the
  • 4:00
  • table and it's no coincidence that Putin
  • says capturing a city of 3 million
  • people with such amount of forces and
  • means we have highly professional people
  • in the general staff who understand very
  • well especially when we draw on the
  • experience of the Great Patriotic War
  • what it is to conduct this kind of
  • 4:22
  • operation and what number of forces and
  • 4:25
  • means is
  • 4:28
  • necessary so this is is the Chicken and
  • 4:30
  • the Egg the Russians are now trying to
  • 4:33
  • defend themselves saying their intention
  • 4:35
  • was never to take the capital city of
  • 4:38
  • keev because they launched their
  • 4:40
  • fullscale invasion of Ukraine with such
  • 4:43
  • a small Invasion
  • 4:45
  • Force they're trying to give themselves
  • 4:48
  • cover saying we were never going to take
  • 4:50
  • keev only an idiots would invade Ukraine
  • 4:54
  • a country of 40 million people with such
  • 4:57
  • a small Invasion Force and our general
  • 5:00
  • staff in the military is not
  • incompetence they would never launch a
  • full-scale Invasion with such a small
  • underwhelming unorganized incompetent
  • Force that's their defense holy
  • cow time will play in Ukraine's favor
  • once f-16s and more Western Aid arrives
  • 5:21
  • this is according to Ukraine's military
  • 5:23
  • commander General
  • 5:25
  • cersi and general cerski makes the
  • 5:28
  • arguments that
  • 5:30
  • the reason why the Russian military is
  • 5:32
  • pushing so hard right now this summer is
  • 5:36
  • because they know it's only going to get
  • 5:38
  • more difficult over the next six months
  • 5:42
  • the United States is sending another
  • 5:44
  • Patriot system to Ukraine the Germans
  • 5:46
  • are also sending another Patriot system
  • 5:50
  • f-16s are going to arrive any day
  • 5:53
  • now and with Maga blocking military aid
  • 5:57
  • from the United States for eight months
  • 6:00
  • this put a lot of pressure on other
  • Western allies to increase their
  • contributions but it takes time it takes
  • time to prepare and deliver and for
  • these weapons and supplies to reach the
  • front line we've already felt the
  • benefits the last two
  • 6:18
  • months but it's only going to get worse
  • 6:20
  • for Russia every single day time is on
  • 6:24
  • Ukraine's
  • 6:25
  • side rare Ukrainian smart bomb strikes
  • 6:29
  • found and cut off Russian troops
  • 6:32
  • according to reports there's this
  • 6:34
  • isolated pocket of Russian
  • 6:36
  • soldiers currently being hit with NATO
  • 6:39
  • standard smart
  • 6:40
  • Munitions this is happening in the city
  • 6:42
  • of vens I've not mentioned this but it's
  • 6:46
  • now been going on for possibly two weeks
  • 6:49
  • there's a group of about 400 Russian
  • 6:52
  • troops trapped in the city of vens
  • 6:56
  • they're underground this is some kind of
  • 6:58
  • factory and they've been cut off from
  • 7:01
  • resupply the Russians can't get them
  • food water
  • ammunition so they're hiding out in the
  • basement of this Factory it's pretty big
  • and they're just being pounded day and
  • night with glide bombs uh from Ukrainian
  • planes I'll link the video down below if
  • 7:20
  • you want to see it I didn't mention it
  • 7:22
  • in my previous videos because I didn't
  • 7:23
  • think it would last this long but
  • 7:26
  • eventually these Russian soldiers are
  • 7:28
  • going to surrender or they're going to
  • 7:31
  • die I don't think anyone's trying to
  • 7:33
  • reach them I don't think the Russian
  • 7:36
  • military at the moment in harke has the
  • 7:39
  • capacity to save these
  • 7:42
  • guys Ukrainian forces hit 15 Russian air
  • 7:46
  • defense systems in
  • 7:47
  • Crimea just over the past two
  • 7:51
  • months I've lost count of how many times
  • 7:54
  • Ukraine has destroyed a Russian air
  • 7:56
  • defense system on the west coast of
  • 7:59
  • Crimea it's clear Ukraine is trying to
  • 8:02
  • go after these radar installations and
  • air defense systems to clear the skies
  • for
  • f-16s but Crimea is the key and I think
  • Ukraine knows this if I'm being
  • honest there's going to be another
  • debate here in the United States after
  • 8:20
  • the November election I think Congress
  • 8:24
  • has to vote on another 50 or 60 billion
  • 8:28
  • aidid package for you Ukraine in either
  • 8:31
  • December or
  • 8:32
  • January and the ukrainians know or they
  • 8:35
  • think they need to make some kind of
  • 8:38
  • visible progress by December or January
  • 8:42
  • to make the arguments here in the United
  • 8:44
  • States to get more military
  • 8:46
  • aid so I think hon and Crimea is the key
  • 8:51
  • we don't know the details I have no
  • 8:53
  • specifics but I do think that Ukraine
  • 8:57
  • believes hon and Crimea is the the weak
  • 8:59
  • point for the Russian military and if
  • 9:02
  • they can get across the river in Mass
  • they can easily take some territory if
  • they can make a breakthrough in
  • hon if they can destroy that bridge
  • Crimea will be
  • isolated and then it's the siege of
  • 9:17
  • Crimea for
  • 9:18
  • 2025 that's going to be the arguments
  • 9:21
  • that seninsky will make to the United
  • 9:23
  • States in Congress to continue military
  • 9:26
  • aid for another year
  • 9:29
  • so Russia knows this as well and they
  • 9:32
  • keep transferring air defense systems to
  • 9:35
  • Crimea to the detriment of Mainland
  • 9:38
  • Russia we have reports every night of
  • 9:42
  • drone attacks this time Ukraine struck a
  • 9:45
  • metallurgic plant as well as facilities
  • 9:49
  • in three other Russian
  • 9:51
  • regions Russia's air defense systems
  • 9:54
  • inside of Russia are nowhere to be found
  • 9:58
  • petroleum storage tank on fire in
  • 10:00
  • Russia's RAV oblast here's what a an oil
  • Depot fire looks like at
  • Sunrise and this happened in the city of
  • azof this is the rosoff region uh once
  • again a drone
  • attack and this oil Depot burned for at
  • least five or six hours before the
  • 10:19
  • firefighters could put it
  • 10:22
  • out so Russia's taken some losses they
  • 10:26
  • need a course correction what is Putin's
  • 10:29
  • Grand
  • 10:30
  • strategy Putin appoints a relative to
  • 10:33
  • defense Ministry Post in yet another
  • 10:36
  • shakeup so Putin has sacked four Deputy
  • 10:39
  • defense
  • 10:40
  • ministers and to replace them put one of
  • 10:44
  • his relatives in so who is this woman
  • 10:48
  • Anna
  • 10:49
  • cof a daughter of Putin's late cousin so
  • 10:53
  • this woman is Putin's cousin's daughter
  • 10:57
  • so this is Putin's cousin once
  • 11:00
  • removed and she's apparently the
  • president of a coal mining company and
  • she's the wife of Russia's en energy
  • minister so the goal of Putin is to
  • crack down on corruption and theft
  • inside the Russian military but also to
  • 11:22
  • uh transfer Russia into a permanent
  • 11:25
  • wartime economy Putin is prepared to
  • 11:28
  • have these wars with
  • 11:29
  • NATO Eastern Central Europe and the
  • 11:32
  • caucuses these wars are going to go on
  • 11:34
  • for decades so Putin wants people who
  • 11:39
  • understand business or Finance or the
  • 11:41
  • economy to be in charge of the
  • 11:44
  • military now is this woman the most
  • 11:46
  • qualified woman to do that job of course
  • 11:49
  • not she's the wife of Russia's energy
  • 11:53
  • Minister and Putin's first cousin once
  • 11:57
  • removed so here's Gary Casper
  • 12:00
  • thoughts the circle around a dictator
  • shrinks faster in a time of Crisis
  • loyalty trumps all increasing paranoia
  • and reducing competency as dumb and
  • dangerous as Putin's terrorist Mafia
  • state is now it is best to do everything
  • to collapse it now before it gets even
  • worse for Russians living in Exile such
  • 12:24
  • as Gary
  • 12:26
  • caspero Putin's government needs to fall
  • 12:28
  • Russ needs a hard reset for there to be
  • 12:32
  • any hope for the Russian people to live
  • 12:35
  • in a peaceful
  • 12:36
  • future Moscow confirms A50 aircraft was
  • 12:40
  • shot down by Ukraine the investigative
  • 12:44
  • Committee of the Russian Federation
  • 12:45
  • confirmed that the Ukrainian Air Force
  • 12:48
  • shot down a rare Russian
  • 12:50
  • A50 awax plane over the sea of azof back
  • 12:54
  • in February killing all 10 crew members
  • 12:58
  • on board
  • 12:59
  • this plane was worth $350
  • 13:03
  • million and this was 6 months ago and
  • the Russians did an
  • investigation initially the Russians
  • denied it said it didn't happen then
  • they said no they shot down their own
  • plane because incompetence is better
  • than admitting Ukraine has
  • 13:21
  • capabilities but now Russia changes
  • 13:23
  • their mind again and they want to In
  • 13:26
  • Absentia charge the commander of this
  • 13:28
  • area defense unit with a
  • 13:31
  • crime as if that's going to do
  • 13:33
  • anything here are some thoughts from
  • 13:36
  • Ukrainian journalist uh panar
  • 13:39
  • Reno if you ever feel ludicrous pathetic
  • 13:42
  • and laughable just remember that Russia
  • 13:45
  • once brought criminal charges against
  • 13:47
  • Ukrainian air defense unit commander in
  • 13:51
  • abena over the Downing of this
  • 13:53
  • A50 which Russia said never happened on
  • 13:57
  • the grounds that the A50 being a non-c
  • 14:00
  • combat aircraft that has no Weaponry on
  • board and that was carrying out a flight
  • exclusively within Russian
  • airspace so if you count the airspace
  • over zapar isia as Russian airspace and
  • an awax plane because it doesn't have
  • any missiles on board as a non-combat
  • plane you're ridiculous
  • 14:26
  • Russia ukrainians captur a blot mobile
  • 14:30
  • Barn tank with the crew For The First
  • 14:33
  • Time in the West we call these turtle
  • 14:36
  • tanks but in Ukraine they call them blot
  • 14:39
  • mobiles and this looks like a fun
  • 14:41
  • picture of some Ukrainian Defenders
  • 14:43
  • capturing one of Russia's stupid turtle
  • 14:46
  • tanks there's a video and you can see
  • 14:49
  • everyone seeing this thing drive by
  • 14:51
  • everyone's laughing
  • 15:03
  • let's just watch that
  • [Music]
  • again the mighty Russian
  • military next picture I want to share
  • with you involves that nuclear submarine
  • that the Russians sent to Cuba to
  • threaten and intimidate the United
  • States this Russian sub uh pulled into
  • the port city of Havana
  • but experts were staring at this Russian
  • 15:32
  • submarine and they noticed the submarine
  • 15:35
  • doesn't look that great there's acoustic
  • 15:39
  • paneling missing from the submarine the
  • 15:42
  • outside layer protects it or Shields it
  • 15:44
  • from sonar to make it more of a stealth
  • 15:47
  • sub but there's giant chunks missing
  • 15:50
  • from the
  • 15:52
  • submarine the paneling isn't necessary
  • 15:54
  • for the sub to run but if this thing's
  • 15:57
  • cruising underwater for thousands of
  • 15:59
  • kilometers with unnecessary drag one
  • 16:04
  • more paneling is going to rip off but
  • two this is incredibly inefficient so
  • Russia sent their submarine to Cuba to
  • show strength but I mean I'm laughing at
  • it this is pathetic
  • Russia Putin needs allies so he's
  • 16:21
  • decided to go to North Korea it's always
  • 16:24
  • super awkward and weird when dictators
  • 16:26
  • get together but we don't have the
  • 16:28
  • pictures and videos yet this is
  • 16:30
  • happening this morning right now I'll
  • 16:32
  • share some goofy Clips I'm sure in the
  • 16:35
  • next
  • 16:36
  • video but the North Koreans and the
  • 16:39
  • Russians along with a Chinese delegation
  • 16:42
  • are talking about something pretty
  • 16:44
  • incredible this is a top story this is
  • 16:47
  • unbelievable what Russia is about to do
  • 16:51
  • and Russia is about to transfer to the
  • 16:54
  • Chinese the tuman river what is the
  • 16:57
  • tuman river well the Russians attacked
  • 17:00
  • China back in the 1800s stole a bunch of
  • territory for
  • them the Russians deprived the Chinese
  • of access to the Sea of Japan and the
  • Pacific Ocean through uh the Sea of
  • okus but there is a very small way out
  • for the Chinese if we zoom in North
  • Korea and Russia share this very tiny
  • border with a sing single rail
  • 17:29
  • connection there's not even a road
  • 17:31
  • there's no Bridge it's just a rail
  • 17:34
  • bridge and this is the two the tumin
  • 17:37
  • river so this little wedge right here
  • 17:40
  • this is China this is North Korea this
  • 17:43
  • is Russia China can't get out to the Sea
  • 17:46
  • of
  • 17:48
  • Japan this is something China
  • 17:50
  • wants and the Russians are willing to do
  • 17:53
  • it the Russians are so desperate they're
  • 17:55
  • going to give territorial concessions
  • 17:57
  • even if it's just water to the Chinese
  • 18:01
  • what this means is that Chinese farmers
  • and Chinese Merchants from all these
  • major cities they can start building
  • dams and canals and uh China is going to
  • widen this River they're going to dredge
  • it to make it bigger and this will allow
  • for commercial shipping but also for the
  • Chinese military to do whatever they
  • want so I'm sure the Russians don't like
  • 18:25
  • this plan because they're giving up
  • 18:27
  • territory to the Chinese
  • 18:29
  • I don't think the North Koreans like it
  • 18:31
  • either because they don't want ships and
  • 18:34
  • economic
  • 18:36
  • activity to confuse their people because
  • 18:38
  • their people still live in the Dark
  • 18:41
  • Ages but China's going to do it and this
  • 18:43
  • is pretty fascinating to
  • 18:46
  • watch China I think it would be just a
  • 18:49
  • lot easier if you just got back your old
  • 18:51
  • territory here I mean the Russians don't
  • 18:53
  • even look like they're using
  • 18:55
  • it so let's reflect on this Alliance
  • 18:59
  • Russia China and North Korea this is the
  • 19:01
  • lookout points I think from the
  • Chinese oh that's the rail Bridge right
  • there okay so this is the river and this
  • is some kind of Lookout from the Chinese
  • side this is North Korea to the South
  • and Russia to the north and here's some
  • fantastic commentary from an applebomb
  • 19:22
  • she's a American journalist and
  • 19:24
  • historian and she appeared on Bill
  • 19:26
  • Crystal's podcast I want to share this
  • 19:29
  • clip in its entirety the the interesting
  • 19:32
  • thing is we're talking about countries
  • 19:34
  • that do not share ideology so communist
  • 19:37
  • China nationalist Russia Theocratic
  • 19:40
  • Iran you know bolivarian socialist
  • 19:43
  • Venezuela you know whatever North Korea
  • 19:46
  • is you know these aren't these aren't
  • 19:47
  • countries that share an ideology or meet
  • 19:50
  • in some secret room where they design
  • 19:52
  • thing you know it's not like a James
  • 19:54
  • Bond movie but but they do share a
  • 19:58
  • common interest and the common interest
  • 20:00
  • is undermining us and us I mean America
  • Europe the liberal world the Democratic
  • World um because both because their own
  • oppositions whether it's the Hong Kong
  • democracy movement or whether it's the
  • novaldi movement in Russia or whether
  • it's the women's movement in Iran um are
  • 20:18
  • inspired by and use Democratic language
  • 20:22
  • and they use the language of freedom and
  • 20:23
  • liberty and and and rights and rule of
  • 20:26
  • law and they need to they need to
  • 20:28
  • undermine that language uh on behalf of
  • 20:31
  • their you know in order to keep Empower
  • 20:33
  • domestically um and because chaos and
  • 20:38
  • uncertainty um offer them business
  • 20:41
  • opportunities in the Western World um so
  • 20:43
  • these are a lot of these are these are
  • 20:45
  • very very rich people that makes them
  • 20:47
  • also by the way very different from
  • 20:48
  • autocrats of the previous Century
  • 20:50
  • they're very wealthy their friends are
  • 20:52
  • very wealthy um they like having places
  • 20:54
  • to hide their money in Europe um they
  • 20:57
  • like to have friends inside European
  • 20:59
  • politics who can make sure they're still
  • 21:01
  • able to buy whatever it is houses in
  • France or on Lake Como and they and they
  • you know and so they have an interest in
  • shaping the debate inside the liberal
  • democracies in ways that benefit them
  • and increasingly they've concluded that
  • what benefits them is the rise of
  • 21:18
  • illiberal um um disruptive and radical
  • 21:22
  • parties because that may you know when
  • 21:24
  • that happens the Western world or the
  • 21:26
  • the Democratic World loses its sense of
  • 21:29
  • community and solidarity it loses its
  • 21:31
  • ability to make group decisions you know
  • 21:34
  • if we're if we're divided by radical
  • 21:36
  • politics in different countries then
  • 21:39
  • we're not very good at standing up to
  • 21:41
  • them that is so
  • 21:44
  • fascinating so countries like China
  • 21:47
  • Russia Iran and North Korea they're not
  • 21:49
  • natural allies they don't share a common
  • 21:53
  • ideology the only thing they have in
  • 21:55
  • common is the people of those countries
  • 21:58
  • are prisoners you have no rights and
  • 22:01
  • freedoms inside of North Korea you have
  • no rights and freedoms inside of Russia
  • or China or Iran so the ruling Elites
  • the wealthy to experience Freedom
  • they've got to go to the West so they
  • love getting
  • rich robbing the resources of their
  • states and then buying homes and Yachts
  • 22:25
  • and Villas in Democratic countries that
  • 22:29
  • protect property
  • 22:30
  • rights but they want to weaken democracy
  • 22:34
  • they want to make democracy look chaotic
  • 22:36
  • and incompetent so it doesn't threaten
  • 22:39
  • their power base at
  • 22:41
  • home these countries all hate each other
  • 22:44
  • but they're willing to work together to
  • 22:47
  • undermine democracy to stop women's
  • 22:50
  • rights lgbtq rights any kind of
  • 22:54
  • democratic
  • 22:55
  • form any kind of information from the
  • 22:58
  • outs side reaching their people such as
  • 23:00
  • North
  • Korea this Alliance isn't going to hold
  • all of these countries are going to
  • lose let's get to the good news for
  • Ukraine laia sent their first batch of
  • drones to Ukraine and are preparing a
  • second one this is from a fund of 20
  • million EUR that they created for
  • Ukraine thank you so much the people of
  • 23:22
  • laia Austria allocates an additional 10
  • 23:25
  • million in humanitarian aid for Ukraine
  • 23:27
  • thank you so much
  • 23:29
  • Austria Canada announces a 38 million in
  • 23:33
  • further aid for Ukraine this is going to
  • 23:36
  • help their energy
  • 23:38
  • infrastructure thank you so much to the
  • 23:40
  • people of
  • 23:41
  • Canada Japan allocates 188 million for
  • 23:45
  • Grant projects for Ukrainian
  • 23:48
  • businesses thank you so much the people
  • 23:50
  • of
  • 23:51
  • Japan final clip I have for you is from
  • 23:55
  • Constantine I've been following him on
  • 23:57
  • Twitter for almost 2 years years he's a
  • 23:59
  • Ukrainian combat veteran but he
  • 24:01
  • currently lives in Texas and he has lots
  • of family still in Ukraine uh especially
  • in the city of harke so he's doing a
  • fundraiser right now to purchase some
  • needed materials for this Workshop this
  • Workshop that serves the Ukrainian
  • 24:19
  • military and I just want to show you his
  • 24:21
  • video for his fundraiser
  • 24:23
  • because it's a glimpse behind the scenes
  • 24:26
  • behind the curtains of the thankless
  • 24:29
  • work that ordinary ukrainians are doing
  • 24:32
  • for their military every single day
  • 24:35
  • hello everyone here's an update from our
  • 24:37
  • hary Workshop despite constant
  • 24:39
  • bombardments air raats air alerts and
  • 24:42
  • electricity outages our team doesn't
  • 24:44
  • stop working we finished a new batch of
  • 24:47
  • protective cages for bana Howers and
  • 24:49
  • handing them over to the units for the
  • 24:52
  • installation this is a hard work it's
  • 24:54
  • challenging both physically and mentally
  • 24:57
  • um it also requ requires design skills
  • 24:59
  • and it's it's also injury prone our
  • 25:01
  • Workshop is an essential an abandoned
  • and finished hang hanger in with the
  • leaking roof in har but we have a crane
  • we have welding equipment and other
  • tools that allow us to build a cages and
  • repair excavator even harv is small and
  • it consists of harv natives who refuse
  • 25:20
  • to give up so your support is very
  • 25:21
  • important to us it gives us hope it
  • 25:23
  • saves Ukrainian lives and it allows us
  • 25:25
  • to continue supporting Ukrainian Armed
  • 25:27
  • Forces please continue donating please
  • 25:30
  • keep helping us and slav
  • 25:33
  • Ukraine this video gives me slight
  • 25:35
  • anxiety watching this man in flip-flops
  • 25:38
  • moving around metal cages but they do
  • 25:41
  • good work if you want to support
  • 25:44
  • Constantine's fundraiser I'll put the
  • 25:46
  • link to the PayPal page down below
  • 25:48
  • drones to save lives their goal is uh
  • 55,000 that's all for this update video
  • glory to Ukraine glory to the heroes if
  • you found this video informative give me
  • 26:00
  • a thumbs up best way to support the
  • channel comments and questions let me
  • know down below I love hearing from you
  • guys till the next video keep defending
  • the truth keep defending democracy

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