Trump loses it, goes into PANIC mode ahead of debate
Brian Tyler Cohen
Jun 26, 2024
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NEW: Trump loses it, PANICS ahead of debate
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- Suit by JB Clothiers:
- 0:00
- if you want to see what full-blown panic
- looks like ahead of tomorrow's debate in
- Atlanta here's Donald Trump's latest
- post on Truth social crooked Joe Biden's
- handlers are loudly and profusely
- complaining that there will be no fact
- Checkers during the debate on Thursday
- actually that is just disinformation
- they could not be happier because there
- is nobody that's as loose with the truth
- as crooked Joe from the 51 fake
- 0:20
- intelligence agents to Russia Russia
- 0:21
- Russia to the fake suckers and losers
- 0:23
- story he created about our beloved
- 0:25
- military to cheating in college and
- 0:26
- saying he was first in his law school
- 0:28
- class when he was actually last to
- 0:29
- claiming he marched for civil rights
- 0:31
- drove trucks and has a 6.2 handicap he
- 0:33
- can't hit the golf ball 10 yards but
- 0:35
- that's a minor detail and so many more
- 0:37
- falsehoods the man is a walking lying
- 0:39
- machine and a fact Checker's dream maybe
- 0:41
- we should call him lion Joe in addition
- 0:42
- to Crooked now first off if you needed
- 0:45
- any more proof that Trump traffic's in
- 0:47
- straight projection it is the guy who
- 0:49
- lied over 30,000 times while in office
- 0:51
- suggesting that Joe Biden is the liar
- 0:54
- here what's next blaming Joe for paying
- 0:56
- off too many porn stars while his wife
- 0:57
- is at home with her infant son in effect
- 1:00
- this screed is actually pretty helpful
- because the blatant projection here on
- the issue of lying which quite literally
- no one attributes to Joe Biden over
- Donald Trump goes to show that anytime
- Trump or his mouthpieces attack Biden
- 1:12
- they are just covering for Trump's own
- 1:13
- culpability the Biden crime family is a
- 1:16
- tell that Republicans are trying to
- 1:18
- downplay Trump's crime family the Biden
- 1:20
- impeachment effort is a tell that
- 1:22
- Republicans are trying to downplay
- 1:23
- Trump's impeachment I've said this
- 1:25
- before and I'll say it again every
- 1:27
- accusation is a confession but Trump's
- 1:29
- in and complaining gives rise to another
- 1:31
- even more baffling phenomenon and that
- 1:33
- is Trump's undying need to be perceived
- 1:36
- as the victim think about it this guy
- 1:38
- parades himself around as a strong man
- 1:40
- aligns himself with the world's
- 1:41
- autocrats and dictators beats his chest
- 1:43
- about how tough he is and how he can't
- 1:45
- stop winning and yet at every single
- 1:47
- turn on a daily basis he and
- 1:51
- moans relentlessly literally everything
- 1:54
- is evidence that somebody else is out to
- 1:56
- get him he is a professional victim I
- 1:58
- have seen less crying from newborn
- 2:00
- babies but sure strong man got it in
- fact that's a point that Adam kinzinger
- made today when he a former Republican
- Congressman made the decision to
- publicly endorse Joe Biden over Donald
- Trump former congressman Adam kininger
- 2:13
- it's good to see you again why announced
- 2:15
- today I mean it just feels right look we
- 2:17
- we're getting ready to really hit the
- 2:19
- heat of the general election I think
- 2:21
- it's really important for people to
- 2:23
- understand particularly the 20% of let's
- 2:25
- just call them the 20% of Haley voters
- 2:27
- for them to understand that this is a
- 2:29
- Stark choice this isn't just you know
- 2:32
- who do I agree with more on certain
- 2:33
- issues I actually don't even really know
- 2:34
- where Donald Trump stands on many issues
- 2:37
- but this is about does democracy survive
- 2:39
- the way we love it or does it not do we
- 2:42
- continue to change these these standards
- 2:45
- I lived through January 6 I didn't watch
- 2:47
- it on TV I was there and I have a two
- 2:50
- and a half-year-old kid that I do not
- 2:52
- want raised in a country where things
- 2:54
- like that are okay to happen so for me
- 2:56
- it's just we've got to put decency above
- 2:59
- Maybe political differences and it's
- 3:01
- just the right thing to do over our many
- conversations um since you while you're
- in well since you left
- Congress it is you made no secret of
- your disagreement and distaste for
- Donald Trump what he stands for and what
- he's done but did you wrestle with this
- decision what did you wrestle with most
- 3:20
- in making this choice I mean I guess I
- 3:22
- wrestled to the extent of like okay you
- 3:25
- know endorsing a Democrat as a
- 3:27
- republican is a big deal but to me it
- 3:30
- wasn't much of a I didn't have to look
- 3:32
- in the mirror and look into my soul or
- 3:34
- anything like that I have spent the last
- 3:36
- few years on a committee the last couple
- 3:39
- years in Congress looking at the direct
- 3:41
- link between Donald Trump and what
- 3:44
- happened on that terrible day and I and
- 3:46
- I and I hear the the acidity the
- 3:50
- acrimony that comes out of you know many
- 3:52
- people who are supporting Donald Trump
- 3:54
- and some of the people around Donald
- 3:56
- Trump because he's created a culture of
- 3:58
- just anger and Division and and for me
- 4:00
- it wasn't a hard thing to say look I I I
- really put a lot on the line when I
- decided to go on the January 6 committee
- I'll do it at this because this is truly
- the most important election of my
- lifetime and I want like I said my kid
- Christian to be raised in a country
- where decency in the greatest office in
- 4:18
- the land is still something that people
- 4:20
- look up on and not have a president that
- 4:23
- continues to punch down because he's
- 4:25
- such a whiny weak victim that he's
- 4:27
- scared to death anybody that says
- 4:29
- anything mean about him like Donald
- 4:31
- Trump does and yet still Trump will
- 4:33
- frame himself as a strong man all the
- 4:35
- while whining and crying about literally
- 4:37
- everything and let's be clear his
- 4:39
- mouthpieces are getting the picture they
- 4:41
- know that Trump has panicked about the
- 4:43
- debate which is why they've already
- 4:44
- begun laying the foundation for Trump to
- 4:46
- drop out now there are some even saying
- 4:49
- Mark that Donald Trump might be wise to
- 4:51
- just pass on the first debate wait till
- 4:53
- he's nominated then debate him what
- 4:55
- would you say to that does that sound
- 4:57
- like a political party that's confident
- 4:58
- in their standard barar does that sound
- 5:00
- like a political party that feels good
- about the outcome here of course not
- which is why if Trump wanted to drop out
- they've already given him cover to do
- exactly that and of course because again
- Trump is never to blame they've already
- supplied him with pre-formulated excuses
- it's Casey Hunt's fault that that Trump
- 5:17
- will have to drop out because she was
- 5:18
- mean to Trump's press secretary Caroline
- 5:20
- levit at CNN it's the nomination
- 5:23
- process's fault and it's too soon to
- 5:24
- debate the excuses are as pathetic as
- 5:26
- they are transparent because the point
- 5:28
- here is not the merits of the excuse it
- 5:30
- is the fact that Trump has an excuse at
- 5:32
- all to not show up it's almost like his
- 5:35
- mouthpieces are starting to understand
- 5:36
- that Trump getting on stage and railing
- 5:38
- like an unhinged lunatic for 90 minutes
- 5:41
- may not redown to his political benefit
- 5:43
- imagine that after all here's what it
- 5:46
- looked like the last time Trump was on
- 5:48
- stage with Joe Biden you sh listen are
- 5:50
- you in favor of Law and Order I'm in
- 5:52
- favor of law you follow you in favor Law
- 5:55
- and Order you ask a question let him
- 5:58
- finish and Order let him let him
- 6:01
- president I'm the moderator of this
- debate and I would like you to let me
- ask my question and then you can answer
- first of all I guess I'm debating you
- not him but that's okay I'm not
- surprised the fact is that everything
- 6:11
- he's saying so far is simply a lie I'm
- 6:13
- not here to call out his lies everybody
- 6:15
- knows he's a liar you I just want to
- 6:18
- make I I I want to make sure graduated
- 6:20
- last in your class first in your class I
- 6:23
- want to make sure Mr President can you
- 6:25
- let him finish sir no he doesn't know
- 6:26
- how to do that gentlemen I hate to raise
- 6:29
- my but to be why should I be different
- 6:32
- than the two of you if you think that
- 6:34
- guy is going to do himself any favors on
- 6:35
- the debate stage you are living on
- 6:37
- another planet that is an unhinged
- 6:39
- lunatic who is incapable of controlling
- 6:41
- himself that guy went on to lose the
- 6:43
- election and since then has incited an
- 6:45
- Insurrection on January 6th and became a
- 6:47
- convicted felon 34 times over that is
- 6:50
- not how you expand your tent that is not
- 6:52
- how you reach independent voters or
- 6:54
- Suburban moms this is a guy who quite
- 6:56
- literally cannot run a charity the
- 6:58
- notion that this human wrecking ball
- 7:00
- should be in charge of the nuclear codes
- would be akin to signing a death warrant
- for our democracy as we know it so I get
- that he's panicking and he has every
- reason to he is a megalomaniacal
- narcissist who is about to remind the
- entire nation exactly why they showed up
- 7:13
- 81 million strong to take his job away
- 7:15
- the last time and while he may have
- 7:17
- benefited from his relative obscurity
- 7:18
- these last few years with no daily covid
- 7:21
- briefings no Twitter account driving the
- 7:22
- news cycle he's about to show the entire
- 7:25
- country just how dangerous incompetent
- 7:27
- unqualified and unhinged he still still
- 7:29
- is if he hasn't dropped out yet frankly
- 7:32
- he probably
- 7:35
- should I've got a really exciting
- 7:37
- announcement I've written a book it's
- 7:38
- called Shameless this book explores how
- 7:40
- Republicans have exploited their
- 7:42
- historical branding while attacking our
- 7:43
- democracy how the media has proven
- 7:45
- itself a willful participant and how
- 7:47
- Democrats can learn from this to
- 7:48
- rebalance the political scales and save
- our democracy it has been a lifelong
- dream of mine to write my own book and
- so I'd like to ask you to pre-order it
- by clicking the link right here on the
- screen and if you buy within this
- pre-order per period your book is going
- 8:00
- to come with a signed name plate as you
- know I've never had a single sponsor on
- my channel I don't ask for money or
- anything like that but if you're looking
- for a way to support me this is hands
- down the best way to do it so again
- follow the link right here on the screen
- and thank you from the bottom of my
- heart for pre-ordering Shameless and as
- always make sure to subscribe to see
- more of my content
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