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Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse ... July 27th 2024

Trump is Toast | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Trump is Toast | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

Robert Reich

727K subscribers

Premiered 20 hours ago The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

What a difference a week makes! Kamala Harris is making all the right moves, while Trump and Vance are shaking in their boots.

Heather Lofthouse of @imcivicaction and I break it all down in this week's Coffee Klatch. Please pour yourself a cup and join us.

  • 0:00
  • and it is the Saturday coffee clutch
  • with Heather loft house and yours truly
  • Robert R we are just about tomorrow will
  • be 100 days Heather before the election
  • of
  • 2024 here we go and it's extraordinary
  • what a difference a week makes truly uh
  • so what's on our agenda today let's talk
  • about vice president kamla Harris's
  • extraordinary uh first week as the
  • presumptive presidential candidate I
  • feel so much better than I do I mean the
  • last time we were together I know last
  • week we were tearing our hair out about
  • about you and a lot of others and a lot
  • of young people on social media which
  • we'll talk about the memeification of
  • kamla Harris Also let's see what's
  • happening with JD Vance and Donald Trump
  • we we have to talk about them we do and
  • then also where are the billionaires
  • these days and who are they lining up
  • behind and what are they saying yeah I
  • don't even like any I don't know any
  • billionaires I don't like the ones I do
  • know well that's inconsistent is it is
  • yeah um so in terms of the first week I

  • 1:02
  • was absolutely amazed at how fast kamla
  • Harris and her team got off and running
  • I mean it's just a i me her team which
  • was also the Biden campaign team right
  • so yes well there's a merger of the two
  • teams now I've you know been around
  • politics for 300 years so I have seen
  • how teams kind of have a hard time
  • working together because even though the
  • President and Vice President are in the
  • same same party and not the same ticket
  • there's always a little tension in terms
  • of personalities but these people came
  • together and within one day Heather I
  • know didn't miss a beat and think of the
  • it's almost as if a damn burst I mean
  • the amount of energy that the the
  • Democrats have and kamla Harris has and
  • you know she spoke to at least uh I
  • don't know how many 10 officials an hour
  • she was moving through the telephone I
  • know on MSNBC everyone kept saying well
  • she called me and she called me every

  • 2:01
  • guest I saw on it and and she also
  • managed to get uh within about 36 hours
  • all of the delegates she needed uh and
  • needs to be proclaimed the next
  • presidential candidate a whole lot of
  • money and a lot of money raised and a
  • lot of its small donations not the big
  • guys I me and new donors and new donors
  • yeah uh this is really remarkable now
  • this is what I think people had hoped
  • for right when they were looking at what
  • was happening and what the polls were
  • saying they were hoping that if
  • President Joe Biden passed the torch
  • that there would be this upswell this
  • Euphoria young people women like this
  • and that Trump would be shaking in his
  • boots well nobody expected as fast a
  • response I mean I think that some people
  • I talked to you know said well uh kamla
  • Harris is the obvious uh one but there
  • are a lot of other potential candidates
  • Maybe we ought to slow down and just see

  • 3:02
  • and maybe have a little bit of an open
  • convection convention or maybe there
  • ought to be a kind of a beauty pageant
  • where you know a variety of potentially
  • other candidates can come for we have
  • tons of time we have a lot of time well
  • the fact is there is no tons of time I
  • mean 100 days tomorrow until the
  • election itself uh the Democrat early
  • voting is happening soon really voting
  • is happening very soon and in a lot of
  • states and you've got the Democratic
  • Convention coming up and but more to the
  • point the Republicans came out of their
  • convention with a lot of a lot of energy
  • and there was just no time is no time
  • and the internet blew up really and so
  • the Harris MH the memeification so all
  • these interesting we can play one later
  • maybe if we feel like it but so all
  • these popular okay good all these
  • popular songs that are now being used in
  • videos for her and they've been hugely
  • positive they've been dominating Tik Tok
  • and I mean it's interesting it's

  • 4:00
  • basically free political advertising
  • it's all organic it's just people making
  • videos and people liking them and they
  • get into the Vortex social media I mean
  • this is this is where the age issue
  • becomes very important because social
  • media young people are not only for KLA
  • Harris overwhelmingly but they're also
  • hearing other young people for C KLA
  • Harris overwhelmingly on social media uh
  • but at the same time we know that in the
  • first two days 3 days Biden because the
  • Biden campaign didn't you know it had
  • you schedule campaign ads we're talking
  • now about the formal media uh the TV and
  • cable uh you scheduled Those ads weeks
  • and weeks ahead so the Biden campaign
  • had to withdraw all of those ads the HLA
  • Harris campaign couldn't put the ads on
  • nearly fast enough uh there's still
  • issues about you know taking the money
  • from one campaign and using it for the
  • other campaign and so Trump was outspend
  • in on traditional media TV and cable KLA

  • 5:04
  • Harris by 25 to1 in the first uh really
  • really the first part of this week which
  • again is understandable because there's
  • a lag time I mean you got to kind of
  • catch up yes but it does really I think
  • reveal the kind of striation with regard
  • to the age I think older voters what
  • they are hearing and seeing is a lot of
  • anti kamla Harris anti- Biden
  • Administration Biden Harris
  • Administration ads the younger the kids
  • the younger voters are all hearing and
  • seeing a lot of pro KLA har on average
  • and that's because of the organic stuff
  • that's floating around and then on
  • social media you can get your ads out
  • much faster so comma HQ right it went
  • from Biden HQ to kamla HQ using her
  • first name and so yeah they were all
  • over the place on social but there's
  • this issue of energy I want to just
  • spend a moment on it because politics
  • really is about moment momentum and

  • 6:00
  • energy and suddenly uh faster than I
  • ever expected the momentum and energy is
  • on her side this is the first week I
  • remember that was not dominated by
  • Donald Trump I was going to say you know
  • who is not liking this I mean Donald
  • Trump Donald Trump has been he has suuck
  • the oxygen out of every week in terms of
  • either saying something ludicrous or
  • saying something that everybody got
  • excited about or that liberals got angry
  • about but Donald Trump disappeared yep
  • or his indictments by the way and his or
  • his indictments convictions but he was
  • not the lead story this week and I think
  • in terms of again energy and momentum
  • this is a huge deal y can we talk about
  • who kamla Harris might pick as her vice
  • president well this is the next the next
  • chapter the next drama and done and it's
  • got to be soon right it's got to be very
  • soon there are a lot of candidates
  • what's interesting to me is that
  • suddenly uh the Democratic backbench

  • 7:01
  • reveals itself I mean everybody was
  • saying just a week ago well there's no
  • replacement there's nobody the
  • Democratic party doesn't have young
  • people doesn't have people who are in
  • their 30s and 40s and 50s to take over
  • the mantle and not only do you have CA
  • Harris but you have all of these
  • potential vice presidential candidates
  • with her and it's really quite an
  • impressive group right and we have to
  • decide Ohio's coming up soon right so we
  • think we'll hear well Ohio the Ohio
  • primary you've got to get to get on the
  • bowet you've got to be by the 7th of
  • August this decision has to be made
  • right uh so we're talking about a matter
  • of what hours right days y uh and the
  • people who are being vetted yes now
  • vetting vetting what does that mean that
  • means the FBI uh is looking at you uh
  • the campaign is looking at you are there
  • any skeletons in your closet definitely
  • are there any I mean show me someone who
  • has no skeletons please I have no

  • 8:00
  • skeletons no no no you would never I
  • would never forget it you however I know
  • I have like three well get rid of them
  • you can get rid of those skeletons I
  • know them all no but so who so let's
  • talk about it so we have um you've been
  • writing about Mark Kelly yeah Mark Kelly
  • to me I mean part of you know full
  • disclosure I know him and uh and Gabby
  • gford his wife right uh I think he would
  • be a terrific candidate he is Arizona's
  • US senator from Arizona um he uh was a
  • former astronaut uh a Navy pilot uh his
  • parents were both police officers on
  • issues of gun control I mean issues that
  • America cares about Gabby gf's being
  • shot U made her and her husband Mark
  • Kelly into major Advocates of gun
  • regulation gun control uh he's in
  • Arizona a key State a key swing state uh
  • a border State he knows more about

  • 9:00
  • what's going on at the border as does
  • Gabby gords than almost anybody right uh
  • so I think it's a natural now he's
  • gotten a little flak for some
  • flip-flopping on labor related stuff yes
  • but I would know I'm you know I was
  • labor secretary I know that stuff I know
  • his position I'm very comfortable where
  • where he is on on the labor but uh so
  • I'm I'm a big Mark Kelly fat okay who
  • else have we got Josh Shapiro let's just
  • list them out well Josh Shapiro the of
  • Pennsylvania uh has a very good
  • reputation doesn't have a national
  • reputation like Mark Kelly right uh but
  • uh and he doesn't have much of a record
  • on the national stage as a result but he
  • has very very high marks people like him
  • a lot how about Andy Basher Andy Basher
  • a governor of Kentucky yeah well
  • Kentucky is not exactly a swing state
  • it's close to uh the swing States and
  • it's a red State Red State but he's it's
  • not as if Andy Basher gives the ticket
  • that much because KY is going to stay a

  • 10:02
  • red State um I think uh he is also very
  • very attractive people speak highly of
  • him as a young and he's a very very
  • young and very very attractive uh
  • candidate what about Roy Cooper North
  • Carolina boy Cooper um I I think also
  • the reason he's among the four big ones
  • is that people are very excited about
  • him he's done a very good job in North
  • Carolina North Carolina is a swing state
  • uh and he is considered to be an upand
  • cominging young governor on a lot of
  • issues I mean these Governors
  • particularly the governors in Kentucky
  • and in North Carolina what they've done
  • is they've taken on red State
  • legislatures on issues like abortion or
  • gun control and they haven't it's not
  • that they flipped them but they've
  • they've they've contained some of this
  • red State craziness right and then Tim
  • Walls Tim Walls uh the governor of
  • Minnesota uh was not on everybody's list

  • 11:02
  • initially right because he although he's
  • only 60 years old he looks about 70 uh
  • now that was an ages thing I just said
  • I'm 78 I can say that can you U but he
  • uh he's very articulate he's very very
  • we came I heard interview with him
  • recently he's very very tough very good
  • uh on this political stuff well we shall
  • see but we're pretty sure it's going to
  • be one of these people going to be I
  • doubt going to gr Gretchen Whitmer
  • Whitmer has a great governor of Michigan
  • has a great reputation but frankly
  • Heather I can't see a you know I would
  • like to be able to see a a democratic
  • ticket with two women but can is can you
  • see that I mean I don't think it would
  • be the wisest move knowing our
  • electorate well knowing the electorate
  • also Whitmer said she's not doing it
  • well I think she's saying it she's not
  • doing it because of that uh Pete Budaj
  • uh gets high marks a lot of people love

  • 12:01
  • him uh but frankly again it's very hard
  • to see given you have the head of the
  • ticket a black a woman of color uh woman
  • of color right uh you know this is all
  • this is expecting a lot from the
  • American electorate as it is y so she
  • kamla has been endorsed by who who this
  • everybody yeah everybody everybody
  • Olivia Rodrigo who's a pop star teachers
  • teachers I mean it runs the gamut well
  • all the politicians finally came around
  • the Democratic politicians uh I was
  • worried a little bit but you know the
  • big hero it turns out of the week is
  • none other than Nancy Pelosi Nancy
  • Pelosi is the person who made the deal I
  • mean she is the quintessential talented
  • back room not in a negative way I'm
  • using the back room in a positive way
  • politician she uh she's the Whisperer
  • she got Joe Biden to agree to step down
  • uh she got the Democrats to agree to

  • 13:02
  • endorse kamla Harris she uh she really
  • is a champion and President Biden's
  • speech on whenever it was Wednesday
  • night what did you think of it I thought
  • it was exactly what he needed to do it
  • was only 11 minutes I was kind of it was
  • it made me sad because here's a man who
  • uh has to and had has had to face his
  • limits his limitations his decline um
  • and the fact that he just can't do the
  • job anymore well he can do the job
  • currently he can and he will finish his
  • term and he certainly has enough uh in
  • his kind of memory bank and his and his
  • capacity to finish the term but he could
  • not do another term of office I think
  • that's the main takeaway and uh I
  • thought he was gracious he was gracious
  • last uh last Sunday uh when he bowed out
  • uh he's been extraord when he called
  • into the campaign headquarters uh that's

  • 14:02
  • really when it got to me when he when
  • kamla Harris was there in campaign
  • headquarters in Delaware talking to
  • people uh giving them a pep talk and he
  • calls in and he has covid and he says
  • you know that's the way to go and calls
  • her kid y um I mean I I was touched it
  • was very touching he was on speaker
  • phone and she was you know reacting to
  • him and very authentic and there was
  • love the word love was used multiple
  • times well I think they are not scared
  • of using that word and I think it's
  • genuine M um now how about Donald Trump
  • and JD B speak lot of love yeah it's
  • been so fascinating so that pick do you
  • think I mean we've heard a little bit
  • this week was that was JD I mean was JD
  • Vance the right pick the answer is no
  • but was it the right pick for them for
  • the reasons they thought they were
  • getting him no I don't think so I think
  • they thought they were going to get well
  • number one young a young person yes they
  • got somebody who's half the age of
  • literally exactly half the age of Donald
  • Trump
  • uh they also wanted to get somebody who

  • 15:01
  • would be reinforcing the base the
  • message to the base and that seems like
  • what he does I don't see any new people
  • heading their way no he's not attracting
  • anybody who's not already Maga he is
  • sort of Maga plus MaGa on steroids uh
  • and that is a problem for them I mean
  • how are they going to attract women the
  • entire you know as we talked about
  • before at the entire Republican
  • convention was a kind of Macho Maga man
  • you know tough
  • wrestling Hulk uh well um it's uh it it
  • turns out that with KLA Harris at the
  • top of the ticket uh this is a mistake
  • because how many more voters are there
  • in America who are women million 3
  • million uh and I think they're going to
  • be out in great force oh I think so too
  • and Suburban women matter in swing
  • States and this is going to be big yes
  • so JD Advance you know he would it made

  • 16:01
  • it made sense I think in their mindset
  • where they thought they were going to
  • trounce Biden but this is interesting to
  • watch whoopsy they're stuck with him
  • it's very it's particularly interesting
  • because KLA Harris in her first week the
  • the themes that she has been using I am
  • a prosecutor she says and I am used to
  • dealing with people who have Abused
  • women and have broken the law and are
  • you know felons and have cheated his
  • type I know his type and this is but
  • this is really ingenious uh and then she
  • can move on to she hasn't yet but she
  • can move on to women's rights uh over
  • their bodies uh she has it gives her a
  • really strong platform uh in which she
  • has a great deal of credibility and JD
  • Vance all these quotes he's been saying
  • that are coming out that are truly
  • horrific that say things like you know
  • childless cat women out there he called
  • her a childless cat lady yeah I mean

  • 17:03
  • what kind of this is the Republicans I
  • mean these two Republicans Trump and
  • Vance let's call them Trump Republicans
  • they are digging a hole for themselves
  • in terms of fear and anger uh and fear
  • and anger will take you some way but as
  • long as kamla Harris and whoever she's
  • picks for Vice President are on the side
  • of Hope and joy and it's mourning and
  • America and you know we can do it and
  • we're going to look for the future uh
  • that's a winning formula but it's so
  • disparaging and it's so
  • misogynistic uh the the Trump trump
  • fence is yes it's misogynistic and it is
  • also part of it is uh is also
  • isolationist uh in terms of foreign
  • policy uh it's uh it's a it's a kind of
  • xenophobic uh anti-foreign uh I don't
  • think it's it's certainly not the the
  • future of America uh and it's certainly

  • 18:01
  • not uplifting and this anti- people
  • without children who haven't given birth
  • to Children this is echoed in Project
  • 2025 by the way which talks about men
  • and women who have families as being
  • well Vance has not given birth I don't
  • think no and Trump has not given birth
  • no I think a lot of the presidents that
  • we've had turns out have not given I
  • don't think a single president we've had
  • has given birth I don't think let me
  • think Monroe Monro may have no no keep
  • going Dolly Madison no no she's a
  • stepmother but I mean it is just so
  • disparaging and they are leaning into
  • this and it's disgusting this is the
  • family this is the Evangelical right
  • this is their the whole notion that
  • there is a right way to have a family
  • yep and if you don't do it the right way
  • then you are somehow sinning yep yep
  • well here again aberant well this is
  • again this looks back this is this is
  • America in the 19 what 20
  • uh 1930s this is not modern America uh

  • 19:03
  • it's certainly not the future of America
  • no and I don't think a lot of Americans
  • want this I don't think so either but
  • let's hope they see it see it for what
  • it is and show up and vote accordingly I
  • think they will now again let's go back
  • to the the notion this is a 100 days
  • starting tomorrow until the election
  • yeah uh these days these weeks that we
  • are in now are critical in terms of KLA
  • Harris and her vice president defining
  • themselves defining the Democratic party
  • defining the future for America uh
  • inviting people to join them even if
  • they are Independence and as we know
  • they're more Independence than there are
  • Republicans Or democrats uh and so uh
  • what they've got to do and I think they
  • are off to a wonderful start doing it is
  • painting the future of America in in a
  • way that people say yes I want that
  • that's part that's partly what I want
  • Bob your energy is great today I'm so
  • EXC I mean I was excited anyway this is

  • 20:01
  • a fun coffee CL I'm pumped up I mean I
  • really I I was trying to restrain my you
  • know my Gloom about Biden for for for
  • weeks and months I know and I was I felt
  • sorry for him uh but I was I was getting
  • more and more worried yeah and now there
  • will I think this will be a long goodbye
  • right and we will see he will really I
  • hope be honored for all that he has
  • accomplished which is remarkable yeah
  • and that started off immediately in when
  • he T passed the torch last Sunday um
  • people gave him so much credit yeah you
  • know I've been around presidents before
  • and I also am getting up in age so I
  • know how hard it is for presidents to
  • give up that office I mean to be to even
  • run for president you've got to have you
  • know a a huge ego huge ree you know a
  • degree of narcissism to begin with uh

  • 21:01
  • and also once you get up to your late
  • 70s and certainly in your 80s uh there
  • is a resistance to knowing the truth to
  • to accepting your limits uh there's a
  • great deal of denial that sets in and
  • cognitive dissonance I'm sure just and
  • and on both those grounds and cognitive
  • dissonance uh I think it was very hard
  • for Joe Biden to accept this and so uh
  • what you see and heard is this out
  • pouring of thanks gratitude he finally
  • saw it uh and Donald Trump just the
  • reverse Donald Trump would not put the
  • country before his own ego oh pleas as
  • Biden did Donald Trump just you know
  • puts his ego his ambition his
  • narcissistic need in lights in front of
  • everything in front of absolutely
  • everything yep yep yep yep so let's talk
  • about Reed Hoffman so the billionaire
  • behind LinkedIn and other things other
  • Investments I'm sure has come out and

  • 22:00
  • said I am giving $7 million to the comma
  • campaign and also what would be really
  • great is if you could get rid of Lena
  • Khan because she is the chair of the
  • Federal Federal Trade Commission and I'd
  • like her out thank you so much sound
  • sound like it sounds like a quidd pro
  • quo that is let at least he's putting
  • out the quidd I think it's in the
  • dictionary as quidd pro quo but also get
  • rid of the people doing the regulation
  • well I I think one of the most important
  • things that could be done right now uh
  • and that kamla Harris could do is saying
  • to say to the billionaires uh if you
  • want to support me that's fine but I am
  • not going to take away I'm not going to
  • I'm going to not going to do your
  • bidding uh as Donald Trump and JD Vance
  • would do I am going to keep Lena Khan
  • exactly where she is I want a strong
  • antitrust anti-monopoly
  • fighter uh and as the National Labor
  • Relations Board I want uh Jennifer abuso

  • 23:02
  • who is a very strong union person uh and
  • at the antitrust division of the justice
  • department I want J Jonathan kener who
  • is also a strong antitrust fighter I
  • mean I I want people who are going to
  • fight for average working people and
  • against monopolistic corporations
  • billionaires billionaires take that
  • billionair and so and then on the other
  • side we have JD Vance and Trump
  • pretending to be these economic
  • populists right oh we love workers
  • they love us well it's all a pretense
  • now unfortunately uh a lot of people
  • believe it they suffer from a kind of
  • collective Amnesia about what Trump
  • actually did uh Trump's one major
  • legislative achievement was the big tax
  • cut for the wealthy and for big
  • corporations uh and he at the regulatory
  • level uh was making it almost impossible
  • harder to get time and a half overtime
  • harder for workers to form unions um I
  • mean he was he and his administration

  • 24:01
  • were the most anti-worker Administration
  • and anti-union administration we've had
  • in this country for years and project
  • 2025 has more of the same in it by the
  • way I hope that not right this minute
  • but I hope soon the Democrats uh and K
  • Harris begin to talk about project 2025
  • and and and Link Trump to it he's trying
  • to distance himself but it's a document
  • that lays out the plan for Trump's
  • takeover of the United States government
  • yeah uh with uh everything we've talked
  • about you know the the kind of uh
  • negative uh you know take away women's
  • rights to their own body of anything uh
  • substitute the entire Civil Service get
  • rid of it and have loyalists in there uh
  • Department of Education and get rid of
  • the Department of Education uh get rid
  • of the you know uh put the Federal
  • Reserve board under the white house
  • there's not enough time in this coffeee

  • 25:00
  • clutch to go through what project 2025
  • is doing but it is a a very frightening
  • document and we you know inequality
  • media Civic action we have we have
  • videos ready to go explaining in detail
  • what that is yep did you see that JD
  • Vance did the forward for a book for one
  • of the key writers of it too and
  • everyone keeps trying to distance
  • themselves well they're not going to be
  • able to distance themselves from it
  • they're so I mean the nodes the the
  • connections I mean they're never ending
  • well there there were four cabinet
  • members from the Trump Administration
  • that were there writing it and something
  • 115 uh Trump um
  • employees and White House people who
  • have been writing it you can't you can't
  • get away from it no and this is a
  • blueprint for tyranny it's a blueprint
  • for fascism yeah I was thinking it might
  • be fun for us to look at one of the
  • viral videos going around about kamla
  • Harris that have been erupting online in
  • the past week what do you think

  • 26:00
  • absolutely and and the thing about these
  • videos these viral videos is that this
  • is not paid advertising this is people
  • this is this is the side of social media
  • that is small D democracy this is people
  • young people particularly rising up and
  • doing this stuff and posting it right
  • and picking the trends that are making
  • them happy and then combining kamla
  • Harris with these songs by people like
  • Charlie XCX Charlie XX mhm yeah oh you
  • said it fast and quick well played um
  • yeah brat what is brat so that's her
  • album and everyone now it's becom yes
  • and now it's because charx is a woman or
  • a man or is a woman who's a pop singer
  • who has an album called brat and there's
  • a charty green color that's behind it
  • now that's become and there's a dance
  • there's a dance there's a lot of yes
  • there's a Dance I mean see you can't you
  • can't pay for this you know what you're
  • talking about you can't pay for this
  • kind of advertising well that is it this
  • is this is this is coming up this is

  • 27:00
  • kind of exctly okay so let's take a look
  • ready you think you just fell out of a
  • coconut
  • tree big sister
  • General all in you
  • live know what's wrong with you young I
  • love it 2.8 million likes on that one
  • and it just now I want you to do a
  • mental exercise with me try to look at
  • that feel that energy and then
  • superimpose or put it next to Donald
  • Trump and JD Vance and that negative I
  • know you know that kind of viciousness Y
  • uh well it's a pretty clear choice it's
  • a clear choice also what I love about
  • this is they trash her for her laugh and
  • they turn all these things negative mean
  • Trump
  • Trump and Vance and the other for her

  • 28:02
  • laugh have you ever seen Donald Trump
  • laugh have you ever heard him laugh no I
  • can't even picture it actually I can't I
  • it's disgusting but there's no laughter
  • there has never been any laughter he
  • does not laugh you're right I didn't
  • even think about that JD Vance doesn't
  • laugh no but they do these terrible
  • jokes and then people kind of in the
  • crowd at them well there's another
  • contrast laughter laughter or snide
  • n n yeah good on that note anyway on
  • that note listen I I want you all to
  • celebrate with us that we finally have
  • some not only just positive news but
  • we've got to wave uh and we got to ride
  • this wave and please join kamla Harris
  • and join Heather and join me and join
  • everybody here at inequality media Civic
  • action Civic action in terms of in terms

  • 29:02
  • of just uh being
  • joyful laughing and getting involved
  • because we need you the country needs
  • you the country needs your involvement
  • uh a week can make a huge amount of
  • difference it's extraordinary how much
  • difference it can make uh when we were
  • last together last Saturday it was
  • pretty it was sort of grim U but have a
  • wonderful week we'll see you next
  • Saturday
  • [Music]

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.