General David Petraeus - Putin’s Biggest Miscalculation - Russia’s Final Gamble in Ukraine
Russia Ukraine
Sep 12, 2024
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As Russia faces unprecedented economic and military challenges, General David Petraeus breaks down why Putin’s belief in Russia’s historical resilience might be his greatest strategic mistake. From the struggles of the war in Ukraine to a crippling economic crisis driven by sanctions and payment blockages with China, Russia’s foundation is beginning to crack. Explore how Ukraine's innovative battlefield tactics and a collapsing Russian economy are reshaping the future of this conflict and threatening Putin’s long-term survival.
- 0:00
- Russia has a deep history of enduring
- through suffering from Napoleon to
- Hitler theyve faced brutal hardships and
- emerged on the other side Victorious but
- battered now Putin believes that same
- resilience will be Russia's advantage in
- the war with Ukraine he's betting on
- outlasting not just Ukraine but all of
- Europe and America combined but this
- time the rules are different and this
- could be Russia's greatest strategic
- error and no one knows this better than
- former General David Petraeus
- who's been at the Forefront of military
- strategy for decades Vladimir Putin I
- think is still convinced that the
- Russians can outs suffer the ukrainians
- the Europeans and the Americans the way
- that Russians historically outs suffered
- Napoleon's Army outs suffered Hitler's
- uh Nazis and so forth and we need to
- help the ukrainians together with our
- NATO and other Western allies and
- partners to prove them wrong as the war
- drags on the numbers tell a sobering
- story
- 1:01
- Ukraine with a significantly smaller
- population than Russia faces a daunting
- challenge yet despite this disadvantage
- the country has demonstrated unmatched
- resilience every sector of Ukrainian
- Society has been mobilized from Business
- Leaders to Tech experts all uniting in
- this fight for survival and this
- Collective effort is translating into
- some surprising and Innovative
- Battlefield tactics they're still
- generating additional forces keep mind
- their population is about 40,000 Russia
- is about a little under 140,000 actually
- ukrainians are less than 40,000 now
- because millions of women and children
- have left but the men have all stayed um
- and again this is their war of
- independence and Ukraine has fully
- completely mobilized everybody is
- committed to this uh the business people
- are engaged in it the it experts you
- know it's a real source of great it
- skills um they're all engaged in this
- and the innovativeness the
- entrepreneurship that they're employing
- 2:01
- is really extraordinary they take these
- little do-it-yourself drones and they
- hang a Russian munition from underneath
- it and they're literally dropping them
- into the hatch of a turret of a tank and
- the Russian tanks still have this
- unbelievable flaw decades after it was
- first identified where the ammunition is
- not sequestered from inside the turret
- uh and so what happens is eventually it
- catches on fire and it blows the turret
- off this is why you see those turrets on
- the side
- of a tank um and the tank Crews learned
- pretty early on that it's not good idea
- to stay with the tank if it's if there's
- something burning inside it so they
- immediately go out the top um and that
- leads to you know incredible tank losses
- the Russians have lost over half of the
- tanks that they had when they started
- the war it's just staggering numbers
- it's you know it's more tanks than the
- entire rest of NATO has uh without the
- United States after discussing the
- implications of military techn
- technology in Modern Warfare
- 3:01
- particularly from the perspective of
- David Petraeus let's now shift our Focus
- to an equally critical issue that is
- currently shaking the foundations of
- Russia's economy the collapse of
- Russia's Payment Systems the financial
- repercussions of sanctions are creating
- a complex web of economic challenges
- that are only intensifying with time
- Russia's Lifeline to China once a key
- trading partner is being choked off
- creating a severe cash flow crisis that
- threatens its econ ecomic stability
- Russia's businesses are now facing a
- dire situation when it comes to
- financial transactions especially with
- China its largest trading partner as
- sanctions imposed by the West have
- intensified Chinese financial
- institutions have come under heavy
- scrutiny these institutions once vital
- for processing payments to and from
- Russia are now at risk of facing
- secondary sanctions this means that if
- any Chinese Financial entity is found
- dealing with Russian C parts that are
- 4:00
- sanctioned they too can face harsh
- penalties the result Chinese banks are
- now extremely cautious about processing
- payments involving Russia leading to
- significant delays in transactions over
- the past few months payments between
- Russia and China have slowed
- dramatically with tens of billions of
- dollars held up payments for key exports
- like oil and gas which are essential for
- Russia's economy are stuck in Chinese
- Banks leaving Russian businesses in a
- cash crunch crunch this payment gridlock
- has reached a point where transactions
- that should have taken weeks are now
- being delayed for months the
- consequences are severe Russian
- companies are not receiving the funds
- they need to keep their operations
- running leading to liquidity problems
- the sanctions have hit Russian
- businesses on multiple fronts initially
- they had to scramble to find new markets
- for their goods after Western Nations
- cut ties China stepped in as a crucial
- buyer but now the same businesses are
- 5:00
- struggling to get paid for their goods
- the liquidity crisis is further worsened
- because Chinese companies refuse to
- accept payment in Russian rubles all
- transactions must be made in Chinese
- Yuan and Russia is quickly running out
- of it adding to this dilemma is the
- soaring cost of obtaining Yuan Russian
- companies starved of the Chinese
- currency are forced to turn to the
- Russian Central Bank for Yuan swap deals
- this option once considered a last
- resort has now become commonplace
- in August alone the volume of un swaps
- doubled compared to earlier in the year
- the cost of borrowing un has skyrocketed
- with interest rates on these swaps
- Rising sharply making it increasingly
- expensive for Russian businesses to
- operate one sector hit particularly hard
- is the automotive industry with Western
- automakers having pulled out of Russia
- Chinese car manufacturers had filled the
- Gap exporting massive volumes of
- vehicles to the Russian Market but with
- the payment system in cas chaos smaller
- 6:00
- Russian importers are finding it nearly
- impossible to process transactions
- payments are bouncing leading to fewer
- Chinese exports and leaving Russian car
- dealerships in a Lurch these payment
- issues combined with Rising costs mean
- fewer vehicles are making their way to
- Russia further strangling the economy
- the impact is not limited to cars
- Russian mining companies including those
- involved in the export of critical
- resources like nickel and Palladium are
- also feeling the strain these companies
- which are some of the largest global
- suppliers of such materials are now
- struggling to receive payments due to
- the same Financial blockages severely
- hampering their operations with
- liquidity drying up and the cost of
- accessing U and skyrocketing Russia is
- heading toward an economic
- precipice the ongoing payment delays and
- increasing Financial strain on its
- businesses will only exacerbate the
- economic challenges Russia faces in the
- months ahead with without a resolution
- 7:00
- to these payment issues the Russian
- economy will continue to suffer from
- liquidity problems Rising costs and
- decreasing trade volumes setting the
- stage for an even more profound
- financial crisis as we've just seen the
- collapse of Russian Payment Systems
- particularly with China is yet another
- blow to an already strained economy the
- weight of sanctions combined with the
- reluctance of Chinese Banks to handle
- Russian transactions is pushing Russia
- into a deeper financial crisis with
- billions of dollars stuck in limbo and
- critical trade relationships hanging in
- the balance Russia's path forward looks
- increasingly uncertain the cash crisis
- liquidity shortages and the rising costs
- of financial transactions are further
- strangling Russian businesses
- threatening the future of entire
- Industries these developments will
- undoubtedly have a ripple effect across
- the global economy and further isolate
- Russia from the world's Financial
- systems if you found this analysis
- insightful don't forget to hit the like
- 8:02
- button and subscribe for more updates on
- global economic shifts geopolitical
- Trends and their impacts on the world
- stage stay informed and join the
- conversation by leaving a comment below
- what do you think will be the long-term
- consequences of Russia's payment crisis
- thanks for watching and we'll see you in
- the next video
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