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The Vote: Trump LOSES IT over FEW Supporters at HUMILIATING Rally

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
This is pretty long-winded and mixed-up combining material from several election cycles ... but it does reflect the chaos that is the Trump campaign. It has been downloaded about 50 days before the November 5th voting day. The polls seem to be indicating some strengthening of the Harris position in key voting areas, but still a very tight situation.
Peter Burgess
Trump LOSES IT over FEW Supporters at HUMILIATING Rally

The Vote

Sep 20, 2024

34.2K subscribers

Trump LOSES IT over FEW Supporters at HUMILIATING Rally

  • 0:00
  • presidential candidate Donald Trump is well known for attacking his opponent whenever he gets the chance have you
  • heard her laugh that is the laugh of a crazy person that is a laugh of a crazy
  • it's a laugh of a lunatic normally this Behavior gets his audience excited and interested in the rest of the speech but
  • at a recent rally in Georgia he received a rude shock the worst president in history making the worst state of the
  • union speech in history the underwhelming response Trump received in response to his statement was only the
  • beginning of what was to come in this video I will be revealing all the details about Trump's humiliating rally
  • and the real reason why his support seems to be dwindling Trump loses it at rally Trump's 2024 presidential campaign
  • had a great start and had been Progressive for months but in the last couple of weeks things have taken a left turn for Trump and his campaign a proud
  • hardworking American Patriots you are amazing you built this country you built this country at a recent rally in
  • Georgia he faced a somewhat humiliating reception one that was very different from the enthusiastic crowds he once

  • 1:05
  • commanded this slow response is said to have been as a result of several factors one of such factors was that during the
  • rally Trump went on a 10-minute rant during which he blamed Governor Brian Kemp for not preventing Joe Biden's
  • victory in the previous elections the former president also blamed Kemp for not putting a stop to some of his legal
  • troubles before the rally Trump had already taken to his social media platforms to attack Governor Brian Kemp
  • saying the governor should be fighting crime not fighting unity and the Republican Party Trump also lashed out
  • at Kemp's wife Marty for saying she would writeen her husband's name for president this fall instead of voting
  • for The Republican nominee another likely source of the frustration among Trump's supporters is his continued
  • focus on the 2020 election results a topic that many believe is a problem for potential voters who are more concerned
  • with current issues in the midst of these political challenges Trump's campaign has also struggled to put
  • together a Clear Vision for the future argue that his message has been focused more on Grievances and Petty disputes

  • 2:04
  • than on policy proposals this lack of a proper strategy has made it difficult for him to win over undecided voters
  • further complicating his path to the White House the media has also been Relentless in its coverage of Trump's
  • legal and political wos major Outlets have followed his every move and shared damaging reports on his campaign
  • finances the reports claim that significant amounts of money were being spent on legal fees rather than campaign
  • activities raising questions about the sustainability of his campaign this Revelation has not only hurt his image
  • but also raised doubts among his supporters about his ability to mount a serious challenge in the upcoming
  • election also this negative coverage has further isolated Trump within his own party making it difficult for him to
  • Rally support and build momentum for his campaign speaking of his dwindling support Trump has lost support from a
  • significant amount of aged voters to understand the significance of this shift in support it's important to first
  • take a look at the Historical voting patterns of of older voters for decades the Republican party has enjoyed support

  • 3:03
  • from voters aged 65 and older this demographic which includes both Baby Boomers and the silent generation has
  • been a reliable base for the GOP in every presidential election since the year 2000 from the time of George W bush
  • to John McCain Mitt Romney and Donald Trump older voters have consistently leaned Republican in the 2016 election
  • Trump secured a significant portion of this demographic with 52% of Voters over 65 casting their ballots for him his
  • promises to protect Social Security reduce taxes and revive the economy deeply appealed to older Americans
  • Trump's appeal to older voters was further increased by his strong stance on Law and Order his commitment to
  • conservative values and his pledge to make America great again these messages struck a cord with many older voters who
  • felt left behind by the rapid changes in society and the economy in the 2020 election despite a highly competitive
  • political climate Trump managed to maintain his support among older voters however the margins were narrower with

  • 4:03
  • 52% of Voters over 65 backing him compared to 48% for Joe Biden this
  • slight dip in support was an early indicator of the shifting Tides fast forward to 2024 and the latest Emerson
  • College poll reveals a dramatic shift for the first time a majority of Voters over 70 are now supporting vice
  • president kamla Harris over Trump this represents a major breakthrough for Harris and a significant challenge for
  • Trump as he seeks to regain his footing with this important demographic the implications of this shift are a sign
  • that Trump may be in danger of losing the election with older voters traditionally forming a reliable base
  • for the Republican Party Harris's ability to win them over represents a significant challenge for Trump and the
  • GOP political analysts are closely watching this trend as it could have far-reaching consequences for future
  • elections if Harris continues to gain traction with older voters it could signal a broader shift in the electorate
  • and alter the Dynamics of American politics Trump's dwindling support has also been affected by his recent

  • 5:00
  • conviction in New York Trump has been in the middle of a legal battle that is seriously affecting his campaign the
  • former president and his company are accused of inflating the value of assets on financial statements provided to
  • Banks and insurance companies as horrifying as that sounds the legal troubles don't end there Trump is also
  • facing scrutiny from the January 6th committee which is investigating the events surrounding the capital Riot
  • subpoenas have been issued and testimonies are being gathered and the stakes are high the legal fees are
  • piling up and the constant media coverage of these investigations has cast a long Shadow over his campaign
  • Trump has now been convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and the immediate aftermath of
  • his conviction was nothing short of a political earthquake a poll conducted by Politico and ipsos shortly after the
  • conviction revealed a startling shift in the political landscape among independent voters 21% stated that the
  • verdict was an important issue in determining their vote they expressed that they were now less L likely to support Trump the poll further revealed

  • 6:02
  • that among Independents who considered the conviction an important factor 10% said it would not impact their vote
  • while 5% stated it would make them more likely to back Trump however a staggering 65% of Independence said the
  • verdict was not important to how they would vote this development is particularly concerning for Trump's campaign Independents are often the
  • deciding factor in elections and losing their support could spell disaster for any candidate the fact that 21% of indep
  • dependant are now less likely to support Trump is a significant blow and it raises questions about the future of his
  • campaign the poll also sheds light on the broader public opinion regarding Trump's conviction among all voters a
  • plurality of 38% said Trump's conviction was unlikely to affect their support for
  • him however 33% said they were less likely to support Trump among Republican
  • voters the reaction to Trump's conviction has been largely one of continued support despite the gravity of
  • the charges as many Republicans have rallied around Trump viewing the conviction as a politically motivated

  • 7:04
  • attack this unwavering support from his base is not entirely surprising given Trump's ability to maintain a loyal
  • following however the conviction has also exposed cracks within the Republican party with some members
  • expressing concerns about the long-term implications for the party's image and electoral prospects on the other side of
  • the political Spectrum Democratic voters have remained critical of trump viewing the conviction as a long overdue
  • consequence of his actions with his his campaign in a continued state of decline one would expect Trump to make all
  • efforts to gather more support but his recent campaign moves seem to be doing otherwise on August 14th Trump took the
  • stage at hara's Cherokee Center in Asheville North Carolina his campaign had build this event as a major economic
  • address promising significant policy announcements and bold economic plans Trump started his speech by laying out
  • Grand promises to slash Energy prices and unleash economic abundance he
  • pledged to end inflation bolster us energy production and raise American standard of living the crowd erupted in

  • 8:05
  • Applause As Trump made these promises but it wasn't long before he began to Veer off topic his attention quickly
  • shifted from economic policy to personal attacks on kamla Harris he couldn't resist taking Jabs at her do right
  • everything kamla Harris touches turns bad it all turns bad San Francisco was a
  • great City now it's unlivable Trump's frustration over the Democrats swapping Biden for Harris at the top of their TI
  • was obvious he accused Democrats of being politically correct and attacked Harris on deeply personal terms he also
  • had a lot to say about her laugh what happened to her laugh I haven't heard that laugh in about a week that's why they keep her off the stage that's why
  • she's disappeared that's the laugh of a crazy person I will tell you if you haven't done it it's a crazy throughout
  • the speech Trump ping-ponged between prepared remarks and familiar attacks he compared the current economy with his
  • presidency questioning Harris's ability to tackle inflation although his bold claims about the economy were met with

  • 9:01
  • cheers from his supporters Trump's frequent Jabs and off-topic remarks raised questions about the feasibility
  • of his promises as he continued to Veer off topic it became clear that his speech was more about attacking his
  • Rivals than presenting a coherent economic plan some voters who came to hear him said they were ready to hear
  • him talk more specifically about his plans but ended up listening to his remarks about Harris the question
  • remains can Trump stay focused enough to make the economy a winning issue in his matchup against Harris kamla Harris
  • responds Trump's Asheville rally was a spectacle apart from calling vice president kamla Harris's laugh the laugh
  • of a crazy person Trump accused Harris of being weak on crime criticized her economic proposals and painted her as a
  • radical out of touch with American values the political battle between Harris and Trump has continued to
  • escalate both sides have launched new attacks and counterattacks each trying to gain the upper hand but Kamala Harris
  • has not backed down from the political battle just days after Trump's rally she gave gave her DNC speech in which she

  • 10:01
  • heavily criticized Trump his rhetoric in campaign Donald Trump is an unserious
  • man but the consequences but the consequences of
  • putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious Trump was
  • quick to make a remark about this statement he took to his truth social platform to air his views on kamala's
  • thoughts about him he wrote kamla's biography won't lower price prices at the grocery store or at the pump This
  • was meant to point out that while Kamala was talking about her background Trump was busy focusing on inflation during
  • her speech Harris slammed Trump over his legal judgments and economic policies she pointed out his role in appointing
  • Supreme Court Justices who overturned roie Wade's right to an abortion consider not only the chaos and Calamity
  • when he was in office but also the gravity of what has happened since he

  • 11:00
  • lost the last election as she carried on with her speech Harris implied that Trump getting a second term as president
  • would be more dangerous because of a Supreme Court ruling which gave presidents immunity to certain
  • prosecutions just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails and how he would use the immense powers of the presidency of
  • the United States not to improve your life not to strengthen our national security but to serve the only client he
  • has ever had himself Harris spoke about her backround as a prosecutor asserting
  • that she has what it takes to go toe-to-toe with Trump who has recently been convicted in Manhattan of 34 felony
  • counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to an adult film actress but that was not the end of
  • her response to Trump she spoke about the January 6th 2021 attack on the US
  • capital and called out Trump for inspiring the attack apart from her DNC speech kamla has made the headline so
  • many times in her race for president one of the the most significant reasons being her economic plan which she

  • 12:02
  • recently revealed many believe that putting out her economic plan to the people is one of the best things commis
  • campaign has done as more and more people are buying into her vision for the country the economic plan holds a bold strategy to tackle one of the most
  • pressing issues facing Americans today so I know how to fight for people who
  • are being exploited in the housing market and I know what home ownership
  • means the housing crisis with Millions struggling to find affordable housing Harris has proposed an ambitious plan to
  • construct 3 million new housing units within her first four years in office this is a significant increase from the
  • 2 million homes previously called for by the Biden Administration Harris told the people that as president she would work
  • in partnership with industry to build the housing needed both for rental and to purchase to incentivize the
  • construction of these new units Harris proposes a tax break for Builders who construct properties specifically for
  • firsttime home buyers this move aims to encourage developers to focus on affordable housing rather than luxury

  • 13:04
  • apartments and high-end homes that are Out Of Reach for many Americans but that's not all Harris is also proposing
  • a $40 billion fund to help local governments find innovative solutions to the lack of housing Supply this fund
  • will support initiatives that streamline the building process reduce bureaucratic hurdles and promote sustainable
  • development her plan doesn't stop at just building new homes she is also targeting the practices of corporate
  • landlords who have been driving up rental prices some corporate landlords buy dozens if not hundreds of houses and
  • apartments then turn them around and rent them out at extremely high prices this makes it nearly impossible for
  • regular people to buy or even rent a home to combat this Harris will call on Congress to pass the preventing the
  • algorithmic facilitation of rental housing cartels act this legislation aims to prevent landlords from using
  • price fixing algorithms to increase rents ensuring that rental prices remain fair and competitive in addition Harris
  • wants lawmakers to pass the stop predatory investing act a bill that would limit tax breaks for large

  • 14:04
  • investors and private Equity firms that Acquire single family rental homes in bulk this move is designed to discourage
  • the mass acquisition of homes by corporate entities making more properties available for individual buyers and renters Harris's housing plan
  • also includes a groundbreaking proposal to provide Americans who have paid their rent on time for 2 years with up to
  • $25,000 in down payment assistance this initiative is particularly aimed at
  • first generation home home owners helping them achieve the dream of home ownership by focusing on both the supply
  • and demand sides of the housing market Harris's plan aims to create a more balanced and fair housing landscape her
  • strategies to lower the cost of living extend beyond just housing as she also addresses the high costs of food health
  • care and other Essentials Harris's comprehensive approach to lowering the cost of living is designed to provide
  • immediate relief to struggling families while also laying the groundwork for long-term economic stability her plan is
  • a bold statement of her commitment to ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable housing and a decent

  • 15:05
  • standard of living she has also laid out a series of proposals aimed at providing Financial relief to families addressing
  • the persistent issue of inflation and supporting service
  • workers under my plan more than 100 million Americans will get a tax cut
  • Harris proposed an expansion of the child tax credit to provide a $6,000 tax cut to families with newborns this is a
  • significant increase from the current $2,000 tax credit this expansion aims to provide much needed Financial relief to
  • families during the critical first year of a child's life but Harris's plan doesn't stop there she has also
  • proposing an Earned Income Tax Credit of $1,500 for those in lower income jobs
  • who aren't raising a child this initiative aims to provide financial support to individuals who are working
  • hard but still struggling to make ends meet has also made it clear that addressing inflation is a top priority

  • 16:02
  • in her economic plan in the first 100 days of my Administration I will work to bring down the cost of groceries by
  • working with Congress on a federal ban on price gouging on groceries and other Goods she plans to crack down on unfair
  • mergers and Acquisitions that give big food corporations the power to jack up food and grocery prices and undermine
  • the competition that keeps prices low for consumers she is also offering support to smaller businesses like
  • grocery stores meat processors farmers and ranchers to ensure that those Industries can be more competitive
  • Harris's pledge to eliminate taxes on tips for service workers is a groundbreaking proposal aimed at
  • providing much needed relief to those in the service and hospitality industries this proposal is similar to one first
  • pitched by Trump in June but Harris is determined to see it through when I am elected president I will make it a top
  • priority to bring down costs and increase Economic Security for all Americans her comprehensive approach to
  • to the country's economic issues promises immediate relief and long-term stability ensuring that all Americans

  • 17:05
  • not just the wealthy benefit from economic growth as the election approaches the impact of Harris's plan
  • on the nation's future remains a pivotal topic of debate Trump versus Harris as
  • the 2024 presidential election kicks into high gear kamla Harris has taken an early lead in the polls according to the
  • latest average of national polls collated by 538 Harris holds a 3.5 Point
  • advantage over Donald Trump this early lead is a crucial indicator of voter sentiment as both candidates ramp up
  • their campaigns diving deeper into the demographics there is a clear divide in the voter base for each candidate Harris
  • enjoys strong support from young voters female voters and black voters among black voters Harris has a staggering
  • plus 65o lead on the other hand Trump's key supporters remain male voters the 45
  • to 64 age group and white voters without a college education however it's worth
  • noting that Trump has lost some ground in this last group compared to his previous campaigns which could be a

  • 18:04
  • critical Factor as the race progresses independent voters are another crucial element in this election a morning
  • consult Mega poll of 11,501 registered voters shows that Independents are leaning more towards
  • Harris however this group is notoriously unpredictable and capturing their vote will be essential for either candidate
  • to secure a victory it's with a sense of Victory and not defeat that I'm
  • suspending my campaign activities the independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has suspended his Run for the White
  • House causing a dramatic shift in the Dynamics of the race don't you want a president who's going to get us out of
  • the wars and who's going to rebuild the middle class in this country as soon as he suspended his campaign Kennedy
  • announced his endorsement of trump this act could free up votes in key States like New Mexico where Kennedy has higher
  • support among younger voters analysis from the Independent shows that RFK Jr BS exit could significantly impact Trump

  • 19:02
  • Harris poll numbers Kennedy supporters particularly younger voters could swing towards Trump tightening the race even
  • further with these early polling numbers and demographic insights the stage is set for a fierce battle both Harris and
  • Trump are pulling out all the stops to sway undecided voters and solidify their bases the political Dynamics are
  • constantly evolving making this one of the most unpredictable elections in recent history the Battleground states
  • are where the real fight for the 2024 presidential election holds the key to Victory both campaigns are focusing
  • their efforts on winning over voters in these crucial areas according to research from the cook political report
  • Kamala Harris currently leads in six out of seven Battleground States Harris's strongest lead is in Arizona where Biden
  • won by just 0.4% in 2020 this is a significant swing from earlier in the
  • year when Trump LED in Six States and tied in Wisconsin in Georgia Michigan North Carolina Pennsylvania and
  • Wisconsin Harris has picked up momentum from her predecessors trailing support however Trump is holding strong in

  • 20:04
  • Nevada making it a critical state for both campaigns as the election approaches the battle for these states
  • will intensify the potential shifts in voter sentiment and the impact of independent candidates make this one of
  • the most unpredictable and closely watched elections in American history polling in swing States continues to
  • show variation from pollster to pollster a yugov CBS poll conducted up to early
  • August suggests that neither candidate had a significant lead in any of the Battlegrounds this variation highlights
  • the unpredictable nature of this election and the importance of every single vote now let's take a look at the
  • presidential candidates and how their campaign has been so far kamla Harris's 2024 presidential campaign kicked off
  • with a bang on July 21st 2024 the political landscape was already buzzing
  • with speculation after President Joe Biden endorsed haris as his successor the rapid formation of Harris's campaign
  • team was nothing short of a political Master stroke with within days of her announcement Harris had assembled a

  • 21:01
  • diverse and experienced team to spearhead her campaign Julie Chavez Rodriguez a seasoned political
  • strategist with deep roots in the Democratic party was appointed as the campaign manager Jen Ali Dylan who had
  • previously served as Joe Biden's campaign manager in 2020 was brought on as the campaign chairwoman additionally
  • David Pluff a key architect of Barack Obama's successful presidential campaigns joined as a senior adviser
  • bringing with him a wealth of experience Harris campaign tapped into the energy and enthusiasm of her supporters
  • leveraging social media and digital platforms to reach a broad audience the use of Beyonce song Freedom as the
  • campaign's official Anthem resonated with many symbolizing Harris's fight for justice and equality the campaign's
  • ability to mobilize supporters and generate excitement was evident in the sheer volume of donations pouring in
  • from across the country Harris's campaign is built on a robust platform of policy proposals aimed at addressing
  • some of the most pressing issues facing the United States her policy agenda is both ambitious and comprehensive

  • 22:03
  • reflecting her commitment to creating a more just and Equitable Society one of the cornerstones of her platform is
  • National Abortion protections Harris has been a vocal advocate for Reproductive Rights pledging to codify roie wade into
  • federal law and ensure access to safe and legal abortions for all women Harris is also a staunch supporter of LGBT plus
  • rights she has promised to fight against legislative attacks on transgender individuals and to work towards full
  • recognition of same-sex marriages her commitment to climate change legislation is equally strong Harris has proposed a
  • series of measures aimed at reducing carbon emissions promoting renewable energy and addressing environmental
  • justice issues she has emphasized the need for bold action to combat climate change framing it as both a moral and
  • economic imperative on the issue of immigration Harris has outlined a plan that balances strong border security
  • with an earned Pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants she has highlighted her work as Attorney General
  • in combating transnational gangs drug cartels and human traffickers positioning herself as both tough on

  • 23:05
  • crime and compassionate towards immigrants she has also proposed tax breaks for companies that deliver
  • economic benefits such as Manufacturing Technologies to fight global warming and building affordable housing Harris's
  • campaign events have been a key component of her strategy to engage with voters and build momentum she has held
  • rallies in key Battleground States like Wisconsin Georgia and Michigan drawing large crowds of enthusiastic supporters
  • Harris has also appeared alongside her running mate Tim Waltz at events in Philadelphia and Arizona these joint
  • appearances have allowed the campaign to showcase the unity and strength of their ticket the campaign has employed a
  • variety of strategies to engage with voters and address criticisms one of the most Innovative approaches has been the
  • use of digital ads targeting specific demographics for example the campaign
  • released ads aimed at Latino voters focusing on issues like the southern border and immigration reform these
  • these ads were designed to resonate with the concerns and priorities of Latino communities helping to build support

  • 24:03
  • among this key voter group however the campaign has also faced criticism for some of its tactics the use of modified
  • news headlines and Google search ads to create a false impression of support from major Publishers Drew backlash
  • critics argued that this approach was misleading and undermined The campaign's credibility in response Harris's team
  • has worked to recalibrate their strategies emphasizing transparency and authenticity in their Communications on
  • the other side of this election is Donald Trump whose 2024 campaign has had several ups and downs his campaign has
  • policy proposals and campaign strategies that are now focal points of intense scrutiny and debate Trump's platform is
  • a mix of bold promises and controversial measures that aim to reshape the American political landscape one of the
  • most shocking aspects of Trump's campaign is his stance on immigration he proposes reinstating the ban on entry
  • from certain Muslim majority Nations imposing Co era restrictions on Asylum claims and building more of the border

  • 25:01
  • wall Trump also suggests rounding up of undocumented individuals and detaining them in camps while they await
  • deportation these Extreme Measures are expected to face significant legal challenges and have profound social and
  • economic impacts in terms of foreign policy Trump aims to renegotiate NATO's purpose and Mission and take a tougher
  • stance against China he even suggests sending Armed Forces into Mexico to combat drug cartels his isolationist
  • approach has raised eyebrows and sparked debates about the future of US foreign relations Trump's foreign policy agenda
  • also includes decoupling the us from the global economy imposing tariffs on Imports and cutting back on regulations
  • on the domestic front Trump's campaign is marked by his strong pro-life stance on abortion he has taken credit for
  • appointing justices responsible for the dobs decision which ended roow v Wade Trump's attempt to strike a middle
  • ground on abortion supporting the overturning of Ro v Wade but leaving the decision to the states is seen as a
  • strategic move to appeal to both moderate and conservative voters Trump's campaign strategies are as controversial

  • 26:03
  • as his policies he has repeatedly made false claims about the 2020 election
  • being rigged and stolen from him a narrative that resonated with his loyal base but Drew widespread condemnation
  • from critics his connections to project 2025 has raised serious concerns Trump
  • has openly stated his intention to have the justice department investigate and arrest his political Rivals judges
  • prosecutors and Witnesses is involved in his criminal trials despite facing legal challenges including four criminal
  • indictments and a civil investigation of the Trump organization Trump's campaign continues to promote false claims about
  • the 2020 election in February 2024 Trump repeated false claims about the 2020
  • election in the border wall he also embraced and celebrated the January 6th Capital attack downplaying the events of
  • that day and spreading baseless conspiracy theories his campaign is known for using dehumanizing and violent
  • rhetoric against his political enemies including calling for shoplifters to be shot and making fun of a hammer attack

  • 27:04
  • his rallies often featured claims of election denialism and dark apocalyptic messaging about the future if he didn't
  • win he repeatedly used copyrighted music without permission leading to complaints
  • from artists and demands for compensation the nation continues to watch with baited breath as the
  • elections draw closer with each passing day in a few months the answer to the question on everyone's Minds will be
  • revealed check out any of our other videos by clicking the cards on your screen the most grossly incompetent man
  • in government the worst president ever of any country the whole world is laughing at him despite the great
  • anticipation Trump's latest rally that brought over 100,000 supporters from around the United States took an
  • unexpected turn when what was supposed to be a crowd of DieHard fans started walking out one by one the rally which
  • was held at Wildwood Beach New Jersey quickly went from a sea of support to a bunch of empty seats even though Trump
  • was still speaking one thing was however certain the growing number of empty chairs meant that Trump had not lived up

  • 28:04
  • to the high expectations of the Maga movement Trump supporters leave during the middle of speech in Wildwood New
  • Jersey president Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in New Jersey tonight and people are already lining up and camping
  • out to make sure they get a spot inside Trump's core supporters who love to go by the name Maga meaning make America
  • great again have stayed loyal and vocal even as he faces felony charges in four jurisdictions this is so much different
  • from what we saw in 2016 where many Trump voters only quietly supported him before the election but this time and
  • over the past eight years his most dedicated fans have immersed themselves in his speeches memorized his
  • catchphrases and attended his numerous rallies it therefore came as no surprise that supporters of Donald Trump camped
  • out overnight anticipating his rally in New Jersey which was held on May 11th 2024 they were hoping for a significant
  • announcement or a rallying speech however many were left disappointed by the content of his speech Trump's

  • 29:00
  • remarks quickly turn negative with name calling and derogatory comments about political opponents the rally which took
  • place on the beach in Wildwood New Jersey drew a large crowd with estimates ranging from 880,000 to 100,000
  • attendees some supporters had even slept in tents on the beach for days to secure front row sports the event was part of
  • Trump's 2024 presidential campaign and it drew a large enthusiastic audience from across the country As Trump took
  • the stage at exactly 6:20 P.M M he launched into one of his typical speeches with a lot of curse words for
  • about 90 minutes touting his accomplishments and criticizing his political opponents however when he
  • began attacking President Joe Biden among the many other things he did some attendees appeared taken aback Trump
  • referred to Biden as a total and claimed that his administration was damaging the country that's not all
  • Trump also went on to blame the current US president for his recent legal troubles recall that Donald Trump has
  • been the main character in a series of Le legal challenges that have captured the Public's attention among these the

  • 30:01
  • allegations of hush money payments stand out as they question the Integrity of financial records within Trump's
  • organization these payments were allegedly made to suppress claims of past sexual relationships during his
  • 2016 presidential campaign simultaneously Trump is also involved in Trials concerning accusations of
  • election interference and the mishandling of classified documents let's not forget the sexual assault case
  • of author eege Carroll where the Court ruled in favor of the author resulting in a total of $ 88.3 million in Damages
  • awarded to Carol according to Trump Joe Biden should never have encouraged his prosecution as it was something that
  • should only be heard of in third world countries but never in the United States of America in his words you don't do
  • that to your opponents Donald Trump also went on to give disparaging remarks about Biden's mental intelligence saying
  • that the latter was not even aware of what was going on Trump strongly criticized Biden saying his presidency
  • has hurt the country very badly he claimed that even if anyone were to combine the mistakes of the 10 worst

  • 31:00
  • Presidents in US history they wouldn't come close to the harm Biden has caused the former president also harshly
  • attacked Biden's ability to lead and his personal character saying he's not just bad at his job but also a bad person in
  • addition to this Trump boasted to the audience that his administration had been responsible for what he described
  • as the greatest economy the United States of America had ever seen he then assured them that New Jersey being the
  • venue of the rally would see significant benefits if he were to return to office as a warning Trump claimed that if Joe
  • Biden were to win the election it would result in a loss for the entire middle class and for New Jersey however he
  • promised that a win for him would mean a win for the middle class an upliftment for the lowincome groups and A Renewed
  • pursuit of the American dream for everyone on a personal note to his supporters in the state he pledged that
  • a victory for him would not only be a win for New Jersey but also for Pennsylvania and the whole of America
  • also during the rally Trump brought up Biden's recent interview with CNN where he talked about how the US will no

  • 32:02
  • longer Supply weapons to Israel if prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu decides to press forward with a ground offensive on
  • the city of Rafa where more than 1.2 million people are taking Refuge it's just wrong we're not going to we're not
  • going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used that have been used artillery shells as well yeah
  • artillery shells the current president went on to disclose that although the US remained committed to providing Israel
  • with offensive weapons they will not be supporting the invasion of Rafa according to Trump this decision only
  • meant that Biden was siding with Hamas however the response Trump got from the crowd was not what he expected as they
  • booed loudly aside from the verbal attack on Biden another thing Donald Trump is well known for is his usual
  • false statements and exaggerations and just as expected he let one or two out at his Wildwood rally however his loose
  • and spontaneous style was on another level on this particular day as he made a a series of unusual comments and gaffs

  • 33:00
  • just minutes into the rally Trump began talking about a hot dog he ate recently hot dogs let's talk about hot dogs I
  • just had one actually I just had one it was very good he then proceeded to share Snippets of some conversations he
  • claimed to have had with renowned singers Frank Sinatra and Luciano pavaroti regarding food according to
  • Trump Sinatra had advised him years ago to never eat before performing Trump reportedly responded that he wasn't
  • performing but rather a politician expressing his disdain for being called called a politician while these
  • statements would have been passed off as just Trump going off point the audience couldn't help but note that Sinatra
  • passed away in 1998 which was well before Trump's political career began in
  • addition to this the former president also mixed up names of various people in places and even expressed his fondness
  • for the fictional serial killer protagonist from the movie The Silence of the Lambs Hannibal lecor the late
  • great Hannibal Lector he's a wonderful man Trump said he continued by praising this character before for suddenly
  • shifting topics to immigration claiming that people who shouldn't be in the country were being released into it at

  • 34:04
  • another point he seemed to confuse Beijing with Taiwan he talked about President XI of China and mentioned
  • military activities including ships and planes as if they were related to Beijing this confusion overlooked the
  • fact that Taiwan is the self-governing island China aims to reunify with the mainland additionally Trump made an
  • error by referring to former President Jimmy Carter as Jimmy Connors further highlighting this series of gaffs
  • throughout his speech this was not the first time Trump would be mixing up the names of world leaders the same thing
  • happened late last year when he mixed up President Biden former president Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton despite this
  • Trump insisted that these were not mistakes and that his comments were intentional after the Jimmy Carter
  • blunder he started talking about the upcoming election but he still managed to Circle back to the topic of Sinatra
  • and hot dogs he again mentioned that he had recently enjoyed a delicious hot dog and apologized to Frank at the time the
  • conversation happened and about pavara Trump stated that the latter was a good friend who didn't have the same concerns

  • 35:04
  • as he ate all the time and didn't care this was again another off- the rail statement recently Trump has made some
  • big blunders while campaigning which has led to talks about the mental abilities of the candidates in this election at
  • the same time this election is unusual because the candidates are older than usual these situations suggest there
  • might be a long argument about how sharp Donald Trump in particular is the top job in the country for instance during a
  • particular incident on January 20th 2024 Trump consistently confused Nikki Haley
  • with former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi he also implied that Haley bore responsibility for security Arrangements
  • during the January 6th Capital Riot also at another campaign rally just two days
  • later Trump faced new challenges when he tried to express his support for imposing the death penalty on drug
  • dealers he initially struggled with pronouncing smallest and later stated we are an Institute in a powerful death
  • penalty we will put this on despite the initial anticipation the attendees had to the extent of camping out overnight

  • 36:05
  • for the rally it didn't take long before they got tired and bored with what Trump was saying in fact a video filmed during
  • the rally and uploaded on X formerly Twitter by Walter Masterson shows thousands of people leaving while the
  • former president was still talking according to reports someone at the rally who noticed what was happening had
  • to inform Trump that the time was only 6:48 8: p.m. and that a significant number of attendees were already leaving
  • even before Trump had reached the middle of his 90-minute address in another post Masterson wrote you can clearly see that
  • people are leaving while he's rambling incoherently this happens at a lot of rallies cultists show up thinking he
  • will say something new and profound then they get bored and walk out Wildwood's Republican mayor Ernie troyano Jr had
  • earlier expressed some skepticism about the expected turnout for Donald Trump's recent rally he stated that the beach
  • could accommodate approximately 20,000 people and around that many tickets had been requested however Trump's

  • 37:04
  • supporters were confident that the event would draw a much larger crowd as it turned out the rally did attract a
  • significant number of attendees with Trump's spokesperson Steven Chung claiming that over 100,000 Patriots had
  • shown up to hear the former president speak while the exact number of attendees remains uncertain many of
  • Trump's allies were quick to boast about the large turnout seeing it as a clear indication of his enduring po popularity
  • and a sign that he would decisively beat President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election in addition to this
  • Republican representative Marjorie Taylor Green from Georgia also reportedly posted on X that the American
  • people are energized and ready to reelect president Trump in November her statement reflects the optimism and
  • enthusiasm that many Trump supporters feel about his chances in the next election another reporter Aaliyah
  • Schneider the Philadelphia Inquirer also observed that the crowd was thinning
  • and noted that many were walking out back to the boardwalk while Trump continued speaking in a subsequent post

  • 38:03
  • she highlighted the noticeably smaller back section of the crowd further evidence that attendees were growing
  • restless and departing in significant numbers USA Today reporter Zach Anderson
  • also documented the crowd's departure posting a video that showed a significant portion of the audience had
  • already left while Trump was still speaking Anderson noted that the area had been full of people when Trump first
  • took the stage but shortly after the crowd had dwindled significantly likely due to the cold weather and lengthy
  • unrelated speech nevertheless Trump's Ardent supporters Maga were quick to
  • point out the fact that Trump's rally was so much better when compared with President Biden's activities they noted
  • that while Trump drew a large crowd Biden spent the weekend at his Delaware Beach House following a fundraising
  • event in Seattle the comparison between the two leaders engagements became a point of discussion with Trump's
  • supporters still defending their dedication to camping out at the same time critics still pointed out and

  • 39:01
  • praised Biden's more low-key approach also while it is easy to isolate a gaff or two and not read much meaning to it
  • questions about Trump's age and cognitive abilities have been raised after his several blunders on the campaign Trail such as mixing up world
  • leaders and confusing his one-time Presidential nominee rival Nikki Haley with former house Speaker Nancy poosi
  • however back in 2020 president Donald Trump addressed concerns about his mental Fitness for office boasting about
  • his performance on a cognitive assessment exam he claimed that the doctors administering the test were
  • impressed by his exceptional ability to remember a simple sequence of words and in his usual characteristic statements
  • Trump also reiterated his unsubstantiated claims that then former Vice President Joe Biden seemed to be
  • experiencing significant cognitive decline he therefore made a demand that Biden should also undergo a similar
  • examination note however that this claim was made without any any evidence to support it once again in January 2024

  • 40:01
  • Donald Trump declared that his mental abilities have improved over the past 20 years and as a result he asked his
  • former White House doctor Ronnie Jackson for a cognitive test according to Trump Jackson had described the test as
  • challenging but he aced it nonetheless however Trump didn't miss the opportunity to take a swipe at President
  • Joe Biden saying he was sure the president would struggle to answer even the third question he also went on with
  • a jab that by lacked the competence to manage a simple task like running a lemonade stand at 77 years old Trump
  • along with Biden who is 81 are the oldest candidates to run for the US Presidency and just like Trump Biden has
  • also faced scrutiny for apparent instances of misspeaking and making errors on various occasions what do you
  • think about how Trump's own fans left the much anticipated rally let us know your thoughts in the comments for more
  • captivating videos like this one click on one of the cards showing on your screen I did a a rally in New Jersey we
  • had 107,000 people there you saw that last week Donald Trump's campaign Trail has been filled with lie after lie and

  • 41:06
  • now with supporters seemingly abandoning him after his guilty convictions the former president is trying to lie about
  • the crowd sizes at his rallies unfortunately for him social media exists and independent journalists have
  • exposed him spectacularly it seems as though Trump has nowhere to hide I heard it was going to be terrible I heard it
  • was going to be so hot did you see we put out a notice saying don't come so only 20,000 people showed up Trump's lie
  • exposed Trump has been exposed for lying numerous times but over the past couple of days he has been lying about the
  • turnout to his rallies something spectacular has been happening at his rallies prompting him to lie about the
  • number of people attending droves of people have been walking out of the rallies while he is speaking the first of such events was in his rally in New
  • Jersey this happened in Wildwood a small Beach Town known for its boardwalk and summer tourism on May 11th 2024 it
  • transformed into the epicenter of of political excitement as Donald Trump prepared to address his supporters

  • 42:00
  • supporters began to pour into the venue early in the day eager to see the former president in person the atmosphere was
  • electric with chance of USA and four more years echoing through the crowd Trump spokesperson Steven Chong
  • confidently told the press that over 100,000 Patriots had shown up to hear Trump speak a sentiment that Trump
  • shared with the crowd no he doesn't need anything he could have done this he's a little late by the way number one he's
  • late number two it's meaningless what he signed just a R Ploy as usual it's disinformation misinformation
  • controversial Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor green jumped on X to Hype up the turnout saying there's
  • nothing like a trump rally the American people are energized and ready to reelect president Trump in November look
  • at these crowds Colorado representative Lauren bobert also took to X to praise the turnout while bashing Biden's rally
  • crowds Trump's New Jersey Rally probably had more people in attendance than Joe Biden has spoken to this entire year
  • assuming we don't count the many voices in Biden's head the magga politician said the claims of over 100,000

  • 43:00
  • attendees seemed exaggerated from the start while it's not clear exactly how many attended the rally Wildwood's
  • Republican mayor Ernie troano Jr earlier said that the beach could accommodate only about 20,000 people and that about
  • that many tickets had been requested for the rally as the rally began social media buzzed with excitement supporters
  • posted photos and videos showcasing the large crowd in the high energy but as the evening progressed The Narrative
  • began to shift As Trump continued to speak the reactions from the crowd grew increasingly mixed some supporters
  • remained enthusiastic cheering and chanting While others appeared distracted or disinterested the Turning
  • Point came when people began to leave in noticeable numbers Walter Masterson a prominent social media figure he let
  • energy get out of hand and it went to $100 a barrel and now Putin also posted
  • a 35-minute unedited video showing thousands of Maga supporters walking out while Trump was still talking he wrote
  • here are 35 unedited minutes showing thousands of Maga walk out on Trump while he's still talking Aaliyah
  • Schneider a reporter with the Philadelphia Inquirer his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the Doom

  • 44:05
  • posted videos showing some attendees leaving the rally while Trump was still speaking Trump is still speaking but the
  • crowd has been thinning people have been walking out back to the boardwalk Schneider wrote in a post USA Today
  • reporter Zack Anderson posted a video showing that much of the crowd had already left while Trump was still
  • delivering his remarks Trump is still speaking in Wildwood but much of the crowd is left it's cold and he's been
  • speaking for 90 minutes this whole area was full of people when Trump started Anderson wrote well the New Jersey Rally
  • wasn't the only time Trump hyped his rally numbers nor was it the only time his supporters walked out a few weeks
  • after this incident he held a rally in Las Vegas which had similar themes the stage was set at Sunset Park in Las
  • Vegas for what was expected to be a triumphant return to the campaign Trail for Donald Trump the date was June 9th
  • 2024 and the former president was ready to address his supporters for the first time since his conviction on 34
  • falsifying business records charges in New York however as Donald Trump delivered his speech scores of

  • 45:03
  • supporters were seen leaving the rally creating a noticeable Exodus from the area in front of the stage the sight of
  • people leaving in the middle of Trump's speech was captured on video by Brian Shapiro host of the Las vegas-based
  • radio show pushing the limits Shapiro posted the clip on X where it quickly went viral the video's caption read
  • thousands of people leaving the Trump cult rally right in the middle of Cheeto Jesus making his speech bizarre don't
  • you think why are they leaving maybe it's because orange man is delivering his exact same speech again in 105°
  • temperatures with no shade or water in the
  • guy video one woman explained that she had to leave because of work commitments others cited the unbearable Heat and the
  • repetitive nature of Trump's speech as reasons for their early departure why is everybody leaving
  • they're have to work and they're

  • 46:08
  • up another another uh magam Ron Philip Kowski a former Federal
  • prosecutor and frequent Trump critic also shared the video amplifying its reach the clip has since been viewed
  • over 1 million times on X sparking a flurry of reactions and discussions the
  • rally faced an unexpected challenge a severe heat wve gripping the western United States temperatures soared to a
  • blistering 105° making the conditions almost unbearable for the thousands of attendees aware of the extreme weather
  • Trump's campaign team took several measures to ensure the safety and comfort of the crowd they hired extra
  • Medics provided thousands of water bottles and set up tents and misting fans around the park if anybody gets
  • tired you'll let me know and if anybody goes down if you start going down we
  • have people they'll pick you up right away they'll throw water you know they were so worried everybody was so worried

  • 47:04
  • yesterday about you and they never mentioned me I'm up here sweating like a dog despite these efforts the area in
  • front of the stage where the majority of the crowd stood had no shade or covering this lack of protection from the
  • Relentless Sun became a significant issue as the rally progressed the Clark County Fire Department reported that
  • around 30 people were treated on site or sent to the hospital due to the extreme heat the sweltering conditions tested
  • the endurance of even the most dedicated supporters Trump himself acknowledged the discomfort making light-hearted
  • comments about the Heat and urging the crowd to stay hydrated and seek help if they felt unwell and by the way isn't
  • that breeze nice do you feel the breeze cuz I don't want anybody going on
  • me we need every voter despite the campaign team's preparations the extreme heat wve created an environment that was
  • challenging for everyone present Trump continued his speech addressing the remaining crowd and making light of the

  • 48:00
  • situation his comments intended as jokes Drew mixed reactions from those still present I don't care about you I just
  • want your vote I don't care see now the the Press will take that and they'll say he said a horrible thing the Clark
  • County Fire Department said six people were taken to the hospital and another two dozen received medical attention at
  • the rally site Trump addressed the weather during his remarks telling rally-goers that his campaign told
  • people not to attend the event which resulted in only 20,000 in
  • attendees I heard it was going to be terrible I heard it was going to be so hot did you see we put out a notice
  • saying don't come so only 20,000 people showed up the trouble is there wasn't enough room for that many people the
  • Clark County Parks and Recreation Special Event Services told the press that the area of the park where the
  • Trump campaign held the rally has a maximum capacity of 3,000 people that
  • rally was a little different because they use just a specific part of the park and that has a capacity of like

  • 49:01
  • 2,000 to 3,000 depending on the setup the park spokesperson said to journalists adding that the entire park
  • could accommodate more well it seems like Trump was lying about his crowd sizes yet again Trump's lies have put
  • him at loggerheads with his hardcore day one supporters and some sources claim that these lies as well as his recent
  • guilty convictions have caused cracks in his magga base Maga getting tired of Trump's lies everything you're in entire
  • campaign is I'm going to build the wall and you don't build the wall of course he was going to lose re-elections the
  • sad thing about Trump is I don't think he's really pushing anything there's much talk that the former president has
  • been losing support from his original supporters such as Nick Fuentes and an couter seemingly done with him to his
  • Maga support dwindling after his conviction in the hush money case Nick Fuentes a prominent figure in the far
  • right and a vocal supporter of the Maga movement turned against Donald Trump just days after a attending a
  • controversial dinner at Mara Lago with Trump and rapper Kanye West since then Fuentes has been calling for a new 2024

  • 50:04
  • candidate to lead the movement invited by rapper Kanye West now known as yeah Fuentes joined the dinner on a Tuesday
  • night the meeting was intended to be a gathering of like-minded individuals but it quickly became a source of
  • controversy following the dinner Trump attempted to distance himself from Fuentes in a truth social post Trump
  • claimed he did not know Fuentes during their meeting with Y he stated that y was seeking a advice on his business
  • difficulties and that their discussion on politics was minimal despite Trump's attempts to distance himself the damage
  • was done Fuentes feeling betrayed took to telegram to express his disillusionment with Trump and the
  • current state of the Maga movement Fuentes wrote conservative media speculates that Y and I are being used
  • to hurt trump it is the other way around Trump and MTG margerie Taylor green are
  • being used as bait to lure the base back into supporting people like Kevin McCarthy Ron McDaniel and Rick grenell I
  • didn't leave the Maga movement the magga movement left me fent's criticism extended to mainstream Republicans whom

  • 51:06
  • he accused of hijacking the aspirations of the Maga movement he argued that figures like McCarthy McDaniel and
  • grenell were steering the movement away from its original goals Fuentes continued what are Christian Americans
  • going to get out of a McCarthy speakership or new Trump White House lower gas prices reduce the corporate
  • tax rate years will pass Us by as things remain fundamentally the same we must dream bigger even in podcasts he has
  • constantly hesitated in his support for Trump in the 2024 election hey who do you got for this election you think
  • we're going to take it I don't know I mean in his most recent event AF pc4
  • Nick Fuentes told the crowd that Trump had sold out Maga with his constant lies according to him in 2015 Trump had
  • promised not to take money from donors and special interest groups such as aipac to avoid being their puppet it's a
  • little bit disappointing because when I went out to support Donald Trump in

  • 52:00
  • 2015 I went out there because he said he would not take money from donors special
  • interests and certainly not from APAP however Trump has since gone back
  • on his promise after he received $100 million from billionaire Miriam
  • addon it seems like now Donald Trump is content to take $100
  • million from Mil Nick Fuentes isn't the only one who has shown displeasure with Trump's lying an
  • Coulter a hardcore magga Republican and a close adviser to Trump during his first term has had it an couter who left
  • Trump's Camp has even called for him to have a heart attack and die the one-time Maga supporter and author of in Trump We
  • Trust became a born again anti-trumper in recent years admitting she was a very stupid girl to support Trump in the
  • early days of his ascendants she since flip-flopped in her stance on the former president calling him the biggest wimp
  • ever to serve when he bailed on a total border shutdown plan she advised according to Anne couter Trump will not
  • win the November 2024 election if he gets reelected 60 points it will never
  • happen so you're seeing it'll never happen Okay well only time will tell but with supporters walking out of his
  • rallies things are not looking up for Trump

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