Republicans miss MASSIVE opportunity, risk ENTIRE election
Written by Brian Tyler Cohen
Sep 22, 2024
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Inside the Right with Tim Miller
Inside the Right episode 58: @bulwarkmedia's Tim Miller discusses Republicans rallying around Mark Robinson.
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58 episodes
Inside the Right with Tim Miller
Brian Tyler Cohen
- 0:00
- this is inside the right Tim the
- Republican gubernatorial candidate North
- Carolina Mark Robinson has been exposed
- for reportedly advocating for slavery
- called himself a black Nazi praised mine
- conf that was the most recent one and
- yet on Thursday when all these scandals
- uh bubble to the surface he actually had
- the opportunity to drop out I believe
- that was the last day that he had to do
- so and he didn't take that opportunity
- and in fact Donald Trump and the North
- Carolina GOP rallied around him the
- interesting part of this is that there
- is a similarity with what happened with
- him and what happened with Biden Biden
- was weighing Democrats down and he
- stepped aside and now we have a
- candidate who's ascended in the polls so
- did Republicans just miss a massive
- opportunity to do exactly what the
- Democrats did in the wake of Democrats
- doing it yeah uh they did but I look I
- responsible governing party and there
- are people around that can push you know
- that could use their weight like an
- Pelosi to kind of make those sorts of
- arguments the Republicans aren't that
- like they're a cult like the only way to
- 1:00
- get rid of him would have been for Trump
- 1:01
- to throw him overboard right and Trump
- 1:03
- doesn't ever admit error Trump had
- 1:04
- already compared him to Martin Luther
- 1:06
- King on steroids and Martin Luther King
- 1:08
- 2.0 which is kind of ironic because on
- 1:10
- the porn message board that Mark
- 1:12
- Robinson frequented uh he talked about
- 1:14
- how he hated Martin Luther King and how
- 1:16
- he he called him Martin Lucifer and then
- 1:18
- a Rachel slur and then aami bastard as
- 1:21
- well and so um you know like without
- 1:25
- Trump pushing him out there there's
- 1:26
- really no vehicle to do it it's funny
- 1:28
- when you when you said um it is
- 1:30
- reminiscent of I thought you were GNA
- 1:32
- say something else it's reminiscent of
- 1:33
- Roy Moore like for people that were
- 1:35
- around um and and paying attention to
- 1:38
- this stuff back in 2018 uh Roy Moore was
- 1:41
- just this like horrifically homophobic
- 1:44
- candidate in Alabama that the
- 1:45
- Republicans have put up for Senate and
- 1:48
- um and and he all and it came out that
- 1:50
- he was he had uh practiced like kind of
- 1:53
- uh uh sex with underage girls when he
- 1:55
- was younger um and so like he was a
- 1:58
- disaster of a candidate just like
- 2:00
- Robinson is a disaster of a candidate
- 2:02
- and and there was like this sense that
- 2:04
- oh the Republicans going to be able to
- 2:05
- push him out and they never did and the
- 2:07
- Democrats ended up winning that cency
- 2:09
- Doug Jones was the Democratic senator
- 2:11
- from Alabama for a couple years uh just
- 2:13
- because the Republicans had botched it
- 2:15
- so bad and this is like very reminiscent
- 2:17
- of that right but but even then I mean
- 2:20
- that offers a test case in terms of what
- 2:22
- happens when you have such a fatally
- 2:24
- flawed candidate but not only with Roy
- 2:26
- Moore we also have recent history we
- 2:28
- also have all of the candidates in 2022
- 2:31
- Don Balck Doug mastriano Carrie Lake
- 2:33
- who's your personal favorite uh Dr Oz
- 2:36
- Hershel Walker all of these people ran
- 2:38
- behind other Republicans and all of them
- 2:41
- lost yeah and and it's been happening
- 2:44
- for a little while now and this the
- 2:45
- thing it's just people ask me often when
- 2:48
- I you know talk about this like are the
- 2:50
- Republicans going to learn their lesson
- 2:51
- is there enough losing to learn their
- 2:52
- lesson and it's like obviously not like
- 2:55
- this is a republican well it's it's a
- 2:57
- two problem it's a Donald Trump problem
- 2:59
- and it's a Republican voter problem like
- 3:02
- Republican voters want the person that
- 3:05
- is the most anti-establishment the most
- 3:08
- antisocial they want the the things that
- 3:10
- they're looking for in candidates is one
- 3:12
- how loyal are you to Donald Trump two
- 3:15
- how much do you own the libs you know
- 3:17
- like three how much of a non-politician
- 3:20
- are you right and so if those are the
- 3:22
- qualifications that they're looking for
- 3:25
- like it is going to attract insane
- 3:27
- sociopaths right because like you don't
- 3:29
- have to have like like traditionally
- 3:31
- both parties the Democrats still work
- 3:33
- like this to to be a politician you have
- 3:35
- a resume right you either served your
- 3:37
- country in the military or served your
- 3:38
- community in some way or you a business
- 3:40
- leader something right um and
- 3:43
- Republicans don't want that now
- 3:45
- Republican voters aren't looking for
- 3:46
- that and so what they're attracting is
- 3:48
- these weirdos who know that all they
- 3:50
- have to do is put on the red hat and say
- 3:53
- obnoxious things and be cruel to the
- 3:56
- left and and say Donald Trump was the
- 3:58
- greatest thing of all time time and
- 4:00
- they'll get to like shoot to the top of
- 4:02
- the list and so like the result of that
- 4:05
- is you've end up with all the people you
- 4:06
- named but like they're even more if you
- 4:08
- go down to the house George Santos
- 4:10
- Madison korne I'm MTG like these are all
- 4:14
- ridiculous humans like and in no
- 4:16
- responsible party would they uh you know
- 4:19
- be nominated but right now um it's it's
- 4:22
- sort of it's like moss to a flame right
- 4:24
- like the party is attracting crazy like
- 4:26
- they're the flame and the crazy people
- 4:28
- are the moth and they're like well man I
- 4:30
- can become a congress person if I run as
- 4:32
- if I just you know put on the red hat
- 4:34
- and so like this is going to keep
- 4:36
- happening like until the Republican
- 4:39
- voters like start sending a a message of
- 4:42
- different incentives well Tim like even
- 4:44
- even deep down even for these people who
- 4:45
- are just the the most hardcore
- 4:47
- Republicans you can possibly find the
- 4:49
- most hardcore Trump acolytes you can
- 4:51
- possibly find at some point they they
- 4:53
- would still want to exercise some degree
- 4:55
- of power so is there going to come a
- 4:57
- point where they recognize that okay we
- 4:58
- have to we have to strategic as opposed
- 5:00
- to this Zero Sum uh absolutist position
- 5:04
- on just finding the most
- 5:05
- anti-establishment person possible I
- 5:08
- mean at some point yeah you I mean I
- 5:11
- guess if we're not there if if they keep
- 5:13
- doing it in election cycle after
- 5:14
- election cycle that's clearly not um
- 5:17
- it's clearly not a priority for them
- 5:19
- right now yeah I I I mean look look at
- 5:21
- I'm from Colorado look at Colorado like
- 5:24
- the Republicans haven't won anything in
- 5:25
- Forever in Colorado and last time for
- 5:28
- the Governor's candidate they put up a
- 5:30
- woman that was running around talking
- 5:32
- about how there's cat litter boxes in
- 5:35
- the classrooms and like that's the prime
- 5:38
- thing like this this crazy conspiracy
- 5:40
- theory like like
- 5:42
- so yeah sure at some point you know
- 5:46
- something will change in our politics
- 5:48
- the incentives will change and
- 5:49
- Republican voters will come to their
- 5:50
- censes but to be honest like right now
- 5:54
- it's not IR what they're doing isn't
- 5:55
- irrational if what they're looking for
- 5:58
- is people who are going to burn things
- 5:59
- down and that's what this is like it's
- 6:00
- not a conservative party it is a radical
- 6:03
- party of people that want to burn down
- 6:04
- the government and and put thr put their
- 6:07
- thumb in the eye of the Elites in the
- 6:09
- left and and so I and it's kind of work
- 6:13
- like it's not working in the sense that
- 6:15
- Joe Biden is the president right but
- 6:17
- it's a close election yeah you know like
- 6:20
- this they very likely could win the
- 6:22
- senate or the house or the presidency
- 6:24
- like all three are still possible for
- 6:25
- them they're probably the favorites in
- 6:27
- the Senate and slight underdogs in the
- 6:29
- house and the presidency so it's not
- 6:31
- because of how polarized our country is
- 6:33
- because of Jerry Mander because of all
- 6:34
- these other issues that we talk about
- 6:36
- like they're not getting like
- 6:38
- annihilated right this is not like like
- 6:40
- the last time a party really changed was
- 6:43
- 92 when the you know Democrats pivoted
- 6:45
- into the center strategically changed
- 6:47
- Donald Trump changed the Republican
- 6:48
- party but but last time a before that a
- 6:50
- party strategically changed was Clinton
- 6:52
- in '92 for the Democrats the Democrats
- 6:55
- had gotten slaughtered in 880 and ' 84
- 6:57
- and 88 like those elections weren't even
- 6:58
- close they were
- 7:00
- massive blowouts like that's not what
- 7:02
- has happened for the Republicans because
- 7:04
- of how polarized we are so uh yeah I
- 7:07
- mean eventually they will but to me I I
- 7:09
- I I see this happening again in 2026 I I
- 7:12
- mean like it wasn't like there weren
- 7:14
- enough red flags on Mark Robinson I mean
- 7:16
- sure we didn't know that he was posting
- 7:19
- I'm a black Nazi on porn sites and going
- 7:22
- every night to porn stores with a pizza
- 7:25
- and sitting in the back room like so we
- 7:27
- didn't know that like he spent most of
- 7:29
- the B of his free time with porn but
- 7:31
- like we did know that he had
- 7:33
- bankruptcies that he was a holocaust
- 7:35
- denier you know that he like he had all
- 7:37
- these extreme positions on on abortion
- 7:39
- and LGBT issues so like they knew and
- 7:42
- they picked him yeah I'm curious because
- 7:45
- you have somebody like Mark Robinson who
- 7:46
- is who is so overtly flawed as a
- 7:49
- candidate like you said Holocaust dener
- 7:51
- has called for a a complete and total
- 7:54
- abortion ban with no exceptions
- 7:55
- whatsoever that's just you know he's
- 7:58
- he's attacked Martin Luther King Jr
- 8:00
- before this latest tranch of evidence
- 8:02
- that he's attacked Martin Luther King Jr
- 8:03
- so his his the depravity of this guy
- 8:06
- isn't lost on anybody who is going to
- 8:09
- look at this new slate of of evidence
- 8:12
- against him and decide that the guy who
- 8:16
- had done all of this disqualifying stuff
- 8:18
- in the past was okay but now it's not
- 8:22
- okay yeah um I think that there maybe
- 8:24
- two categories of people for some and
- 8:26
- this is what I think you're hoping for
- 8:28
- if you're conal Harris
- 8:30
- that there's some category of people in
- 8:32
- North Carolina that are just like these
- 8:35
- guys are too crazy I'm not going to I'm
- 8:37
- just not going to bother this year I'm
- 8:38
- taking this year off you know I think
- 8:40
- just straight up just straight up straw
- 8:41
- that broke the camels back yeah yeah
- 8:44
- exactly just like I wasn't happy about
- 8:47
- Trump or or Robinson anyway again this
- 8:49
- is a minority of Republican party but
- 8:51
- you know if it's 9 10% of the party
- 8:53
- that's I mean that's a hugely
- 8:54
- significant group I if if it's 3% of the
- 8:57
- party that's a hugely significant
- 8:58
- exactly exactly so I do think that
- 9:01
- there's some people you know I kind of
- 9:03
- you know think like in my mind I'm
- 9:05
- thinking of like archetypes of you know
- 9:06
- conservatives in my life who don't like
- 9:08
- Trump but like you know are have gone
- 9:11
- along to get along some of them just
- 9:12
- might look at this ticket and they're
- 9:13
- just like this is too crazy these people
- 9:15
- are too sick like and I can't I'm not
- 9:17
- going to vote at all and then I I do
- 9:19
- think you have other kind of like
- 9:21
- particularly in the college educated
- 9:24
- business guy kind of archetype I
- 9:28
- Governor is a real job
- 9:30
- you know like there there are some there
- 9:32
- are some people that work with the state
- 9:35
- and have business with the state like
- 9:36
- you know mid mid to higher income people
- 9:39
- you know they might be like I'll send
- 9:41
- the crazy guy up to the Senate because
- 9:42
- who cares and because I hate liberals
- 9:44
- right like I'm not defending that I'm
- 9:46
- just saying like that's a rational
- 9:47
- choice and by the way there there are
- 9:49
- still 99 other Senators to drown that
- 9:51
- person out if they're too crazy exactly
- 9:54
- the governor is a real job they're going
- 9:55
- to be Govern of the state I'm a small
- 9:57
- business owner you know I'm attack
- 9:59
- like I I send my kid to Public Schools
- 10:02
- right like like there are a lot of
- 10:04
- practical reasons why you could see um
- 10:07
- somebody that's traditionally Republican
- 10:09
- in North Carolina that was probably not
- 10:11
- going to vote for him anyway seeing this
- 10:13
- and being like we're just going to put
- 10:14
- in Josh Stein like this person like we
- 10:16
- can't have black Hitler like running the
- 10:19
- state of North Carolina and and there
- 10:21
- were already those people existed
- 10:23
- because you know I mean it's crazy for
- 10:26
- me even so surely for the viewers of
- 10:28
- this channel to like wrap their head
- 10:30
- around this but before to this
- 10:32
- Revelation there were like it was like
- 10:34
- what six seven eight% of the electorate
- 10:36
- was saying they're going to vote for
- 10:38
- Trump and Stein like these people
- 10:40
- already existed so now you so that we
- 10:43
- know that that type of voter exists and
- 10:46
- I do think that you can just kind of
- 10:47
- expand that number and hopefully for
- 10:49
- kamla Harris which is why you see her
- 10:50
- running the ads around this you can
- 10:53
- nudge some subsample of that to just say
- 10:56
- aox on both your houses right and by way
- 10:59
- given the work that that you do at the
- 11:01
- bullwark with Sarah Longwell voters are
- 11:03
- weird and so it's not completely I know
- 11:05
- it feels weird for viewers of this
- 11:06
- channel especially to look at somebody
- 11:08
- and say how could you possibly be a a a
- 11:10
- Josh Stein Donald Trump voter but there
- 11:12
- are lots of people like that and they're
- 11:14
- in they're there election after election
- 11:16
- where somebody's First Choice might be
- 11:18
- might be Trump and their second choice
- 11:19
- might be Pete Budaj jedge and their
- 11:21
- third choice might be Bernie Sanders and
- 11:22
- their fourth choice might be Ted
- 11:24
- Cruz yeah I mean there are some unusual
- 11:26
- voters out there you see them in the
- 11:28
- Sarah long well focused group
- 11:29
- it's like what are you thinking I so you
- 11:32
- you know you you have to think about
- 11:33
- that but I I do think in this case um
- 11:37
- Robinson's dead in the water and this is
- 11:39
- a Roy Moore Doug mastriana situation
- 11:41
- like this is not going to happen so the
- 11:43
- question is can he bring down Trump
- 11:46
- that's not usually how these things work
- 11:47
- right like usually the top of the ticket
- 11:49
- weighs down the bottom of the ticket or
- 11:52
- or boosts the bottom of the ticket
- 11:53
- depending on how strong the candidate is
- 11:55
- and for the highest office the most
- 11:57
- famous person in the race but in this
- 11:59
- case I I just I do I Harris is already
- 12:03
- out with ads on this I know that Sarah
- 12:05
- Longwell and those folks over at arvad
- 12:06
- are going to be doing this like are
- 12:09
- there ways to just kind of you know make
- 12:11
- the whole party toxic for some of these
- 12:14
- people that are not hard partisan
- 12:16
- Republicans that are like traditional
- 12:18
- they've been Republicans you know but
- 12:20
- they have lives they have kids you know
- 12:22
- they haven't paid ATT and they're just
- 12:23
- like you know what this year this is
- 12:25
- just it's just one year right like these
- 12:27
- two like Trump with the resurrection and
- 12:30
- and black Hitler like like it's just
- 12:33
- enough is enough right and so I I I
- 12:35
- think that that is realistic for Harris
- 12:38
- to kind of get another point or squeeze
- 12:41
- another point or two out of that which
- 12:42
- which I mean Biden only lost North
- 12:44
- Carolina by a point right well to that
- 12:46
- exact point then and we'll finish off
- 12:47
- with this doesn't the fact that you have
- 12:49
- such close two extremists on on the
- 12:52
- ballot in Mark Robinson and Donald Trump
- 12:54
- neither one of whom offers anybody who's
- 12:57
- not an extremist any
- 12:59
- normal long-standing like Reagan
- 13:02
- conservative usually if you have
- 13:04
- somebody on the ballot who's worth
- 13:05
- coming out for if it's not Donald Trump
- 13:07
- then maybe it's a gubinatorial candidate
- 13:08
- who's normal or or vice versa if you
- 13:10
- have an extreme gubinatorial candidate
- 13:12
- maybe you have maybe you hope for
- 13:13
- somebody on the top of the ticket who's
- 13:15
- worth coming out for but when you have
- 13:17
- two people who are just outgunning each
- 13:18
- other to see how extreme they can be
- 13:21
- doesn't that doesn't that lower the
- 13:23
- likelihood that those people will
- 13:24
- actually bother turning out because
- 13:26
- because you know if if if it's it's
- 13:29
- between Donald Trump who right now is
- 13:31
- just is is turning into a dumpster fire
- 13:34
- hot mess and Mark Robinson who's come
- 13:36
- out as black Hitler then there really
- 13:37
- isn't any down Ballot or up or up ballot
- 13:40
- reasons to to get off the couch yeah I
- 13:43
- think that's right I mean so there are
- 13:45
- two categories of people right like in
- 13:48
- some way in a weird perverted way like
- 13:51
- for magga voters like they there might
- 13:54
- be kind of like a rally around the man
- 13:55
- your man kind of thing for these two
- 13:57
- right because they're just getting so
- 13:59
- trashed by the national media so I I
- 14:02
- don't know that it will turn out with
- 14:03
- like the magga base but but there is
- 14:05
- that next category over and I'm not even
- 14:07
- really talking about the Haley voters
- 14:09
- right I'm talking about like the
- 14:09
- DeSantis like if you just remember the
- 14:11
- primary I mean Trump was you know
- 14:13
- getting about 50%
- 14:15
- 60% um in various places and then you
- 14:17
- know we talked a lot about the Haley
- 14:19
- people which is like that 15% yeah that
- 14:21
- gets you to 75 there was another 20%
- 14:24
- that was like voting for just santis or
- 14:26
- you know and that that's the Intriguing
- 14:30
- voter for me you know that it's like
- 14:33
- that person does is was aware enough of
- 14:37
- Trump's flaws to say that they're not
- 14:38
- going to be with them in a primary yeah
- 14:40
- um is pretty conservative but it's not a
- 14:43
- mega like oh I love Trump so much person
- 14:46
- right that person is probably is almost
- 14:49
- almost all the time not all the time but
- 14:51
- many of them are not going to like Mar
- 14:52
- off right like they're not signing out
- 14:55
- for that it's too stupid it's too crazy
- 14:57
- it's too obnoxious can some might some
- 14:59
- of those P people just say I'm taking
- 15:01
- off this year I'm going to go to the you
- 15:03
- know I'm going to we're we're just going
- 15:05
- to kind of whatever do you know we're
- 15:07
- going to go to the golf course today and
- 15:09
- uh we'll see y all in 2026 right I think
- 15:12
- I I do I really I think that that's
- 15:13
- possible yeah well look I I think uh two
- 15:16
- things uh first is that if and when Mark
- 15:19
- Robinson loses it'll give him a little
- 15:21
- bit more time to do uh to do to follow
- 15:23
- his passion a little bit which is to to
- 15:25
- log on to these sites and uh and just do
- 15:27
- his thing uh the second is that for
- 15:30
- those exact kind of Republicans I think
- 15:32
- that that's why the work that you guys
- 15:33
- do at the bull work is so important not
- 15:35
- no when you're saying those kind of
- 15:36
- Republicans you're not talking about the
- 15:37
- Republicans that spend all day on porn
- 15:40
- message boards and eating pizza in the
- 15:42
- back room on new Africa yeah no no
- 15:45
- different kind of Republicans I'm
- 15:46
- talking about the the getable
- 15:48
- Republicans out there who are not not
- 15:50
- logged on to porn sites all day but for
- 15:51
- the rest of those Republicans um or
- 15:54
- Independents looking for something of a
- 15:55
- permission structure to know that just
- 15:57
- because you've voted Republican in the
- 15:59
- past doesn't mean that you have to vote
- 16:00
- Republican now that's why the work that
- Tim and his colleagues over at the bull
- workk um are are the work that they do
- is so important right now because
- there's very few Outlets that are doing
- what they do and so it's it's incumbent
- on the rest of us in the YouTube space
- in the Progressive media ecosystem to
- elevate that kind of content um to kind
- of draw those people away so I'll put
- the link to the BW work right here on
- the screen and also in the post
- description of this video I'm Brian
- terer Cohen I'm Tim Miller this is
- inside the right
- [Music]
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