Mark Cuban leaves Trump PANICKING with brilliant attack
Brian Tyler Cohen
Sep 25, 2024
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Mark Cuban SINKS Trump ON FOX NEWS
- • Mark Cuban deals NIGHTMARE blow to Trump
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- 0:00
- Mark you argue that and it's always good
- to have you you argue that uh Donald
- Trump's are particularly I think you use
- the word insane what did you mean by
- that yep well first of all strategic
- tariffs aren't bad so if a Company's
- trying to dump or a country is trying to
- dump in the United States and we have a
- manufacturer there tariff him that's
- great but across the board tariffs 10 or
- 20% is just just inflationary it's a
- taxed on the American Consumer but to
- make matters even worse and what's truly
- insane when you threaten legendary
- company like John Deere with a 200%
- tariff if they move but only a 10 or 20%
- tariff on China what you're doing is
- you're making it easy for the Chinese
- competitors to take business away from
- John Deere that is the definition of
- insane a lot of your business colleagues
- say the definition of insane is
- supporting kamla Harris yet you do
- you're a smart Savvy businessman you
- came from nothing to be a
- multi-billionaire so you're pretty good
- at what you do what do you see in her
- that you don't see in Donald Trump
- 1:01
- I think she's thorough if you look at
- Donald right when he talks about his
- policies they're very impetuous they're
- impulsive they're you know set to match
- whatever is happening at her rally
- whereas with the Harris campaign and KLA
- herself she's very very thorough there
- she's very precise her team really vets
- every idea and to me that's important as
- a business person because you can trust
- what she says think about what happens
- when Donald comes out and says I'm going
- to put a 10% cap on um credit card
- interest rates the next thing that
- happens isn't that he explains why it's
- that everybody around him explains what
- he says he can't explain it for himself
- everybody's got to explain for him or
- whether it's a 10 or 20 or 60% tariff or
- the 200% on John on John Deere with KLA
- Harris no one has to explain for her she
- takes the time to vet her policies
- thoroughly and when she says them and
- presents them they are what they are
- they're self-explanatory that was Mark
- Cuban continuing his tour advocating for
- Comm Harris and here's why what he's
- doing right now is especially damaging
- 2:00
- to Trump trump has spent years coasting
- on his businessman branding and because
- most of us aren't the CEO of a
- multinational business conglomerate we
- assume that those guys must be pretty
- good at what they do and so Trump gets
- the benefit of the doubt because his
- name is on buildings and he's the guy
- who signs the checks and he's got a big
- bank account but the danger of someone
- like Mark Cuban is that not only is he
- also a businessman but he is the
- preeminent businessman in America the
- guy has spent 24 seasons on Shark Tank a
- show about business and Entre
- entrepreneurs as the effective King of
- the show the top dog so when this guy
- who knows business informs the rest of
- us that Trump is full of then the
- veil has been lifted and suddenly Donald
- Trump's competitive advantage in this
- race disappears because without his
- business bonafides he really doesn't
- have anything left he's not good at
- policy at governing his speeches are
- confused diet tribes that are
- incomprehensible to normal human beings
- his temperament is terrible and he's got
- autocratic Tendencies what Mark Cuban is
- doing is exposing the reality that in
- 3:01
- fact the guy has zero redeeming
- qualities that you would want in a chief
- executive this was all born out of
- Trump's absurdly misguided decision to
- say this behind me John Deere tractors I
- know a lot about John Deere I love the
- company but as you know they've
- announced uh a few days ago that they're
- going to move a lot of their
- manufacturing business to Mexico I'm
- just notifying John Deere right now if
- you do that we're putting a 200% tariff
- on everything that you want to sell into
- the United States so that if I win John
- Deere is going to be paying a 200% they
- haven't started it yet maybe they
- haven't even made the final decision yet
- but I think they have uh John Deere is
- going to and anybody else that does this
- because it's hurting our Farmers it's
- hurting our manufacturing and if you do
- that you're going to have a 200% tariff
- put on the product that you make in
- Mexico right across the border they
- think they're going to make product
- cheaper in Mexico and then sell it in
- for the same price as they did before
- make a lot of money by getting rid of
- our labor and our jobs and and really a
- 4:01
- great name because John Deere is a great
- name I buy a lot of John Deere
- tremendous I'm one of their big
- customers I buy a lot of John Deere
- product as a private person but if
- they're going to do that we're going to
- put a 200% tariff on everything that
- they want to send back into the United
- States which means one of two things our
- country is going to make a lot of money
- or they're not going to build they're
- not going to open and or they're going
- to sell it to another country they're
- entitled to do that that he would impose
- a 200% tariff on John de year in fact
- most of Trump's Economic Policy revolves
- around imposing tariffs Trump has said
- that if elected again he would add
- tariffs of up to 20% on every foreign
- import coming into the us as well as
- another tariff upward of 60% on all
- Chinese Imports he also said he would
- impose a 100% tariff on countries that
- shift away from using the US dollar and
- he's floated a 100% to 200% tariff on
- cars made in Mexico but what Trump
- doesn't seem to understand is that
- tariffs don't mean that the US would
- suddenly collect extra money that
- magically goes into the general fund nor
- 5:02
- does it get absorbed by the business
- tariffs are a tax passed on to the
- consumer meaning the people who would
- pay more are Americans period that is
- how tariffs work there's no other way
- around this it is a tax on Americans
- think about how many products you buy on
- a daily basis that come from other
- countries think about clothes and
- supplies and kitchen wear electronics
- toys now imagine what the price of those
- items would look like with a trump tax
- of 20% 60% 100% 200% on top of that this
- guy's inability to understand the
- economy is going to send your daily
- costs skyrocketing and the irony of
- course is that Republicans have spent
- the last year crucifying Joe Biden over
- worldwide inflation which is now not
- only down but came down without a
- recession the disastrous economy that
- the Democrats inherited from Donald
- Trump was handled perfectly by this
- Administration but still Republicans
- clutch their pearls day in and day out
- over high cost High cost high cost and
- 6:01
- yet now their party is going to
- voluntarily send cost to the Moon all
- because their leader has the business
- acument of a freshman econ major who's
- about to fail out of school in fact I
- discussed this exact issue with Mark
- cubin during our most recent interview
- tariffs can Encompass multiple things
- right so you know and he brought it up
- in the debate look the um Biden
- Administration did not remove the
- Chinese tariffs that he already had in
- place and so it's not a bad thing to
- impose tariffs for um when there's a
- strategic need so if there's another
- country like China who is dumping
- particular um products whether it's
- washing machines cars and there or
- they're subsidizing the equivalent of
- dumping right so if that nation state is
- um providing money to the manufacturing
- or the only manufacturing so they're
- competing unfairly that's okay to impose
- tariffs on what doesn't work are Revenge
- tariffs and across theboard tariffs
- those are a disaster because they affect
- every product so if he would have said
- um and even K if she would have said
- look tariffs aren't necessarily bad if
- 7:01
- they're strategic and that's why we
- didn't remove the ones that are in place
- but the idea of um taxing everything and
- anything specifically because I don't
- like the people where from or the
- country where it's originating is insane
- because that truly is the sales tax that
- Comm is talking about um and not only is
- it a tax um to be paid on that product
- that's being imported but there's also
- an additional tax on the company because
- you have to deal with all the
- administration of filing the forms for
- the tariffs or hiring a broker dealing
- with the recordkeeping so all these
- things particularly if you're a smaller
- company right becomes not just a tariff
- on the tax on the um buyer of the
- products but or a tax on the buyer of
- the products but also attack on the
- smaller company that's implementing it
- or even a big company for that matter so
- look I understand the Allure of having a
- businessman in office trust me I get it
- I have a business degree myself I
- understand how it's attractive to hear
- someone say that they'll run the country
- 8:00
- like they run their business the problem
- is the way that Donald Trump runs his
- own businesses most of which end in
- Failure Trump Airlines Trump water Trump
- steaks Trump wine Trump vodka Trump the
- game Trump University go there
- is a reason you don't remember any of
- these existing for more than 5 minutes
- it's because they were all ripoffs that
- all went belly up he is not a
- businessman the guy has a shitty
- licensing deal on 2 feet he literally
- owes half a billion dollars billion with
- a B because the Trump org was neck deep
- in fraud the notion that Donald Trump
- will run the country like he runs his
- business isn't a selling point it's a
- warning and we should heat it while we
- still have the
- chance before you go just a quick note
- if you'd like to see more of my content
- which is always free of advertising
- sponsorships and pay walls please make
- sure to subscribe to this channel using
- the Subscribe button right here on the
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- screen thanks so much for watching
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