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A SENILE SAD SITUATION The Bulwark | Will's Take: Even FOX can't save Trump! Anchors struggle to stop Trump disaster Original article: Peter Burgess COMMENTARY I have had a lot of difficulty understanding how a person like Donald Trump could become so popular and influential. When I was growing up in the UK in the early post-war years, there was a popular radio program called ITMA! They used the phrase '??? senior moment!!!)' all the time. It seems to fit the situation we find ourselves in with Donald Trump. I have concluded that Trump has followers not because he is a good 'politician' but because he is a good entertainer!. The consuming public has been very tolerant of the bad behavior of entertainers much more so than politicians ... and Trump gets a 'free-pass' because for most people in America he is identified with TV entertainment ... The Apprentice ... much more than either business or politics. I visited a Trump casino in Atlantic City in the mid-1990s around the time they were going into a massive bankruptcy. I ran into Trump and a massive executive entourage going through the building. Not long after this thecasino went into bankruptcy, a bankruptcy notable for the way in which the owner ... Trump ... had his interests protected and every other party to the bankruptcy lost everything. Fpor everything Trump touches ... it is all about Trump and everyone else 'be damned!'. Trump must not get voted into office for a second term ... but it could be very tight! Peter Burgess | |||||||||
Even FOX can't save Trump! Anchors struggle to stop Trump disaster | Will's Take
The Bulwark Aug 5, 2024 645K subscribers ... 6,394,526 views ... 158K likes While Donald Trump brags about his own intelligence, he doesn't have the intelligence to answer questions Fox News anchors directly coach to him. Will Saletan explains. 🔥 Get 30 days of Bulwark+ absolutely free: Transcript