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Why are the Polls So Close?
The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich and Michael Calderon

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Why are the Polls So Close? | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

Robert Reich

Premiered Sep 28, 2024

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The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

How can the polls be close? We survived Trump before (some of us, anyway) and it was a nightmare!

I dive into this and more with a special guest on this week's Coffee Klatch. Please pour yourself a cup and join us.

  • 0:00
  • and it is the Saturday coffeee clutch usually with Heather loft house and yours truly Robert R today it is just me
  • and I am going to introduce to you somebody who is the producer and director and Technical uh behind the
  • scenes person who makes this happen every week Heather is a little bit
  • behind well she's under the weather today let's let's put it that way she couldn't join us and Michael lanus uh
  • and do you pronounce your last name Calderon Calderon Calderon Calderon
  • Calderon you know I I just can't get the Spanish accent but Michael thank you
  • called The Ron called The Ron uh Michael thank you so much for filling in for Heather today and um and Heather if
  • you're watching uh thank you for everything you're doing and I just wish you could be with us today but thank you
  • for you know taking care of yourself uh so Michael uh what do we what do we uh

  • 1:01
  • going to be doing today I mean I mean everybody's very concerned about obviously the polls maybe the F the way
  • to begin you are a polling expert at least Among Us why don't you give us
  • give us give us the latest polls certainly an anxious poll follower uh so I will do that as you suggest thank you
  • uh so just generally speaking you know Harris is is slightly ahead in the
  • polling averages we're talking two to three points among most of the major pollsters and in individual states uh
  • depending on who you're looking at you know as high as 5 to seven points in places like Nevada um and neck and neck
  • in places like Georgia but broadly we're close we're within the margin of error
  • for a lot of these polls I was just going to ask you that because the margin of error is about two to three points
  • for most of these polls and we're looking at the polls in the so-called swing states that is basically Michigan
  • and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Georgia North Carolina and Arizona maybe

  • 2:03
  • Nevada uh those are the polls that count because those are the swing states that count and the swing States count that's
  • everybody we all know this because the Electoral College so even though you
  • have and p p and it's probably like likely that kamla Harris is going to
  • have h a big big popular vote lead over Donald Trump still that makes no
  • difference if the Cal College lead evaporates so this these two to three
  • points are are very very critical yes very true and those you know six to
  • eight states in particular we certainly wish it was more um and as a as a former
  • ohioan myself it's it's sad to not see a place like Ohio on that list any longer given how much the race is tilted there
  • Ohio oh my myo how I miss Ohio Michael where are you from in Ohio uh I'm from

  • 3:00
  • uh near Dayton so uh certainly nothing in the news about that area recently that you've heard I'm sure um but that
  • does that actually gives us a good segue because a lot of these I mean how could this possibly be a neck and neck race
  • how could it possibly that's actually to me the biggest question because we've had a debate where Trump really was just
  • incoherent P Kam Harris just pummeled him I mean just absolutely skewed him uh
  • and then you've had uh Trump for weeks has been going on with crazy stuff about
  • you know a Jews being responsible if he loses the election uh and oh and actually I can give you the exact quote
  • on that it's it's kind of remarkable he said quote if I don't win this election and the Jewish people would really have
  • a lot to do with that if that happens because if 40% I mean 60% of the people voting are voting for The Enemy you know
  • Israel will cease to exist and and he went on and on and on and it's just I mean between that and you know his

  • 4:00
  • running mate uh Ohio Senator JD Vance uh talking about I mean these horrible
  • things about the the people in Springfield I mean well that's I was I was just going to get me they're doubling down they're not they're not
  • saying not saying I mean I don't think that he's going to go to Springfield for a rally I I think the Springfield has
  • made very clear they don't want him to come uh but but you know the the idea of
  • of just doubling down on a fiction about about Haitians in Springfield eating
  • people's pets uh and you know it goes on and on I mean this Looney Laura lomer
  • coming with him to every place and and Mark Robinson uh not distancing himself
  • from uh the lieutenant governor of North Carolina and and and being as
  • incoherent as he is the speeches are just losing even a thread even a even a
  • a morsel of coherence well how can that how can yeah I mean are the polls are

  • 5:01
  • the polls wrong then I mean is it really this close I mean how can it be well look at there there are several theories
  • here one is that the polls are just wrong uh but if the polls are wrong you
  • have to at least come up with a theory about why uh they have been have not been wrong all along that is why is it
  • that polls are showing that Trump is regaining a little bit of ground that he
  • had lost before why is he doing better than he did before uh I think there is a bias in the polling
  • we've talked about this a little bit before but the bias is in the other direction a lot of people don't want to
  • tell posters that they are in favor of Donald Trump because they think of posters as professionals uh and they are
  • if they don't have a college degree they're a little bit reluctant to make that admission so I don't think polling
  • is is the is the issue I mean another theory that many many people have come
  • up with and they they tell me all the time is that it must be that the media

  • 6:02
  • are trying to create this kind of tight horse race because it sells ads they want people to be very excited going
  • into the election they don't want people to know that it's basically KLA Harris's election
  • but the the data we have on that actually shows people if anything they
  • are tuning out the news they're not actually becoming more enthralled by the news uh they're becoming so overwhelmed
  • and this is true especially of the Swing States so overwhelmed by all of the
  • political ads and everything else that they're hearing they just they don't they're they're not listening anymore oh
  • and it's huge sums of money being poured into those ads I mean as a former swing state resident myself I can tell you I mean the airwaves are totally plastered
  • and a certain at a certain point you you kind of have to tune it out to stay sane in your day-to-day but but go on please
  • no no no I was I was I was going to say that that if people are tuning it out or

  • 7:01
  • if they are tuning out politics in general you have this this very uh un
  • well let's put it this way it's an it's an asymmetry in terms of knowledge about
  • the candidates because everybody knows Donald Trump all of the surveys show that he is better known than anybody
  • else in the United States uh but people still don't know Harris uh it was only
  • recently that she became a presidential candidate so so there is a kind of devil you know quality to Trump's support and
  • I'm not talking about trumpers I'm talking about a lot of people who may be wavering or may not like Trump but they
  • say at least I know him I don't know Harris uh and I I know how bad he is I
  • don't like him I I didn't like him when he was president but he was President already she's never been president uh
  • I'm going to take the devil I know that is unfortunately I believe operating right

  • 8:04
  • now and that's despite I mean the almost universally negative messaging that we're seeing from the Trump Campaign
  • which is kind of remarkable but I mean I guess yes it is the devil you know but I mean to Harris's credit her campaign has
  • been trying to spin shall we say a more positive vibe I mean we saw that over the summer with the embracing of the
  • Charlie XCX brat brat summer theme and uh you know her team is made up of a lot
  • of young people trying to reach those young people in New creative ways I know you're you're not on Tik Tok as much as
  • I am but you know I have to give you are you are gen Z you are the oldest the oldest of the genes yes listen you're
  • still the youngest person who is probably involved in in our efforts here uh but Michael
  • there there is actually a very important point you said about her Positive Vibes uh a lot of research by cognitive
  • Sciences uh and I've known this for years but I've just be before this program I reviewed some of it a lot of

  • 9:02
  • research shows that negative messages actually are more powerful than positive
  • messages uh and cognitive scientists say this may be because uh you know even in
  • our brains uh for a million years we have as human beings be been conditioned
  • to uh to to respond to fear uh more than we are conditioned to respond uh to uh
  • to to nice messages that that that survival has depended uh in terms of
  • survival of the fittest depended on the Fear Factor so that when Trump loads the
  • airwaves with fearful messages about about kamla Harris uh they may have more
  • power than KLA Harris's Positive Vibes what do you think I mean I certainly
  • hope you're wrong I mean uh anecdotally I can tell you at least for a brief moment young people were certainly
  • enamored with kamla Harris in a way that she was not uh ever ever that was not a brand she ever had before um but whether

  • 10:06
  • that can be sustained I mean brat summer is over I don't know if you're in the no on that Bob but but I'm I'm on the no of
  • nothing but Michael Michael tell me I mean young people are they still
  • enamored with with kamla Harris I mean what's what do what's what where are you sensing well I mean I think that it
  • depends right I I think that obviously there's a lot of concern about what she is going to carry over and continue from
  • the Biden Administration in terms of foreign policy in terms of economic policy and worker power um I mean there
  • was an interesting example this week where Chapel Rowen uh this very popular young gen Z pop star um sort of had a
  • couple of statements come out where she was sort of she was not really
  • enthusiastic um or or excited about the prospect of voting for Harris to the degree that she didn't you know give an
  • official endorsement like a lot of other celebrities are she was vote for Trump right and she made very clear that that

  • 11:02
  • was not the case but I think she's a good example of how a lot of young people are feeling you know there are things that young people disagree with
  • that have happened in the Biden Harris Administration and For Better or Worse right you know Harris is on the second
  • half of that that hyphenated Administration name so yeah I mean it's up to Harris to really continue to
  • Define herself Michael don't they understand that Trump would be worse that is if the if you're making a choice
  • here I mean by not making a choice you're making a choice by not voting for har you were essentially voting for
  • Trump don't they understand this your friends generation I think they do and I
  • think that again you know on the foreign policy in particular there's just it's I you know young you know us young people
  • you were one once you can be very passionate about particular ISS I don't remember you can be very passionate
  • about very particular issues and you know you feel a sense of responsibility and and whether obviously obviously I
  • would say as a young person you know the in this election Harris certainly is the
  • choice that would do at the very least the least damage as compared with someone like but I mean he's a Madman

  • 12:06
  • let's I mean he's an absolute madman this is not just a Republican versus democratic election now look I I am uh
  • you know I am devastated by what is going on in Gaza what has gone on in
  • Gaza uh I think the the the Biden Administration let's call it the Biden
  • Harris Administration should have much been and can be much harder with nanahu and not give him offensive weapons I
  • mean I've been saying this all along and I'm strongly I'm passionate about it but does this mean does this give me any
  • doubts about about voting for Harris no absolutely not I mean I why would I why
  • would anybody think for a moment about voting for Trump well I think that you know the solution to this um is
  • progressives and Democrats in the Harris campaign need to do a better job of communicating what we already know about

  • 13:01
  • Trump as you said right he would certainly be worse on this issue by a country mile I mean my goodness and on
  • so many other issues I mean we can pivoting slightly you know to the economic side of things oh the economy I
  • mean they both came out with their they both came out with their economic plans this past week and and Trump was just I
  • mean he he wants to raise tariffs on uh 20% 50% of all of the goods coming into
  • the the United States which will create what price increases for everybody it's
  • like tax on everybody a tax it's both an attack and a tax and what does that mean
  • that means more inflation yeah and more tax cuts for the rich talking about targeting undocumented people I mean
  • besides even the horrible things he was saying about deporting legal immigrants to this country in Springfield right I
  • mean across the board you know it's a recipe for an inflationary disaster where if if you're concerned about pric
  • at the pump or prices at the grocery store certainly the Trump economic plan will not benefit you unless you perhaps

  • 14:05
  • own a grocery store company so so back to the theme that we were talking about why is this not getting through to
  • people why are there still so many people who are willing to say well I'm going to go with Trump uh if it if it's
  • you know why are they voting against their own self-interest you know what's the matter with Kansas would you
  • remember that book I I have heard of it yeah I mean you can say what's the Midwest in general right I mean what's
  • the matter with Ohio I mean what why are people voting or willing to vote against their economic self-interest uh I I I
  • really don't quite know except that you know for so many years
  • we've talked about this a little bit on this program for so many years so many people have been so uh devastated by the
  • economy uh you uh you know as an Ohio you know this uh the you know trade and

  • 15:03
  • and and big corporations Outsourcing and fighting unions busting unions and and
  • basically getting rid of the industrial Midwest and much of the rest of the the
  • Inland part of the economy uh well a lot of people have suffered because of that
  • and if I might cut in I can add I mean you want to talk about people not taking a look around them or not not having the
  • media you know pointed out as much when I go back to Ohio what I see is an
  • economy that is recovering thanks to a lot of the efforts of the Biden Harris Administration particularly the IRA the
  • chips act there are new you know factories going up and and data centers and all of these things which is
  • thrilling it's thrilling and okay Ohio why aren't you coming around why
  • aren't you seeing this and why aren't all of the Republican politicians who voted against those bills why are they
  • taking credit for them I mean I can look around at any of those Congress people in Ohio or other states in the midwest

  • 16:01
  • look at this amazing new highway this Foundry well you had an opportunity to be part of that didn't you well here
  • this comes back to a very delicate question and that is misogyny and racism
  • uh in other words how much of the X Factor here the unknown factor that TR
  • where we can't explain why Trump continues to have polls that are running neck and neck with Harris uh how much of
  • it do you think is due to just plain old
  • racism and misogyny a black woman running for president a lot of
  • particularly young white men who without college degrees who are whose economic
  • prospects are are basically nil uh they are saying we can't bear this or they
  • are subconsciously saying we need to know more about her because we don't want to vote for somebody like that I
  • mean certainly if you just look at the messaging of the Trump Advance campaign in the last couple of weeks it's clear they're going to the lowest common

  • 17:04
  • denominator on race in general and it's a shame I mean I you will talk to us and
  • in previous podcasts you've talked with Heather about an era before this when the Republican party was not not like
  • this it's kind of an astonishing low that they've reached and certainly Republican the Republican party is dead
  • yes I mean it it is it is absolutely dead Michael you you are you don't remember when they really was a
  • legitimate Republican party I I do I remember you know my father was a republican my grandfather was a
  • republican I uh they voted for Dwight Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956 uh you know
  • the Republican party was respectable it cared about the country it put the country above party uh well that's just
  • simply gone uh it was going when you know new Gingrich began this before your
  • time uh but uh but but but uh I I think and Pat Buchanan uh I mean a bunch of

  • 18:02
  • Scoundrels and obviously Richard Nixon before that uh but Trump just nailed the
  • coffin shut and I'm sure I mean your favorite Republicans I'm sure are among the first you met like Abraham Lincoln
  • right that's right now Michael don't play the the age
  • card okay I I go back many years certainly I mean hey but in all
  • seriousness you know I it is I mean that is a long from the era of reconstruction and the party that advocated for civil
  • rights that you know in that first that that first Reconstruction Era you listen they even they even ever durksen you
  • don't remember ever dur do you remember ever durksen can't say I do okay in Illinois Republican senator he uh
  • championed uh Lynden Johnson's 1964 Civil Rights Act uh and the Voting
  • Rights Act after that uh I mean the Republicans were uh were not exceedingly
  • they were not delighted about civil rights obviously because the by then uh The South was already becoming you know

  • 19:06
  • was was Democrat but it was was starting to move in a republican Direction because of civil rights uh but
  • nevertheless uh you know you you have a history that is a proud history uh Liz
  • Cheney I hope Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney and a few others when in the take the
  • ashes of the Trump Republican party and build a new Republican party on those
  • ashes we need two parties in America we need to have a choice and certainly two parties that have respect for rule of
  • law and democracy uh which I I I can't say that I believe the current incarnation of this Maga Republican
  • party does but I mean pivoting slightly of course it doesn't we mean you can't say come on Michael we're not being I
  • this is my Midwestern politeness coming through you know there's something implicit there um but I mean go going
  • back to the economy for a second I mean if we're talking about the leadership of the Republican party who at this point is you know Donald Trump I it's

  • 20:02
  • remarkable to me as I'm sure it's remarkable to you that a failed businessman is somehow more trusted to
  • run the economy than well I mean part of someone who's been part of the Biden Harris Administration with more exp I mean we're talking a guy who started
  • have you heard of these Trump Stakes I've never bought a trump stake Trump mortgages he started you know right
  • before the big crash in 2008 Trump vodka board get tour to Trump that didn't work out too well the Trump football I mean
  • you can go on and on how about how about casinos I mean try to lose money running a casino I I don't
  • think it's possible the casino always wins The House Always Wins but he he Bank he bankrupted uh a lot of those
  • casinos uh and but big the big news is I mean the big reality historically is
  • that his father uh bequeathed him uh something in the order of 250 million
  • and if Trump if Trump had simply take taken the
  • money that he inherited and put it into an index fund and did nothing else with

  • 21:05
  • it just shut the door just said goodbye he would have more money today on the
  • basis of that index fund that he actually does have so he's lost money I mean he's a businessman who has spent
  • his life losing money and losing other people's money and scamming them out of their money I mean Trump University
  • hello as you like to say hello that's an important Point that's an important Point uh because the one of the ways he
  • has the only reason he has succeeded at all in terms of now um having some money
  • is because he's scammed and he hasing his workers and workers my goodness and
  • America and America I mean that's that's what happened during his four years
  • people don't remember there's a kind of collective Amnesia about how bad we lost
  • almost 3 million jobs during those Trump years uh even before the pandemic things

  • 22:01
  • were not nearly as good as they have been since Biden the Biden Harris Administration and I yeah I mean it's
  • remarkable to see a candidate for a major party I don't know if you saw this this week Hawking
  • $100,000 watches among other things I mean trading cards with his fa it's just
  • he's only good at one thing and that is being a con man he's not good at being a
  • businessman he is good and has perfected the art of being a con man uh but we
  • don't want a con man as president of the United States certainly not um well that
  • brings us to but will we I I'm going to knock on wood for this because I don't want this to happen but will we I mean
  • is this ultimately going to come down to the fact that this is an anti-establishment moment and Harris to
  • some represents the establishment I mean do we think that Trump and Vance and their the cultural popul cards that
  • they've been playing are going to outweigh you know anything that the Dems can throw at them well this is actually

  • 23:05
  • I I believe Michael this is at the heart of the issue uh we are in an anti-establishment era it is not just
  • midwesterners it's not just young men it's almost everybody distrusts the
  • major institutions of our society partly it's because of inequality partly it's
  • because you have so much money having gone to the top and continuing to be
  • siphoned off to the top that a lot of people say well the system stinks it is rigged it's rigged against me uh and
  • that anti-establishment sentiment pervades America and it pervades
  • American politics and the biggest danger that KLA Harris and the Democrats face
  • frankly is that Republicans have embraced this cultural populism but
  • Democrats have not embraced econom e omic populism and how would you define economic economic populism for our

  • 24:02
  • audience today well I would simply say the the truth that you've got the power
  • and the money at the top uh and they are not interested in you uh and until we
  • change the allocation of power and money in this country so that the middle class
  • and the working class and a lot of the poor have power and money again and I
  • say again not in a Maga sense because I I don't nobody wants to go back to the
  • 1950s uh but at least in the sense that what the potential of this country has
  • been uh and the direction we used to be going in was the direction of more and
  • more opportunity and wider and wider sharing of the gains from the economy
  • and I think that that's what the Democrats ought to be talking about they ought to be skewering not every
  • corporation but the big corporations that are abusing their power they ought to be skewering you know some of the

  • 25:02
  • wealthiest people in this country like Elon Musk uh who every day is abusing
  • his power and wealth uh that is economic populism
  • 101 and I'm afraid the Democrats are themselves afraid to use it because
  • they're so dependent on money from the same wealthy powerful people and we've
  • seen this to some degree with uh Harris's TI to the crypto Community which you know granted I'm I'm very
  • excited to see the Harris campaign you know has carried on like a good chunk of Biden's economic policies we're talking
  • you know the billionaire minimum tax um and albeit to a lesser degree raising the capital gains all these things but
  • are you worried about kamla's connection or rather just being you know somebody
  • from the bay area right these are people she's interacted with do you think that she's going to in her in her term as president you know this is what I would
  • be excited to see say you know we're going to continue on this sort of economic populist path that Biden has

  • 26:01
  • set us on with worker power at the Forefront well I I hope she does but I'm going to be frank with you Michael just
  • between US just between us nobody else is is listening uh I I am going to do
  • everything I can uh to make sure that Donald Trump stays as far away from the
  • White House as possible uh kamla Harris is wonderful she's a great candidate uh
  • I think that I'm going to give her a lot of slack over the next few weeks in terms of what she says about what she
  • will do or not do uh I I just want her to win yeah and I think that a lot of
  • our audience is there with you especially because putting aside the economics for a moment and thinking long term this is actually fresh on my mind
  • because our team has been working on a video on this um the Supreme Court and the federal courts uh at stake in this
  • election as so many people know are you know potentially several seats on the Supreme Court we've got I you know not
  • to not to play the age card again here Bob I apologize listen if I were on the Supreme Court right now I might think

  • 27:03
  • about getting off to give Biden and Harris you know the opportunity to replace me with some someone a little
  • bit fresher but I mean we're talking uh you know a gen Z I'd put a gen Z on the court maybe five of them if I could if I
  • were president I mean that certainly would be would be the right strategy if you want longevity but um Thomas is 76
  • Alo is 74 chief justice Roberts is 69 um and the gizer court it's a gizer court
  • naturally but I mean concerningly I mean this is because this is how you play the game right the the justices that Trump
  • appointed are all in their 50s you've got Gorsuch at 57 you've got Kavanaugh at 59 Amy con Barrett at 52 and you know
  • the Liberals are not getting any younger so the next president I mean I I have to imagine is going to play a huge role in
  • shaping policy for the next several decades even beyond their four years right absolutely absolutely she could or
  • let's hope he could uh and you're absolutely right Trump if he gets in

  • 28:05
  • again he could really have appointed a majority of the Supreme Court uh and
  • that's a that means not just the next five years or six years or eight years
  • that means a generation or two generations that means you guys you guys Michael your people you know you ought
  • to be you ought to be out there on the streets making sure that Trump doesn't get in I mean it's it's it's it's it
  • would cast a PA over the entire country and the world for generations to come
  • you know I remember I was um I you John Roberts by the way is partly responsible
  • this is not just Trump's Court John Roberts has been steering this court in Trump's Direction John Roberts wrote
  • that presidential immunity decision and I have been watching John Roberts for
  • years in fact I think we have a clip of one of the first times you spoke about

  • 29:02
  • Justice Roberts would you care to see it I would love to see it Senator what's come out so far is this man is obviously
  • a nice fellow people like him he's a he's a very very bright if not brilliant
  • jurist and and uh and a extremely thoughtful lawyer uh but he has certain
  • ideological predispositions he has values those values are way to the right
  • of the mainstream in America I don't think there's any question about it uh
  • and so it is up to all of you to decide whether you want to put somebody in as
  • chief justice who's that far to the right I think it's as simple and direct as that it was simple and direct as that
  • I mean it was I that's Remar I mean let's talk about that for a second this that was I remember this is the
  • Judiciary Committee yes the C Judiciary Committee and I was asked to testify and
  • I told them I was not mining saying words I was not being political I told him that you know John Roberts is to the

  • 30:03
  • right of I didn't say a Tilla the hunt but he I practically said it I said it's up to you do you want to put somebody on
  • the court who is who is that far right and this was two decades ago that he was too far right so the fact that he's seen
  • as one of the more moderating quote unquote forces on the court now is I mean you were there 20 years ago it must
  • be astonishing at the very least oh Michael it's astonishing but it's not astonishing you know if you if you're in
  • this game long enough you can see the currents you can see how the tides are taking things I mean I knew John Roberts
  • was going to be a lousy Supreme Court Justice uh and chief justice he was going to be chief justice uh I didn't
  • foresee the immunity decision that he authored but it was in keeping with his
  • past certainly and I mean as a young person even seeing that and and knowing
  • about John Roberts from before and at the composition of the court now I certainly and I would certainly

  • 31:01
  • encourage other young people to think about the Supreme Court as one of the major fact I mean in particular we think
  • about all of the abortion uh you know the the abortion discourse that's been happening and the fact that you've got
  • abortion on the ballots in so many states this year it is crucial to get out and vote if not just because of the
  • presidency right but if you're in a state that has one of those ballot issues on the ballot I mean you could at
  • least make an impact in the short term there in addition to to that long-term policy impact by voting for president
  • and Senate from your from your words from your lips to God's ears Michael Lanes Calderon Caron how did I do thaton
  • you know you're getting there you're getting there maybe I'll guest host again and we'll try again okay listen Michael thank you uh and we miss Heather
  • terribly do but uh but Heather hope you get better very very fast and Michael
  • thank you for helping us and to all of you out there uh with uh how many how many days did you say we have left oh 37
  • roughly 37 37 days anyway just keep the faith keep working keep
  • managing uh this country in ways that we will get a good and dedicated KLA Harris
  • Administration bye take care [Music]

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