Jasmine Crockett Dominates MAGA 'Attorney'... He Can NOT Recover!
The Damage Report
Sep 27, 2024
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#TheDamageReport #TheYoungTurks #JohnIadarola
The House Oversight Committee recently held a hearing titled 'A Legacy of Incompetence: Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Policy Failures'— not partisan at all! Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett destroys FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr for his involvement in drafting Project 2025. The Damage Report's John Iadarola breaks it down.
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#TheDamageReport #JohnIadarola #TheYoungTurks
- 0:00
- you know what this hearing is actually
- the best example of what wayte Fraud and
- Abuse looks like because the only reason
- we're having this hearing is because
- somebody got their feelings hurt in a
- debate and I don't understand why we're
- wasting taxpayer dollars next time tell
- your big boy to show up and be ready to
- handle the woman in the room who
- hopefully will become the next president
- of the United States nevertheless while
- we do have two amazing authors from
- Project 2025 which it seems like
- everybody got the memo like yes I'mma
- double down and say it's my thing but
- I'm going to make sure I also say that
- it ain't our homeboy thing because we
- know that it doesn't poll very well with
- the American people because the American
- people are woke enough to recognize that
- there is nothing good in it for them so
- with that being said Miss Perryman I'm
- just curious and this is yes or no is
- Trump's name ever mentioned in Project
- 2025 yes or no um yes yes or no I got
- you in within the document itself um
- 1:00
- there are a number of references to the
- former Administration so is Trump's name
- mentioned just one time uh I believe
- it's mentioned more okay five times I
- haven't counted oh oh okay well uh if I
- told you that his name is mentioned
- approximately 32 times would you have
- any reason to dispute that um I don't
- have any reason okay thank you very much
- so it's interesting that we want to try
- to pretend we not going to pretend in
- here we're going to work with facts and
- not fiction you can actually see the
- fear in right wier's eyes every time
- Texas representative Jasmine Crockett
- gets on the mic so here's the bottom
- line absent major reforms vice president
- Harris's $42 billion program is wired to
- fail it's time to correct course get rid
- of all the extraneous political goals
- and focus on quickly connecting
- Americans now I'm actually going to talk
- about Texas because I believe that the
- testimony has been somewhere around uh
- the fact that no money has actually been
- disputed muted as it relates to rural
- 2:01
- Broadband um I'd also asked for
- unanimous consent to admit this article
- from the usda.gov
- USDA officials attend groundbreaking to
- expand high-speed internet access in
- rural Texas dated March 7th 2024 Italy
- Texas without objection to order thank
- you so much with respects that was not
- the
- testimony Oh I thought you said no
- dollars had been spent the largest
- single program my question is did $2
- billion zero houses have been connected
- there are other Federal programs
- including Trump ER ones that right now
- are turning dirt and connecting okay so
- so just to be clear because I don't want
- the American people to be confused
- because I was confused because it almost
- seemed as if considering the fact the
- name of this hearing is the failed
- policies as if nothing had been done but
- to clarify for those that are watching
- you aren't saying that no dollars have
- been spent as relates to rural Broadband
- dollars under the infrastructure act
- 3:02
- correct to be clear for the signature
- effort 42 no have any dollars been spent
- single person has been connected there's
- that's not my question though my
- question of issues Senator Ted Cruz
- fromex I'm going to move on I'm going to
- move on I'm reclaiming my time at this
- point I'm reclaiming my time which
- means stop my time because the witness
- is
- not are you asking him a question or you
- I'm not asking him a question I reclaim
- my time all right chair recognizes Miss
- Crockett okay now I need my I was at 41
- y'all so go back up we'll give you nine
- more seconds okay thank you so much
- here's the deal you've testified a lot
- about the problem with the Broadband
- roll out band diversity equity and
- inclusion you said Dei I don't know how
- many times which is one of the issues
- that project 2025 takes issue with but
- it's interesting to me because I have
- another article from the Texas Tribune
- and it actually specifically states that
- 4:00
- internet providers say they are
- simultaneously hopeful and skeptical
- about whether the incoming federal
- dollars will be enough to connect the
- most underserved Texans historically
- other Federal rural Broadband funding
- programs have seen limited success
- because many companies who committed to
- providing Broadband went into default
- after radically underestimating their
- cost it doesn't say anything about
- diversity and the final thing that I
- will
- say I didn't ask you a question the
- final thing that I will say is that this
- election is the best example of why
- y'all are so afraid of diversity equity
- and inclusion because then you can't
- have a simple-minded underqualified
- white man somehow end up ascending
- instead you've got to pay attention to
- the qualified black woman that is on the
- other side and with that I will yield
- and this wasn't the end of FCC
- commissioner brenon Carr's total
- humiliation but I I just wonder on that
- point whether any of the witnesses would
- comment on this unprecedented defection
- of former Trump officials from
- 5:01
- supporting him if and anybody you know
- who is on the project 2025 side wants to
- weigh in on that or Miss Perryman what
- you say about vice president Pence and
- these former cabinet officials who've
- abandoned Donald Trump any comments on
- that yeah um I think president Trump has
- spoken explicitly about the majority of
- these people were either running against
- him in the case of Vice President Pence
- or they lost their job uh because Pence
- wasn't running against
- gentle the M came chanting hang Mike
- Pence he he was plan he was he ran with
- Donald Trump who who uh Mr Garcia
- referenced are people who were let go
- because they failed to fulfill the
- vision that President Trump had had
- painted oh so I see there's nothing
- wrong with what Donald Trump did you're
- blaming it on these people gentleman's
- times expired before I recognize
- Miss employes yeah I respect it takes a
- lot to put yourself out there to come
- and testify and front of Congress and I
- 6:01
- know that some of this ground has been
- covered before and I really do
- appreciate the transparency that all of
- you have brought about your backgrounds
- about your positions and about your
- perspectives on the policy issues but
- just to kind of put it all in one place
- I want to quickly go through and I'm
- going to mostly state it I'll ask some
- questions as we go Mr car I know you've
- said this has been asked and answered
- several times but just you know going
- back we know you're currently serving in
- the FTC you've been serving there since
- 2017 17 since Donald Trump appointed you
- and you are the author of the FCC
- chapter of 2025 project 2025 correct
- it's just a yes or no uh well so just to
- be clear the uh yes you are thank you I
- appreciate it Mr C reference was done in
- my personal capacity after get answer is
- a yes yes
- Mr just it wasn't in my Coran you serve
- as the Ed of the center for imig
- immigrant uh studies uh you are also on
- 7:00
- The Advisory Board of project
- 2025 um your organization has been
- actually designated as a hate Group by
- the Southern Poverty Law Center and Dr
- Hobbs thank you for your service to this
- country I understand you're a veteran
- and an academic um I do very much
- respect your background and uh your work
- you're involved in the Independent
- Women's Forum which is also involved in
- Project 2025 you've had a number of
- authors and contributors from the
- women's Forum that are participant in
- Project 2025 and uh Miss Guna Sakara I
- know we've already covered this but
- you're a former Chief of Staff for the
- Trump uh administration at the EPA and I
- think you've been very clear about your
- role in drafting the EPA section of
- project 2025 so I think it's very clear
- this hearing is actually about project
- 2025 so with that uh Mr chairman I would
- like to ask for unanimous consent to
- enter the entire Trump project 2025 into
- the record so that the American people
- can have it uh at their disposal for uh
- 8:02
- reference for this hearing very good I
- don't think anyone on this side's ever
- read that but uh apparently you all have
- so we'll enter into the record without
- objection so ordered thank you so much
- and again I just appreciate the
- transparency of this particular
- committee because last week right after
- the debate uh we tried to enter it into
- the record in the house natural
- resources committee and three members on
- the GOP side of the aisle actually
- objected to putting it in the record and
- I have to say we were genuinely shocked
- because I've never seen an objection to
- a UC to put evidence in the record but
- it was very clear in that hearing that
- the GOP was trying to distance
- themselves from this document so you
- know I think it's interesting that we're
- here today we're we've got the authors
- of the document and I just want to say
- welcome to the American people to your
- campaign stop on the Donald Trump
- campaign here we are in the oversight
- committee and we've got a bunch of for
- former trumped and current trumped uh
- 9:02
- officials we've got authors of project
- 2025 which is the blueprint for the next
- Presidential transition and the last
- stop for the Trump campaign was the
- house floor last night because Donald
- Trump uh asked the House GOP leadership
- to put a CR on the floor that they knew
- was not going to pass that had a voter
- Bill attached to it and then he told
- everyone to vote against it you know
- we've seen over the last almost two
- years how leadership has used this
- committee essentially as a campaign
- resource they tried to impeach Joe Biden
- they tried to impune his family and now
- here we are and we are just 48 days 47
- days until the election and now they're
- trying to attack kamla Harris and use
- the resources of this committee and to
- platform future Trump Administration
- officials and their agenda and to try to
- normalize what our
- uh frankly very extreme policies and we
- 10:02
- heard from one of the witnesses today
- that in fact not only um do they support
- dismantling our federal government but
- would support doing even more damage
- than was done during the Trump
- Administration and even what is
- recommended inside of this book New
- Mexico representative Melanie stanbury
- is 100% right the house oversight
- committee is one of the most powerful
- panels in the entire House of
- Representatives and it's never been more
- partisan than it is right now the GOP
- has stacked the committee with some of
- the loudest most deranged voices from
- across the Maga movement which is
- certainly saying something and it also
- means that these hearings now give us
- all a glimpse of the Stark choice that
- we face in November and a potential dark
- future to come the house oversight
- committee's mission statement is to
- quote ensure the efficiency
- Effectiveness and accountability of the
- federal government and all of its
- agencies simple stuff but it's becoming
- increasingly obvious that these people
- don't want these federal agencies to
- exist at all they certainly don't want
- them to function in a sane rational way
- that actually delivers on policy for the
- American people but that doesn't mean
- 11:00
- that they don't have goals James comr
- claims he's never read the project 2025
- mandate for leadership and while 900
- Pages might be a lot for a man like comr
- to read there's no way that he's unaware
- of what's in the document and
- Republicans can't plead ignorance when
- they're inviting the authors of a
- document that they claim to know nothing
- about to talk directly about the
- contents of that document thankfully
- Representatives like Jasmine Crockett
- and Melanie Stansbury are holding their
- feet to the fire and making sure the
- American people know what's really going
- [Music]
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