Countdown to the 2024 election: Day 50 | MSNBC Highlights
Sep 16, 2024
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#Trump #JDVance #Politics
George Conway blasts Trump's rampant conspiracy peddling and cozy relationship with 9/11 denialist Laura Loomer. As Vice President Harris gains on Donald Trump in polling, Trump continues to push dangerous misinformation and racist lies to his base. His increasingly desperate tactics target and alienate group after group. “At the end of the day for Donald Trump… it's not about expanding his base vote,” says Michael Steele. “He thinks all he needs are his base voters to win this thing. Let him keep thinking that.”
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#Trump #JDVance #Politics
- 0:00
- the Department of Homeland Security has just designated January 6th 2025 when Congress will certify the 2024 Electoral
- College vote a quote National special security event that designation will
- allow for a heightened level of security similar to events like the state of the union and the Super Bowl and it comes as
- six secretaries of State testified before Congress about the importance of a secure
- democracy we cannot have a secure democracy if we do not protect the SEC
- of the people who administer our elections and right now we are enduring
- unrelenting harassment and threats these threats are a direct result of the
- spread of false information about the security and accuracy of our elections that was Michigan Secretary of
- State Joselyn Benson she joins us now mam secretary good morning to you um I I
- want to start um with um the wayb back machine because wayb back four years ago
- 1:00
- 2020 you you experienced firsthand um what the ugliness of not
- protecting our elected officials look like as you you know you had to to deal
- with the threats uh to you uh your family we have uh speaker Mike Johnson
- saying uh you know that he has a different view about this whole idea of ramped up security uh for for our
- officials let's take a listen to what he has to say here and what do you think of January 6
- being designated now as a national security event do you think that's necessary I don't even I didn't even
- hear that that happen who did that D DHS designated as a national security event you like politics to
- me sounds like politics Madam Secretary what say
- you well it sounds like a recognition of what we've been living through over these last few years and the tragedy we
- 2:00
- saw at the US capital on January 6th it sounds like to me basic law enforcement and National Security Experts
- recognizing the importance of uring there's heightened security at a moment
- uh when there will I hope be a peaceful transition of power and uh and uh
- recognition uh of the will of the people on January 6 2025 Madam Secretary Michael steel took
- us in the way back machine so I'm going to push us forward I want you to take a listen to what Senator Mullins of
- Oklahoma had to say about certifying the next
- election if Trump loses and every state certifies as the results of their election will you accept a peaceful
- transfer of power you know it's it's hard to say what you're going to do and what you're not because my job is to make sure the irregularities are within
- the standard that the federal government puts out place which is us what is the irregularities that we're willing to accept if it's pass those irregularities
- in a district or a state then absolutely not if was within those standards will every state certifies the election
- 3:00
- results so they have their own processes if the elections are certified underneath the standards that they put forth every state has the right to set
- their well because the every state sets their own state election laws right so Madam Secretary given that they are
- setting the predicate to do this all over again how are secretaries of State like you responding and
- preparing well you know first the truth and the facts are on the side of secure
- elections uh not the side of these uh elected officials politicians members of Congress who seem to be unwilling to
- recognize that it's if you lose an election the proper thing to do is to respect the will of the people not try
- to undermine or delegitimize it uh but that said part of what we are doing is trying to uh get ahead of these lies and
- and frankly veiled threats to ensure citizens know their power in this moment and that power is rooted not just in
- accessing the vote and voting but also in telling the truth about the security of our processes in Michigan we've
- launched a democracy ambassadors program that enables any citizen to sign up and get weekly updates of everything we're
- 4:03
- doing to secure the process and how to direct people who have questions about everything from our US citizens voting
- and only US citizens voting in our elections to all the things that we do to ensure only valid votes are counted
- so we as Citizens I think need to respond to these uh um comments by
- politicians by ensuring that we know the truth about our elections and secretaries of state are are helping to
- equip citizens with that knowledge and with a knowledge of where to go for trusted information so Mr SEC Madam
- secretor you have um theit news uh reporting uh
- that I just can't even believe this uh Michigan goop lawmaker says Secretary of
- State Benson will be prosecuted if Trump wins however Michigan State Representative Matt Maddox who received
- Trump's endorsement in 2022 for the State House didn't identify what specific crimes been had committed and
- 5:01
- instead pointed to a series of el election practices some of which Benson
- wasn't directly involved in as violations um this is the world you're
- now asked to conduct the next election in where by virtue of your office and
- service to your state you are threatened by a State Rep uh for crimes that you didn't commit
- one and for things that you probably had no control or say over um this is not just
- your state though what are secretaries of States doing and planning for in
- other states around matters like this because you do have one other little piece that's not a part of this you have
- folks who are now uh election deniers who are solidly all up in in the Trump
- space that you know this time he's going to win the election come H high water who are now a part of the organization
- 6:05
- itself who have won a you know local elections and posts who've been appointed uh to serve on behalf of local
- Republican parties H how are you preparing for that part of the
- job well I I think two things one election officials all across the country are responding to this rhetoric
- which is you're right it's not just happening in Michigan it's happening elsewhere these threats uh these challeng
- uh that are a direct result frankly of the former president and the the tirades that you know not rooted in fact uh but
- s of baseless allegations uh against our integrity uh on a regular basis uh quite
- uh inflammatory it's no surprise to then see other lower level officials repeating those types of accusations and
- threats all around the country it doesn't change our commitment as election officials to Simply ensuring
- that the law is followed that our elections go smooth that they are secure and that everyone knows how to access
- 7:01
- their vote and have faith that their vote is counted so we will double down our voter education efforts uh and we
- will spend a lot of time uh you know working through courts to defend ourselves against baseless and meritless
- lawsuits that time and time again either are dismissed or thrown out all that to say is uh we will try to cut through
- that noise uh that some are trying to intentionally create I believe to set the stage to potentially try to
- challenge election results after the fact if they don't like them uh but we as election officials are professionals we are bipartisan we are
- committed to doing our jobs with integrity and transparency and we'll contines to do that and then invite
- anyone with sincere questions about the process to join us be an election worker yourself so you can see firsthand just
- how many secure layers and protocols we've got in place to ensure only valid votes and every valid vote is
- counted I'm joined Now by Michael steel former chairman of the Republican National Party my great friend you know
- him as one of the co-host of the weekend which airs right before veli on MSNBC which I generally really enjoy except
- 8:04
- kind of wrecked some things for me because Michael Van M Michael steel used to be the guy who uh sat in here and helped me out if I was traveling Michael
- it's great always great to have you on veli you are part of the team um I was watching your show this morning and you
- you tackled this topic in a lot of different very interesting ways but while you were doing that the vice
- president of the United States was doing the rounds on I'm sorry the vice president C candidate JD Vance was doing
- the rounds talking about this I would like to just play you he was asked about these baseless claims on NBC's Meet the
- Press I know you guys ran that but he was also asked about it on CNN let me play you a little about what he said
- sure I have heard first hand from multiple constituents people who made 911 calls a month ago a year ago who
- were making these complaints I trust my constituents more than I do the American Media that has shown no interest in
- what's happened in Springfield until we started sharing cat memes on the internet which is disgraceful that the
- 9:03
- American Media ignored this town if I had to create stories so that the American Media actually pays attention
- to the suffering of the American people then that's what I'm going to do Dana because you guys are completely letting
- kamla Harris Coast you just said that this is a story that you created so so
- the the eating dogs thing is we are creating we are Dana it comes from
- firsthand accounts from my consents all right so you know I don't
- know where to start with this thing they are in a real world Michael this would have come up and everybody would be
- distancing themselves from it uh and and not creating potential for stochastic violence which is what we're actually
- seeing play out in Ohio well uh JD Vance sort of let the
- you know proverbial cat out of the bag there when he says you know well if I
- have to create a story to get you to you know cover what we want you to cover
- 10:03
- that's what I'm going to do um and that's what they've done I mean the originator of this you know private
- Facebook uh posting has come out and said this was not what I intended this
- was just something I was you know this is a private conversation that has now
- gotten blown up and what makes it so ging and so bad uh Ally is the fact that
- you have a former president of the United States and his vice presidential uh pick uh perpetuating this and
- leveling it up so if your constituencies how long have your constituencies been coming to you telling you that you know
- they eating cats and dogs over here how how long they been doing that JD was this something that just started two
- weeks ago was this going on for a long time and and did you have your staff
- your Senate staff go and verify this information because that's what the Press has done the has come back and
- 11:00
- said This is BS there is no there's nothing here in fact as I just mentioned
- the person who made it all up said it's all made up so what what are your
- constituents telling you what kind of barbecues are have you been to where they're serving cat yeah so you know
- this is this is where it gets ridiculous and and the fact of the matter is that we are talking about this 50 days out
- from a presidential election should tell the American people everything they need to know and the one thing you need to
- know is there was a reason you fired Donald Trump in 2020 yeah remember that reason because they're coming back with
- more right I would think he would downplay the reasons that what that that Donald Trump was fir we we're we're
- we're we're a day away from some of the voting starting in Pennsylvania and in a
- really important presidential debate arguably more important than the last one right because we got a new candidate this was going to be the one that really
- mattered Donald Trump kept saying he wanted it we talked about people eating pets we talked about replacement Theory
- 12:05
- we talked about Jason Stanley just made the point that these people who Donald Trump said hardly speak English don't even really know what country they're in
- but somehow on Election Day they're fully able to motivate to turn out to to elect Democrats we talked about KLA
- Harris supporting gender reassignment surgery uh for migrant people in prisons this was a moment to distinguish
- yourself from a policy perspective about the things you're going to do and the one time he was asked a question about policy about health care he said you
- don't have a plan he's got a concept of a plan eight years 10 years this guy's been in government but he's got a
- concept of a plan for healthcare what's going on here is it so important to to to motivate The Fringe that you're that
- he's just forgetting about the mainstream well that that's a that's a very good point because that's the
- frustration from what I understand from a lot of folks who try to remember how we started this conversation let's go
- back to that uh at the beginning of this campaign oh Donald Trump's got a a serious campaign team around him he's
- 13:00
- gotten rid of the cor Cory lowski he's gotten rid of the the Riff raft right
- he's he's really serious he's got two political astute uh players of the game
- right uh and in lasv and and Wilds who are who have very carefully crafted uh
- and articulated a narrative where Donald Trump looked like no he was normal right
- yep but Donald Trump didn't like normal he didn't like normal so he brings back Corey he he you know layers up with with
- Laura Luma right lumer um so he's brought the crazy back in and is
- controlling the narrative and and guess what we're now talking about all the things you just said so he doesn't want
- to do that because at the end of the day for Donald Trump which we saw in this debate it's not about expanding his base
- vote it's not expanding that ceiling that he's hit at 46 47% because he thinks all he needs are
- his base voters to win this thing let him keep thinking that meanwhile Kamala Harris is going to go out and have
- 14:05
- Republicans like myself and another support her along with uh fellow Travelers of independent voters uh
- people of color people from different experiences coming to the table because they don't want to look backward and
- she's going to places in Pennsylvania that voted Republican by a lot she's gone to places in North Carolina voted
- Republican by a lot places in Georgia that voted Republican she's she's taking the the fight to them okay knock
- yourself out if you want to be talking about Fringe weird stuff uh that's up to you Michael it's always yeah just real
- quick on that important note and she doesn't need 30 40% of that vote that she's going after she needs two three
- four% of thate exactly right just a few votes here and there and that election gets won Michael it is always a great
- pleasure to have you on the show thank you my friend Michael steel is a former chairman of the Republican National Committee he's the co-host of the
- weekend which airs on MSNBC right before V from 8:00 to 10: a.m. eastern on weekends
- if getting totally embarrassed by vice president KL Harris in front of more than 67 million debate Watchers by the
- 15:06
- way this week made Donald Trump Furious and you know that it did it's pretty clear the rest of the week has only
- added to his rage so let's just take a look at some of the things that are probably making Donald Trump very very
- mad right now I mean just this morning a de Mo register poll showed Harris cutting Trump's lead in Iowa of all
- places to just four points just to give you a sense of of what that means the same exact poll had Trump leading Joe
- Biden by 18 points in June Trump won Iowa by about nine points in 2016 and 2020 hasn't been a swing state since
- 2008 then last night at a Congressional Black Caucus dinner in Washington Harris mocked Trump for his line in the debate
- about having quote concepts of a plan a very mockable line all week long she filled stadiums with tens of thousands
- of people in crucial swing States like North Carolina and Pennsylvania and she of course notched the endorsement of
- Taylor Swift which is clearly still driving Trump nuts if you happen to
- 16:05
- click over to truth social this morning here's what you saw in all caps I hate
- Taylor Swift clearly it's not under his skin at all I mean that debate was so
- galvanizing for Harris and so embarrassing for Donald Trump that Carl Rove basically called Trump stupid in
- the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal so yes Trump was embarrassed on Tuesday night and he's been embarrassed
- every day every day since then but in response he isn't retooling his campaign team he isn't planning a bus tour across
- the Midwest to connect with voters of course not he's going back to the same
- xenophobic and racist Playbook that he thinks won him the election in 2016 he's
- simply trying to appeal to his base with fear fear of immigrants fear of black and Latino communities fear of basically
- anyone who doesn't look like him and his running mate JD Vance and the the most dangerous step he has taken this week is
- 17:01
- doubling down on a claim debunked by the local police the mayor and even the
- Republican governor of Ohio that Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio are eating pets it was a claim that
- originated with a Facebook post from one person who later disavowed it but none of the facts matter to Trump they never
- have he prompted the explosion of this conspiracy theory himself by elevating
- it on the debate stage on Tuesday later vowing Mass deportation starting in
- Springfield Ohio the result of all this a city being terrorized right now today
- Wittenberg University in Springfield has been put on high alert after someone threatened to shoot Haitians on campus
- yesterday a bomb threat forced two hospitals in the city to go into lockdown and multiple schools and mun
- municipal buildings were evacuated or closed on both Thursday and Friday due to similar threats at least one of which
- used hateful language toward patients NBC news also reports that a Neo-Nazi
- 18:01
- Group which pushed the false claim in the first place is now doxing local residents and officials who have
- publicly spoken out and surprise surprise Trump is doing absolutely
- nothing to calm things down when asked yesterday if he denounced those bomb threats in Springfield he definitely
- didn't say yes do you denounce the bomb starts in Springfield Ohio I don't know what
- happened uh with the uh bomb threats I know that it's been taken over by uh illegal migrants and that's a terrible
- thing that happened Springfield was this beautiful town and now they're going through hell so when the question is do
- you denounce bomb threats that are terrorizing an American city the answer
- should be unambiguous but of course Trump's wasn't and of course in the next
- breath he kept lying about Haitian migrants who were in this country legally look we have seen this pattern
- before Trump stoking conspiracy theories and then commenting on them as if he's some casual Observer he sets fire to the
- 19:05
- building continues pouring gasoline all over it and then wonders aloud about why
- it's burning this is what he does just ask anyone who was in the capital on January 6 so yes Donald Trump may be a
- buffoon who was roundly ridiculed for his comments at the debate but that does not make him any less dangerous and I
- think KLA Harris captured that Dynamic perfectly all the way back at the Democratic
- Convention in many ways Donald Trump is an unserious
- man but the consequences but the consequences of
- putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious joining me now are two people
- who never hold back who I know are going to have a lot of thoughts about all of this congresswoman Jasmine Crockett of
- Texas and conservative attorney George Conway congresswoman let me start with you um and I really want to start with
- 20:03
- Donald Trump's refusal to condemn the bomb threats um what was your reaction
- to that you know my heart breaks that this election is close because this comes down to just some basic norms and
- principles of what we should see in leadership for the greatest country in the world and it doesn't look like this
- yes Springfield is going through hell but they're going through hell because the guy that says that he wants to be
- the commander-in-chief is actually bringing that hell to their footsteps he decided to amplify a lie on a national
- debate stage and that is harming American citizens that is a problem when I talk about Maga I talk about the fact
- that when we swore in finally in January that we swore to defend against those
- that are coming against us whether they are domestic or International and right now I feel like Maga in general they are
- threats to us domestically and we see it time and time again and I think that's why you see so many national leaders
- 21:03
- whether they're Republicans Or democrats coming together to say there is only one person qualified to be the
- commander-in-chief and that is KLA Harris no question there have been a lot of Republicans have come out a letter
- signed this morning by by former people people who work for Ronald Reagan yeah I wanted to ask you and I want to talk about that too but I want to ask you
- George I mean you have been warning about this pattern about stoking about
- kind of feeding into conspiracies about letting it sit out there and doing nothing to Comet what has been your
- reaction as you watch the events of the last couple of days and the absolute Terror that has been Unleashed on the
- people of Springfield Ohio as a result I mean it's what I've been saying
- for years is Donald Trump is a sociopath and sociopaths lie relentlessly they
- have no empathy or caring for other people I mean who answers the qu who who refuses to say that they condemn a bomb
- threat a sociopath a psychopath somebody who has no care no feeling for other
- 22:02
- people and only cares about himself and it's all about him it's all about how he thinks he can spur people on into
- violence to to to support him and you know he's just a dangerous person and
- that is exactly why you're seeing conservatives like me and the 17 people from the Reagan Administration and uh
- Liz Cheney and so many others are speaking out and saying we we can't have him back because he's he's a danger he's
- a danger even when he's not he's just a danger campaigning out there he's causing all this trouble and and and and
- and Riot and and not riding but but but but you know danger in in Springfield
- Ohio I mean he just that's what he does you know one of the things and I mentioned this and I I would love both
- of your thoughts on it is that this is this is a pattern right he he is going he loves to go after and this is his
- Playbook um communities that don't look like him um he goes after black
- communities Latino communities communities that have large numbers of immigrants it is this a fear-based
- 23:04
- approach he's doing it in Aurora Colorado as well what should people
- understand and know about that I mean these are people's lives Haitian families are keeping their kids inside
- schools are shut down hospitals are shut down how what should people know about that and the impact on communities you
- see the communities impact it yeah no listen here's one of the things Donald Trump loves to say things such as
- they're illegal right every time he talks about an immigrant he makes it seem as if they have done something
- nefarious and it's not true just because they are immigrants does not mean that there's anything illegal about them and
- what is so wild to me is that they never think about the fact that they literally have children of immigrants Donald Trump
- is married to an immigrant as well as JD Vance your children are children of
- immigrants and you are going out and attacking other immigrants every every chance that you get and honestly again
- 24:00
- it just comes down to basic decency in this country I think the reason that you're seeing the polling that you see
- in Iowa is because people are waking up to the fact that we can't live this way this can't be the guy that is supposed
- to protect us when it comes to people that are coming out against us this is the same guy that could not say on that
- debate stage that he wanted Ukraine to win he could not do that this guy doesn't understand who our friends are
- and he also doesn't understand who we are as a nation which we are a country of immigrants and the demonization of
- any group of people whether it's black folk and saying you know what we need to go out and make sure that officers have
- immunity to just go ahead and kill them criminally or whether we're talking about those that He says oh all of the
- Hispanics that are coming in they're going to rape your children listen the problem isn't the people coming in the
- problem is this guy and his people here that are doing the bomb threats throughout our country domestic
- terrorism is a real thing and he is the guy that Stokes it it very I mean this is very much an American story The City
- 25:04
- of Springfield Ohio which people forget they needed people to do jobs they brought in people to do jobs they asked
- people patient immigrants to come to the town to do these jobs more to say on that but I I want to keep talking to
- both of you guys George I always hate to ask people to get in the mind of Donald Trump but you are very good at getting
- in the mind of Donald Trump I mean what struck me about his behavior is it it
- feels to me like yes sociopathic Behavior as you said to quote you but desperation I mean this feels like
- desperation when he feels under attack when he's behind he behaves in this way
- but how has this struck you in that regard in terms of what it says about his mental
- state well he's reaching his final you know his final destination which is complete
- decomposition um decompensation he's he he doesn't none of his tricks are
- anymore we're on to them they don't excite anybody anymore he's losing in
- 26:04
- the polls he can't he can't he has to try to make things up and his own vice presidential candidate on another
- Network today basically said we're making up stories in order to win this election
- and you know he it's not working for him and he knows it and he knows he's going down and the more he feels that he's
- going down remember he's running not just for president he's running from prison um you're going to see him engage
- in more and more desperate behavior and that's what you see with I hate Taylor Swift is he's just lashing out and you
- know he his people have lost control over him and the only person who seems to have any control over him is the
- person who's telling him or whispering in his ear or doing something to tell him that everything's great you're
- amazing and that's Laura lumer and that's where this he's he's this is the ultimate implosion and we're watching it
- live and it's going to get worse well Donald Trump's open ad Iration for Laura lummer made headlines
- 27:00
- this week it's important to remember that Trump has complimented her a lot over the past year all while she has
- pushed her gross conspiracies this woman is amazing Laura
- lumer where is she where she is amazing
- every damn day we see another story about illegal aliens going to the Ritz Caron illegal aliens getting uh free
- flights illegal aliens getting free clothes and free cell phones and some some 's going to snap someone's going to
- snap it's going to happen and you know what I'm not going to care when it happens a fantastic woman a true patriot
- Laura lumer Laura thank you thank you thank you Laura if KLA Harris gets
- elected as president of the United States we are we are going to have an Islamic caliphate in this country it's
- great to have you and you've been really very special you work hard and you are you are a very opinionative lady I have
- to tell you that and in my opinion I like that joining me now is Sarah Matthew she
- 28:01
- served as the deputy press secretary during the Trump Administration okay Sarah none of us are surprised anymore
- by a lot of the things Trump does but help us understand how somebody who is a
- conspiracy theorist who's a 911 truther who says all the things that we've been talking about in this show goes from
- that a fringy person to being on the plane to the debate and kind of an in
- The Unofficial Inner Circle of Donald Trump well I think you are The Company You Keep and this just goes to show what
- his character and judgment is if this is who he's choosing to surround himself with I mean Americans at home might not
- be familiar with Laura lummer she's not necessarily a mainstream name but she is as Fringe as Fringe gets and that is
- what is so scary is that now she has the ear of the potential next president and
- to think that he even brought her to a 9/11 Memorial event last week this is someone who just last year was saying
- that 911 was an inside job and that's just one of the many conspiracy theories that she's pushed she said a lot of
- 29:04
- other disgusting vile things that I wouldn't even repeat on air in particular about the vice president
- kamla Harris and to think then that this is who Donald Trump is keeping in his inner circle is really concerning no no
- question about it what what is appealing about her to him is that is it that she is complimenting him is it more than
- that I think that she's willing to defend anything that he says or does and he likes that she's the ultimate Copan
- and so I think that he likes that she'll defend him she's clearly angling for some sort of job in the administration I
- would imagine maybe she wants to be white house uh press secretary she's posted about that before and that is
- what is most concerning to me because I've talked about this threat of who will be with Donald Trump if he is
- elected president again who will be Staffing a second Administration I like to think that during the first Administration you had people of good
- character who wanted to staff him and would push back on him but in a second Administration you're going to get the
- 30:02
- Laura lomers of the world who are in his ear who are the ones helping run the country I mean to think that she would
- be in the White House potentially and serving in one of the most important roles and she's clearly a known liar if
- she pushes conspiracy theories and her job could potentially be being the spokesperson for the president it's
- terrifying and so that is what when I talk about the threat of a second Trump Administration this is the kind of thing
- where referring to and so it's not crazy to think that he's going to be surrounding himself with these crazy
- types of people who will be a bunch of yes men and women say and do whatever he pleases I mean I just want to just stop
- on this for just a second because you worked for him in the past you've come out and spoken out against him and you're saying like this is a person who
- I just introduced to people who didn't know her before some people may have known her before who could end up having a very prominent role in a second Trump
- term that's what we're looking at here exactly that's what we're looking at is that this is the type of person who
- could potentially have the ear of the leader of the Free World someone who traffics in conspiracy theories says
- 31:03
- racist awful vile things and I it makes me nervous about what um a potential
- staff for a second Trump term could look like because when you think about the cabinet level obviously there's the
- Senate confirmation process there's a little bit there that he can't maybe put people in posts that are as extreme or
- crazy but when you think about White House staff for the most part they wouldn't have control over that so
- they're not firm so he could pick whoever he wants exactly he could hire folks like Laura lomer and there's
- plenty of other people on his campaign too that are not willing to push back on
- him and so you're not going to get the people like the John Kelly's and the mark espers in the first Administration
- who were willing to tell Donald Trump no or to tell him that you know he lost the election for example and push back on
- some of his worst instincts in a second term you're going to get these people who are encouraging it there a couple of
- people I mean you we've talked about this before you have spoken out publicly about Donald Trump and you're concerned
- 32:04
- about him everybody has not chosen to do that there were a number of people including margar Taylor green and Lindsey Graham who spoke out about their
- concerns about Laura lommer but at the same time this week Donald Trump was pushing conspiracy theories about
- Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio and they seem to be either okay with that or unwilling to speak out about
- that what do you make of that yeah I mean I think there isn't actually that much daylight between Aura lummer and
- and Donald Trump look they both push um racist conspiracy theories as you mentioned with the Haitian immigrants in
- Springfield I'm from Ohio so I take this uh story very personally and to think that these schools and hospitals are
- coming under bomb threats and then when Donald Trump is asked about it what does he say he doesn't say oh we should stop
- political violence this is unacceptable in this country and we need to bring down the temperature instead he pours
- gasoline on the fire because this is exactly what he wants to do it's why he uh killed the bipartisan immigration
- deal that was in Congress because he wants to run on this issue and to rile up his supporters and to tap into
- 33:04
- people's fears and and is willing to spread lies about this I mean JD Vance even said on air this morning on another
- Network that they created a story to try to get the media to care about this and so I I don't know though if you're
- winning necessarily this election when you're out there saying things like they're eating the cats and dogs and
- you're hanging out with Laura lomer and tweeting I hate Taylor Swift these are not the things that Americans care about
- Americans want to talk about Healthcare they want to talk about jobs they want to talk about being able to afford
- groceries and put food on their table and feed their families and Donald Trump is not talking about these things no
- question Sarah Matthews thank you so much as always for joining me I really appreciate it coming up beyond the
- obvious Taylor Swift and Oprah Winfrey had one very big thing in common this week they both used their platform to
- shine a light on a major issue we're going to talk about that when we come right back
- all right we're going inside project 2025 as we do on every single show and one way that project 2025 seeks to
- 34:05
- weaken us climate policy is by insisting that climate change is a separate issue
- that isn't linked to every other Avenue of policy it insists that climate change doesn't have an impact on every American
- in chapter 10 which focuses on the Department of Agriculture it attempts to pull this trick by implying that the
- concept of climate change is simply conjecture here's an exerpt from page
- 304 quote as a general matter the next Administration should ensure that these programs address genuine and specific
- environmental concerns with a focus on currently existing environmental problems not those that are speculative
- in nature end quote The Architects of project 2025 would prefer for climate
- change to be seen as a wholly separate issue from agriculture but the two are
- inextricably inextricably linked according to the US Department of Agriculture our farming systems use more
- 35:03
- water than any other industry and account for nearly 11% of greenhouse gas emissions in the
- United States this chapter in question asserts that the US Department of Agriculture should not concern itself
- with with climate but rather only care about agriculture and
- Farmers except that farmers and agriculture are at least as affected by
- climate change as much as anyone if not more according to the US drought monitor
- which is run by scientists at the University of Nebraska 30 states are currently experiencing some form of
- drought which hurts crop yields and extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes which now happen more
- frequently can both flood and Destroy Farmland but project 2025 specific
- policies for Farmers aren't that helpful either they suggest for instance repealing agricultural risk coverage and
- price loss coverage programs which are safety nets that are to designed to protect Farmers from Sudden price drops
- 36:04
- in certain crops repealing export promotion programs like the market Access program which helps Farmers
- connect with marketplaces overseas to sell their goods and eliminating the conservation reserv Reserve program
- which pays Farmers to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and inste
- instead plant species that will improve Environmental Quality Farmers actually say that the conservation Reserve
- program guarantees income for marginally profitable land while operating uh
- lowering their operating costs all right another Target of this chapter with inspiration taken directly from the
- first Trump Administration is the supplemental nutrition assistance program or snap which provides food and
- nutrition benefits you will know snap as what we used to call food stamps on page
- 298 project 2025 suggests that the government quote moved the USDA food and
- 37:01
- nutrition programs to the Department of Health and Human Services this is not a new idea Trump launched then abandoned
- an effort to move the food benefit programs like Snap to HHS in 2018
- analysis at the time found that moving snap would slash its budget and make it
- easier to cut just one page later it resurrects another Trump Administration
- zombie implementing stricter work requirements for SNAP benefits project
- 2025 explicitly references a 2019 Trump policy that would have taken
- 688,000 Americans off of food and nutrition benefits but when a judge in
- DC blocked the rule this was abandoned now it's a common theme in this 922 page
- Tome think of all the unlawful and unhelpful policies that Donald Trump failed to jam through during his first
- term in office this is the conserv of playbook for avoiding those failures a second time around but wait I'm not done
- 38:02
- there's more chapter 10 of project 2025 attacks on food benefits continue on
- page 300 of this document project 2025 also seeks to reform broad-based
- categorical El eligibility for food benefits which allows for folks whose
- income is above the poverty line but then is taken down to poverty levels
- because of how much they pay for shelter utilities and child care and that allows
- them to remain eligible for SNAP benefits or food stamps project 2025
- calls that a loophole to be clear it's not a loophole it's simply accounting for fixed costs side note the rich in
- this country get all sorts of loopholes including paying a lower income tax on money that is generated just by having
- or managing money as opposed to labor but give the Working Poor anything that even looks like an exception and you are
- encouraging lazy and poverty project 2025 also wants to scrap the government's ability to keep
- 39:03
- baby formula costs low the special supplemental nutrition program for women
- infants and children that's known as Wick uses a state voucher system to buy
- baby formula at discounts and in bulk as of 2022 more than 6 million Americans
- participated in the wick program project 2025 seeks to re-evaluate it which is
- code for getting rid of it the far-right blueprint also wants to make it harder to know what is in your
- food let's go to page 307 quote the US Department of
- Agriculture should work with Congress to repeal the federal labeling law and stress that voluntary labeling is
- allowed end quote but even with current federal food labeling laws food companies consistently mislead the
- public on nutrition I'm sorry but did somebody ask for this less nutritional
- information about the food that you eat two pages later page
- 40:00
- 309 project 2025 suggests to the next Republican Administration that they work with lawmakers to repeal dietary
- guidelines these are the guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture to help Americans plan their diets and learn more about nutrition
- project 2025 says quotes issues such as climate change and sustainability infiltrated the process of building the
- dietary guidelines except that the dietary guidelines published by the USDA from 2020 from 2020 to 2025 didn't
- mention climate they didn't mention sustainability not once they're literally about the effect of what you
- eat on your body a few pages earlier page 301 project 2025 asserts that
- perhaps we care too much about what specifically goes into some of our food including baby formula quote labeling
- restrictions regulations and uh and restrictions that unnecessarily delay the manufacture and sale of baby formula
- should be re-evaluated as you know reevaluated is code for should go away the book even asserts overregulation was
- 41:04
- the cause of the baby formula shortage in recent years however the real cause was snags in the supply chain and the
- fact that we have allowed the production of baby formula in this country to be controlled by an oligopoly without meaningful and effective competition the
- whole chapter is full of faulty logic misconceptions and bad conclusions like
- much of this 922 page book The anti- Snap policies are based on the outdated
- notion that basic food benefits will discourage one from seeking work but
- study after study shows that's not true the anti-climate policies are written as
- if climate change is a wholly separate issue from farming but it's not the farming policies are supposedly intended
- to ramp up food production but they leave smaller Farmers more vulnerable to price swings and low crop yields why are
- we surprised as president Dwight D Eisenhower used to say quote farming looks Mighty easy when your plow is a
- pencil and you're a thousand miles away from the cornfield the Democratic senator Debbie stabenau of Michigan
- 42:04
- she's a chair of the Senate agriculture nutrition and Forestry commission committee uh Senator it's great to see
- you and as you know I bring I talk to a lot of senators we talk politics a lot you know I only ever talk to you when
- we're talking policy because you you read this stuff you understand it uh there's a lot in here about farming and
- about nutrition and about climate it truly doesn't make a lot of sense Al first of all your summary was
- fantastic I would just say amen and it's always great to be with you but this
- project 2025 is a war on farmers and Rural communities and on families you
- know there's nobody that has a riskier business than Farmers nobody looks at the weather every day more than our
- Farmers they're getting hit over the head by a whole range of things um inter
- National policies we didn't even talk about how Trump's you know Chinese
- 43:02
- tariffs and War hurt them you know four years ago and all of that that happened
- but the truth is that they are being hit more on what's happening on the climate than anybody else I've been working on
- this a long time we have moved things forward the last two Farm bills the
- inflation reduction NE we added really important Investments for voluntary popular programs and the truth is says
- more carbon in the soil better for the soil and Farmers more carbon out of the atmosphere better for all of us and so
- these are great strategies Farmers want them they want them and what we are
- doing we're helping them with risk management right now and important to
- point out when we talk about farmers in this country those of us who are not Farmers as as Eisen hour said those of
- us who are a thousand miles away from a corn farm we don't really understand corn don't understand that there are big
- farms and there are Little Farms and if you are a little farmer In America which you probably are because you've been
- 44:05
- you've been farming in your family for Generations it's really hard it's really hard and I have to say
- that Trump's egg secretary said to Farmers go Bigg or go home and so all of
- their policies even now the Republican policies on that we're negotiating on the farm bill most of the money goes to
- the top 2% wealthiest farmers and land owners that guts rural communities rural
- towns we have to have small farmers and mediumsized farmers in order to be able
- to sustain the rural economy and they are going after that every single day
- they are also going after families as you said they would gut programs by the
- way snap and I was years ago the person that led the effort to change to to snap
- 45:00
- from the the food stamp program because Republicans had so maligned that term
- but it's about $6 a day per person in America the greatest country in the
- world that we provide for somebody to go to the store to be able to get food or get their family food and Republicans
- how many times have they said food prices are too high they're too high but
- they want to gut six bucks a day not only that the school
- meals program last year I was able to get a full-time summer meals program for
- children that don't get to eat healthy food in the summer that would be gone the wick program as you talked about
- they want more babies born but they don't want to pay for formula or healthy healthy baby food I mean this thing is
- nuts yeah you know the whole thing is nuts but it is a war on farmers and it
- is a war on families
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