Hear Carville react to Trump saying he’s going to remove Haitians from Springfield
Oct 3, 2024
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#CNN #News
Former President Donald Trump said that he would revoke temporary protected status — which shields migrants from deportation — for the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, if he is reelected in November. Hear Democratic strategist James Carville's response.
#CNN #News
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- 0:00
- A new CNN
- film documents 18 months inside the 2024
- election from the perspective
- of one of the Democratic Party's
- most legendary
- strategists, James Carville.
- Here's a preview.
- There's nothing
- that says more of the same
- more than Joe Biden versus Donald Trump.
- And James believes
- that, you know, change wins.
- He reeks of yesterday.
- Of yesterday.
- 0:22
- Yes he is.
- 0:23
- So yesterday, if I think of yesterday,
- 0:24
- if I think of an old calendar,
- 0:26
- I think of George Bush's face.
- 0:27
- Someone tell you that America.
- 0:31
- One of the things I think in 92,
- 0:33
- I think in 2024, who wins really matters.
- 0:38
- Very stark right now.
- 0:40
- We got this horrible threat of Trump
- 0:44
- coming back into office.
- 0:47
- We're in unchartered territory
- right here.
- A lot of people are confounded by
- how close the race is.
- Given President Biden's record
- and given what we know
- 1:02
- about Donald Trump.
- He admires
- Biden a lot and
- thinks he's been a very good president.
- But it's hard to make the case
- that Joe Biden can win
- an easy reelection,
- because he can't kill
- the show in the control room.
- Are you able to hear me?
- I hear you fine.
- You got
- the path to victory is his religion.
- 1:23
- That's what he cares about.
- 1:25
- How do you get from here to there?
- 1:27
- And there has to be winning.
- 1:29
- Joining us now,
- 1:30
- the raging Cajun himself, James Carville.
- 1:32
- James, good to see you.
- 1:34
- we'll talk about the film in a moment.
- 1:35
- Looks fascinating.
- 1:37
- I do want to ask you, though.
- 1:38
- Let's jump in
- 1:38
- and talk about the news a little bit,
- 1:39
- because Donald Trump,
- 1:41
- is talking about, how,
- 1:43
- you know,
- 1:43
- how he wants to handle
- 1:44
- those Haitian migrants
- 1:45
- in Springfield, Ohio.
- let's listen to this talk
- about on the other side.
- We have to
- remove the people,
- and you have to bring them back
- to their own country.
- They they are, in my opinion,
- it's not legal.
- So you would revoke the
- temporary protected?
- Absolutely.
- 2:00
- I'd revoke
- it and I'd bring them
- back to their country.
- What if they want them? They.
- They're not.
- Well, they're going to receive them.
- They'll receive.
- If I bring them back,
- they're going to receive them.
- Yeah. James.
- I mean,
- I know you've seen a lot
- in politics over the years.
- I don't think
- you has or any really
- anybody else
- 2:17
- really, for that matter,
- 2:18
- have encountered
- 2:19
- a politician
- 2:19
- talking about people eating cats of dogs,
- 2:23
- as Donald Trump
- 2:23
- was talking about in Springfield, Ohio.
- 2:25
- But, I mean, to put that sort of,
- 2:28
- to the side for a moment,
- 2:29
- this prospect of Trump saying he's
- 2:31
- going to just mass deport
- 2:32
- all of the Haitian migrants
- 2:34
- in Springfield,
- 2:35
- what did you make of that?
- 2:38
- Well, first of all,
- 2:39
- the people of Ohio, of Springfield,
- 2:41
- according to the governor
- and the mayor, are quite happy
- that, this has been a boon
- to that, the economy of that town.
- And, you know,
- when you start talking
- about deporting people,
- how are you going to deport them?
- I mean, they have certain rights.
- I mean,
- I understand that they here legally,
- 3:00
- and they have a lot
- 3:02
- to return to contribute.
- 3:04
- But, you know, the cats and dogs thing,
- 3:08
- of course, have been
- 3:10
- debunked and shown to be not true.
- 3:13
- But since when does he care
- 3:14
- about telling the truth? Yeah.
- 3:15
- If Haitians are the perfect
- 3:18
- target for him.
- 3:19
- they're kind of black,
- 3:22
- and they come from
- 3:22
- an impoverished nation.
- 3:24
- They actually speak,
- 3:25
- some version of French.
- 3:28
- They're just a perfect target for him.
- 3:31
- And he doesn't look at any of
- as human beings,
- which I think it seems like,
- their fellow citizens in Springfield,
- do look at the human beings as they,
- well, should,
- yeah.
- I mean, we've done
- lots of segments on Springfield, and,
- I mean, just about everybody we've spoken
- with has said,
- you know,
- that they've been welcomed
- with open arms in that community
- and that they've,
- they've had a positive impact
- on that community.
- But, you know,
- I do want to talk about
- there's a lot of stuff
- to talk about, James.
- I mean,
- what do you make of Kamala
- Harris being out on the campaign
- trail today with Liz Cheney?
- 4:02
- Did you ever think you would see a day
- 4:03
- where where a Cheney would be out
- 4:05
- on the campaign trail
- 4:07
- on behalf of a Democratic candidate?
- 4:10
- The short answer is no.
- 4:13
- And I
- 4:13
- tell people, coalition right now
- 4:14
- goes from from Dick Cheney to AOC.
- 4:17
- So there's a lot of ground for you
- 4:19
- in the middle there, people,
- 4:20
- I promise you.
- 4:21
- look, I think it's important I,
- 4:24
- I hope more people sit on the sidelines.
- 4:27
- Republican types, you see Trump,
- 4:29
- you know, glorifying January 6th.
- 4:32
- We see Trump demeaning the military.
- We know that's a fact.
- I'm looking
- I hope more
- people come out and say Sharpton
- and the nine over 11 truth is,
- how can you sit there and go sit down?
- 11 years
- my wife did was in a basement
- of the white House and say, well,
- that was all an inside job.
- I mean, it's just
- it's it's so insane
- you can't even know where to fit in.
- This war room
- was riding around on an airplane with it.
- 5:00
- Yeah. It's weird. It's weird.
- 5:01
- Jim, it's really weird.
- 5:02
- You know, it is.
- 5:03
- I mean,
- 5:04
- and that that leads me to this question.
- 5:05
- James, how is this election so close?
- 5:08
- I mean,
- 5:08
- we had
- 5:09
- this new, filing from Jack
- 5:11
- Smith yesterday that lays out,
- 5:13
- you know, Donald Trump saying,
- 5:14
- so what, that Vice
- 5:15
- President Mike pence at that time,
- 5:17
- that his life was in danger.
- 5:18
- I mean, you know, the stuff
- 5:19
- about the cats and dogs and Springer,
- 5:21
- I mean, you name it, every day
- 5:22
- there's a new sort of headline
- 5:24
- filled with outrage over
- 5:26
- what former President Trump is saying.
- 5:27
- And how is it so close
- 5:29
- and and what's your gut
- 5:31
- on what's going to happen?
- 5:33
- Well, it's the polling,
- 5:35
- which is I don't have a
- 5:36
- I like poll when I read them.
- 5:38
- I think they're trying to get it right.
- The polling says it's pretty close.
- I'm not convinced it's going to be close.
- When we start counting the votes.
- And you know what happens, Jim,
- if there's seven swing states
- and I can't emphasize this enough,
- the most unlikely scenario
- is it breaks for three.
- Usually these elections break in tandem.
- And I think it's much more likely
- that those seven swing states
- 6:01
- break 5 to 6 one.
- 6:03
- so let's wait.
- 6:06
- And she does have a it's a modestly
- 6:09
- I agree
- 6:10
- it's to to close for real conflict.
- 6:13
- But she was
- 6:14
- we the Democrats are not in the lead
- 6:16
- in July mid-July.
- 6:18
- We're in the lead now by a little bit.
- 6:22
- But I think her
- 6:23
- the possibility
- 6:24
- that she can build on that
- 6:25
- or not to be diminished.
- 6:28
- All right.
- 6:28
- Let's talk about the documentary.
- 6:30
- and you know, this this covers
- 6:34
- a lot of ground,
- especially the 2024 race.
- And, James,
- you and I talked about this
- several times,
- how you thought
- Joe Biden was not the candidate,
- to to win this time around.
- Why do you think everybody was seeking
- you out?
- are you the the Oracle of Louisiana?
- What's the deal?
- I don't know, Jim.
- The truth is that I had a platform.
- I really thought that
- 7:00
- I really, really dug deep into the polls.
- 7:03
- I talked to a lot of people,
- 7:04
- and I came to a conclusion,
- 7:06
- and I was comfortable at that conclusion.
- 7:08
- And I didn't think that that Biden
- 7:10
- should reconsider his candidacy.
- 7:12
- And at the end of the day,
- 7:14
- for the good of the country and himself
- 7:16
- and everything else he did do that.
- 7:19
- But, you know,
- 7:20
- I'm going to be 80
- 7:21
- this month, and I have some familiarity
- 7:23
- with the ravages of old age,
- 7:25
- and I don't think it
- 7:26
- compatible with the obligations
- 7:28
- at the Oval Office.
- Yeah, yeah, I'm
- familiar with the ravages of middle age,
- for that matter. But, you know,
- but James, you took a lot of shots,
- though, from inside your,
- your party, the party that you love,
- the party that you helped
- put over the top, in 92, in 96.
- But you stuck to your guns.
- Well, I was pretty comfortable,
- you know, honestly,
- and I didn't take any shot
- that I didn't fully anticipate.
- I mean, I've been around long enough
- to know
- 8:00
- when I started saying this,
- 8:02
- that people were going to be
- 8:03
- put out with me, and I understand that.
- 8:06
- And, you know, it's just a question of
- 8:09
- anybody. No one.
- 8:10
- No me. No.
- 8:11
- I gave this long, hard thought.
- 8:14
- But once I pulled the switch,
- 8:16
- I mean, I pulled the switches.
- 8:18
- You can't, but I don't know what.
- 8:19
- But I don't want to go. Bell.
- 8:21
- Yeah.
- 8:21
- And, you know, I mean, some of the stuff
- 8:24
- they would said out and it's bad.
- 8:26
- What I didn't know
- 8:27
- was heard of this guy since,
- 8:28
- you know, the 90s and that kind of stuff.
- 8:30
- And that was
- 8:32
- if anything,
- 8:33
- it was about exactly what I expected.
- 8:36
- All right.
- 8:37
- James, well, you know, another
- big part of that special is your,
- 30 plus year marriage
- to Republican strategist Mary Matalin.
- I know, I just think she's the best.
- And every time I've had a chance
- to, talk to her,
- I just think the world of her
- and both of you. So.
- Hey, thank you so much.
- Good luck with the documentary, James.
- We really appreciate you, as always.
- I'm. I'm a fishing man.
- I have a great wine, so. Yes, sir.
- And I'm
- so glad
- that you agreed to participate in this.
- 9:01
- This is great.
- Thank you.
- Yes, that is always a good thing.
- Best of luck to James. Thanks a lot.
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