Prime Minister Mia Mottley at Paris Summit ... 2023/06/22
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Jun 23, 2023
20230622 Mottley at Paris Summit
- 0:01
- president macron Secretary General
- distinguished colleague thanks
- distinguished guests people of the world
- the Paul's silence
- as we just learned
- and the power of voice
- as we must give expression to today
- the danger of inaction
- or slow action
- and the fundamental difference
- that committing and walking the walk
- and not just talk in the talk will mean
- we come to Paris today
- with a heavy heart
- but with hope
- we come to Paris today
- not to reinforce the divisions of the
- past
- the orders of the past
- 1:01
- but we come to Paris to identify
- the common Humanity that we share
- and the absolute moral imperative
- to save our planet and to make it
- livable
- we don't need a lot more words today
- and quite honestly
- I don't know that I have it in me
- to give more words
- as I speak to you
- my country
- that is in Vincent in the Grenadines and
- others in the Caribbean
- in the Eastern Caribbean
- are under a tropical storm watch
- for tropical storm Beth literally
- yesterday
- I had to decide whether to stay
- or to go
- and I chose to stay
- because
- 2:01
- it is important
- that we move to action
- behind tropical storm Beth is another
- system
- and hence
- this is our new reality
- we have heard this morning from Vanessa
- we've heard from the economists
- we've heard from the President of Niger
- and everyone has spoken truth
- with feeling with clarity
- and Emmanuel
- I've left you for last because privately
- I call this the how dare you Summit
- how dare you
- how dare you upset the order
- how dare you step out
- of your crease
- 3:00
- and summon us all
- to this inflection moment
- that will determine whether we will have
- the capacity and the will
- to bring peace
- and scope
- to the problem
- I can tell you that there has been
- movement
- yes
- nine months ago no one was speaking
- about natural disaster clauses
- now we have people wanting to recognize
- the wisdom of it because countries do
- need to pause debt payments
- if they are going to house and feed
- people who are victims of a climate
- crisis
- doesn't quite work as well
- for those who have to move people who
- are suffering from drought as the
- president of Malawi has had to do
- so we need to perfect it
- 4:00
- nine months ago
- no one was talking about multilateral
- Development Bank reform
- at scale
- and Ajay
- the World Bank was not as forceful in
- its commitment
- to the crisis of climate
- as it is now
- and we wish you all the best because
- in your hands lies
- the need for peace and scope
- nine months ago
- we were not prepared to discuss issues
- of debt
- and crystallina where no one else was
- stepping up during the pandemic yes you
- led the way
- recognizing that your duty was not only
- to deal with the symptoms
- of the balance of payments problems but
- to go back to the treaty and it's
- 5:00
- underlying objective
- of securing growth and macro and
- financial and economic stability
- simply to Mark a card for progress
- as we heard from Vanessa
- what is required of us now
- is absolute transformation and not
- reform of our institutions
- and that transformation is required
- because while the world knew since the
- 1890s
- that we were facing the warming of the
- climate
- we chose not to heed the advice of
- scientists and that which could have
- been done in more than a century is now
- being reduced to be done in less than a
- decade
- and Secretary General
- 6:02
- my heart bleeds for you
- because
- yours has been almost that constant
- voice in the wilderness
- but I say to you that it has not been in
- vain
- as you heard from president macron this
- morning
- there is now the beginning of the
- understanding that poverty and climate
- cannot be separated
- the education
- and claim it cannot be separated
- and later today we will go into the
- details
- of what that action must look like
- much of which we have put in the
- Bridgestone initiative not because we
- believe we have the answers alone
- but simply because we had the will to
- pull people together and say let us
- discuss these issues and let us make
- enough noise consistently to command the
- 7:01
- attention of those who must speak and
- who must act
- I asked us today
- not to leave Paris
- without understanding that the
- bolstering of the political ambition
- that is required
- must secure transformation and not
- reform
- and I ask us to ensure that those of us
- who are heads of government and heads of
- state
- recognize that the world cannot continue
- in the shadow of an all-imperial order
- that does not see countries
- does not feel countries does not hear
- countries and worst does not see feel or
- hear people
- I ask us today to recognize that we
- cannot come to Paris but let our
- directors go back to the IMF or the
- World Bank and it be business as usual
- they do not act
- in their own interests they act on
- 8:00
- behalf of our sovereign states
- and that is why we speak not only to the
- need for money we speak to the need for
- the reform of the governance systems
- because when these institutions were
- founded our countries did not exist
- and we speak for a complete
- transformation of securing the sources
- of capital as unpopular as it might be
- to voice it
- we do not ask for the bankruptcy of
- private companies that's not our wish
- but we do ask everybody to share the
- burden so that we can share the bounty
- and it therefore means that simply
- relying and holding only governments
- accountable
- has run its course
- and what is necessary now is for us to
- bring to the table also multinational
- corporations whose balance sheets dwarf
- 9:00
- more than two-thirds of the world States
- that is the world we have created out of
- the last century
- and if we don't recognize that there
- cannot be left out of the equation I'm
- coming
- if they don't recognize that we cannot
- they cannot be left out of the equation
- then we have no desire to solve the
- problem
- and we thank philanthropy for what they
- do but it can only be what they like
- it has to be what the world needs
- and I hope that we leave Paris therefore
- not only secure in our determination to
- protect the planet
- to protect the biodiversity to protect
- people
- but to recognize that if we do not act
- today at scale
- with peace
- we will not be able to get there in time
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- to save more people
- let us
- as the representatives of our people
- at this most unique time in the history
- of civilization
- not only do the right thing but do it in
- time
- and do it for the right reasons we will
- have more time in the next day and a
- half to discuss the details but my
- please simply know is
- to step up the pace and let's get going
- thank you
- [Applause]
1 year ago
Thank You Barbados for giving us such a brilliant leader, I am South African but when I see PM Mottley I know the sense has come and true leadership that will speak for all people has come. A selfless leader who speaks truth to power and ensures the climate crisis is well articulated and seen.
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