Pennsylvania election officials bracing for conspiracy theories, protests
60 Minutes
Oct 13, 2024
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Mail-in ballot processing rules could lead to a drawn-out vote count in the pivotal swing state of Pennsylvania. Top election official Al Schmidt is urging voter patience.
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- 0:01
- Pennsylvania is the most pivotal
- Battleground in the race for the White
- House with its 19 electoral votes it is
- the state where former president Trump
- and vice president Harris are spending
- the most time and money a combined 436
- million dollars between them and their
- allies it's also where the results could
- take days to count due to a state law
- that prevents mail and ballots from
- being processed early the anticipated
- lag which dragged out Pennsylvania's
- count in 20 20 now has election
- officials bracing for a repeat of
- conspiracy theories and violence at the
- helm lifelong Republican Al Schmidt he
- stood up to former president Trump and
- refused to join attempts to overturn his
- loss four years ago as Secretary of
- State Schmidt is doing everything he can
- between now and election day to assure
- residents their votes will count and to
- take on the lies Trump continues to
- spread about
- Pennsylvania the story will continue in
- 1:01
- a
- moment What's the reality voter fraud is
- widespread voter fraud never happens
- there is no evidence whatsoever that
- voter fraud takes place uh in any way
- that is widespread at all if a
- non-citizen tried to cast a
- ballot would you be able to catch it
- that's just not something that happens
- because when it gets identified there
- are severe consequences whether it's
- prosecution and or deportation from the
- country we met Secretary of State Al
- Schmidt last month in the state capital
- in Harrisburg we have to win
- Pennsylvania the night before former
- president Trump held a rally just a few
- hours away where he stoked fears about
- voting in Pennsylvania now we have this
- stupid stuff where you can vote 45 days
- early I wonder what the hell happens
- during that 45 let's move uh the see
- 2:00
- these votes who got about a million
- votes and then let's move them we're
- fixing have you heard what the former
- president said last night at his rally
- here in Pennsylvania no he seems to be
- saying that there is cheating going on
- with mail and ballots here there is not
- elections in Pennsylvania have never
- been more safe and secure with a voter
- verified paper ballot record of every
- vote that's cast whether you vote in
- person on Election Day or you vote by
- mail Schmidt once had his own doubts
- about election security in the last
- before becoming Secretary of State he
- spent a decade on Philadelphia's Board
- of Elections where he investigated
- hundreds of claims of voter fraud and
- changed his mind whenever it has
- occurred however rarely it's to affect
- some very down ticket race that is
- decided by a handful of votes it's not
- to decide who the president of the
- United States is or who the governor is
- or who a senator is or anything else
- like that as secretary of State Schmidt
- 3:01
- is visiting each of Pennsylvania's 67
- counties are you registered to vote in
- Pennsylvania your voice matters part
- Road Show part public relations tour
- spreading the gospel of election
- security election day is November 5th
- you can vote by mail in advance
- including a stop at a fair in deep red
- Columbia County nice to meet you he
- spent more than 35 minutes trying to
- convince these local Republicans that
- they can trust the voting system like
- dead people voting in Philadelphia you
- have a public record of when somebody
- died you have a public record of when
- they cast their vote they have found
- cases where quote dead people have voted
- the only cases that I've encountered are
- when a voter has cast their ballot by
- mail and then passed away in between
- mailing and their vote and their vote
- being counted and you can see that you
- know former president Trump's got the
- rallies and he's got the microphone and
- he's got the audiences and he can spread
- 4:01
- his message to thousands if not millions
- of people and you're here at the county
- fair and you've got a stand and you're
- doing it one to three voters at a time
- yes you're one one in a timing it so you
- kind of can't compete but it's also
- important to have that one-in-one
- contact to go to uh a County Fair uh to
- engage with people to answer their
- questions I love you
- Philly Democratic governor Josh Shapiro
- told us that choosing Al Schmidt a
- lifelong Republican as his first cabinet
- pick last year was intended to send a
- clear message of all the cabinet
- appointments that you could have made
- first why was it Al Schmidt I made a
- commitment during my campaign that I was
- going to appoint a pro-democracy
- secretary of state what were your
- marching orders to him do your job make
- it so legal eligible voters have access
- to The Ballot Box and we again have a
- 5:01
- free and fair safe and secure election
- when you think about secretaries of
- State the role you tend to think that it
- respectfully is a boring job a mundane
- job an administrative job how's that
- working out for you it is I mean
- elections should be um not something to
- dread they should be something to
- celebrate and voters should feel
- confident that if they cast their vote
- whether it's by mail or in person on
- Election Day that their vote is going to
- be counted so in 2020 it took four days
- to call the election in
- Pennsylvania what took so long when you
- have half of your voters vote by mail
- like we did in
- 2020 um Counting those votes takes
- time we saw for ourselves at a ballot
- intake Center in Chester County outside
- Philadelphia so this is the actual
- envelope and these where the ball are
- returned in and this is a sample correct
- 6:01
- elections administrator Karen Barum
- showed us how each ballot arrives inside
- two different envelopes 94 ballots in
- one tray processing them is a tedious
- task which Under Pennsylvania law cannot
- start until 700 a.m. on Election Day so
- when we do open it there is another
- envelope so hypothetically speaking if
- we have 100,000 mail and ballots we have
- to deal with double the amount of
- envelopes which is a a a long process
- and then ballot comes out and you can't
- count it folded like that correct we
- will need to have a whole different team
- unfold them backfold them to get the
- creases out as good as we can how long
- does it take to process each ballot
- several minutes it's not it's not like
- done in a sec that window of time
- between the polls closing and races
- being called I think has shown to be a
- real uh vulnerability where people
- seeking to uh undermine confidence in
- 7:01
- those results if they're going to lose
- um uh have have uh really exploited
- those four days allowed the big lie to
- take off and that's when you start
- hearing about truckloads of ballots and
- that's when you start hearing about you
- know zombie voters and that's when all
- this other stuff really starts pouring
- in there have been widespread calls to
- bring Pennsylvania in line with the
- majority of other states where election
- work ERS get a head start on opening
- envelopes and flattening ballots ahead
- of election day why hasn't that changed
- youve had four years Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania is unique in that we have a
- divided legislature we have a democratic
- house and a Republican Senate so getting
- anything done related to election reform
- is has certainly been a challenge the
- message is what be patient with
- Pennsylvania the message is please be
- patient our counties are working night
- and day to count their voters votes
- 8:02
- they're doing so as quickly as they can
- and with Integrity our job is to make
- sure we are constantly just providing
- the truth to voters to be a for
- secretary Schmid getting out the message
- can mean late nights answering questions
- about the electoral process in granular
- detail it takes time to count millions
- of votes and it's not as we saw at this
- Law School in Harrisburg we're much
- better prepared today four years later
- than we were he's teamed up with fellow
- Republican former Pennsylvania Governor
- Tom Corbett the former president has a
- refrain at his rallies he says Democrats
- rigged the election in 2020 and he's not
- going to let them get away with it this
- year
- evidence bring it any us attorney any
- district attorney bring the evidence and
- show them not what you
- want you've got to convince a prosecutor
- in a court you've got polls that show
- show some 34% of Americans nearly 70% of
- 9:02
- Republicans who still to this day
- believe that Joe Biden didn't win the
- 20120 election but I can't change that
- because they believe it because they've
- heard it so many times you've said
- there's a huge amount of people in the
- middle that can be influenced by the
- extremes is that who you're trying to
- educate yes the extremes were not going
- to change but right here and in a close
- election that's very important we won
- Pennsylvania twice twice we won it
- twice we did much better the second time
- than we did the first time he continues
- to say that he won Pennsylvania twice
- Donald Trump won in 2016 by about 44,000
- votes and Donald Trump lost in 2020 by
- about 80,000 votes I understand that
- he's a sore loser I understand that he
- wished he would have won in 2020 but
- attacking this system made up of our
- 10:00
- neighbors from communities all across
- Pennsylvania Republican and Democrat
- alike is not the answer former president
- Trump is refusing to commit to accepting
- the results if he loses if he does
- refuse what happens here in Pennsylvania
- what does that look like I think it can
- look unfortunately like what it looked
- like in 2020 with violence in our
- communities with threats to public
- officials good public officials like Al
- Schmidt and the Republican and
- Democratic Clerks of Elections am I
- worried about that am I concerned about
- that of course I
- am in 2020 as the presidential election
- hung in the balance all eyes were on the
- Pennsylvania Convention Center in
- Philadelphia outside police and
- protesters surrounded the building while
- inside Al Schmid oversaw the counting of
- a record
- 375,000 mail in ballots most of them
- from democratic voters we're winning
- 11:01
- Pennsylvania by a tremendous amount of
- hours after the polls closed then
- president Trump demanded the counting
- stop we don't want them to find any
- ballots at 4:00 in the morning and add
- them to the list okay we were working
- day and night there was one television
- that was working and I happened to be
- passing it when uh when I heard that
- speech so immediately brought together
- our Communications team to begin um
- through social media platforms assuring
- the rest of the world whose eyes were on
- Pennsylvania that our vote counting was
- going to continue but at that point
- you've got the president of the United
- States saying stop the
- count did you ever feel like you had to
- stop the count no not for a
- second after 4 days the race in
- Pennsylvania was finally called for Joe
- Biden and with that he won the White
- House for former president Trump went
- 12:00
- after Al Schmidt by name on Twitter and
- violent threats from Trump's supporters
- followed do you remember the first
- threat that made you
- go I got to take this one seriously
- there were uh threats early on that were
- pretty generic in nature but um as days
- went on they they became a lot more
- specific providing my address
- um graphic descriptions of
- you know what they would do um to my
- family they used a picture of your house
- at one point I understand listed your
- children's names
- repeatedly you had to move your family
- out of your house for safety yes they
- had to to relocate for a period and we
- had um uh security around the clock for
- many months given all the threats that
- you faced personally I've got to ask why
- you would agree to take this job well
- everything is on the line our entire
- system of government our country as it
- was founded is on the line
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