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Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse
How we stop Trump

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
The weekly discussion about current affairs and politics between Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse is usually a pleasure ... but not in the last two weeks! Like myself, they are unhappy with the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election and the power this will give Donald Trump and the obscene way he is likely to use this power. Robert and Heather discuss the appointments that the President Elect has announced and their lack of any meaningful competence including:
  • Matt Goetz for Attorney General
  • Pete hegseth from Fox News as Defence Secretary
  • Christy gnome as Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Tulsi gabard as Director of National Intelligence
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Servicec
  • John Radcliffe as Head of the CIA
And, of course there is also Donald Trump himself who has no relevant competence to be the US Head of State and his new best friend Elon Musk together with Vivak rawani to handle government efficiency!

The American political system was designed 250+ years ago to make this sort of mayhem impossible ... but Trump seems to be avoiding all the guardrails with the collaboration of quite a large number of unhinged GOP sycophants.

I keep coming back to the reality that the American electorate and the political process have morphed into a massive dysfunctional mess, long overdue for major reform ... but NOT the reform that Trump has in mind and seems intent on progressing.

We were warned with the publication of the 900+ page document 'Project 2025' a few months back which I have printed and refer to from time to time. In the USA, a 'Loyal Opposition' needs to get its act together in opposition to what is going on with Trump and his MAGA movement!
Peter Burgess
How we stop Trump | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse

Robert Reich

November 16th 2024

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The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

Attorney General Matt Gaetz?!

Health Secretary RFK Jr.?!

Elon Musk as… who knows what exactly?!

Trump's assembling a Cabinet of Chaos. Heather Lofthouse and I break down what it all means in this week's Coffee Klatch.

Oh, and find me on Bluesky here:

The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich

Robert Reich Podcasts

  • 0:00
  • and it is the satday coffee clutch with Heather loft house and yours truly Robert R uh Heather how are you doing
  • depends on the second you ask I know I would say I am a mix of depending on the
  • moment sad and fired up more more than mad a lot of people I know are mad I'm
  • not sad today I'm mad I mean I'm not mad today am I am angry I wake up either I mean some of these mornings I've been
  • waking up uh just uh respondent I have to admit you know just depressed but
  • more and more I'm just angry I'm just angry I'm fired up I am pissed off do
  • you do box breathing no what is that do you do the physiological Sigh No so that
  • one is you breathe in and then you breathe out I mean there
  • are lots other things to breathe in and out I me it's easy to do that please okay but really truly so you're mad and
  • I'm sad fire up today that's a good combo okay so what are we going to do today so let's talk about these Bonkers

  • 1:04
  • appointments okay I'm really ready to talk about these Bonkers appointments I mean really so bonker's appointments why
  • is he doing this how is he going to get them through and then really truly what can we Democrats you us be doing you you
  • you us you what can we do let's go okay well the the appointments uh uh do you
  • want to go through them I guess I mean I think we let's go it's it's a blitz Creek really is an onslaught okay so we
  • had Pete hegseth Secretary of Defense Secretary of Defense uh what has he done
  • what does he know about defense he was a Fox News host well he's an anchor and his only qualification is that he had
  • very early was there for for Trump I mean he's one of the Trump early loyalists right and he served but a lot
  • of people have served a lot of people people serve I mean that's not that can't be the great how about he knows he
  • knows nothing about the Department okay comes in absolutely nothing did you say

  • 2:04
  • Matt Gates oh I said I thought you so fired up today I well I thought that was
  • a joke when I heard it for the first time I mean people said to me and I laughed because it was so outrageous
  • attorney general uh Matt Gates is uh when I you know he was under investigation by the Department of
  • Justice for sex trafficking uh there is a or was an Ethics investigation of him
  • uh in involved in the same issues I mean it's over now because he resigned uh he
  • but he is also I mean his distinguishing characteristic he's he's he's he's crazy
  • he's a he says anything and it's prot Trump prot trump prot Trump prot trump and he he's made a complete uh ass of
  • himself in Congress I mean there's even Republicans really can't stand it well that's a lot of Republicans and some
  • media what for what they're worth are coming out Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Defense I know okay let's keep going can

  • 3:01
  • I just say one more thing Trump has has he has denigrated and demeaned the
  • presidency now he's denigrating and demeaning the entire system of self-government I I want to talk about
  • why but let's just get through these names okay Christy gnome Christy gnome is a Secretary of Homeland Security uh
  • governor of South Dakota she uh she sent National Guards people from South Dakota
  • to the Border I mean South Dakota is not on the border it's not near the border no I should so she's big uh fan of trump
  • she's a total loyalist like everybody else I mean all of these people are just right in line with what he wants okay
  • Tulsi gabard Director of National intellig I can't even finish my
  • sentences Director of National Intelligence she has no intelligence uh
  • I mean she Tulsa gabard again was was a was a late night joke on late night
  • comedy uh she what is she she's known for uh very early on coming out with you

  • 4:01
  • know when when Putin invaded Ukraine she was on Russia's side she's been on
  • Putin's side she she uses talking points from Putin I mean I she may be one of
  • these people who's talking to Putin all the time um National and in and she in terms of National Intelligence I know
  • and she's one of these defectors too I mean she's come over to the Trump side it's been wild to watch her well she's
  • she's she's B Looney Tunes right from the beginning no I know okay John Radcliffe he's going to be Secretary of well he's
  • going to be director of CIA CIA and he was in National Intelligence before but really he made his name and Trump only
  • remembers that when he was in Congress uh Ratcliffe was a big Trump booster he
  • came to Trump's defense in both impeachments impeachment hearings on the Judiciary Committee house Judiciary
  • Committee Radcliffe was was was angry at Mueller and he he he sort of minimized
  • the Mueller report said it was a bunch of crap uh and he he supported and he supported Trump in the second

  • 5:03
  • impeachment I mean this these are these are nobody's nobody but Trump total
  • loyalists I mean can I mention one more yeah Robert F Kennedy Jr oh please did
  • you have to do that head of Health and Human Serv I mean Robert of Kennedy Jr is a crackpot he's a total crackpot but
  • he's a medical doctor he's not he's nothing he he has put out you know rumors inuendos conspiracy theories
  • about about vaccines he to I the in the the idea Heather that he is going to be
  • in charge of the National Institutes of Health the FDA Food and Drug
  • Administration the Centers for Disease Control the the entire apparatus of our
  • health industry and our health care and our health protections is is is beyond
  • ludicrous Beyond ludicrous but it's an affront to the truth it's an affront to science it is all these people who have

  • 6:01
  • spent careers trying to create robust public health systems for the many not the few I I knew Robert F Kennedy senior
  • yes and he and Junior is no Robert F Kennedy senior I know in fact Robert if
  • Kennedy Senor would be would be rolling in his grave If he if he I mean it's it's such an insult to the memory of
  • Robert def Kennedy now when you were in the Clinton Administration I mean do you
  • remember when he was announcing who I mean this is unheard of right and it feels very fast I mean he was elected
  • two minutes ago you said Blitz Greek it feels like such an onslaught it's a nightmare and I never expected the
  • nightmare to happen this quickly I mean it was you know what we're talking about uh a week ago Tuesday this
  • is this is unheard of to come up with appointments and not I mean putting to
  • one side how totally Bonkers these appointments are but it's unheard of to come up with these appointments so fast

  • 7:01
  • uh and there's no reason to do it because uh you know you still need your own uh Senate that is the Senate that
  • starts on January 3rd uh to be in charge of confirming these people so the the
  • whole purpose here I mean there there this is my question people ask me why is he doing this number one Blitz cre you
  • know this is Hitler shock and awe this is just over this is this is flooding
  • the zone so none of us has a chance to think and to inundate and just take over
  • even whatever the Dems were planning to do I mean he's still dominating we'll get to that later what the center of
  • tension dominating I mean we forget that there was that Biden is President we forget we forget you know that uh Kam
  • haris is still vice president that the Democrats are still in charge of of the
  • Senate we we it all it feels like this new regime and it's not an

  • 8:02
  • Administration it's a regime it feels like this new Darkness has already
  • overcome us descended and it's demoralizing and that's that's what it's intended to do it's intended to shock
  • and demoralize uh and make us uh either resigned you know I can't do anything I
  • can't think about anything or overwhelmed but so okay so flooding that's a and it can be all of these
  • things at once but the other thing you wrote in your substack too was this is a test right let's get the wildest people
  • who Trump and his cronies are fine with actually serving if they win and let's see what's going to happen in the Senate
  • well that's right this because the Republican Senators um who started in January 3rd most of them are still there
  • most of them are there now they don't have majority power yet uh but he Trump knows that he needs the Republican
  • Senate uh and he wants to smoke out his opponents now he knows that leis
  • marowski from Alaska and Susan Collins from Maine are moderate so-called moderate Republicans and they're they're

  • 9:05
  • already uh making noises uh but he wants to he he wants to primary anybody who
  • opposes him he wants to uh just uh you know this is a man who is filled with
  • nothing but grievance and Vengeance and he this is what's what power hungriness
  • power hungry and what he I mean even the test that he's creating for the next for
  • th for John th who's going to be the next majority leader of the Senate the
  • test is th and this and this is exactly what Trump is demanding you have to once
  • the Senate is in session after January 3rd the new Senate you've got to then
  • call a recess so that I Donald Trump can make all these recess appointments I can
  • do all this all this you know just snapping my fingers so there will be no

  • 10:01
  • vote there'll be no hearings I can just do this and these re recess appointments well they'll be at least there a year
  • and then you know they already have the power to get a lot of stuff done U and
  • again recess appointments are things that happen but not in this way no no recess appointments in the Constitution
  • allows a recess appointment because when the Constitution was written it was sometimes hard for senators from all
  • over the colonies all over the states or the new States uh to get to Washington
  • it took days so sometimes you couldn't get a quum your horse got sick you were horse there was the horse and buggy day
  • so yes there was there were you you had to have the president needed people and
  • so if they couldn't get a quorum you have a recess uh appointment but that
  • was that was an exception uh right Heather what what what we're seeing
  • Donald Trump doing now is basically giving his middle finger to the system

  • 11:01
  • to the entire federal government and the kind of system that is there that's our
  • system of self government it's an authoritarian Playbook I mean you've been saying this I took leadership with
  • you in graduate school you taught a course on leadership can I get a redo because I feel like I wasn't prepared
  • for this with all due respect I probably gave you good feedback at the end but if I had to redo it can you teach us a new
  • leadership course can you start I want to know what a good leader is and then I want to know more about I wish I had
  • known more about the authoritarian Playbook well here's 20 years ago the problem is that Trump is all about power
  • and as I said grievance and Vengeance uh so all of his appointments uh and every move he's
  • making is all about testing the limits of his power he really does feel that
  • there's no limit uh that you know the Supreme Court is tractable and Supine

  • 12:03
  • and and will let him do anything he wants uh that the Republicans in the Senate and also in the house are totally
  • coward and intimidated uh the Republican party is his party uh the Democrats are
  • don't know what to do they're just you know in La Land and so he feels like now is the time now he's not yet in power
  • but he's getting everything lined up and he wants to intimidate everybody he's going to just it just it is a blitz CRI
  • it is Blitz CRI it's exactly what the Nazis did now so he now that he'll be
  • president so J schma right he's going to be less worried about everything but he's so money hungry I mean he needs
  • money relatively speaking well he in his head he does I mean when you're hanging out with Elon well the worst let's talk
  • about El yes the worst thing about this is that Trump's um you know his he he is
  • riding the wave financially of all of this you know the truth social Trump social uh is uh his

  • 13:07
  • company you know is doing well a lot of people want to Curry his favor and so
  • money is coming in and all sorts of ways uh there are conflicts of interest Galore but he wasn't particularly
  • concerned about them the first time around and he's even less concerned now he's not even filing right any forms
  • he's not providing any information he's not uh subscribing to what the law requires with regard to transfers of
  • power and new administrations he basically is saying the hell with all of you right do you think all of the people
  • he's floated will get through or do you think Gates is kind of on the edge I mean a lot of people have said not a
  • good attorney general choice but you see what what Trump wants is fights M he wants chaos and fighting and if they
  • don't get through that's okay he'll put somebody else equally crazy

  • 14:00
  • but what he'll the chaos and the fting will him opportunity to say to the
  • American people which is what he really is saying yeah I'm on your side yeah and I'm fighting The Establishment I'm
  • fighting the normies I'm fighting the system um you don't think these choices are establishment choices the news
  • anchor The Nut Job well but here's the point I mean he is forcing all of us who
  • really are progressives and who think there's a lot wrong with the system but what we think is wrong with the system
  • is the big money and the you know the the Elon Musk types what we think but
  • he's forcing all of us to be become Defenders of the system of the
  • establishment I know because because he is attacking the foundations of our
  • system right and then we all kind of Shake in our boots and think okay but see musk is a is really a good example

  • 15:02
  • Elon Musk when I last looked uh he had made 70 billion dollar since the
  • election Heather since the election he was already up at 300 billion can I just
  • say 300 billion is 300,000 million I know I mean this is this is you can't
  • even fathom it would take if we put all his dollar bills going up to space it
  • when would his rocket reach it would reach Mars hit maybe the best way for him to get to Mars is just put up a pile
  • of money and just stares with glue um but but the point
  • is mus I think this might be my favorite clutch wait wait a minute wait a minute it's just I'm I'm I'm letting my anger
  • out here because musk he can call me names he has called
  • me a lot of names I've seen it uh but musk is the Exemplar of the billionaire
  • who likes to think of himself as anti- I know in other words how can brag not

  • 16:02
  • just think of himself brag about being Anish how can billionaires who put in
  • 100 at least 120 million into Trump's campaign 200 million is what the AP said
  • this week 200 million I'm I that doesn't surprise me plus X he's turned X into a
  • a kind of a a morass a swamp of misinformation Trump ads I got before
  • the election I mean it was unbelievable and then you saw this right there was a pack that came out before the election
  • called the RBG pack which was not anything to do with RBG and pushed all
  • these ads on X that said Trump is not um
  • anti-abortion at the national level and he hasn't he's not against and when I last looked he was still at Mar Lago
  • that is Elon Musk has joined at the hip to Donald Trump uh he is you know he he
  • appears with Elon musk's 4-year-old son X I know

  • 17:00
  • in in these in these group photos family photos at Maro he wants to be in fact he
  • calls himself uh what is it Uncle yeah I know you know and so what he and VI
  • ramaswami are going to run allegedly is the Department of government efficiency
  • which the acronym is Doge which is from an internet meme from 2013 that Trump is
  • obsessed with it's a reference to a dog and every time the word Doge goes out from Elon Musk or
  • Donald Trump uh the you know the crypto goes up and they make more money
  • I mean such a circle but it's also so disgusting fundamentally fundamentally
  • disgusting and self-promotional and it's but it's it's it's I mean musk himself
  • you know if if the if the core problem in America one of the core problems is
  • big money polluting and corrupting our system turning it into a system of legalized bribery musk is the

  • 18:06
  • illustration of that I mean he is and he doesn't have the pressure of being president because he can't be because
  • he's not a natural-born citizen and he gets to be pulling the strings and a puppet master and cool guy and he's a
  • good friend of you know Tucker Carlson and he's a good friend of of of all of the Power centers listen this new
  • so-called Department is utter but the danger is that
  • it gives Elon Musk and VI rawani uh two
  • billionaires by the way uh it gives them a kind of a a platform to
  • recommend crazy Cuts oh it's going to be hor where are they going to find the trillion they want to cut by the way well he's talking about $2 trillion do
  • in Cuts right uh and he's saying it's going to be what did he use the term it's going to be it's going to be a
  • hardship a hardship for many at first but not for the billionaires well not

  • 19:04
  • for him no it's going to be a hardship for people who will have less social security less Medicare less Medicaid
  • less Affordable Care Act while that there will be tax cuts you can imagine
  • Galore and elon's own contracts his billions and billions of contracts for
  • SpaceX uh and even Tesla and all of the other things he gets from the federal government oh you think those are going
  • to be cut not a chance I know it I know it now this week there was a big Exodus
  • from X to Blue Sky so in since Elon purchased x a lot of people have tried
  • to leave and there have been a lot of Twitter adjacent properties that have been launched you know post didn't last
  • so you and many people are moving over to Blue Sky there's your handle thank
  • you for promoting it um but it's been so interesting so people had hash exit with

  • 20:00
  • a big X in it and you know the guardian announced they'll be off X um now will blue sky be what Twitter once was which
  • I think people really hope we're not sure um but it's important to see this
  • movement and this rejection of Elon in some form right I know so inequality
  • media inequality media Civic action your Robert Rice account you just showed I mean we've gone we've gained almost
  • 100,000 followers in the week which is very exciting even more but listen is a this is a piece of a bigger issue we I I
  • get asked every day you know every hour what can I do what should I do people
  • are feeling powerless and helpless that's just me texting you that's and your son yeah but uh I you know what can
  • we do well one thing is to boycott I mean really use our economic power uh in
  • terms of getting getting off of Twitter and onto this blue sky blue sky this new

  • 21:02
  • platform but also and Destroy and Destroy X destroy X um but also we want
  • the advertisers off X we want the advertisers boy boycott the advertisers boycott Tesla I mean you know people who
  • have Teslas it's okay you you don't have to boycott if you already have Tesla boycott boycott boycott um that's one
  • thing uh a second thing that we can do is push the Democrats
  • to do what they should do now get as many judges through as they possibly can
  • uh the house has to uh right now has to right now even the you know and the
  • Democrats in the house have to join with one or two Republicans or three Republicans and get the gates ethics
  • investigation report Matt Gates out get it out what about the Muller report get the Mueller report out get all of these
  • reports out into the public domain also so they're judges but then there other I mean the FTC can't there be moves made

  • 22:01
  • in these last two weeks to secure people and you know the the board of the postal
  • service and it's two months mean which is and its holidays and the news is
  • filled with Trump sh but the Democrats have a lot of things that they can do
  • and they should do and we can you know I've spent you have spent the last
  • months uh helping Democrats well it's time that the Democrats help the country country even if kamla Harris is not
  • president remember Joe Biden is still the president Democrats still have one chamber of Congress Democrats have not
  • disappeared uh and so I think people are frustrated they're saying where are you why is the blitz C happening and well
  • have a counter this is part of what what he wants to do go with a bang is create just this feeling of inevitability and
  • and disempowerment a lot of people are frustrated a lot of people are mad in similar ways to you in different ways

  • 23:01
  • you know mad at their fellow Americans well I understand that but don't be mad no don't be mad at your fellow Americans
  • a lot of people voted for Trump because even though they knew he was an
  • they felt the Democrats were doing nothing for them uh they were tired of the establishment we've talked about
  • this before I think it's important to remember this because there is I'm seeing a lot of anger well what what you ought to be angry about yes be angry
  • about the Republicans the Trump Republicans and the Democrats the the middle of the road
  • wishy-washy take no stand take you know get money of from Big Money big
  • Corporation Democrats speaking of who should run the DNC uh well not Rah Emanuel I mean you
  • know talk about Mr Moneybags who is really great at at collecting money no no no turn the DNC Democratic National
  • Committee into into not just a a a an organization to collect money from rich

  • 24:01
  • people no turn it into a uh a a a a way
  • a a a kind of mechanism uh to change the direction of the democratic party to
  • become a working person's party a a middle and workingclass party I mean the
  • DNC is not going to do this believe me it's not going to do it but don't let the DNC just just collect big checks
  • right uh you see this is there is going to be there is a war for the soul of the
  • democratic party now I this is not new Heather I know I mean I saw it in 1994
  • when the Democrats lost the house and the Senate and everybody said well what should the Democrats do and uh you know
  • a lot of middle of the road Democrats uh kind of you know who who were in the
  • habit of collecting money the Democratic operatives in Washington who do nothing but collect money right uh they said oh
  • well we should move to the center move to the right well what you move to the right what are

  • 25:01
  • you talking about now it's even more bizarre they're still saying this but
  • what I don't even know what move to the right means anymore you're going to move toward fascism you're going to move toward authoritarianism you're going to
  • move toward dictator well then stop collecting the big checks from the big corporations and
  • from Wall Street right I mean really change your entire orientation and we we
  • have responsibility to push Democrats to do that so what are the other things we can be doing so there are a lot of
  • interesting organizations out there who are coming up with playbooks who are having Zoom meetings who are saying
  • become part of a local community that is thinking about change and being a support system right so we have well the
  • they're good organizations uh in fact there's indivisible uh which I've worked with
  • before you've worked with before uh there is Swing left you've worked with I
  • have also move on we've worked with uh we've talked about blue sky as a uh platform common cause I used to be

  • 26:04
  • chairman of the of the governing board wonderful organization important organization can I have one inequality
  • media inequality media Civic action inequality media and inequality media Civic action all very important
  • organizations these are these are as close to National Democrats come and
  • National progressives come to Grassroots organizations and we have got to make
  • them stronger and tougher the American civil liberties Union absolutely I mean
  • there's going to be there has got to be now again people are exhausted right can
  • we just be clear about this I'm just introspecting I'm exhausted I know and people who have gone through this
  • campaign and worked their their butts off are exhausted and I think so but the
  • other thing is I mean I think sometimes I like being the Nay saying Devil's Advocate over here some people people
  • are so tired and so ex exhausted and so frustrated with America that I think they're saying forget it I mean you get

  • 27:05
  • what you reap what you s and all that and all that and I don't subscribe to that there's no way I am more fired up
  • than I ever have been and what but what helps me is looking at so yes Trump won
  • but we have States like Missouri and Nebraska where we are seeing exactly what you said we want to be seeing it's
  • people who are working class we are fighting for an anti-establishment working class movement this is out there
  • in these bright red States what they're doing you know they did not vote for k Harris they voted for Trump but they
  • also they up the minimum wage in Missouri ined the minimum wage they in Nebraska they have a they voted in a
  • paid sick leave provision I mean these this is this is not right-wing stuff
  • these are this is economic populism this is Heartland populism this is where
  • Democrats need to go this is where progressives need to build on uh and just people I'm tired of all the labels

  • 28:07
  • this is just helps people well of course it helps people but it also builds confidence it builds momentum it builds
  • a sense that and and and abortion rights I mean these are popular Across America
  • uh Kansas and what we have to understand is is it's not blue versus red America
  • we're talking about the billionaires and the billionaire
  • class against really the middle class and the working class and the poor the
  • top one tenth of 1% against the bottom 90% I know that's what this is all about
  • but so let's be clear the Dems have billionaires but the Republicans have more and bigger and stronger and let
  • them in more like let's just be clear the billionaires are everywhere now right now the Democrats and Republicans
  • both have billionaires that Democrats billionaires are just sort of let's let's hold the system together the

  • 29:02
  • status quo isn't that bad it's great let's protect the status quo and the Republicans are bomb throwers least the
  • Trump Republicans are bomb throwers and they want to be seen as bomb throwers
  • the Elon Musk is taking a delight in throwing bombs and and the more the
  • angrier we get the more delighted they are I know we're just playing into it
  • well we're playing into it only if the bottom
  • 90% sees People Like Us angry and says oh good they're we we got them angry we
  • got them angry that is the task for us and progressives that is we are not the
  • enemy we are not the elites we are trying to fight the economic Elites who
  • actually have the real power and and we are trying to help with paid right leave

  • 30:03
  • with minimum wage with all of the things consumer protections with all the things that people need antimonopoly people
  • want antimonopoly uh you know the the Silver Lining if there's any Silver
  • Lining please I mean it's a little tarnished but let's but preach to us about it silver lining is if people like
  • RFK Jr actually do destroy or try oh Bob
  • don't finish this sentence no I'm going to finish the sentence if they try to destroy the Food and Drug Administration
  • and the Center for Disease Control and these other things and and the the justice department becomes a cesspool
  • I'm going to take these earphones off and walk out let me just finish my thought the Department of Defense
  • becomes this a kind of this this awful Vengeance you know machine uh and and
  • every place else we we have ideals the Silver Lining is that America
  • it reveals it reveals to America the real

  • 31:04
  • horror of trumpism of Donald Trump's Distortion of America and America sees
  • it for that and America well this is the this is what we have to make sure America sees it this is why you are
  • doing what you're doing I'm doing what you know inequality media this is why we do this this we have got to make sure
  • that the midterm elections of 20 26 Mark
  • the end of the reign of this regime that Democrats take back the
  • house and the Senate but not just any Democrats Democrats who understand the
  • role the real role of the democratic party in terms of economic Justice
  • fairness populism and we have to remember Trump was a very unpopular president so we have two years to play
  • with that we have two years to play with messaging we have two years to get it together
  • right we do we do I know about Silver Lining but so can we talk a little bit about the just one I like your

  • 32:05
  • historical I like this is fun today I feel like any question I ask you gets a great resp I have a lot of I know know
  • but so so what happened in the first guilden age and the Progressive Era came in oh this is actually very pertinent I
  • know it is we were just talking about so 1890s you had these billionaires the
  • equivalent of billionaires uh who took over uh monopolized y railroads uh steel
  • uh all of the major industries of the country and subjugated everybody else to
  • basically poverty uh and the the gap between the wealthy and everybody else
  • just grew just about what it is today uh and there was corruption I mean
  • disgusting levels of bribes and and and you know the wealthy would would

  • 33:02
  • literally hire their underlings to deliver saxs of money to the desks of
  • plant legislators it was the most disgusting you can imagine well America
  • was so revolted the average person in America was so revolted Heather that
  • that brought on what historians call the Progressive Era the Progressive Era
  • we're not talking about Progressive party we're talking about Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt granted a republican
  • Teddy Roosevelt came in there and he instituted for the first time an income
  • tax uh the Food and Drug Administration was created uh the Teddy Roosevelt you know
  • started going after the monopolies uh with antitrust uh and and then you had others
  • uh woodro Wilson and then Teddy Roosevelt's fifth cut when you know the Gilded Age would got

  • 34:00
  • totally out of control and then what did we have we had the great crash because you see when the when the billionaires
  • are in control they and and they know it there's no limit to their greed there's
  • li no limit to the excess and then you have something horrible happen like the great crash of
  • 1929 and then we we were plunged into the Great Depression and f f the Teddy
  • Roosevelt's fifth cousin Franklin D Roosevelt came in with a mandate a true
  • mandate to restructure capitalism now I hope we don't have to
  • suffer something like the Great Depression or you know World War
  • something uh but let me just say that the Silver Lining ultimately is that we
  • will have another Progressive Era people will see how greedy and excessive and
  • outrageous these billionaires are yeah and people are fired up well they have to be fired up this is you and others

  • 35:05
  • well no but but I understanding but look at I understand and and we have to bring this to a close because I think we're
  • we're out of are we out of time I mean details yeah we're out of time but I but
  • but let me just say to you and I want to also say this to all of you um I can
  • understand if you are tired and you are
  • despondent and I understand if you are despairing um and I wake up with these
  • feelings too you're not alone and I I understand people who feel
  • like the world has turned upside down and there's nothing I can do about it the closest analogy and I don't want
  • to be unduly alarmist but the closest analogy is Germany in 1933
  • now we're not there yet we could be

  • 36:05
  • but what people have to do what decent people have to do is not give up not
  • resign themselves to this regime or this authoritarianism or this fascism no we
  • have to fight in every way we can now we've talked about organizations that are
  • doing this we've talked about boycotts we've talked about changing the
  • Democratic party into a not a mechanism to just get get money but really a party
  • that puts together a new Coalition of workingclass people middleclass people
  • to make the economy fairer to seek social justice these are things that we
  • have got to do not because they're politically correct to do but because
  • the Democracy that we have inherited requires

  • 37:06
  • it and all I want to say Heather is we're going to talk a lot more about this and can do it we can do it of
  • course we can do it yes of course we can do it of course we can do it we have to do it good so I like that as an ending
  • you all have a good weekend and um stay strong see you in a week
  • [Music]

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