U.S. Generals MAKE PLAN to STOP Trump’s Threats
Legal AF
Nov 10, 2024
338K subscribers ... 531,987 views ... 40K likes
The US Military generals are preparing to resist and refuse to follow any UNLAWFUL order of Trump to deploy the Military on domestic soil to attack his 'enemies within' list, to set up concentration camps, to invoke martial law, and to use the military to round up, process and deport 11 million people even if they could. Popok is @ The Intersection to analyze how the military would go about opposing the civilian chain of command, starting with a deranged Trump.
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- 0:00
- Intro
- if Donald Trump gives unlawful orders to
- the US military as commanderin-chief
- will they resist will they ignore them
- will they stop Trump from trying to use
- US military troops against civilians on
- domestic soil which is against the law
- and the Constitution I'm Michael popac
- this is the legal AF YouTube channel now
- more than ever we need you to subscribe
- to keep us going on the other side now
- of the election and I'm at the
- intersection and I'm going to talk about
- Trump vs Generals
- the firewalls that we have the levers
- that we have to contain and out of
- control Donald Trump who never had a
- good relationship with the Department of
- Defense the first time around didn't
- have a good relationship with the
- generals fired many of them accused many
- of them of treason after he left office
- and even threatened to have one at least
- one hanged and and killed in The Joint
- Chiefs of Staff General Millie but if
- they're given an order don't they have
- 1:01
- to follow the commanderin-chief in the
- civilian chain of command to remind
- people or to lay it out for people from
- around the world that watch our Channel
- our military unlike other countries in
- order to avoid coups in order to have
- civilians always in charge that even the
- highest brass General five star even if
- they made a six-star general is still
- beneath a commanding commanderin-chief
- in the president and the head of the
- Department of Defense Department of the
- army of the Navy Air Force Space Force
- National Guard Coast Guard and the rest
- civilian control civilian chain of
- command defines our military and that's
- a good thing we know from the first time
- around that General Millie had
- conversations with his counterpart in
- China and said don't worry we're not
- going to let Donald Trump start World
- 2:00
- War I or words to that effect that's the
- beginning of the end of the relationship
- between Donald Trump and general Mark
- Millie by telling our uh enemies that
- I'm putting my hand between Donald Trump
- and the nuclear weapon good thing that
- of course annoyed pissed off um Donald
- Trump now what if he does it again we
- already know that the Pentagon Lloyd
- Austin heading it as a former General
- but now civilian is already doing
- tabletop exercises internal strategies
- of leadership
- about what would happen if Donald Trump
- gave an illegitimate order an unlawful
- order the the it it it's um easy to walk
- through the scenario of Donald Trump as
- commander-in-chief or the head of the
- Department of Defense will be some sort
- of meat puppet for Donald Trump gives a
- lawful order it's got to be followed
- chain of command that's what happens
- they have a constitutional oath that
- they swore to uphold to follow the chain
- of command to protect the this country
- 3:01
- that's not what I'm talking about I'm
- talking about an unlawful one we know
- Donald Trump pushed the envelope last
- time for instance he had the park behind
- the White House cleared by the US
- military full-blown US military so he
- could make a photo op walk across the
- park to a church nearby with his upside
- down Bible Mark Millie at the time said
- he would never allow the military to
- ever get sucked into politics again and
- Lloyd Austin the new the or not the new
- the Biden a head of Department of
- Defense he just issued a memo on the eve
- of the election or right after the
- election telling his leadership and the
- command structure and all all members of
- the military that he expects an orderly
- transition that the military is the
- finest in the world they will remain
- independent and I don't mean independent
- outside the chain of command I mean
- independent not being political that
- they will not allow themselves to get
- drawn into politics now let's separate
- some things that Donald Trump has
- threatened or or that are project 2025
- 4:01
- and play out the
- illegal uh unlawful order scenario which
- also there's an oath for them not to
- follow an unlawful order and you can see
- where the lawyers the lawyers and the
- leadership are going to get together and
- talk about it and it may not be at the
- Department of Defense level I'm talking
- about the brass I'm talking about the
- three four and five star generals and
- Admirals and what do they do when they
- get the lawful order let's talk about an
- order we talk and we'll we'll we'll walk
- through the scenario of lawful versus
- unlawful terrible game we have to play
- but we're going to have to play it with
- Donald Trump Donald Trump wants to put
- Southern Border Troops
- US military troops to strengthen our
- border especially at the southern border
- um to help uh reinforce Customs and
- Border Patrol resources let's just face
- facts nothing that Donald Trump wants to
- do from deporting 11 million people to
- Shoring up the southern border can be
- done with the current budget and the
- 5:00
- current Personnel let me repeat the
- current budget and the current Personnel
- are insufficient by about tenfold to do
- a deportation of 11 million people and
- to strengthen the southern border all
- right right they're not uh uh in the
- amount of people that it would take
- they'd have to bring in and hire
- immediately and it will take years to
- hire the amount of people the way to
- Short Circuit the budget and the
- allocation issue through Congress is to
- is to have the military do it or the
- military to the southern border on
- domestic soil on this side of the United
- States of course to shore up those
- things some people might think that
- sounds like a great
- idea we should have the military on
- domestic soil and then then other people
- think isn't that a violation of things
- like the posy comatus act which is put
- in place right after the Civil War to
- make sure that we didn't use federal
- troops against American people or in
- American cities even uh even in this
- scenario now Donald Trump will claim
- under the alien
- 6:00
- sedition and alien um the alien
- Espionage Act um or the uh the alien um
- yeah the alien Sedition Act sorry that
- we're under attack that these are people
- sneaking in through the chicken wire and
- the Barb fence holding babies to try to
- get to Freedom we're under attack and
- they have to be repelled by the military
- that's sort of a gray area for ethicists
- within the military to guide the brass
- about whether that's lawful or unlawful
- my uh belief is that while it's
- borderline unlawful that the military
- will pick their battles um NOP pun
- intended and that they will allow
- themselves to be deployed to the
- southern border border National Guard uh
- also falls into that category um what if
- Deportation Camps
- he wants though let's take it to the
- next thing on the Continuum Donald Trump
- orders the military to take the lead in
- rounding up processing putting into
- internment camps and um deporting 11
- 7:02
- million
- people uh that would by the way even if
- you employed the entire military to do
- that it would take a couple of years
- lots of planning it wouldn't happen on
- day one as Donald Trump likes to say it
- would happen I mean if it happened in
- day
- 366 I would be shocked even with the
- military and every resource that Donald
- Trump would deploy from the military to
- handle his deportation fantasy is making
- us less safe safe in National Security
- it's compromising our national security
- it's one less war that they can fight
- because they're fighting the war for
- Donald Trump politically so now we're
- into the area along the Continuum where
- I see this as being not only an unlawful
- order of the commander-in-chief and of
- his
- civilian leadership below him but one
- that the brass and the military May sort
- of Link arms and oppose now what could
- they do they could not follow through
- with Donald Trump could start Mass
- 8:01
- firings of generals and Admirals he
- could promote people that are trumpers
- you know you can even move him up from
- the bottom take why not take a
- lieutenant take a captain make him a
- three star Four Star fstar General
- overnight commander-in-chief can do what
- whatever he wants uh and he's immune
- from being sued and or from Criminal
- prosecution related to it based on this
- United States Supreme Court decision
- over the
- summer so but you know listen there's
- going to be there you think protests in
- the streets happened the first Trump
- Administration wait till you see this
- one when he tries to use the military
- who have resisted and there's
- resignations in order to avoid
- deployment for a civilian operation on
- domestic soil to round up human beings
- other human beings who are looking to
- live in dignity and and uh and as I said
- Concentration Camps
- it's not just finding them it's finding
- them processing them putting them into
- temporary housing which is a
- concentration camp and then deporting
- 9:01
- them and coordinating the politics and
- the diplomacy of it on the other side
- what do you mean you just show up in
- Mexico and open the doors and say here I
- I don't think that's how travel Works
- nor how a giant transport plane holding
- a lot of illegal people with with little
- or no Identity or identification in
- another country some of which they've
- never lived in I don't think that's how
- that's going to work okay so that's
- where I think you we're going to start
- seeing line drawing by the US military
- the civilian brass most of whom do not
- respect Donald Trump don't think think
- he's a threat to America and are going
- to be on high alert not to follow
- unlawful orders now let's take it in in
- the along the Continuum from there where
- I think they're going to draw a line in
- the sand to the next place Donald Trump
- in Project 2025 have threatened to use
- the US military against its own people
- this is under the Enemy Within right the
- Enemy Within
- Enemy Within the liberal media the
- liberal uh radical liberals the people
- 10:02
- that were my enemies Donald Trump's ever
- expanding uh uh who was naughty and who
- is Nice List like he's some demented
- Santa Claus that list
- right and so what is he going to do he's
- going to use the military to shut down
- operations he's going to send the
- military forcibly through over Governor
- objections in blue states to have them
- work on crime to put people in jail to
- jail journalists who are also so the
- Enemy Within and and uh the enemy of the
- people according to Donald Trump see
- there I think it goes beyond mass
- resignations of the military I think you
- may see a general take to the podium in
- the Public Square and say we cannot file
- follow this unlawful order and will not
- now Donald Trump will threaten Court
- Marshal and maybe even a firing squad or
- whatever but I think it's at a certain
- point the brass which is by and large
- not apolitical and certainly not
- trumpers would step in they know Donald
- 11:01
- Trump um has made disparaging comments
- about the military military prass
- wounded wounded war heroes veterans
- soldiers John McCain and the rest and I
- think it all kind of comes home to roost
- on as the issue gets more the order gets
- more unlawful as they move forward I
- mean let's
- remember within a month of the election
- two generals who worked under Donald
- Trump General Millie and general Kelly
- both fourstar plus generals said that
- Donald Trump's a fascist and he
- shouldn't get anywhere near the White
- House ever again even Mark esper one of
- a revolving door of Department of
- Defense heads the head of the Department
- of Defense under under Donald Trump said
- the exact same thing that he's mentally
- unhinged and shouldn't get near the
- white house so I think as you can see
- The Courts
- it's going to come into this analysis of
- lawful versus unlawful now some people
- are asking I'm sure what about the
- courts and all of this I mean people can
- run to court try to compel through rits
- 12:00
- the military to follow the commands of
- Donald Trump and then it's up to some
- sort of federal judge to decide whether
- Donald Trump has the power to do such a
- thing the people that are going to be
- running into court in that instance are
- going to be the trumpers they're going
- to run to favorable courts that they
- have and favorable judges that they have
- I mean 81% of the federal Judiciary was
- not appointed by Donald Trump but he'll
- find all the ones that were whether
- they're in Texas Louisiana or other safe
- havens for Donald Trump and try to use
- circuit courts to his advantage that are
- in his favor and try to get the Supreme
- Court to say he's the commander-in-chief
- you got to follow the commander-in chief
- you know it's not but that's where they
- have to they have to sort of you know um
- they they fumble at that moment because
- lawful versus unlawful orders is the
- province of federal judges to decide now
- maybe the Democrats the progressives and
- others run to court first to get an
- order and try to protect the generals
- but these are things that will play out
- 13:02
- based on uh how concerned the military
- is about the return of Donald Trump look
- there's already been reporting that even
- when he was in office the first time and
- came in with some people that were
- trying to be adult and restrain him uh
- that uh they kept away from Donald Trump
- a briefing book about all the laws at
- his disposal that he could use against
- the American people like the
- Insurrection act like the alien Sedition
- Act Right like martial law they kept
- that Playbook away from Donald Trump for
- a reason this new group coming in that
- the they're they're they're being
- loyalty tested within an inch of their
- life this time around by a combination
- of Don Jr Trump Howard lutnick of a wall
- of Wall Street never never worked in a
- white house before in his life but he
- knows how to apply a loyalty test uh and
- and the like and so there's there you
- 14:00
- know no controversy no um objection is
- going to be brooked here and we're going
- to follow it right here every moment we
- have to we had no
- choice part of our job here on legal AF
- and my job as the chief curator is to
- keep Focus
- organize abandonment resignation is not
- a strategy we got to both use the court
- system to our advantage and call out
- unconstitutional conduct and outrageous
- out conduct by Donald Trump and then try
- to get to the right federal courts to
- control them and we'll follow it all and
- we'll call for it all right here on
- legal AF take a minute again it's so
- important more important now than even
- before to hit the Subscribe button right
- and uh and make us durable and Lasting
- and the larger we get as a as a channel
- the larger your voice is heard so until
- my next content I'm Michael popok and
- I'm
- reporting in collaboration with the
- Midas touch Network we just launched the
- legal AF YouTube channel help us build
- 15:00
- this pro-democracy channel where I'll be
- curating the top stories the
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- [Music]
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