Date: 2025-01-06 Page is: DBtxt003.php txt00027703 | |||||||||
TRUMP AND TARIFFS Brian Tyler Cohen: BREAKING: Trump announces STUNNINGLY dumb move Original article: Peter Burgess COMMENTARY Brian Tyler Cohen understands the impact of import taxes a whole lot better than Trump. Trump serves as a massive wrecking ball for the US economy and the quality of life for American people in general. Some people will be able to profit in a Trump economy ... but they will mainly be the wrong people, that is, those who don't need more profit. Ordinary people, including most MAGA supporters will find that their economic life degrades substantially under Trump. There is a major problem in the modern economy and especially in the modern economy of the United States. Over a period of several decades the US economy has become significatly 'lower cost' and 'higher profit' over time. For the rich elite this has been 'the best of times' but for the vast majority of the US population they have had to work harder, work longer and experience a lower standard of living year on year on year. Sadly, these people don';t know who to blame and the media has been 'less than helpful' for a very long time. President Ronald Reagan promoted the idea of 'Trickle Down' economics in the early 1980s. It had the great advantage that it was an economic idea that had 'everyone as winners!! Who could object to a political philosophy where everyone was going to be a winner? The only problem is that the real world is very different, and in reality Reagan's Trickle Down was a bonanza for the rich and powerful and a 'bust' for the rest of the population. The dysfunction of the modern economy ... especially in the United States ... should have been obvious to media commentators several decades ago, but they have been amazingly quiet. I am not an expert on the machinations within the news world, but it is fairly obvious that that much has changed since Walter Kronkite was a dominant new figure. The modern news media has become much more a force that divides the population rather than being one that draws people together with a common understanding of the big events of the time! Meanwhile ... the big economic names of modern times seem to be stuck with analysis tools that should have been retired before I was a student more than 60 years ago! People like Maynard Keynes, Joan Robinson and others wanted to replace GDP with something better .... but all these years later GDP is still one of the dominant economic metrics in the modern news cycle. Why? And, of course, this metrics 'suits' the rich and powerful better than a truly relevant set of metrics would. The failure of modern metrics has been aggravated by the archaic system of modern double entry accounting used almost universally by the world's corporate organization. This archaic system has stood the test of time. One can debate the origins of double entry accounting ... but it is a numbering system for economic activity that goes back many centuries. I think of it as a system that was vital in support of the industrial revolution in the 19th century during the Victorian era but is now in need of a substantial refresh to bring it up-to-date and better suited to the 21st century and modern times. In the 1990s, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (of England and Wales) did some significant work to modernise the architecture of financial accounting to embrace social metrics, but this work was terminated before any major conclusions were drawn. Fast forward, and some accountants ... including myself ... are thinking about an information system that incorporates a financial dimension, a social dimension and an environmental dimension. My version of such a system does not aim to discard the existing accountancy infrastructure but to enhance it substantially to include the social and environmental dimensions. My version also calls into question the use of money as the dominant metric within a socio-enviro-economic system of measurement! Peter Burgess | |||||||||
BREAKING: Trump announces STUNNINGLY dumb move
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