Sep 19, 2024
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Legal AF Podcast
Judge Cannon has finally been busted by ProPublica reporting that explains why she has bent over backward to put her big thumb on the scales of justice in favor of her “patron” Trump. Michael Popok helps explain how the Judge allowed the Trump White House to arrange all-expense paid junkets paid for by the Federalist Society in places like Alaska and Montana, when she knew or should have known the Trump Mar a Lago case would be before her, a fact, if known by the Special Counsel Jack Smith, should have led him to see her removal from the case immediately.
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- 0:00
- this is Michael popok legal AF we've
- cracked the code We Now understand why
- aen Cannon a trump appointee has been
- bending over backwards to benefit Donald
- Trump her Patron it all goes back to her
- relationships with the Federalist
- Society with Leonard Leo with lawyers in
- Donald Trump's uh own White House in the
- selection process and that incestuous
- connection between them through a little
- known university called George Mason
- University and a law school that's
- basically run and captured by the
- Federalist society called the anonine
- Scalia School of Law we now know in a
- secret attempt to rub elbows with her
- Federal her fellow Federalists and other
- people uh that could help her in her
- career judge Cannon went to um and got
- reimbursed tens of thousands of dollars
- for trips that she took not once not
- twice but three times on the Federalist
- Society dime where she went to seminars
- and weekend junkets uh now we find out
- 1:00
- about it because she properly reported
- it federal judges since 2006 have to
- report uh in a they're uh attending
- these kind of conferences uh in the
- under the judicial conference ethics um
- uh Reform Act and gift regulations
- related to it and she just failed to do
- it she did it she only reported the ones
- that NPR and doing their investigative
- reporting in which they actually said
- you didn't report and they said oh I'm
- getting around to it but she didn't
- report one back in
- 2023 and that she attended while she was
- presiding over this particular case um
- she and her husband Jo Josh Laurence
- went on the Federalist Society dime to
- the Scalia conference in May of 2023 now
- the indictment in this case that we've
- been talking about the mara Lago
- case happened in June of 2023 however
- the case was already in progress because
- 2:01
- of the search warrant and the use of the
- Magistrate Judge under her so she knew
- she'd be getting this case eventually
- and she failed to report it what she
- also failed to report is that she wanted
- to go to an Alaska junket paid for by
- George Mason that was recommended to her
- by the lawyer in the White House working
- for Donald Trump that helped vet and
- select aen Canon for the job Rob Rob
- Luther II who used to work for Donald
- Trump and had the according to him in
- selfreported had the lifetime the the
- honor of a lifetime to help pick Donald
- Trump's judicial appointments including
- aen Canon recommended that she go to
- Alaska on an all expense paid Cruise or
- whatever it was on the Federalist
- Society dime to rub elbows with other
- Ultra right-wing Maga and she wanted to
- go we know it because there's an email
- that prop publica got their hands on and
- I got a I got a copy of it right here
- and when she asks about it it identifies
- Rob Luther as the person that told her
- about it so Rob Luther who vetted her
- 3:00
- for Donald Trump who helped pick her for
- the job while the moral Lago case was
- going on recommended that she go to
- Alaska on an all expense paid trip and
- that wasn't disclosed forget about prop
- publica and I love propublica you know
- their focus was on she violated The Gift
- Act I got a bigger one I think this is
- an appearance of impropriety that she
- should have disclosed at the time the
- indictment came in front of her and she
- and the random wheel landed on her she
- should have told the special prosecutor
- I have attended many many Federalist
- Society all paid for junkets including
- ones arranged by Donald Trump's own
- in-house counsel in the White House who
- helped pick me for the job see this is
- different than um a judge should should
- automatically disqualify himself if he's
- got somebody in front of him um and he
- was appointed by the other guy you know
- like judge Middlebrooks in in Florida
- appointed by um a judge as by President
- Clinton this is different
- 4:00
- this is the guy who vetted you then
- connects you to the Federalist Society
- who takes you on an all expense paid
- junk it Lord knows what happened there
- what God Said there as it said on the on
- their own website about these George
- Mason events great opportunity to rub
- elbows with the federal Judiciary yeah
- rub away it's like a magic Genie lamp
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- episode four current sitting members of
- 6:03
- the United States Supreme Court have
- also attended these all expense paid
- Federalist Society Leonard Leo uh
- boondoggles while cases are in front of
- them involving Donald Trump you can just
- guess the
- four I'll start I'll start you off I'll
- start with a few bars and you can finish
- the
- tune uh Clarence
- Thomas uh Gorsuch
- uh Elite Sam Alo and I believe the last
- one is uh either Brett Kavanagh or Amy
- Cody Barrett I think it's Brett kavanov
- so that group goes regularly even though
- they have these people have business
- before the court but Eileen Cannon
- should have declared that I can't
- preside over this case I'm going to
- recuse myself or give the government the
- Department of Justice the opportunity to
- seek her removal at the time because if
- I'm Jack Smith and I learn about this
- that crosses the line from just being
- appointed by Donald Trump to being uh to
- 7:03
- being groomed by Donald Trump while a
- likely criminal indictment is coming
- down the pike that should be the
- headline here given the dates and the
- timeline and what was happening at maral
- Lago right some people may only
- myopically focus on the date of the
- indictment well she was doing all these
- things before the indictment not before
- Mara Lago not before the execution of
- the search warrant not before she knew
- or should have known the case was going
- to come before her she should never have
- taken the call from Rob Luther she
- should should never participated in
- emails with him she she she should never
- have given herself an all expense paid
- vacation through the through Donald
- Trump while she had a trump case likely
- in front of
- her this now Explains It All We finally
- got it you know this is like when uh
- when primitive
- man discovered that the the the tides
- were affected by the Moon it was the
- Moon that was making high and low tide
- we now we now know who the Moon is for
- all of the crazy beh avor
- 8:01
- unprofessional unud
- unprecedented uh Behavior by judge
- Cannon it's Donald Trump and the orbit
- of Donald Trump and the Federalist
- society and Leonard Leo and otherwise
- she would have declared it all she could
- have declared it as as I said when NPR
- is sniffing around she said oh I got a
- couple of more I got to declare yeah she
- had three of them in total and she
- wanted to go on a fourth listen I
- practiced down in Florida I don't like
- talking about a judge this way unless I
- have to there's no other way to explain
- her conduct and putting her big fat
- finger on the scales of Justice in favor
- of her Patron yeser Patron Donald Trump
- while a case is still in front of her
- and if she didn't want that crit
- criticism then she should have stepped
- down from from from the position of
- presiding over this particular case as
- her chief judge is reported to have
- implored her to do judge altonaga who I
- have tremendous amount of respect for in
- that district and the district overall
- as a whole and I think judge
- Middlebrooks encouraged her to step down
- and she wouldn't do it on this
- particular case well now since you
- 9:00
- haven't then you've opened yourself up
- to this kind of criticism and we'll
- continue to follow it all we do it in
- one place the midest touch uh uh Channel
- or the mest Touch YouTube um and legal
- AF a show we sit at the intersection of
- Law and politics twice a week we do a
- podcast full length uh right here on the
- mest Touch YouTube channel and on audio
- podcast platforms of your choice and now
- I've got a new uh and I'm the executive
- producer of new legal AF Channel you
- love the stuff at the intersection of
- Law and politics come over to the sister
- or companion channel for uh midest touch
- called Legal AF you can be one of the
- first few new subscribers to the channel
- as I continue to load it up with some
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- find anywhere else at the intersection
- of Law and politics in fact find out
- what 40 million people a month already
- know that legal AF is the home of Law
- and politics analysis and commentary
- like no other and we'll continue that
- 10:01
- brand with me as the executive producer
- over on the legal AF YouTube channel so
- until my next hot take until my next
- legal AF until my next specialized
- content for the legal AF YouTube channel
- this is Michael popac reporting herey
- herei legal AF law breakdown is now in
- session go beyond the headlines and get
- a deep dive into the important legal
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- leala
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