Looking for Hope? | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich
Robert Reich
Nov 30, 2024
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The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich
- Does Trump have a mandate?
- How did progressive ideas do in red states?
- Where does our democracy go next?
- And in these troubled times, what are you most thankful for?
- Grab a cup of Joe (or a plate of turkey) and join us for a special Thanksgiving Coffee Klatch.
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- 0:00
- and it is the Saturday coffee clutch
- with Heather loft house and yours truly
- Robert R and Heather we're doing a
- special one this week because of
- Thanksgiving um we thought it would be
- really useful and maybe even inspiring
- is that too strong
- strong to to talk even though it's
- darkening times and even though Trump is
- in control of everything and these
- nominees are just nuts U we thought it
- might be nice to to talk about silver
- lining right I mean what is it we are
- what what is it that we are we are
- thankful for and what do we want to
- Express gratitude for politically I'm
- leaving this class I'm done
- out wait a I don't leave there there
- there are silver linings I want I want
- to start with my silver lining the big
- Silver Lining this is kind of this is
- from the notion that when you hit bottom
- there's no place to go but up and I
- think the Democratic part has just about
- 1:01
- hit bottom uh certainly the national
- Democratic party and I think that this
- is an opportunity for Democrats to make
- major changes uh no party in fact no
- individual makes major changes unless
- they are forced to make it and Democrats
- will now be forced to become the party
- that it should have been all along the
- party so dire the party of working
- people the party that focuses on uh the
- the gaping inequality uh that is
- becoming worse and worse but you say it
- will be
- forced how is it going to be forced by
- We The People by we by their moral
- consciences but no because there're
- because you can't continue to pretend
- that the Democratic party is doing is on
- the right track because it's now become
- the party of the college educated which
- are only 38 to 40% of America uh and
- working people without College degrees
- 2:00
- are are increasingly going to the
- Republican party because there's no
- alternative because the Democrats have
- not reached out to them so I My Silver
- Lining Heather you look very convinced
- My Silver Lining is that the Democrats
- understand they have no place to go
- except in the direction they should have
- been going all the way along no of
- course back to the roots back to
- Franklin D Roosevelt back to the old
- Democratic Coalition but what does that
- mean more specifically
- specifically it means messaging wise
- well it means in terms of what Democrats
- stand for it for its economic populism
- it's taking on the big corporations it's
- taking on Wealthy individuals who have
- abused their wealth by pouring it into
- politics it's taking it's it's saying
- and and effectuating a notion that paid
- leave is very important that people want
- a higher minimum wage not just the
- people with the minimum wage but people
- generally think that's the fair thing to
- do
- 3:00
- uh that family families need uh you
- know child care and elder care and uh
- this is kitchen table economics and it
- is time for the Democrats to return to
- kitchen table economics so they're going
- to do it done um so here's what we're
- going to do we're going to look at some
- specific wins that we can pull from this
- past November I mean there is
- interesting stuff on the ground
- especially in Red State so that's what
- I'd like to focus well no but this this
- fits in because if if the red States if
- even in red States we're seeing some
- examples moving toward either economic
- populism or uh kind of the direction of
- of the Democracy ought to be moving in
- uh this shows and should show the
- Democratic party and Democrats in
- general that there are opportunities
- here that they should what about people
- who say oh Bob we have to be safe let's
- stay where let's not get too Rogue you
- know let's not go too off to into
- 4:02
- populace left land let's really get a
- little closer let's just stay in the
- center lane and see what the Republicans
- have done if that's what people want
- let's be a little closer Center Lane
- there's no center lane you know Heather
- in 19 wait a minute I just want to say
- 1994 no yes 1994 I mean it seems like
- ages ago but the Democrats lost both the
- house and the Senate and what did uh the
- the political class say well the
- Democrats need to move to the right move
- to the right right now how do you move
- to the right I mean the right is now
- basically authoritarian Fascism do you
- want to move to the right you want to
- compromise with authoritarian fascism no
- there's no compromising with the Trump
- trump View and or the Trump wing with
- the Trump Republican party there there
- is an opportunity here for Democrats to
- Define what it means to be a political
- party representing working people
- 5:01
- average working people it feels like you
- want them to be
- assertive is that part am I being a
- little bit too assertive no I mean look
- you started to talk about the states
- okay oh let's get into it can we talk
- first about where the the votes are
- still being tallied what's to you know
- we're in whatever month it is can't
- remember this is another reason to be
- Optimist here we go no I'm not being
- physici now I mean for example KLA
- Harris latest data we have show that she
- got 74.6 million votes 74.6 million
- we're still counting still counting
- relative to Trump's 77 million okay now
- that's a that is a difference she lost
- okay here's the thing that is not being
- talked about uh the non-voters people
- who did not even vote how many of them
- are there well remember KLA Harris got
- 74.6 million Trump got 7. 7 77 million
- 6:01
- there were
- 85.9 million people who did not even
- vote the part party the party of non-
- Voters yeah it's huge this is an
- opportunity I want to talk about
- opportunities today this is a huge
- opportunity right for the Democrats to
- peel off some of the non-voters to get
- the non voters charged up and the
- important thing about that number is it
- was not a mandate right it is not the
- vast majority of Americans have come out
- for Trump I know there's no mandate at
- all I mean when you have more people who
- did not vote than voted for Trump or for
- k Harris you don't have a mandate what
- you are seeing is an electorate that is
- completely cynical or basically had to
- choose they thought many people thought
- between you know a a jerk and somebody
- kamla Harris who they they didn't know
- or didn't expect was going to be on
- their side right so if you have to I
- still hate that didn't know but that's
- okay well I mean she did have only three
- mons let's let's be clear about this I
- 7:01
- mean I know it's been three and a half
- weeks since the election that's
- it it seems it seems like forever but
- back to your point uh in terms of what
- happened at the state level uh yeah
- there's some good ones well voters in
- Arizona Missouri Montana and Nevada they
- voted to protect Reproductive Rights now
- these are all red States they voted to
- protect Reproductive Rights uh most of
- them puts the Reproductive Rights
- directly into their state constitutions
- as a result of talk about a mandate the
- vote three and a half weeks ago I didn't
- you know until I actually looked very
- carefully at these numbers I didn't see
- that the red states were creating had so
- much uh what we
- call you know left right it's not left
- versus right that's the point it's not
- left versus right anymore uh it's it's
- it's authoritarian fascism versus is the
- 8:00
- people right okay so they so blue States
- also did but it's important to mention
- the red States and then Florida of
- course well Florida you didn't get up to
- the 60% so you did have 57% who wanted
- to protect Reproductive Rights in
- Florida and the reason 60% the the state
- requires that you get to 60% if you're
- going to have certain kinds of measures
- passed so this is local Labs of
- democracy where things are working
- Progressive popul is at play or you know
- people who care about Humanity women
- let's keep going can we talk about
- workers rights Laboratories of democracy
- by the way you know who came up with
- that phrase I forget who Lewis brandise
- oh here we go any chance to plug Lewis
- brandise over here who said or is is is
- reputed to have said uh that America has
- a choice we can either have great wealth
- in the hands of a few or a democracy but
- we can't have both great great jurist
- great jurist and lab of democracy okay
- 9:00
- workers rights this is a good one you're
- a former Secretary of Labor yes so
- people are coming out and voting and
- saying we need a higher minimum wage we
- need paid sick leave and again in purple
- States and red States and red States
- purple areas well I think this is this
- is also proves the point in a way I mean
- if there is so much in Red State so much
- interest in raising the minimum wage and
- also providing Paid Family Leave what
- states do you know yes Alaska ballot
- measure then increase a minimum wage to
- 15 and required paid sick leave and
- banned union busting captive audience
- meetings which you know a thing or two
- about this is all in Alaska Alaska is
- considered to be a red State MH okay
- Missouri
- Missour well some some people say isn't
- the southern part of Missouri Missoura I
- don't know actually and I apologize to
- any Missoura ANS that we can you let us
- know when you have it from you from
- Missoura where
- 10:00
- and then
- Nebraska nebras
- nebras um they passed a measure
- requiring businesses to offer paid sick
- leave again is this a pattern I mean
- this is seems like what this is a good
- thing I find this fascinating because
- paid sick leave is something that the
- Democrats should be screaming about all
- right I mean we we caught up with the
- rest of the advanced world uh in 1990
- 4 in terms of providing 12 weeks of
- unpaid I know family leave and then the
- rest of the world moved to paid leave
- and we just sat there I mean America
- could not do anything because the
- biggest corporations lobbied against
- paid leave they didn't want to provide
- their employees paid leave well
- Democrats here is something to do here
- is something that we can see in the red
- States they want I know and also I mean
- so youed corporations is what we used to
- say and we're still saying it but
- 11:01
- billionaires now so right now you know
- fighting the nlrb we have Jeff ba Jeff
- Bezos and Elon Musk
- and uh they're coming out they're coming
- out of the woodwork and that's the other
- part of my silver lining because this is
- smoking this is this is smoking them out
- you see I mean they're coming out
- because they're feeling well we're now
- in charge and so all these billionaires
- who who normally under under Democratic
- administrations or the the Biden
- Administration and I remember under
- Obama and under Clinton they they kind
- of kept themselves a little bit quiet
- you know even when they got successful
- at lobbying for what they wanted tax
- cuts and everything else they just
- didn't gloat about it but now they're
- beating their chest and they're saying
- great for us but so the Democratic party
- has to be louder than that barrage and
- bombardment well louder also here's the
- hard thing the Democratic party has got
- to stop being dependent on the
- 12:00
- billionaire class and on big
- corporations for donations can they do
- that we'll see and the next DNC chair
- they have to we'll see I mean they have
- to absolutely have to I mean this was
- your point from the top of our coffee
- well that's I mean this is this is basic
- you know follow the money follow the
- money and what we're going to see I
- guarantee and here's the third part of
- my silver lining My Silver Lining is
- we're GNA see the Trump Administration
- overreach because there's no there's no
- limit you know Trump has basically both
- gates was the limit both it's the only
- limit apparently both both hous both
- chambers of Congress and a a a tractable
- Supreme Court uh and basically Trump is
- now putting these crazy people into his
- executive F into his executive branch
- and so you've got you've got no
- constraint and when Trump faces No
- constraint and the billionaires backing
- 13:02
- Trump face no constraint what happens
- Heather they overreach inevitably they
- overreach and they're going to overreach
- with tax cuts for the billionaire class
- for corporations they're going going to
- overreach with tariffs uh you know
- on this and it's going to cause people
- to be
- so angry and upset that I think there's
- going to be a great big response a great
- but we'll take notice of
- inequality and yes the Democrats have an
- opportunity to say we are a party that
- is worried about inequality and we are
- going to aim for shared Prosperity we
- are going to aim to include everybody
- yeah with real solutions with real
- solutions fake tariffs yeah real tariffs
- well the tariffs are going to hurt
- people and you know you cut taxes and
- what does that mean you're going to have
- 14:00
- a larger budget deficit which means what
- uh more interest payments to whom to
- whom when the budget deficits gets out
- of control it's not me we the rest of us
- pay effectively on the bonds the the
- people who hold the borrowing who hold
- the bond holders and we have this
- fiction that they're all Chinese and
- Japanese or there no the majority of the
- people who hold the debt of the United
- States are wealthy Americans y these are
- the same people Heather who used to be
- paying higher taxes right to support the
- government now they're lending the
- government money and after Trump gets
- finished make you know increasing the
- debt by 4 trillion or five or 8 trillion
- they are going to be even having to lend
- more money to the government and that
- means the rest of us pay them interest
- pays but this is critical and you've
- said it we've said it so many times it's
- so interesting I do think people picture
- it as an
- 15:00
- overseas issue or they don't see it at
- the same pocket the cycle is going
- through the sameet and the same thing I
- mean the same thing with with all of
- this stock BuyBacks I mean the the
- savings that corporations are making
- from laying people off GM just laid off
- a thousand people again what what
- happens to those savings they go into
- stock BuyBacks and what happens then
- that's the purpose of the stock buyback
- is to increase share prices y and the
- top one and the top 1% of Americans the
- richest 1% of Americans has 52% of all
- the shares of stock owned by Americans
- and all these workers being so
- productive are not reaping the benefits
- not reaping the benefits of their
- productivity that's what Democrats ought
- to be screaming about I know so one
- other win around democracy was in Alaska
- um and a lot of native communities came
- out and made this possible because it
- was only 664 something votes
- um but rank Choice voting
- 16:03
- stays no that's big that's big and
- that's important because that means that
- you have a ground swell for
- strengthening democracy right good okay
- that's so are are you feeling I mean is
- gratitude is the tude emphasis on the
- tude okay can we talk about school
- vouchers because this one I worked in
- education for years School vouchers we
- know this disproportionately benefit
- wealthy famili they take away they
- siphon off students and funding and
- public schools are hurt so it is not a
- great policy Choice public schools end
- up with the people who the young kids
- who are hardest to teach because they
- are socioeconomically from the uh the
- most difficult backgrounds uh and that
- makes it very very it it it it it
- actually creates a two- tiered system of
- Education uh the Supreme Court in the
- 1950s said separate is not equal but now
- 17:01
- we are with vouchers going into a
- separate kind of wealthy children system
- and so several States rejected that
- Colorado Colorado Kentucky Kentucky yes
- Kentucky yep yep and it would have cost
- the states a lot of money Mitch
- McConnell Kentucky red state right and
- it would be interesting to delve into
- the messaging there right was what what
- really resonated with me was the saving
- money because it's a lot of money that
- would have gone you know to these
- students um to the private schools to
- the private yeah to the outside of
- public schools so broadly defined we
- Nebraska repealed a state law that
- allowed the state to spend up to 10
- million a year on tuition subies
- subsidies for private school students
- Kentucky Nebraska Missouri or Missouri I
- mean this is the heartland of red
- America and what we're seeing Bubble Up
- is all of these pay attention I mean
- it's important um and then what we want
- to look at I think this is so
- 18:00
- interesting so this is an example of how
- we have to pay attention to the long
- game and Republicans have been so Savvy
- at all these different levels thinking
- about 10 years out 20 years out I mean
- in the Supreme Court 30 years out um
- longer but so in Wisconsin you know this
- one um there the 2010s were dire there
- was a Red Wave um and people have been
- working hard since then to win state
- ride Statewide races that would make a
- difference in terms of the Wisconsin
- state supreme court and it was flipped
- and and a lot of states have uh courts
- Supreme Courts that are voted upon I
- mean you know I'm not sure that's a very
- good idea I mean Mexico is now trying to
- do that and it's it kind of ensures a
- one- party State uh but nevertheless uh
- you have to do that if you want to uh do
- something that I think states have to do
- to strengthen their state democracies
- 19:02
- right and also drawing these legislative
- maps I mean the power that these um
- state courts have is absolutely critical
- and it makes a difference and this was a
- long fight and people stayed in it
- you're talking about terms of Jerry M
- yeah exactly and Wisconsin had a
- republican Jerry MRI map and they
- flipped the Supreme Court and the
- Supreme Court
- newly flipped uh and a it's not just
- Democrat it's a matter of of caring
- about the Integrity of your voting
- system and what that Wisconsin Supreme
- Court did is it approved a new map that
- was much more much less Jerry Mander did
- much more accurate in terms of where
- people actually lived that's it that's
- exactly it um but that that meant that
- the entire Wisconsin government y well
- they're on I think they're on chart to
- flip both Chambers y so they I mean on a
- path um but this is a big deal they're
- 20:02
- picking up seats it's making a
- difference so this is your it's
- Wisconsin back to your point but back to
- your point oh stop it you start with
- your point to your point about about
- about the long game I mean this is all
- part of the long game you've got to you
- got to think about what moves are going
- to lead to uh additional opportunities
- which lead to additional moves so that
- you can make democracy work so that you
- can provide repr productive rights so
- that you can uh strengthen the workplace
- and workers rights I mean if I may I
- think the Dems could improve their long
- game I think can I write that down yeah
- that's really really impressive I'm
- dem's improved the long game well there
- Heather there's been no Democratic long
- game I've been involved in Democratic
- politics since the mid 19th century and
- there's no long game it's always a
- little game around election time or it's
- just the year or a year and a half
- 21:00
- before the election so now this
- authoritarian situation we're living in
- is going to light the fire That's the
- Silver Lining that's part of the Silver
- Lining yes it is going to and I like it
- and how was your things you a hard time
- about this but I am really grateful that
- you're saying it to us well I'm I think
- this is the week to be to look at you
- know how can we be grateful uh even
- though times are very very Bleak so Grim
- I know there's a lot of grimness in the
- world yeah um so my Thanksgiving was
- good I was with a family is that what
- you call friend family made up of
- friends yes but you have family too so
- friends and family but I wasn't with
- siblings and um parents I was with you
- don't have a sibling oh I've half
- siblings oh you half siblings sorry
- sorry this is very personal I don't want
- to get it's these yes um yeah so how
- about yours oh wonderful one of my sons
- and my
- daughter-in-law they came and and we had
- a wonderful time lovely time yeah we're
- 22:02
- very fortunate okay so well that's a
- that's this is this is part of this is
- the really the essence of gratitude is
- friends and family and health and health
- and the little things you know listening
- to music here and there and I don't know
- trying to find mini nano silver linings
- and and also you know it's it's hard for
- many families uh the holidays I'm
- talking about Thanksgiving through
- Christmas because there are trumpers in
- many families now luckily fortunately
- here's a little personal Silver Lining
- there are no trumpers that I know of in
- my family
- wow they're no trumpers in your family
- are they oh I mean big time well but but
- the question is you know how do you
- handle your trumpers family trumpers who
- you love because they're members of your
- family I know well you have some good
- advice about that yes should we look
- back and you are hilarious letting us
- force you to play this character that
- you do
- 23:01
- beautifully Uncle Bob Uncle Bob Uncle
- Bob let's take a look happy holidays to
- you and yours holidays with a family are
- great but they can sometimes be
- complicated happy holidays Uncle Bob
- what's good about him I'm paying too
- much in taxes to support poor people who
- are sitting on their duffs Good Old
- Uncle Bob sweet man wrong here are some
- suggestions to help answer the favorite
- arguments of the Uncle Bob in your
- holiday
- gathering actually Uncle Bob the top tax
- rate which I assume you're paying is
- just a little more than half what it was
- for four decades before
- 1981 and only a tiny percent of your
- taxes go to the poor by the way the poor
- are working harder than ever often 60 or
- 70 hours a week in more than one job but
- they aren't paying any income taxes you
- see he just wants to talk about income
- taxes that's a trick what you need to do
- is talk about the total tax burden
- 24:00
- actually Uncle Bob they're paying a
- higher share of their incomes than you
- are for Social Security State sales
- taxes property taxes user fees and tolls
- add all these up and the entire bottom
- half of Americans is probably paying a
- higher tax rate than you
- pay but if the government taxes people
- like me the economy suffers because
- we're the job creators every holiday I
- hear about this job creat stuff even
- Uncle Bob if he thinks about it
- brilliant businessman I'm sure he is
- knows that he only hires people when he
- has customers actually Uncle Bob the
- real job Creator is of the vast middle
- class and the poor whose spending
- motivates companies to add jobs without
- customers there'd be no jobs that's the
- real economic problem the wages of most
- people haven't gone anywhere for 35
- years if you adjust for inflation most
- of the economy's gains have gone to the
- top 1% ah ah the problem is labor unions
- 25:01
- if they criticize unions tie the decline
- of unions to what's happened to middle
- class
- incomes actually Uncle Bob unions built
- the Great American middle class of the
- 1950s and 60s giving workers bargaining
- power to get a fair share of the
- economy's gains but because union
- membership has plummeted from a third of
- all private sector workers then to fewer
- than 7% now the median wage has been
- stagnant and the middle class has been
- shrinking so I suppose you want to raise
- the minimum wage too be ready for this
- one that'll mean fewer jobs because with
- a higher minimum wage employers will
- substitute machines or send the jobs
- abroad rather than pay people more
- actually Uncle Bob research shows a
- higher minimum wage creates more jobs
- because people spend most of their
- paychecks in the local economy thereby
- fueling job growth and it's also good
- for employers because it leads to more
- loyal and reliable employees and less
- 26:01
- turnover you know what you are you're a
- socialist once they start the ad homm
- attacks You've Won no Uncle Bob I'm just
- interested in facts not
- labels don't choke on your Apple Pie
- Uncle Bob or in the spirit of being
- hopeful around the holidays this may
- happen name calling will get you know
- Uncle Bob you know we have much more in
- common than it seems you care about
- America I care about America we all want
- a stronger economy we're all worried
- about money in politics we want to leave
- a better world for our
- kids there it was you're a socialist I
- know you're so good at it but so I know
- this is kind of anti-s Silver Lining
- that was from 2015 yeah and it really
- had a big effect changing the public
- but it is it's such a I mean it's very
- 27:02
- well done and still relevant but it is
- the answers are good this is the long
- game okay Heather Heather you know you
- you just work at this stuff I mean we
- make videos and it's public education
- and uh you know I write books that
- nobody reads and you just keep on you
- keep on you keep on school no you keep
- on doing this and
- eventually the Silver Linings will
- become cumulus nimbus clouds cumulus
- nimbuses I don't know I want to just
- thank you I I I'm I am grateful to you
- Heather loft house for being such a
- terrific terrific partner here Robert R
- really partner in policy yes and I want
- to and also grateful to all of you out
- there and and I I just uh you know
- your ability to
- 28:00
- continue um to fight now I know that
- some of you the last three weeks have
- have been angry and uh not just angry
- and defiant but angry and depressed and
- angry and and upset and some of you have
- just uh uh let your cynicism take over
- but listen to
- me uh there are silver linings on this
- Cloud uh and we do have to fight we have
- to fight to maintain our democracy we
- have to fight to get a modum of social
- justice and we have to fight to protect
- the rights of women and and people who
- are going to be ground up in this in
- this Trump Universe uh so it's not and I
- want to say this very clearly uh it's
- not a silver lining right now uh but
- we've got to find what we can of
- encouragement and uh and again thank you
- for joining us
- see see you next week we'll see you next
- week
- [Music]
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