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Yavatmal District in India launches a programme to train school teachers with Edufront's technologies

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
Education is one of the most valuable activities there is ... but sadly underappreciated in many parts of the world, and notably in the United States.

Education is complicated and solutions based on simplistic assumptions are likely to fail ... and have done over the years. The human teacher is still a vital link in educational excellence.
I remember when I was 12 years old in 1952 having a teacher have our class watch a TV educational program on the BBC in England. My recollection is that this happened just once because it was such a boring experience for the students. 70 years later, digital media has evolved and has much more potential now than in the old days.
Even though American grade school education is quite poor ... American technical innovation is still very good. Why is this? In large part it is because of immigration. When I first came to the United States in the 1960s it was common knowledge that the research staff of Bell Labs ... one of the best research organizations in the United States ... were more than 50% foreign born. Fast forward to now, and all sorts of major tech companies in the United States have foreign born and foreign educated in their highest executive positions. The US has some of the best universities in the world and these also attract foreign students some ... maybe many ... of whom stay in the United States to make their careers.

Bottom line ... improving education is a win for everyone, and especially for those who would otherwise be stuck at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid no matter where in the world one lives.
Peter Burgess
Yavatmal District launches a programme to train school teachers with Edufront's technologies NEWS PROVIDED BY The Jha Group July 05, 2022, 09:08 GMT District collector addressing the teachers and explaining them the importance of this Program. District Collector lighting-up the candle for the training to start. NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 5, 2022 / -- Yavatmal District launches a programme to train school teachers with Edufront's technologies. Edufront Technologies and Ashraya Foundation in association with the Ministry of Education Government of India, District Collector of Yavatmal and Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare, Yavatmal had organized the most extensive Digital Teacher's Training program in Maharashtra. In the 1st Phase of programme 200 Teachers were trained on practical usage of the Digital Education Ecosystem to enhance their skill set and broaden their horizons with how technology is changing and aiding teaching and learning in this new digital era. This Training program is a part of a first-of-its-kind effort initiated by the Ministry of Education, Government of India where five schools have been identified to create a pilot program with Edufront Technologies where standard 3 and standard 5 students will be trained with Edufront’s Complete Digital Ecosystem for the next 3 months. While Inaugurating the training program, District Collector Mr.Amol Yedge appealed to the teachers to give their full contribution in the coming academic year for the betterment of all students through the use of technology. He said Teachers should make effective use of digital education platform to enhance the quality of students. Chief Executive Officer Dr. Shrikrishna Panchal said that the district has been identified as a low performing district in education this year and plans have been taken to go two steps further to increase the level of education of children till Diwali. Assistant Commissioner Social welfare, Mr.Bhaurao Chavan in his introductory speech said that this initiative is being implemented to enhance the skills of Mathematics and English subjects for the students of class III and V through digital education with the help of Edufront's technologies. District Collector Mr.Amol Yedge officially launched the five schools pilot programme where they will implement learning through Edufront’s Digital education Ecosystem. On this occasion CEO of Edufront, Mr. Shantanu Jha stated that “Edufront has created technologies to customize learning environments and implements them across the teaching-learning ecosystem, monitors progress, and measures the impact on school children. It aims to cost-effectively improving learning outcomes to global standards and to achieve this goal it's very important that the teachers learn the system so that they can adopt the digital learning platform quickly. We are thankful to the Ministry of Education, District Collector of Yavatmal, Assistant Commissioner, Social Welfare for understanding the crucial need for a Digital Education Ecosystem and inviting us for the teacher's training programme.” Founder & Trustee of Ashraya Foundation Mr. Satish Jha said : Ashraya foundation is working in providing holistic education to ones who need the most. We are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Government of India, District Collector of Yavatmal and Assistant Commissioner of Social Welfare, Yavatmal who trusted us to train the teachers in using the AI platform created in association with Edufront Technologies, that will ease the burden on the teachers by proving them with ample class management and accurate assessment tools. At Ashraya, it is our constant endeavor to provide and improve the quality of education to the lesser privileged children , build the capacities of the teachers and empower the school management. Teachers who attended the training were thrilled to experience the Digital Education Ecosystem as it will empower them with content availability of 29th State boards and high-tech AI modules to assess the performance of children. On this occasion the District Collector, The Department of Social Welfare, Yavatmal and Edufront Technologies also awarded 10 teachers for their exceptional work in the field of Education for the year 2021-2022. About Edufront: Edufront is engaged in the ideation, development, and adoption of innovative solutions to empower and democratize school learning worldwide. Its solutions cover the gamut of problems that students and teachers face at the administrative and pedagogical levels, from ERP-style administrative augmentation to AI-based personalized modules. Edufront offers solutions mapped to NCERT curriculums for classes K to 12 intending to make learning more proactive, collaborative, and personalized. It also has content mapped to 29 state boards and can be adapted to the needs of school systems. About Ashraya: Ashraya is a non-profit organization based in India with headquarters in Delhi. Founded in 1997 it aims to empower students, teachers, principals, school owners, governments and other stakeholders in the educational ecosystem through our AI platform that helps in improving the education quality for the students and the work efficiency of the teachers. The foundation is currently working in 17 schools across five states in India with over six thousand beneficiaries. Satish Jha Ashraya +1 202-286-2006

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