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Date: 2024-07-17 Page is: DBtxt001.php txt00023921

Exxon’s own climate projections, dating back decades, consistently predicted ...

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
New academic research shows that oil giant Exxon’s own climate projections, dating back decades, consistently predicted how burning fossil fuels would cause global warming. The finding lends statistical rigor to the understanding that Exxon executives knew climate change was real, but publicly cast doubt on the science anyway. More of our coverage of the biggest story on the planet: Ocean heat content reached a new record high in 2022, a new study found. The heat from human-caused global warming will persist in the deep ocean for centuries, scientists say. A north Texas project hopes to be the first large-scale producer of clean hydrogen from water. Subsidies offered in the Inflation Reduction Act are helping to make “green hydrogen” technology more competitive with fossil fuels. Some low-income school districts can’t utilize federal funds to switch to clean-energy school buses. That’s because the EPA requires districts to scrap their old diesel buses, but these districts don’t own their own buses. Exxon Accurately Predicted Global Warming, Years Before Casting Doubt on Climate Science BY NICHOLAS KUSNETZ New research shows the company’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change. Relentless Rise of Ocean Heat Content Drives Deadly Extremes BY BOB BERWYN The heat of global warming will keep penetrating deeper into the oceans for centuries after greenhouse gas emissions cease. The EPA Is Helping School Districts Purchase Clean-Energy School Buses, But Some Districts Have Been Blocked From Participating BY CHRISTINA VAN WAASBERGEN Low-income districts that use contractors for busing students say an EPA requirement that they scrap old buses keeps them from getting funds. Texas Project Will Use Wind to Make Fuel Out of Water BY DYLAN BADDOUR New subsidies from the Inflation Reduction Act are powering the race to build the country’s first large-scale producer of “green hydrogen.” After a Decade, Federal Officials Tighten Guidelines on Air Pollution BY VICTORIA ST. MARTIN Following years of appeals from environmental activists, the EPA has proposed new standards for harmful particles known as PM 2.5. Some advocates say the changes don’t go far enough. Supersonic Aviation Program Could Cause ‘Climate Debacle,’ Environmentalists Warn BY PHIL MCKENNA In a letter to NASA’s administrator, environmental advocates call for “rigorous” independent analysis of the climate implications of putting supersonic passenger jets back in the sky. A Federal Safety Agency Says It Might Ban Gas Stoves, Citing Health Impacts BY KRISTOFFER TIGUE The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, which regulates the nation’s consumer products, says it could introduce a new rule as soon as this year. In the Race to Develop the Best Solar Power Materials, What If the Key Ingredient Is Effort? BY DAN GEARINO A new paper looks at how improvements in solar panel efficiency are tied to the volume of research being done. EPA Moves Away From Permian Air Pollution Crackdown BY MARTHA PSKOWSKI & DYLAN BADDOUR Oil sector advocates pushed hard against the proposal to issue an ozone nonattainment designation, which would have required oilfield emissions reductions. Louisiana Regulators Are Not Keeping Up With LNG Boom, Environmentalists Say BY JAMES BRUGGERS A new report by activists fighting expansion of liquified natural gas exports says residents are getting little protection from dangerous pollutants being emitted in large amounts in southwest Louisiana. Low Salt Marsh Habitats Release More Carbon in Response to Warming, a New Study Finds BY HANNAH LOSS This complicates their role as carbon sinks as temperatures, and the sea level rises. The Surprising History of Climate Change Coverage in College Textbooks BY KILEY BENSE A new study tracks the coverage of global warming over 50 years of biology textbooks–and yields a few surprises about how textbooks are covering climate today, as opposed to the past. 📈 Trending 2022 Will Be Remembered as the Year the U.S. Became the World’s Largest Exporter of Liquified Natural Gas BY NICHOLAS KUSNETZ The fossil fuel industry achieved the milestone despite the Biden administration’s ambitious climate goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions—and with the president’s full support. 👀 Looking for More Climate News? 🟢 Visit our website for the latest. 🟡 Sign up for more newsletters, including our twice-weekly Today's Climate and Thursday's Inside Clean Energy. ⚫️ Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Mastodon. 🔴 Have a tip or story idea? Contact us. Copyright © 2023 Inside Climate News, All rights reserved. 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