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Basic Concepts for TrueValueMetrics
Version of 2010
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The Basic Concepts of True Value Metrics (TVM) was drafted as a book to describe the main characteristics of TVM. The separate chapters of the book may be downloaded in PDF files. Sections of each chapter may be viewed as webpages.
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This file contains the contents of the eight chapters
Contents as PDF
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Context GO TOP
This chapter sets out to introduce the writer, establish his credibility in this subject area and the set the context for the development of True Value Metrics TVM) or something like it. Though the book is very critical of established metrics and global socio-economic performance, the book aims to be optimistic about a future that uses better metrics!
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Context
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 23 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 1 as PDF
1-1 About Peter Burgess 5 Open file bk0001010
1-2 Context … The World We Live In Open file bk0001020
Open file bk0001020-v2019
Open file bk0001020-v2019a
1-2 Context … The World We Live In Open file bk0001020
1-3 Pursuit of Happiness 12 Open file bk0001030
1-4 The Sustainable Society 16 Open file bk0001040
1-5 Why True Value Metrics Is Needed? 20 Open file bk0001050
1-6 What Impact? 22 Open file bk0001060
Chapter 2 - How True Value Metrics Improves Quality of Life GO TOP
This chapter introduces the way TVM puts data at the center of everything, but data that are about value as well as just about money. This chapter introduces the framework for analysis that is used in TVM and how with this framework there can be more decision making utility without catastrophic data overload.
Chapter 2 - How True Value Metrics Improves Quality of Life
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 23 pages .. October 2010
Chapter 2 as PDF
2-1 What Is TVM ... True Value Metrics? 28 Open file bk0002010
2-2 Data and the Decision Cycle 34 Open file bk0002020
2-3 Structure for Data and Analysis 41 Open file bk0002030
2-4 Reporting 46 Open file bk0002040
Chapter 3 - Data Types and Attributes GO TOP
Data is at the center of TVM, but exactly what data? This chapter describes different characteristics of data that are used by TVM, and the importance TVM puts on knowing about time and place in connection with all the data.
Chapter 3 - Data Types and Attributes 50
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 37 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 3 as PDF
3-1 Characteristics of TVM Data 51 Open file bk0003010
3-2 Basic Dataflow 55 Open file bk0003020
3-3 Easy Data 60 Open file bk0003030
3-4 Some Data Distinctions 62 Open file bk0003040
3-5 Qualitative Information 65 Open file bk0003050
3-6 Quantitative Information 68 Open file bk0003060
3-7 Money Numbers 70 Open file bk0003070
3-8 Value Numbers 74 Open file bk0003080
3-9 Where … The Spatial Attribute 78 Open file bk0003090
3-10 When … The Time Attribute 81 Open file bk0003100
3-11 Source … The Validity of Data 83 Open file bk0003110
3-12 Other Matters To Consider 85 Open file bk0003120
Chapter 4 - Analysis Methods GO TOP
This chapter is about the ways in which TVM data are used in analysis … the importance of the value component as well as the money component. This chapter shows how the basic money accounting framework is used and how a community perspective is different from an organization perspective.
Chapter 4 - Analysis Methods
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 53 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 4 as PDF
4-1 Analysis 88 Open file bk0004010
4-2 Analysis About Cost, Price and Value 91 Open file bk0004020
4-3 Analysis of the Value Chain 97 Open file bk0004030
4-4 Sustainability Analysis 103 Open file bk0004040
4-5 Spatial Analysis 105 Open file bk0004050
4-6 Time Analysis 106 Open file bk0004060
4-7 Variance Analysis 108 Open file bk0004070
4-8 Cause and Effect 111 Open file bk0004080
4-9 Drill-Down and Roll-Up 114 Open file bk0004090
4-10 Data for Decisions 119 Open file bk0004100
4-11 Analysis for Oversight 122 Open file bk0004110
4-12 Analysis for Planning 125 Open file bk0004120
4-13 Analysis About Needs 130 Open file bk0004130
4-14 Analysis About Resources 133 Open file bk0004140
4-15 Behavior of Cost and Value 137 Open file bk0004150
Chapter 5 - State, Progress and Performance GO TOP
This chapter goes into more detail about the three core elements of TVM analysis, the state, the progress and the performance. These are modifications of the core business accounting idea of balance sheet and profit and loss account that enable the value aspect of society to be part of a similar construct.
Chapter 5 - State, Progress and Performance
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 41 pages --- October 2010
Chapter 5 as PDF
5-1 State 141 Open file bk0005010
5-2 Progress 147 Open file bk0005020
5-3 Performance 152 Open file bk0005030
5-4 Money Cost / Value Consumption 157 Open file bk0005040
5-5 Money Revenue / Value Creation 165 Open file bk0005050
5-6 Money Profit … Value Adding/Destruction 168 Open file bk0005060
Chapter 6 - Entities for Value Analysis and Reporting GO TOP
This chapter describes the change in perspective that there is with TVM compared to the organization perspective that dominates business money accounting, and organization centric performance analysis. TVM makes people and the performance of the community central to the metrics.
Chapter 6 - Entities for Value Analysis and Reporting 180
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 24 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 6 as PDF
6-1 Where To Engage? 181 Open file bk0006010
6-2 Communities 183 Open file bk0006020
6-3 Organizations 189 Open file bk0006030
6-4 Activities 193 Open file bk0006040
6-5 Sectors 196 Open file bk0006050
6-6 Individuals and Families 201 Open file bk0006060
Chapter 7 - Enabling Technology GO TOP
This is a short chapter. This chapter does not attempt to describe technology, but merely alerts the reader to the idea that technology is extremely powerful and can enable data analysis in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. It also alerts the reader to some of the issues that are emerging related to information infrastructure.
Chapter 7 - Enabling Technology
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 6 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 7 as PDF
7-1 Amazingly Powerful Technology 204 Open file bk0007010
Chapter 8 - Using True Value Metrics
This chapter is a primer on how TVM can be used by anyone anywhere. For some readers this may be the only chapter they bother with … so it aims to be practical while having enough of the driving concept of TVM embedded in the practical guidance.
Chapter 8 - Using True Value Metrics
Complete chapter discussion draft ... 22 pages ... October 2010
Chapter 8 as PDF
8-1 Dataflows From Anyone … Anywhere 210 Open file bk0008010
8-2 Getting Data About Community 215 Open file bk0008020
8-3 Establishing Standard Values 223 Open file bk0008030
8-4 Data About People 224 Open file bk0008040
8-5 Mobilizing Resources 227 Open file bk0008050
8-6 Some Last Thoughts 230 Open file bk0008060
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.