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Program Overview

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Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
Program Overview
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Business success is driven by the quality of decisions and their implementation. Quick and rational decisions can lead the company into long term growth and decisions based on flawed logic can put a company out of business. Who can know the importance of decisions, better than a leader? A leader brings a number of characteristics to take a successful decision – acumen, instinct, experience, alertness, willingness and good listening skills.

However, in today's world apparently simple decisions involve several strategies in multiple spheres, taking various stakeholders into consideration. Advanced leaders need to work within multifaceted and poorly organized social contexts, where authority is diffused, resources are dispersed, stakeholders are diverse, and goals are ambiguous, vague, or conflicting. Leading within such a context requires individuals to make innumerable critical strategic, organizational, and financial decisions.

The Program for Advanced Leadership and Management (PALM) is dedicated to leverage the skills of experienced leaders who can take advanced decisions to address challenging issues. The participants will leave with a broader vision of success and shall be equipped to make tough decisions required to succeed in today's global economy.

PALM aims at providing senior executives best up-to-date management practices so that they can naturalize with the latest trends and polish their leadership skills. Focusing on impact, this high-level multinational forum challenges business leaders both personally and professionally. Through interaction with international and diverse peers as well as professors from top business schools, authors of best-selling books, and highly experienced consultants from the top global consulting firms, participants will have the opportunity to expand their business repertoire to include new concepts, paradigms and practices.

The program addresses core business management areas such as strategic planning, financial decision making, marketing management, talent acquisition, operational excellence, multinational business strategies & globalization and corporate entrepreneurship. The program also offers business simulation module to enable participants to act out in different roles in different situations and to polish their capacity to make decisions with conviction as well as argue and defend their decisions by presenting a case in a flexible, harmonious, and innovative manner.

Message from Director of Program:

Khazi M. Zafar Director, Programs

Era of Innovation in Leadership...

Achieving world-class results doesn't happen by accident. Today's business challenges demand strategic, responsible and ethical executive leadership and unfortunately leadership is nothing more than an industry buzz-phrase, unless it saves time, cost, or labor, and it improves quality, enables growth, or develops a new competitive advantage. The knowledge, tools and relationships that can drive results at the highest level of your enterprise will be presented in a unique learning opportunity just a few months from now.

Premier executive learning opportunity in our region, the Leadership season and annual assembly point of the world's best business leaders is about to commence for the 6th consecutive time in Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Announcing the Program for Advanced Leadership and Management (PALM7) from 17th to 30th April 2015, bringing 2 weeks of non-stop interaction and learning, latest leaderships trends and best management practices from the global business leaders and world class speakers – all in one place.

Focused on building leadership and entrepreneurial excellence through our world‐class programs, we are committed to building local intellectual capital and leveraging a business model that ensures sustainability and relevant development opportunities to our present and future generations.

Top-down leadership styles have become obsolete. Today's leaders must learn how to identify and ignite the power of their entire organization. This is your chance to develop yourself as a leader who can create opportunities, envision and navigate change, accommodate ambiguity, surmount complexity, and motivate teams in a common purpose to grow organizations and create economic and social value.

Program Design Methodology

MILE follows a unique and comprehensive methodology for designing its programs and other leadership courses that it offers. Our programs answer broad industry needs and in many cases they attempt to solve existing industry pains and prevalent deficiencies that are practiced in organizational setting rendering the organizations to be unsuccessful.

At MILE we offer more than just academic curriculum taught by the leading subject experts. We follow a comprehensive cycle of program design and a standardized methodology to ensure the quality and rigor in our pedagogy. Our design team starts by reviewing latest business research and CEO voice surveys published by leading global management consultancies, this helps us to highlight new challenges and general requirement needs of the regional and local CEOs. Later, we explore leading executive education institutes and the curriculum they are offering, this leads us to contact the faculty members at top global universities who are actively engaged in executive education and who match our areas of need. As we finalize our faculty we conduct a program integration meeting which is attended by all the faculty on board and MILE's academic management committee. This meeting helps us to connect all the academic stakeholders involved and to carve out a robust program agenda which is presented for approval before the Global Academic Council at MILE. As we draw near to the program dates we conduct several short surveys, benchmarking the needs of our registered participants and making sure our faculty members adopt to their needs and learning styles.

Finally, we supplement our programs with several evening activities and optional professional training sessions offered by internationally recognized executive coaches. These activities serve to break the ice between our participants where they network and develop close network of associates. We also conduct evening medical check-ups, morning exercises and religious and spiritual activities to elevate the performance of the executives.

In short at MILE we offer a complete package for rejuvenation of your leadership skills!

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Program Speakers

Prof. Felix Oberholzer ... Harvard Business School

Prof. Karel Cool ... INSEAD, France

Prof. Carlos Cordon ... IMD Business School, Switzerland

© 2015 Madinah Institute for Leadership & Entrepreneurship. All rights reserved.
17 April, 2015 - Friday Opening – Registration
18 April, 2015 - Saturday Strategy Formulation and Implementation Prof. Felix Oberholzer, Harvard Business School, USA This module addresses issues of advanced competitive strategy. The basic premise is that strategy is more important now than ever. As companies worldwide recover from the 'great recession', managers have an important opportunity to identify new competitive advantages that reflect changes in consumer attitudes, the emergence of new classes of lean competitors, novel technologies, and a global shift in economic activity towards Asia. This part of the program will give managers the skills and frameworks to recognize such opportunities and the insights necessary to develop a successful strategy.
In particular, this module will help answer the following questions:
  • What is special about companies that outperform their competitors in the same industry year after year?
  • How can executives turn short‐term advantages into enduring superior profitability?
  • How can we manage the transition from an opportunistic organization to a company that thinks and acts strategically?
  • How can organizations attract superior talent? How can we manage and retain these star performers?
  • How can executives successfully execute a chosen strategy?
One insight from this session is that all superior performance is due to differences across companies. But where do these ideas for differentiation come from? What are the processes, techniques, and organizational forms that permit companies to innovate continuously?
19 April, 2015 - Sunday Eco - System Leadership Prof. Karel Cool, INSEAD, France
As the surprising misfortunes of Nokia, Research in Motion, Alcatel-Lucent, Yahoo, and many other global companies show, competitive positions that may take decades to craft, can be wiped out in just a couple of years. The exponential decline that shakes these companies is most often due to a collapsing eco-system where value creating partners switch allegiance, triggering a flow of defection. Leaders may be very quickly sidelined if they do not understand the success rules of eco-systems.
Crafting eco-systems can be very greatly rewarding as the stories of Visa, Facebook and SAP illustrate, and even latecomers can get back in the race and rule, as the successes of Apple (iPad-iPhone-iPad) and Google-Android demonstrate. However, it requires special insight into the dynamics of eco-systems and the art and science of its leadership.
This module will discuss how to develop a new eco-system and become its leader, how to stay ahead, and how to become a leader if one is late to the game. We will first discuss how to develop competitive advantage in eco-systems, and second how to become and stay a leader in these environments.
20 April, 2015 - Monday Operational Excellence Prof. Carlos Cordon, IMD Business School, Switzerland
In this module we are going to cover how companies win over competitors by developing operational excellence, building agile supply chains and creating ecosystems with customers and suppliers to jointly beat competition. The objective of this Module is to learn from the best companies in the world how are they managing their operations, when and how to implement those approaches and the challenges you are going to face in the journey.
We will cover three distinct areas: lean operations and beyond, developing agile supply chains and creating superior operation processes across customers and suppliers. In terms of business sectors, we will cover manufacturing (Harley Davison), retail (Zara) and services (Novo Nordisk Engineering). The sessions will also give participants the opportunity to exchange their rich experiences in different fields of business, functions and levels.
21 April, 2015 - Tuesday Strategic Marketing Management Prof. Paul Baines, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK
Marketing is a whole organization activity which is central to the long-term survival of a business; hence building a market orientation and customer centricity is inherently important in building stakeholder value for the firm. Marketing operates by creating, communicating, capturing and sustaining value for the firm. Value creation occurs in highly successful firms through fanatical attention to the process of understanding customer needs and developing innovative propositions which steal a march on competitors. The value generated from customer insight and customer co-creation is communicated through multiple channels and firms should seek to integrate those channels according to customers' needs. Once a marketing plan has been designed, it is implemented through the marketing mix, comprising the proposition, the price, the promotion and the place (distribution) methods adopted. This seminar seeks to provide participants with a powerful understanding of the organizational processes that need to be put in place in order to implement strategic marketing plans, using a variety of international case studies.
22 April, 2015 - Wednesday Leading With Emotional Intelligence Mr. Andy Smith, Training Director, Coaching Leaders, UK
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is what makes the difference between top performing leaders and the rest - and this course gives you the practical tools to develop EI in yourself and your team. Research by Daniel Goleman and the Hay/McBer organisation has found that high Emotional Intelligence is a bigger predictor of success in executive roles than IQ, and that the contribution of EI to success increases at higher levels. Emotionally intelligent leadership makes a big, measurable difference in three crucial areas: reducing staff turnover, team productivity, and customer service.
The good news is that Emotional Intelligence can be improved. This course will teach you how to develop your own Emotional Intelligence, how to improve the 'emotional climate' to maximize your team's productivity, and give you simple, usable formats that will enable you to add a coaching style of management to your leadership repertoire. You will also receive a DISC profile report to help you identify your own behavioral and management style, and leave with your own action plan for developing your competencies as an emotionally intelligent leader.
23 April, 2015 - Thursday The pursuit of Xceptional Execution Mr. Kevin Kelly, Intl Best Selling Author, UK
Do! the pursuit of xceptional execution.
As we are all aware there are plenty of ideas out there; but taking the next step and executing those appears to be the challenge for most. This module is all about doing but not just doing - doing with xceptional execution. Accepting xceptional execution as a business philosophy will ensure that you enhance engagement levels from both customers and employees and equally importantly on a personal level you will jumpstart your personal potential.
The objective of this module is to show using the XE methodology based on Kevin's new book DO! and drawing on exclusive interviews of the leaders of some of the top startups on the planet drawn from across industries with revenues ranging from 100k to 130m how to execute with xception. DO! Was described by Tom Peters as the book he would love to have written.
24 April, 2015 - Friday Umrah
25 April, 2015 - Saturday Financial Decision Making Prof. Michael J Ho, Darden Business School, University of Virginia, USA
Global best practices confirm that financial strategy must be consistent with, and support operational strategy, and that financial strategy does not exist, and is not determined separate from the core business strategy of the firm.
The emphasis of this module will be on elevating the participant's Financial Intelligence as an organizational leader. In contrast to what is commonly taught in business school, we will emphasize applying finance frameworks and implementing financial strategy as a tool, not as a separate business discipline.
The module will focus on the application of the essential finance tools that provide the leader with the ability to create and sustain value by (i) understanding financial performance within the context of the firm's competitive position; (ii) defining and measuring value creation; and (iii) screening and evaluating potential growth opportunities.
26 April, 2015 - Sunday Multinational Business Strategies & Globalization Prof. Walid Hejazi, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
There has been a significant shift in the global economy, with the relative decline of the US and Europe, and the rise of many emerging economies, particularly Brazil, Russia, India and China, known as the BRIC economies. While remaining a relatively small part of the global economy the Gulf economies have grown at rates above the world average. As is well known, the economies of the Gulf have embarked on aggressive program to develop world class infrastructure, institutions, corporate governance, and are working diligently to diversify their economies into areas of manufacturing and services – that is to reduce the dependence on hydrocarbons. These economies have moved up significantly in the Global Competitiveness Rankings: in 2013-4, Saudi Arabia ranked 20th globally, lower than Qatar which ranked 13th and the UAE which ranked 19th but higher than either France or China. These global changes have given rise to challenges, but also to significantly opportunities. In order for an economy to adjust to these new global realities, and for companies to be globally competitive, corporate strategies must change quickly and decisively. It must be stated that the challenges faced by companies from the OIC countries more generally are more significant but can also be overcome with the development and deployment of the appropriate global strategies. What is critically important in these strategies is the mitigation of what is called the 'liability of foreignness' particularly when corporations from Muslim countries enter western markets. With the appropriate global strategies, the opportunities are immense.
This module will review the global changes in the world economy and identify optimal multinational business strategies for companies operating in the Gulf /MENA region as well as in OIC countries more generally. Several case studies will be reviewed so that often made mistakes can be avoided and successful strategies can be highlighted. In deciding to service a foreign market, a company can produce domestically and export, or they can invest and produce in the foreign country, either for local sales or for export back to the home market or to a third market. Why does a company choose one strategy over the other, and furthermore, why choose that particular foreign jurisdiction to produce in? These and other important issues which underlie successful global strategies will be reviewed.
27 April, 2015 - Monday Corporate Entrepreneurship Dr. Muhammad Azam Roomi, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK
Corporate entrepreneurship is the ability of a large organisation (not an individual) to recognise opportunities and act upon them in an innovative manner. The module is about shaping or changing large organisations so that they continue to be or become entrepreneurial. The aim of this module is to familiarise the participants with the concepts of corporate entrepreneurship, and enable them to learn about developing an organisational and strategic capability to manage change. It will facilitate them in learning that how a large organisation needs to be structured, organised and managed to keep its entrepreneurial spirit alive.
The module enables the participants to know about the implications and challenges of corporate entrepreneurship, the DNA of entrepreneurs, and how the DNA can be replicated – through an entrepreneurial architecture that itself creates sustainable competitive advantage. By the end of the module students should be able to recognise the tools for creating an entrepreneurial architecture based on leadership, strategy, structure and culture. They will also be able to understand in detail that how corporate entrepreneurship can be achieved through appropriate leadership and management – dealing with important issues like vision and values, leadership style and team building.
This module will be delivered in an enterprising manner by shifting the 'focus' of learning from knowledge to insight, from critical analysis to creativity, from concept/theory to conceptualizing the problem or opportunity, from passive understanding to active understanding, and from absolute detachment to emotional involvement. The pedagogies of learning focus upon practicing behaviors, developing skills and reinforcing attributes associated with introduction of entrepreneurial culture in large organizations.
28 April, 2015 - Tuesday Business Simulation Dr. Muhammad Azam Roomi, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK
Entrepreneurs and business owners/managers need to be able to act out different roles in different situations. In building relationships with different stakeholders – with a banker, venture capitalist, government official, employee, regulator, customers and so on. They should be able to think and speak on their feet and more importantly, they should have an ability to have empathy with an alternative point of view. There's always a need to polish their capacity to make decisions with conviction as well as argue and defend their decisions by presenting a case in a flexible, harmonious, and innovative manner. To fulfil this objective, business games or simulations are one of the best ways to bridge the gap between theory and practice. By design, the business simulation continuously provides learners with performance feedback and updates. As a consequence, people are able to judge their own work and strive for better results.
29 April, 2015 - Wednesday Balanced Scorecard Strategy Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud, Advisor to the Minister of Labor, KSA
Financial Reporting systems traditionally provide an overview of organizational past performance, focused on the physical assets of the company. They do not take into account innovative processes, human resources and customer relationships which are now considered to be the real assets of company.
In today's world, to remain competitive, company's ability to exploit intangible assets has become far more decisive than their ability to invest in and manage physical assets. Thus in recognition to this change, a concept of 'Balanced Scorecard' was introduced. It takes holistic view of an organization and co-ordinates Metric Driven Incentives which are not only focused on financial aspects but also consider non-financial factors.
These non-financial metrics are so valuable because they do not simply report what's already happened rather they predict future financial performance. They assist senior managers to systematically link current actions with tomorrow's goals.
The balanced scorecard translates the organization's strategy into three perspectives in addition to financial i.e. customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth, with the balance between the following:
  • internal and external measures
  • objective measures and subjective measures
  • performance results and the drivers of future results
This module will discuss the criteria that measures performance from these four perspectives, the connection between them and how such connection leads to improved financial performance. The module will also cover the objectives, measures, targets and initiatives of each perspective and most importantly how balanced scorecard can be used as a Strategic Management System.
30 April, 2015 - Thursday Meet the Business Leaders – Conference
Program Speakers
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Prof. Felix Oberholzer Andreas Andresen Professor of Business Administration Senior Associate Dean for International Development
Prof. Karel Cool BP Chaired Professor, INSEAD, France
Prof. Michael J Ho Darden Business School, University of Virginia , USA
Prof. Paul Baines Director MiM Program, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK
Dr. Muhammad Azam Roomi Director M Sc. Entrepreneurship, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK
Prof. Carlos Cordon IMD Business School, Switzerland
Prof. Walid Hejazi Associate Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada
Mr. Andy Smith Training Director, Coaching Leaders, UK
Mr. Kevin Kelly Intl Best Selling Author, UK
Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Mahmoud Advisor to the Minister of Labour, KSA

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