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A message used in 2018 to test the TVM idea about how
QUALITY OF LIFE performance might be assessed.

I am curious about what all of you think about your QUALITY OF LIFE?

SENT date: Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 2:42 PM

FROM: Peter Burgess

TO: A small group of friends and/or aquaintances

Subject: Re: A Map for Profound Wellness.

I am curious about what all of you think about your QUALITY OF LIFE?

What are the elements that go into delivering you YOUR quality of life?

For myself, these are the various issues that I think about ... for myself, and also for others:

ACCESS to a variety of things that matter:
(1) Clean air
(2) Clean water
(3) Healthy food
(4) Energy
(5) Healthcare
(6) Education / skills training
(7) Transport
(8) Physical safety / security
(9) Religious / spiritual freedom
(10) Recreation
(11) Cultural activities
(12) Community cohesion

(a) Happiness
(b) Home / shelter
(c) Material goods
(d) Job / employment / income
(e) Opportunities
(f) Health / Wellness
(g) Wealth
(h) Relationships / family
(i) Relationships / friends
(j) Stress
(k) Longevity

As to measurement, it is difficult to get at an 'absolute' number that has any meaning. On the other hand it is much easier to get some measure that is 'relative' and will show trends.

So ... my current thinking in this regard is as follows:
  1. For each of the above elements, consider 1 to be the value that reflects a decent quality of life ... from your individual perspective.

  2. For each of the elements, then give each a number that reflects how you are relative to a decent quality of life ... so 0.5 will represent being a long way short of being where you want to be, and 1.5 will reflect you being at a situation that is really very good.

  3. Do this exercise for how you figure you are at the present time.

  4. Then do the same thing, thinking back to where you were at some time in the past ... a year ago ... or perhaps 10 years ago.

  5. Then do it again, but this time thinking forward to where you can reasonably expect to be in a year's time into the future.
I would love to get feedback about this framework for assessing the progress for quality of life . I have tried to make it relatively easy and simple while compiling something that is really useful. Though I have gone though many iterations of this idea already, but would welcome independent input and fresh views. It is entirely possible that I am too close to this to be objective any more.

With best regards


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