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AL JAZEERA ... June 16th 2023

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess
INSIDE STORY Members of the Kuki tribe protesting against the killing of tribals in their northeastern home state of Manipur, hold Indian flags and placards during a sit in protest in New Delhi, India, Monday, May 29, 2023. Manipur, which borders Myanmar, has been roiled by violence since 3 May after members of tribal groups clashed with a non-tribal group over demands of economic benefits and reservation status. More shootings and arson were reported Monday from the northeastern state, where dozens have been killed and more than 35,000 displaced following the worst ethnic clashes seen in decades. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) Video Duration 28 minutes 00 seconds 28:00 Can New Delhi bring peace to the northeastern state of Manipur? Violence between ethnic groups has engulfed the region since early May. ABOUT THE SHOW Al Jazeera journalists and guests dissect and discuss the day’s top story. For airing times, please check the Schedule FOLLOW THE SHOW ON: Video Duration 27 minutes 38 seconds 27:38 Could governments stifle innovation if they regulate AI? Could gov­ern­ments sti­fle in­no­va­tion if they reg­u­late AI? Video Duration 27 minutes 40 seconds 27:40 Are migrants political pawns in EU’s aid offer to Tunisia? Are mi­grants po­lit­i­cal pawns in EU’s aid of­fer to Tunisia? Video Duration 27 minutes 27 seconds 27:27 Has Darfur become the main battleground of Sudan’s conflict? Has Dar­fur be­come the main bat­tle­ground of Su­dan’s con­flict? Video Duration 28 minutes 25 seconds 28:25 What does Donald Trump’s indictment mean for democracy? What does Don­ald Trump’s in­dict­ment mean for democ­ra­cy? Video Duration 27 minutes 05 seconds 27:05 What does Russia’s exit from CFE mean for global arms control? What does Rus­sia’s exit from CFE mean for glob­al arms con­trol? Content Feed Should gov­ern­ments make breath­ing clean air a hu­man right? From New Del­hi to Mex­i­co City, there are few places on Earth where air pol­lu­tion is not a prob­lem. Published On 9 Jun 2023 9 Jun 2023 Video Duration 27 minutes 05 seconds 27:05 Can EU states agree to a deal on mi­gra­tion? Min­is­ters seek so­lu­tions to ris­ing num­bers of refugees and mi­grants head­ing to Eu­rope. Published On 8 Jun 2023 8 Jun 2023 Video Duration 27 minutes 55 seconds 27:55 Crew of the Sea-Watch 3 distribute life jackets to 108 people in a boat in distress in the central Mediterranean What does Antony Blinken hope to achieve dur­ing vis­it to Sau­di? Top US diplo­mat’s trip comes at a time of de­clin­ing in­flu­ence for Amer­i­ca in the Mid­dle East. Published On 7 Jun 2023 7 Jun 2023 Video Duration 27 minutes 20 seconds 27:20 Why is the hu­man­i­tar­i­an sit­u­a­tion for Pales­tini­ans wors­en­ing? In­ter­na­tion­al aid agen­cies say fund­ing cuts and ris­ing prices caus­ing cri­sis. Published On 6 Jun 2023 6 Jun 2023 Video Duration 28 minutes 25 seconds 28:25 Is the war in Ukraine en­ter­ing a crit­i­cal stage or a new phase? Will at­tacks on bor­der re­gions, civil­ian ca­su­al­ties and drone strikes bring a ma­jor change in the war’s di­rec­tion? Published On 5 Jun 2023 5 Jun 2023 Video Duration 27 minutes 55 seconds 27:55 What are the new Turk­ish gov­ern­ment’s for­eign pol­i­cy pri­or­i­ties? Pres­i­dent Er­do­gan’s third term sees him placed in a unique po­si­tion be­tween NATO and Rus­sia. Published On 4 Jun 2023 4 Jun 2023 Video Duration 28 minutes 00 seconds 28:00 Could BRICS chal­lenge US dom­i­nance in the glob­al econ­o­my? Group of emerg­ing economies calls for re­bal­anc­ing of the world or­der. Published On 3 Jun 2023 3 Jun 2023 Video Duration 28 minutes 00 seconds 28:00 Why has the con­vic­tion of Sene­gal’s Sonko sparked such anger? Ous­mane Sonko says charges are po­lit­i­cal­ly mo­ti­vat­ed to stop him chal­leng­ing Pres­i­dent Macky Sall in 2024 elec­tion. Published On 2 Jun 2023 2 Jun 2023 Video Duration 25 minutes 50 seconds 25:50 Does ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence pose the risk of hu­man ex­tinc­tion? Tech in­dus­try lead­ers is­sue a warn­ing as gov­ern­ments con­sid­er how to reg­u­late AI with­out sti­fling in­no­va­tion. Published On 1 Jun 2023 1 Jun 2023 Video Duration 28 minutes 00 seconds 28:00 What’s be­hind the sum­mit of South Amer­i­can na­tions in Brasil­ia? Brazil’s pres­i­dent wants eco­nom­ic and po­lit­i­cal bloc to ben­e­fit re­gion. Published On 31 May 2023 31 May 2023 Video Duration 27 minutes 49 seconds 27:49 Click here to show more contentShow more

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