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The Ukraine war ... the Trump Saga ... media issues ... massive global inequality ... socio-enviro-economic dysfunction

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
The Ukraine war I am old enough to have experienced something of the 'fog of war' during WWII. I was born in 1940 at the beginning of the war and 5 years old when the war was won. As I child I read all sorts of books ... fact and fiction ... with war themes. During the war we lived in Surbiton, in the outskirts of London and we experienced the 'blitz' night after night. I did not know enough to be scared, but I can only imagine what my parents must have been going through.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is more than 15 months old. The Ukraine war is both the same as previous wars and different from previous wars ... but the idea of 'fog of war' seems to be in play now just as it has been in the past.

I think we know that a lot is going on at the front lines between the Ukraine military and the Russians ... but I am certain that most of what we think we know is pure conjecture. Some of the guesswork may be right, most will be wrong. The Trump Saga Media issues Massive global inequality Socio-enviro-economic dysfunction
Peter Burgess

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